Rowlene On 11:11, The Music-Making Process And Her Message To Female Musicians

Rowlene / 23 / Singer & Songwriter

How did you break into the music industry?

I broke into the industry about four years ago when I did a feature with Nasty C’s debut album ‘Bad Hair’, titled Phases. Everything since then has been smooth, musically. It has been organic working with people that align with my purpose since 2016/2017, it’s been a dope experience.

You’ve gained so many fans, how do you manage to stay consistent?

They are loyal, it’s so crazy. I check in on them and always make sure I’m mindful of what I post. I try and be a good example and stay positive. I also try and make them see how important affirmations and manifestations are, that’s how I came up with the “11:11” title.

Making music is a process, how do you find never-ending inspiration?

My friends are very inspirational and dope. Whenever I feel like I am in a space where I can’t create music or do something that makes me feel good, I spend time with them and I’m inspired because they are always creating amazing things.

What’s your playlist looking like at the moment?

My playlist looks pretty hectic right now, lol. I love that my Spotify curates playlists for me by the way. I listen to Jazz, Blues and 80s music. Artists such as Jhene Aiko, Billie Eilish, Stevie Wonder and Luther Vandross are some of my favourites, it’s also a combination of how I grew up as well.

Your album 11:11 dropped this month, what can fans look forward to?

It’s a great body of work, I’ve put a lot of time and effort on it, I worked super hard on this album.

Do you have any special career moments?

Definitely the traveling and getting to meet creatives…oh and the free stuff, I love the free stuff.

What’s your wish for South African female musicians?

I wish they were more determined and understand that they don’t need validation from this male-dominated industry to be dope. I wish they’d do a lot more things for themselves, be proactive and stop expecting things.

You’ve also dropped singles that have been making waves, do you have a favourite one so far?

Right now it’s ‘Sunday Morning’, but it changes with time.

Any exciting news you’d love to share with your fans?

I’ll be doing my first album launch, I’ll promote it on my social media platforms. A lot of things are coming up to launch the album, all details will be on my social media.

Follow Rowlene!

Instagram: @rowlene_sa

Twitter: @Rowlene_SA

Facebook: @RowleneSA

-Bridgette Makhela

Abdul Khoza On Acting, Music And Everything Else In Between

Abdul Khoza / 31 / Actor & Musician

You’re fast becoming a household name in the South African entertainment industry. How did you make your debut into the industry?

I won an amazing show called Amstel Class Act (S2), that’s how I got my big break into the industry.

What would you be doing if you were not an actor and musician?

Since I was already a dedicated fireman, I would have continued my studies to be up the ranks as a Station Commander or Division Commander by now.

What was your plan for 2019 going into 2020? 

More fire from Isibaya’s ‘Qaphela Ngwenya’ for sure, dropping music as a solo artist as well as more with my group, Audio Assassinz. I look forward to a lot of personal growth within my relationship, as well as with family and friends.

What does a day on set for you comprise of? 

In a nutshell, it’s long hours, lots of running, many kicks and punches (when I do my own stunts), driving fast cars and shooting loud guns.

When you’re feeling demotivated, what or who inspires you?

A good workout (exercises & martial arts), good music, a good movie or a good book.

What’s your take on South Africa’s current entertainment industry?

I love the immense growth I see from all ages of the many multi talented artists of our country. Many of our talents in music and acting alike have gone global and become international super stars. Our local stars are multi tasking and juggling different careers, and are more independent now with their work.

That one thing you can’t leave the house without?

My smile and positive energy.

What does music mean to you?

Good music is therapeutic and it gets me through so many challenges in life. It motivates and inspires me to live life with a purpose and pursue greatness in all I do.

One trait that’s gotten you this far in your career?

Being grateful for all my blessings, whether big or small. Staying humble and forever appreciating every single day of life that I am blessed with.

Follow Abdul!

Instagram: @abdul_khoza

Twitter: @Abdul_Khoza

Facebook: @AbdulMKhoza


-Bridgette Makhela

Thuso Mbedu On Her First Acting Break, Her Journey And The Industry

Thuso Mbedu / 26 / Actress


You’re such a talented actress, how has the journey to where you are now been?

It has not been an easy one, it tests you to discover if you really love what you do.

What was your first acting break like?

It was with Saints and Sinners. It was nice to especially work with industry veterans who were willing to teach and guide me.



Who do you look up to in the industry?

Denzel Washington.

The first time you saw yourself on screen, how did that feel?

I was excited! Then a few seconds later, I started criticizing my performance.

What do you believe young female South African actresses should strive for?

Excellence and greatness, and to be able to pave their own ways.



What do you do when you get some time alone?

I work on my projects and read a lot.

What do your family and friends mean to you?

My sister and niece mean the world to me, they are always there for me and are also my biggest supporters. The journey to where I am today would have been harder without them.



Boys or bags?


How would you like viewers to feel when they watch you?



Follow Thuso!

Instagram: @thuso.mbedu

Twitter: @ThusoMbedu

Facebook: Thuso Mbedu


Bridgette Makhela

Makgotso M On The Industry, Challenges And Being Unapologetic

Makgotso M / 25 / Actress


You’re already on your way to being one of South Africa’s great actresses, was this always your ideal career?

Thank you, that’s a wonderful compliment. I’ve always wanted to reach my personal best and I continue to strive for that.

Are you finding any challenges in the industry so far?

There are a few, but I have great people behind me that are helping me get through.


When and how did your break into the industry occur?

I went to multiple auditions…then one day I got a yes.

How do you manage to take on more that one project at a time?

I have an awesome team who take care of my schedule.


How many hours a day do you spend on set shooting?

It’s never the same, it varies.

That one item you can’t work without?

My script.


Fame or money?


What would your spirit animal be and why?

A lion, because it’s bold and unapologetic.


A lot of young females admire your work, what kind of legacy would you like to leave behind one day?

I want people to know that people’s opinions are irrelevant. Pursue the dreams God has put in your heart and don’t be apologetic for it.


Photos: Esthe Pretorius /@stpretorius

Makeup: Danielle O’Kane/@danthemanfantastic


Follow Makgotso M!

Instagram: @makgotsom1

Twitter: MakgotsoM1

Facebook: Makgotso M


Bridgette Makhela


Kriya Gangiah On Being An Infotainment Professional At 27


Kriya Gangiah


Radio DJ / Television Presenter / Digital Leader at Kagiso Media

What does Kriya do for a living?

I work at Kagiso Media as a Digital Leader for Jacaranda FM and Zalebs. From Monday to Thursday I co-host the Late show on Jacaranda FM, then on Saturdays I am part of our listeners wake up call with the Saturday Breakfast show. In between all that, I get whisked away to various locations around the country and abroad to be filmed as one of the Television Presenters for the Mela show on SABC 3, which airs every week on Sundays.

You are known as an Infotainment Professional, how did you earn the title?

In the broadcast industry (particularly radio), my skill set doesn’t fall into just ‘news’, ‘business’ or ‘entertainment’, but rather encapsulates all of these. Add to this line of work is a career for me with years of experience in the industry already behind me and…voila! The title of ‘Infotainment Professional’ came into being.


What moment gave you your break into the industry?

My break into the industry began in 2007 when I joined TUKS FM while I was studying at the University of Pretoria. Ever since then, my love for the entertainment industry developed and allowed me to follow my current career path.

How do you juggle being a DJ and being on TV as well?

It’s tough sometimes, but I always try to strike a balance between the two. Luckily with the way technology is these days, my cellphone has become my own personal PA that helps me keep track as far as scheduling is concerned so I can avoid any conflict.


What keeps you going each day no mater what?

It’s definitely my passion for the industry and people that keeps me going. The fact that I get paid to talk makes it such a fun career, it never feels like a job! My family and friends are also a big part of keeping me grounded and focused. I have a very close-knit family and they have always been supportive and encouraged me throughout my career.

What would you say has been the best moment of your career so far?

This is a tricky one to answer as there have been so many moments that I’m so glad to have experienced and that have helped mould my career. More recently, being on the Mela show has been a huge highlight in my career. Having this opportunity to work on such a prestigious show still feels slightly surreal! I have met some amazing people while filming on Mela and visited some of the most beautiful places.

Wine or water?

Wine of course! 


How do you unwind after a hectic day?

My day never really ends actually. The only time I get to unwind and relax is during the weekend. That’s if I’m not traveling for the Mela show, otherwise you’ll find me spending the weekend with my family having a braai or chilling at home watching TV and catching up on my favourite Series (having some “me time”).

Would you ever retire?

I’m sure at some stage I will retire, but for now I most certainly have a long way to go.


 Follow Kriya!

Instagram: @kriyag

Twitter: @KriyaG

Facebook: Kriya Gangiah


Bridgette Makhela

Lira On Born Free Album, The Voice SA And What Makes Her Happy



Singer / Songwriter


The Born Free album, tell me about it…

It is my 6th album and the first album I am releasing under Otarel Music. I named it Born Free because the whole album is about freedom; songs like ‘Be About It’ and ‘Brave Heart’ are testament to this. The album discusses freedom as a state of being.

Any upcoming shows that your South African fans can look forward to?

Yes, the album launch takes place on the 8th and 9th of April at Gold Reef City (albums will also be available at the show), tickets are available at Computicket. The album will be available countrywide from the 18th April.

How has your time on The Voice South Africa been so far?

It’s exciting! It is a fun show and people get to see another side to my personality.


 One word that describes your career so far?


What does music do to you?

It makes me happy.

How does Lira relax when she has time off?

I stay at home with my cat and husband. I spend time in my organic garden…I have a lovely, tranquil place. I don’t watch much TV, except for The Voice SA ofcourse.

What has your favourite body of musical work been so far?

Born Free, because it is so different. It’s boldness, it’s size, the production and songwriting…with every very album, I am becoming more and more myself. It is my proudest work.


What makes you happy?

Music. It has offered me the freedom to do anything I want, I have a career that excites me. Good food also makes me happy too. I enjoy having breakfast at hotels, going on holidays and staying in beautiful places.

Pyjamas or a dress?

Definitely a dress!…I hardly ever wear pyjamas. When I was a kid I would always get pyjamas as a gift…My sister also recently bought me a pair that I hardly wear.

Any wise words for young females dreaming of doing what you do?

Believe in yourself. It is reflected in how you speak about it; think about it and what you are doing about it. You don’t use your own mouth to stop your own journey, you don’t use your own brain to break yourself down. Have a vision, see what is beneficial. Always remember detours are not a means to an end, don’t sit there, move on. Be gentle to yourself.

Follow Lira!

Instagram: @miss_lira

Twitter: @Miss_LIRA

Facebook: LIRA

*Lira’s Born Free album is now available on iTunes and Apple Music


Bridgette Makhela