Kwenzo Ngcobo On Theatre, Television And Playing Qhawe On Showmax’s The Wife

Kwenzo Ngcobo / Actor, Director & Martial Arts Choreographer

You’re a talent to look out for, where does your love for acting stem from?

I’ve always wanted to act. Growing up as a kid I would act out what I watched in Kung-Fu movies and such, imitating what I saw when I played those VHS tapes was the coolest thing.

You have extensive experience in theatre, how did you transition into Television?

I studied theatre but I have always wanted to do TV, so venturing into it came naturally.

You play ‘Qhawe’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, do you relate to the character in any way?

Yes I do relate to the character sometimes, especially in the beginning of the story. We all go through some happy and rough times in life and right now the Qhawe, Hlomu and Mqhele storyline is a tough and tricky one.

How did you land the role of Qhawe?

I auditioned in March last year and got called back in June. The rest is history.

What’s your favourite part about being on set? 

I love acting. I get to be creative.

The Wife is such a gripping story, what have you learnt from it?

I have learnt that as a family, you have to protect each other, love each other and learn how to be caring.

How does maintaining longevity in the industry look like to you?

Hard work and consistency. Learn from other people, be humble and always stay open-minded.

One thing you can’t leave the house without?


Any advice for aspiring actors?

You’re still learning. If you want to be successful and be known, you have to work hard, stay humble and always be open-minded.

Follow Kwenzo!

Instagram: @kwenzo_pholoba

Twitter: @kwenzokuhlengco

Facebook: @kwenzongcobo

Bridgette Makhela

YoungstaCPT On DDPB Album, Y?GEN And Career Highlights

Why the name ‘Dreams Don’t Pay Bills’?

YoungstaCPT: The pandemic really shifted things for artists and humanity alike. I think for artists specifically, we were spoiled. We were protected and sheltered, our lifestyles were funded by shows, tours and other endeavours. When all of that came to an end, we had to scramble for an alternative. Luckily I had a shop, we were still selling merchandise, sneakers and everything else. Once the pandemic hit, it did make things a bit slower for us. I only got the shop in 2019 so I traded for nine months without Covid, and two years with Covid! It taught me lot, especially in terms of being a business man. I realized my dreams are still valuable, but I have to be more aggressive in actioning them, making them possible and turning them into material things that I can see. I should always be able to give something to my mom, pay the crew and pay the rent. The name of the album came from that desperation. I felt like I had to hustle like back when I started in 2010. Desperate times, desperate measures.

How did you and Shaney Jay meet?

Shaney Jay: We met in 2019 at a show. My friend told me Youngsta was in the parking lot so I went to go and take a photo with him and a year later, he opened up the studio and I was told he wanted to see me and here we are today. I had been producing for about 6 years before that. When Youngsta listened to my production on songs like Shane Eagle’s ‘AMMO’, he sent for me and it’s been a pleasure working with him so far.

Do you have a favourite feature on the album?

YoungstaCPT: Every song captures each person’s quality, personality and skill set. But, the song with DJ Ready D and Emile YX from Black Noise does something to me. This is probably the first time they make a song together and for me, it’s the significance of the song and what the two as pioneers of Hip Hop mean to us as Capetonians.

As a South African product, what is different about your Y?GEN clothing line?

YoungstaCPT: It’s not really dictated by trends, it is meant for someone who dresses according to what they like. In Cape Town, just because everyone wears something, it doesn’t mean we’ll all wear it, we have a certain image and specific style (there’s a whole documentary about this) and I’ve brought that into my clothing line, my raps and into the music videos too. I don’t dress like a rich rapper, I’ve kept my style grounded and kept to what I like.

Describe music in your own words…

Shaney Jay: It’s a feeling, if you make a hyped up song, you feel hyped, if you make an emotional song, you feel emo. That’s why us as creators play a big role in how the listener will feel, music is about feelings.

Would you say your highlight of 2021 is the album?

YoungstaCPT: I would say the Street Fever deal, acting in and having my music played on Blood & Water (S2) and of course, the new album.

Follow Youngsta CPT!

Instagram: @youngstacpt

Twitter: @YoungstaCpt

Facebook: @YoungstaCpt

-Bridgette Makhela

Mo Flava On Trending SA, Radio And Everything Else In Between

Moeti “Moflava” Tsiki / Radio & TV Personality / Club DJ

What do you think you bring to the new Trending SA presenter line-up?

My experience in media and broadcasting has exposed me to many different facets and I hope that will shine through. I can cover a range of topical discussions ranging from current affairs to entertainment. Naturally, my personality and wit is apparently another stand out factor, lol.

How does Trending SA stand out for you as a TV show?

I love talk-show formats. I enjoy TV shows that create content based on daily affairs and social commentary. Trending SA is an excellent platform and it allows us to touch on many different subjects and get a sense of public opinion on a number of matters.

You’ve been in the entertainment industry for a long while, what do you think still needs to change?

The entertainment industry needs to be regulated better so that talent is protected. Our industry still remains relatively unstable. Talent needs to get paid more, talent also needs to plan careers and manage finances better. I think corporates and media platforms need to collaborate more with personalities on their own concepts.

Radio is in your DNA, how is TV different for you?

On radio, people hear what you say. On TV, they hear and see what you’re saying. The visual aspects of how you communicate become important when you’re live on TV. I also think TV has a much bigger crew working on one show, unlike with radio.

            Your wish for this year is?

            To elevate my career to the next level, and get the vaccine! Lol.

        How does a typical day look for you?

My radio show on Metro FM, ‘The Morning Flava’ from 5-9AM. Then meetings, voice overs and brand campaigns that I’m working on. Next thing you know, it’s time for Trending SA!

            Anything you would change about your career journey so far?

I wouldn’t change anything, but I do feel procrastination has been my “achilles heel”. I’ve put off so many great ideas and opportunities and I feel I need to stop second guessing myself and take more risks.

            What can fans expect from you in 2021?

I hope to contribute to the growth of Trending SA and grow my radio show too. I’m also working on my own initiative called ‘Buy Local’, a YouTube show that promotes local brands. I’m also giving away bursaries to students who want to study, and I’ve been a part of a student debt initiative aimed at eradicating student debt.

What would you say is your ex-factor?

People say it’s my smile, my voice, my choice of cologne and sneakers and my witty sense of humour, lol.

Follow Mo Flava!

Instagram: @moflava

Twitter: @moflavadj

Facebook: @MoFlavaDJ

-Bridgette Makhela

Yasmin Furmie On Timeless Fashion, Creative Inspiration And SiSi The Collection

Yasmin Furmie / Co-owner of SiSi The Collection / Reluctantly known as a Fashion & Style “Influencer”

You’re a fashion fire in the industry, where did the love story begin?

My story with fashion has always been evident. From an early age there was a desire to dress well. It has also been imprinted on me through my parents, especially my dad who dressed incredibly well. It has since evolved into the style I’m currently known for.

How do you put an outfit together, especially for important events?

There isn’t a lot of thought that goes into putting an outfit together, it all depends on how I feel. Thought does however go into what shoes or sneakers I wear. It may seem as if a particular way of dressing is an automatic thing, but subconsciously the desire to speak through my clothes is always there. Of course certain occasions call for a particular way of dressing and that may result in me thinking a bit more carefully about  how I present myself. Ultimately, my clothes say exactly who I am: Bold, Daring, Outspoken and Unapologetic.

SiSi The Collection, what is it all about?

SiSi The Collection is a collaboration between two people, my best friend Cynthia and I. She loves white shirts and as we’ve always wanted to do something together, the opportunity to start a business came along. We started our business in 2014. We saw a niche we could fill and the rest is history.

Style, how do you translate it into your everyday life?

Style is an ever present part of who I am. I use fashion to tell a unique story. The ability to be comfortable in my choice of clothes, the ease with which I put differing items together is indicative of my quirky style. My layering is what I’m known for and that’s basically an every day occurrence.

Do you have any fashion inspirations?

I find fashion inspirations daily. The beauty of what happens around me in South Africa; the way other people dress, women walking to work at 5am in the morning, looking supremely stylish. Young creatives inspire me daily. I am inspired by what happens globally as well as older women who step outside of the norm.

The South African fashion industry, what are the positives?

The amount of creativity is a positive on its own. In every field there is talent to be found, whether it’s in beauty, art or the design field. The democracy we exist within gives people the freedom to tell their stories in different ways. Sadly, there are not enough opportunities and that can be disheartening but my advice is to focus and pursue, collaborate and find the way to what it is you want to do.

What’s your take on age and dressing up?

Age is never an issue. I believe women should wear what they want, what makes them comfortable and what defines their personality. We are powerful enough not to be prescribed to.

How can females especially make fashion work for them?

I think people make fashion work for them every day. The very act of putting on clothes is an act of stating who you are in this world. We consume fashion in different ways; for some it’s an act of defiance, for others it’s a uniform to fit in. Daily fashion is used to tell stories and my advice to women and people in general, is to find the story you want to tell and see how your clothes can be the vehicle for telling that story.

Follow Yasmin!

Instagram: @yasminfurmie

Twitter: @yasminfurmie

Facebook: @YasminFurmie


-Bridgette Makhela

Thuso Mbedu On Her First Acting Break, Her Journey And The Industry

Thuso Mbedu / 26 / Actress


You’re such a talented actress, how has the journey to where you are now been?

It has not been an easy one, it tests you to discover if you really love what you do.

What was your first acting break like?

It was with Saints and Sinners. It was nice to especially work with industry veterans who were willing to teach and guide me.



Who do you look up to in the industry?

Denzel Washington.

The first time you saw yourself on screen, how did that feel?

I was excited! Then a few seconds later, I started criticizing my performance.

What do you believe young female South African actresses should strive for?

Excellence and greatness, and to be able to pave their own ways.



What do you do when you get some time alone?

I work on my projects and read a lot.

What do your family and friends mean to you?

My sister and niece mean the world to me, they are always there for me and are also my biggest supporters. The journey to where I am today would have been harder without them.



Boys or bags?


How would you like viewers to feel when they watch you?



Follow Thuso!

Instagram: @thuso.mbedu

Twitter: @ThusoMbedu

Facebook: Thuso Mbedu


Bridgette Makhela

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie On New Music, His Next Move And Being An Entertainer

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie / 24 / Entertainer

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You’re a well-known face already, how did you find your way into the industry?

I have been in the industry for a very long time. I did my first music video for Tuks with ‘Monate Thwaa’ in 2006 and since then I’ve been working…It went from dancing to TV commercials, then acting and presenting, so I’d say I got to where I am through dance.

One word to describe your time at Vuzu would be?


What are you focusing on right now?

Right now I am focused on building the Shelton Forbez brand and music.


Your new single ‘Smoke’, how has it been received so far?

It has been received amazingly. The girls get it, haha!

Any new exciting projects you’re working on right now?

Yes, I have started my own event where by I provide a platform for untapped music talent.

You’re a dancer too; tell me more about that…

It began in 2004, but only professionally in 2006, with music videos. I’ve appeared in about fifteen music videos in total. I have also choreographed for Danny K and opened up for Akon and Trey Songz, so dance is my first love.


Favourite clothing item?


Your thoughts on the current South African music industry status?

I think we are in a really good place, still work to be done but it’s at a great place.

Jackets or Jays? Select one



Follow Shelton!

Instagram: @sheltonforbez

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela