Muzi On New Singles, The Industry, And How The Year 2015 Changed His Career

Muziwakhe McVictor Mazibuko / Artist 

What does your journey in music reflect?

That things eventually work out when you listen to your soul rather than the outside world. 

Who is Muzi?

Muzi is a father, who happens to make some music. 

Apart From Need Dat, Interblaktic is your recent drop, share the message behind it?

It’s about being unapologetically yourself.

You’re a Singer, Songwriter and Producer, how do you remain inspired and working?

I study other art forms and get inspired by them, then bring that inspiration back to music. 

Have a favourite song so far from your collection?

Sunset Kwazulu.

What year in your music career really changed your life and why?

2015, when I got signed to BMG Chrysalis. First time I didn’t feel like John and I were crazy. 

What has the pandemic taught you as an artist and creative?

Things take time, be easy on yourself. 

Anything you would change about the industry? 

I don’t know. I don’t think like that anymore. I worry not about external factors, the industry is external.

Follow Muzi!

Instagram: @muziou

Twitter: @muziou

Facebook: @Muzi

-Bridgette Makhela

Bongeziwe Mabandla On iimini, Preserving His Craft And 8 Years In The Industry

Bongeziwe Sipho Samkelwe Mabandla / 30 / Singer Songwriter

‘iimini’, what’s the meaning behind the album?

iimini means days. The album references different dates in the lifetime of a love relationship from the beginning to the end. With the title I wanted to acknowledge those memories and experiences. I documented a relationship at its crucial parts and marked the different moments of this. I wanted to show the good and bad parts of a relationship and what it really means to be in love.

You’ve been in the industry for about 8 years now, how important is consistency and originality to you?

I came into music very late. I was studying to be an actor when I fell in love with music. I look at the past 8 years as a huge learning curve for me. I have learnt so much about writing, composing music, live performing and the business side of music. I have wanted to show with each album that I am growing and changing.

What does your craft mean to you and how do you preserve it?

I have put a lot into being a musician. I have always wanted to be good at what I do. For me, I’m at artist first. I want to make art that evokes emotion and feelings. Creating moving art has been the biggest motivator for me, it comes before anything else.

Amongst other songs, ‘Zange’ made big waves, (it still is)…what inspired you to write it?

Zange was written about falling in love and how that feeling can make you feel like life is worth it. I wanted to capture the fuzzy feeling of how it feels to be in love. I wrote the words to the song at a time when I met someone and they completely changed my life.

Live performances or studio sessions?

I like both. I love how a song comes together in the studio- it’s so fascinating. I like live, but it can be unpredictable. The funny thing is when a live performance goes well, it’s the best feeling ever. I’m hoping to fall even more in love with performing live as I get better at it.

Favourite country to perform in and why?

South Africa is really important for me. I write music in Xhosa because of the pride I have about where I come from. I write music to inspire and empower my people and to stand for a culture and language that was at times disregarded by history.

Africa is bursting at the seams with musical talent, what drives you to keep going?

I love what I do. I respect creating work that takes time and effort. I love figuring and working out difficult things. The people that love my music are such an inspiration and a sense of encouragement to me to keep me going even when it gets difficult. I think I’m doing something from a real and honest place and I think people are looking for that kind of music that connects them with their inner world.

What would you love to be remembered for?

My kindness and compassion, and for songs that made people feel connected.

Any upcoming exciting news you’d like to share?

I’ve been really happy that iimini has come with so many visual aspects. There are still a few more visuals to share which I am really excited about.

Follow Bongeziwe Mabandla!

Instagram: @bongeziwemabandla

Twitter: @Bongeziwe

Facebook: @BongeziweMabandlaOfficial


-Bridgette Makhela

Ami Faku On Music, Ebhayi And Imali Album

Amanda “Ami” Faku / 26 / Musician

Your music has fast taken the South African industry by storm, was this always your life plan?

It has been the dream, but you never really know so you always hope for the best. I am happy that the plan we had with my team actually worked out.

What does music mean to you?

Music for me is a human need. I define it as that because I always need music when I feel a certain way. It helps us function through life, it’s what we all need as humans and it’s what we connect with. It gives us hope and dreams, it’s such an important part of life.

What’s your favourite song at the moment from your album ‘Imali’?

I can’t really say I have a favourite song on the album, every song has such a special and significant meaning for me and why I made each song so it’s always difficult for me to answer such a question but I would pick ‘Ndikhethe Wena’ as it was the first ever single that introduced me into the industry.

What would you call your genre of music?

I would define my genre of music as Modern Afro Soul, that’s the kind of music I make.

What do you think South African musicians still need to learn?

We need to take collaborating with other artists (even if it’s through writing) very seriously. Being involved in the creation of your songs, knowing what you want and establishing your own style as an individual is something that we need to do more as South African musicians.

Any collaborations you’d like to be a part of?

I would love to be a part of any collaboration that I feel can see me grow as an artist, I’m open to any collaboration with anyone that I can find useful at that moment.

 Your ‘Ebhayi’ music video is truly beautiful…what’s the message there?

The Ebhayi music video portrays how I am happy when I’m back home, and how much home gives me strength and courage to continue working towards my dreams.

The one person that inspires you?

I’m inspired by a lot of people, I genuinely don’t just look up to one person. A lot of people have important roles in the journey of who I want to be. Caiphus Semenya, Chrronixx and H.E.R are some of the artists that inspire me.

Any exciting projects you’re currently working on?

Currently I’m just trying to do music, just like with my first album. I’m not trying to rush or have a deadline, whenever I feel like it and whenever I find time to do it.

How was your life like this time last year?

This time last year I was still creating music, trying to figure out my place in this industry and still trying to introduce myself. I look back now and it’s so amazing to see how many things have happened in a year.


Follow Ami Faku!

Instagram: @ami_faku

Twitter: @Ami_Faku

Facebook: @AmiFakuMusic


-Bridgette Makhela

ASA On New Music, Touring Africa And How She Got Discovered

ASA /  Singer, Songwriter & Musician  
You’ve recently had a busy time touring South Africa and Namibia, how do you prepare your performances for set shows? 
I warm up two hours before the show, then stay totally quiet for fifteen minutes before show time to visualize myself on stage.
Africa loves you, do you believe your music speak to fans beyond the continent?
Yes it does speak to fans beyond the continent.
How does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is waking up at 5:30am, reading for two hours, then having coffee with Oma (my dog) next to me. Work out and then write in the studio until 3pm, then do some riding, painting, chatting or watch movies, it all depends on my mood. 
Your latest single, The Beginning, what’s the message there?
It is about pausing in life, in love and however the words speak to you. I don’t really like interpreting songs, as they mean different things to the listener. 
How did you get into the music industry?  
I had been writing songs and performing before I traveled to Paris. I got discovered by an Artist & Repertoire in Paris while performing and then got signed.
Anything exciting coming up that fans can expect from you?
I have just released ‘The Beginning’, the first single from my fourth studio album, which will be released in September.
What have you learnt from your journey in the industry so far? 
Always have the right and truthful people around you, it helps keep you grounded. 
Your advice to the young female out there inspired by you?
Be YOU! Never let anyone tell you what your story should be.  
Follow ASA!
Instagram: @asaofficial
Twitter: @Asa_official
Facebook: @asaofficial
Bridgette Makhela 

Una Rams On His Story So Far, His First Ever Single And His Genre Of Music

Unarine Rambani / 22 / Sonic Artist, Software Engineer, Weird Kid

Tell your story so far…
I’m a kid from a small town called Makwarela in Venda, I’ve always felt that I was destined to be something great! I fell in love with music at a young age, learnt a couple of instruments through being involved in my parents’ church, that laid a foundation for how I understand and create music today. I went from being a Soundcloud kid to hearing my songs play on a couple of radio stations, to TV and now I’m the Venda Pop Star. There’s still so much I want to do, even outside the music, stay tuned!

Thank God for music because?
It literally saved my life, it’s allowed me to be free and express myself. I honestly don’t think I’d be as happy as I am if I didn’t have music. It was a healthy outlet in my varsity years, I believe it kept me sane.

You just recently celebrated your 22nd birthday, any major plans for the year ahead?
I’m releasing an important EP titled ‘Wavy Baby’ very soon. It’s one for the cuddles, head rubs, smiles and tears. I tell a love story without a happy ending because fairy tales are overrated. I have big plans for this project that will be an extension of the music, super excited to see everything come together.

South Africa needs to watch out for you mos def, do you love the attention?
It’s super cool, I used to shy away from it because I’ve always been about keeping to myself but I’m the type of person that wants to positively impact people and see them reach their potential and actually make efforts to chase their dreams. So I’m embracing the popularity (pronounced fame) and using the influence that comes with that to spread a message of positivity, peace and love.

Something not everybody knows, when did you release your first ever single?
Lol, that was way back in Grade 10, I produced the song myself, with a little help from my brother, Tondi Rams (check him out) and recorded over at a friend’s place. I got a thousand downloads on the day I released, which was a pretty big deal back then. I even got to perform the song at the Matric dance that year.

Do you own a journal? In other words, do you write your own material?
I’ve been trying to keep records of all the little thoughts that go through this wild brain. I wasn’t the type to reminisce much but I’m starting to appreciate looking back at who I was and seeing how much I’ve grown. We often get caught up in what’s wrong right now and we forget to be grateful for how far we’ve come, this sort of remedies this. I’ve written all my songs to date and I’m getting to the stage where I’m challenging myself to fully open up and really say how I’m feeling.

How would you describe your genre of music?
I call it human, it’s imperfect in it’s nature and it’s forever evolving. I might be doing this style today but I could easily come back with a new one tomorrow, I’m always trying to reinvent myself and my sound, Growth is key.

Nobody wants a lame squad. Do your friends support you?
My friends have been nothing but amazing. They won’t allow anyone they know to sleep on Una Rams, I’ve gotten voice notes from 6-year olds, videos from parents and even speeches inspired by myself from their friends and families. I really appreciate them, I just wish we could still hang out like the old times (we’ll find time).

Are you in this for the long run, or for the fame?
This is my life and for as long as I’m breathing, this is what I’m going to be doing. I love it with all my heart and God Himself keeps opening new doors for me…it’s not a journey that’s gonna end any time soon.


Follow Una Rams!

Instagram: @unarams

Twitter: @UnaRamsWeirdKid

Facebook: Una Rams


Bridgette Makhela

Thuso Mbedu On Her First Acting Break, Her Journey And The Industry

Thuso Mbedu / 26 / Actress


You’re such a talented actress, how has the journey to where you are now been?

It has not been an easy one, it tests you to discover if you really love what you do.

What was your first acting break like?

It was with Saints and Sinners. It was nice to especially work with industry veterans who were willing to teach and guide me.



Who do you look up to in the industry?

Denzel Washington.

The first time you saw yourself on screen, how did that feel?

I was excited! Then a few seconds later, I started criticizing my performance.

What do you believe young female South African actresses should strive for?

Excellence and greatness, and to be able to pave their own ways.



What do you do when you get some time alone?

I work on my projects and read a lot.

What do your family and friends mean to you?

My sister and niece mean the world to me, they are always there for me and are also my biggest supporters. The journey to where I am today would have been harder without them.



Boys or bags?


How would you like viewers to feel when they watch you?



Follow Thuso!

Instagram: @thuso.mbedu

Twitter: @ThusoMbedu

Facebook: Thuso Mbedu


Bridgette Makhela

K Naomi On Her Dreams, Achievements And The Road To Success

Keitumetse Naomi Noinyane / 25 / TV Personality / MC / Brand Ambassador / Brand Strategist & Consultant


First thing’s first, how was Coachella 2017 girl?!

Coachella was amazing, thank you. Probably one of the best trips I’ve ever gone on. World class setup, music and productions. More than anything, an eye opener to the opportunities the world has to offer.

How amazing is it being selected to join the Maybelline It Girls Global Campaign?

It’s an honour. The opportunity came by surprise, I’m also the only African female in the Global Girls Group. It’s pretty exciting in many ways and an awesome campaign to be a part of.

You’ve recently also teamed up with the Reebok family, how close is the #PrettyLethal campaign to your heart?

Being a Reebok ambassador also came by surprise, it’s awesome being part of an international classic brand that aligns with the type of brand I’m mounding K Naomi to be. Pretty Lethal is an awesome female empowering campaign that made sense to my intentions of inspiring females and it’s also awesome to contribute through a campaign that can actively change lives and more than anything, highlight the importance of females, their unity and their safety. Reebok definitely created a campaign that non have done and it’s an absolute privilege that I carry it too.


Your schedule seems pretty hectic, how do you find balance?

Finding balance is quite hard but I always make sure I make time for myself to reflect and just be. I listen to a lot of music so that’s helped me through my career and just being in my own space.

Your secret to always keeping in shape is?

Gym, eat healthy, gym, mind your own business, gym, work hard.

All your achievements to date, has this always been your dream?

Some of my achievements have been dreams and others I consider ‘extras’. I always set goals, there are so many to still achieve but I’m working on them. So far everything has been a blessing, but my dreams are bigger than where I am currently.


How long has the road to success been for you?

I’m not even successful yet, I haven’t hit that peak or reached that level of confidently saying I’m successful. I’m still wishing my journey, it’s been long but worthwhile.

Only one can be chosen, which one…Fashion, Make-Up or Traveling?


Do you live to inspire or to be inspired?

I live to inspire.


Follow K Naomi!

Instagram: @knaomin

Twitter: KNaomi_N

Facebook: K Naomi N

Bridgette Makhela

Shelton Forbez Releases Smoke Music Video


Why the name Smoke for your song?
The song was inspired by the feeling of intoxication and “Smoke” just sounds cooler than “Drink”.
How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
I followed the feeling of the song and how it made meed feel. I wanted to visually bring it to life, hence the trippy parts, the smoke and colour palettes.
Where was the music video shot?
The video was shot at my house.
How much work goes into putting a music video such as this together?
I have a team I work with so we pay for everyone’s service as apposed to paying a production company, then we create and direct it independently, so in my case it was very affordable.

Can we look forward to any more releases from Shelton in 2017?

Yes! I am releasing my first collective project (Mixtape) titled ‘New Season’.

Anyone you’d like to collaborate with?

At this point I am much more interested in collaborating with producers as it allows my sound to broaden but still keep my style of music.

Any current or upcoming projects you’re busy with?

I am busy with my music platform for aspiring artists, ‘New Melody’, as well as my training academy ‘Mzansi Shapers’, more business moves this year.

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Urban R&B artist Shelton Forbez has officially kick-started 2017 with the release of the smoldering SMOKE music video – a Wichi 1080 musically directed single.

Watch the SMOKE music video, now:

On the theme behind the self-produced video, the artist candidly shares how it was inspired by a night out with an ex. “I wanted to attach to the feeling the song gives you, and all the trippy effects associates with intoxication,” says Shelton Forbez.

Smoke is his latest offering, following the success of the debut single Butterfly (featuring Thaiwanda), which introduced fans to his melodious side, adding to the TV presenting, acting and choreography.

2017 will see Shelton Forbez embark on a series of tours to connect with the fan-base, nationwide. “The overall response has been really cool! I’m excited to be going forward, promoting my music. I’m at a point where I’m really taking my time in putting out quality work, and it’s now starting to pay off,” says the musician.

Follow Shelton!

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez

Instagram: SheltonForbez

YouTube: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela

Courtnae’ Paul On Her Versatile Hustle


Courtnae’ Paul


Creative Director / Bgirl / Choreographer / DJ


When did the dance bug hit you?

I think it was aiming for someone else and hit me by mistake, lol. Age 10/11, I randomly got involved with my church dance group, and the rest is history.

How do you juggle all your titles and make them work to your advantage?

In this industry it’s generally in your best interest to be versatile and well versed in different areas and / or styles. Due to the nature of entertainment as a profession, the industry and it’s job offers are constantly fluctuating, so I have always made sure that there is a need for the services I offer. It might sound like a lot of titles; however they are all closely linked and expose me to the other sides of my expertise. This in turn sees me learning and broadening my skill set to eventually being able to do that job myself. It works well for me because I stay in my lane, but I make sure I have everything in my lane covered.


The coolest gig you’ve ever been a part of to date?

I choreographed a very urban African surprise welcome for Richard Branson last December. It was cool because I enjoy meeting people who have made such a success in life, yet are still down to earth and super friendly. He joined in on the performance and really seemed to have enjoyed himself. I love creating experiences and having other people enjoy them too. Another gig that was pretty cool was choreographing and leading two 2015 / 2016 Cell C campaigns. They were printed and they flighted on everything from cinema, to store material, billboards, fliers, internet and TV. The campaign ran for six months, and was just renewed for another three…

Who inspires you to hustle even harder?

Everyone and everything around me is a constant push to be greater, I am inspired by people that continue to push no matter what the circumstances are. Every time I smash one goal or achieve something I thought I never could, it makes me work harder because I see it’s possible. I am a firm believer that thinking and believing, coupled with action, brings your visions into reality.


That one South African jam that gets you moving all the time is…?

“It’s about tiiiiiime! You listen to Boom Shaka!”

Who or what gets your heart beating fast? Lol

My girlfriend! In both a good and bad way! Hahaha!

Where do you picture yourself in the future?

The direction of my plans never change, however the scale changes almost weekly, so I picture myself being really happy and having accomplished everything little goal I set.


If you were an animal, which one would you pick?

I would be a lion or a dolphin. Lions are so beautifully lazy and get to sleep all day, and dolphins are just the cutest fun ‘lifesavers’ ever, lol.

That word you yell out every time you get pissed?

I yell “fada gohd maaan!” (for some reason my inner Nigerian comes out).

How do you maintain staying power in the industry?

By adapting to change and always creating a demand for my skills.


Follow Courtnae’!

Instagram: @Courtnae_Paul

Twitter: @Courtnae_Paul

Facebook: Courtnae’ Paul

YouTube: Courtnae’ Paul

MixCloud: Courtnae’ Paul


Bridgette Makhela