Bonko Khoza On Playing Mqhele, Following His Passion And Upcoming Projects

Bonginkosi ‘Bonko’ Khoza / Actor & Voice-Over Artist

What sparked the love for acting?

I have always been into acting, since primary school I loved plays but never took it seriously. I went to art school and studied graphic design, I dreamt of being an overall visual artist. After 2 years of trying that, I dropped out to figure out my life. I asked myself if I was doing things because the status quo says so or if I was going to focus on what brings me joy. I decided that I wanted to do something I enjoy and would do for the rest of my life. So I took the decision to study Drama at The Market Theatre Laboratory.

You play ‘Mqhele’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, how would you describe the character?

He is a complex character that is heavily bothered by demons in his head. He has unresolved childhood traumas that cause him to act and react in a certain way. Other than that, he is a sweet guy.

You are an extremely talented actor. How do you prepare yourself for a role?

My preparation starts at the audition level. I’ll read my script and research the character biography. I get to know the character and start looking at costumes and play scenes out. If I get the role, it’s a progression of building the character.

What would you change about the South African entertainment industry?

The industry doesn’t exist on its own, it doesn’t function without the audience. If anything, I would like to change the audience. I wish South Africa would open up access to more global content because it is part of a global market. The audience can then push the industry towards something different. The audience needs to start playing with their appetite and choosing different types of content.

That one moment in your career so far that you’ll never forget?

I spent a day with Benedict Cumberbatch in 2020. We did a scene together on a film called The Mauritanian. My scene was initially for his character. The casting director told me to keep pushing and keep my head up because it may be overwhelming. We did the scene in Cape Town and it dawned on me in that moment that he was just a colleague and I had to get it together. From that moment, we started talking and getting to know each other. That was a special time.

Is there anyone that you call your role model/inspiration?

Mahershala Ali, I love the way he handles his career and brand. He keeps it very much acting-centric even if he does work for brands. He has won two Oscars and I’m pretty sure when he’s not acting he’s probably spending time with his family and relaxing.

What is the importance of following your passion?

Life has a price to pay, you’re not here for free. The system will try and put you in a place where you are most comfortable. When you’re most comfortable, you’ve got nothing to complain about. But things like passion come from the inside, it is who you are, it’s an expression of your true self. Retrospection and bravery are important where passion is involved.

’13 Weeks To Find Mr Right’ is your upcoming project, are you working on other things at the moment?

I have already wrapped 13 Weeks To Find Mr Right. I have now started working on a Disney animation, I’m also shooting a Hollywood film and in talks with various directors but I can’t say much about that right now. Actively working on The Wife and voice overs.

Any advice for aspiring actors?

Study first, treat the art with respect and it will pay you back with longevity and substance. Put in the work and the time. Believe in your dreams, trust in God and don’t forget to pray.

Images by Asanele Shaun

Follow Bonko!

Instagram: @bonkokhoza

Twitter: @BonkoKhoza

Facebook: @bonkokhoza

Bridgette Makhela

John Amos On His Exceptional Career, Loving Africa And Upcoming Projects

John Amos / American Actor, Director, Author & Philanthropist

After so many years in the industry and an amazing career, how do you still keep going?

What keeps me going is that there are still so many good stories to tell. I always read my scripts first to see what kind of story I will be telling, all my work has to be of substance and mean something.

Your son KC works closely with you, could you share information on the Kicking It with Pops project?

Kicking It with Pops is a project from my son KC’s point of view about my life so far. He sheds light on the amazing career I’ve had, my travels, my experience in sports, my childhood as well as experiences until now. There’ll also be appearances from some of my close friends such as Jamie Foxx and Anthony Anderson, it’s truly set to be entertaining.

What do you think actors should take into important consideration in today’s filmmaking age?

They should take advantage of technological advances. Actors such as myself did not have such growing up. They have a distinct advantage in carving their future and they should use whatever they can to grab those special moments that they see playing out right in front of them.

How has Hollywood shown you the divide between black actors compared to other races?

That’s stuff from so long ago, I’d rather not look back to 40/50 years ago. Right now I see filmmakers of all races and genders who are doing amazing things and it’s great to watch.

How do you keep focused to your character on set as you shoot?

The best way to keep focused for me is through eating some good home-cooked meals, haha. When we shot Coming 2 America recently in Atlanta at The Tyler Perry Studios, and it was always a bit chilly so I’d enjoy the tasty warm meals on set and just keep going.

You’ve mainly played positive black fathers in your roles, what does that mean to you?

Playing positive black fathers creates a balance for all the other negative roles and bad imagery that’s been out there, it means a lot to me. On the other side of this, I urge that young black men stay safe out there and always be respectful, everybody wants to go home at the end of the day.

Your favourite work so far?

One is the biopic my son KC is currently creating as director, the second would be Halley’s Comet, I love the entertainment value and educational value in it. There’s also Kicking It with Pops, we’ve got some great content coming that will keep the viewers entertained.

What would you like to say to South African filmmakers?

The future of filmmaking lies in Africa and South Africa is doing amazing work, some wonderful stories about your heroes and heroines are being brought to viewers all over the world. We’ve also all still got a lot of traveling to do, it’s eye-opening and it’s inspiring.

Follow John Amos!

Instagram: officialjohnamos

Twitter: @therealjohnamos

Facebook: @officialjohnamos

-Bridgette Makhela

Shannon Esra On Her Journey, New Show Lioness And Various Acting Roles

Shannon Earle Esrechowitz (better known as Shannon Esra) / Actor, Writer & Artist

How did your journey in the industry begin?

I was 15 years old when I began presenting for TV. A year after that, I was cast in ‘I Dreamed of Africa’ with Kim Basinger, thanks to my high school Drama teacher, Janet Bayliss and South African casting agent, Christa Shamberger-Young.

You’ve played so many characters on South African television, how do you prepare for each role?

I approach every script the same way – I read it three times: firstly, to get a feeling for the story; secondly, as an investigator – looking for clues about my character – what are people saying about her, what does she say about herself, what are her fears, passions and motivations; and then thirdly, for pure enjoyment. Then it’s a matter of collaboration with the various departments. Who is she? How does she dress? What does she look like? How does she move? I like to work with the elements and the animal kingdom to root the energies of the people I portray. It’s a fun process. It really is like moulding clay. 

Lioness is currently on MNet on Thursdays, what can viewers look forward to in the storyline?

The revelations at the end of every episode are so powerful! But other than that, I really cannot say…can’t set off any “spoiler alerts”!

You’ve been on prominent and loved TV shows such as The River, Gomora, The Throne, and Isidingo…how does an actress maintain consistent work in the industry?

Honestly, by the grace of God. Everything that comes to us, as human beings, is what the universe needs us to experience. I believe each job comes by way of what I need to encounter. 

What do you love about acting?

I love how I get to experience another human being on any given day; how I am granted access into other worlds and mind-sets; how I get to see the world through someone else’s eyes, and by virtue of that, I get to stretch my capacity for love and understanding. Acting is very holistic, for me, personally. I can play pretend and create other worlds. It’s the best job on the planet!

One talent people don’t know you have?

I can tie a cherry stalk into a knot with just my tongue.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve in 2021?

Tranquility and peace of mind. I would love to shoot a couple of movies, maybe another series or two, and also, the odd painting here and there. That would be great! 

How would you like to be remembered?

As funny, kind, and passionate. 

Follow Shannon!

Instagram: @shannonesra_official

Twitter: @ShannonEsra

Facebook: @ShannonEsraOfficial

-Bridgette Makhela

Shudufhadzo Musida On Miss South Africa Title And 2020 Becoming A Dream Come True

Shudufhadzo Abigail Musida / 24 / Miss South Africa 2020

Obvious first question…how does it feel to be Miss South Africa 2020?

It feels amazing and surreal, I have to pinch myself sometimes. It’s also been so busy as well. It usually hits me at night when I head to bed. It’s still hitting me in small doses.

How was your upbringing like?

It was a good upbringing, I was in a free and safe space where I could always be myself.

When did you decide to try out for the pageant?

I decided last year for the first time. Before I didn’t think I could enter such a pageant, I thought you had to look a certain way but I realised things were changing.

What kept you going through all the weeks leading up to the main event?

Knowing that I would make a really good Miss South Africa, I could make a change and do really well at being an ambassador of the country. I’ve always wanted to impact people’s lives and live a life of service.

One cool thing South Africans don’t know about you …yet?

I’ve always wanted to be a singer and entertainer.

Mental Health is a strong focus of yours, what’s your take on the youth of today and how they tackle this serious issue?

I read somewhere that suicide is currently the leading cause of death between ages 15-29 and in South Africa, 1 in 10 people are expected to suffer from mental health in their lifetime but only I in those 10 people will have access to mental healthcare. It is an important issue globally and when people are not okay, they don’t know that it’s okay to not be okay. It is still considered a taboo issue around the world, and no one equips the youth and we end up having a high suicide rate.

Your absolute favourite moment of the Miss South Africa journey before your crowning?

In Cape Town sitting at the dinner table and hearing some of the ladies telling us about their adventures in New York. I remember memorising everyone’s name on the table that night. I have never been that happy in my life.

What’s your advice to other young ladies in pursuit of the crown?

Your dreams are valid, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Many stereotypes and narratives have been changed. It’s your time!

Follow Shudufhadzo!

Instagram: @shudufhadzomusida

Twitter: @abigailmusida

Facebook: @ShudufhadzoMusida

-Bridgette Makhela

Sisanda Henna On Acting, Film And What’s Coming Next

Sisanda Henna / 37 / Actor, Film & TV Creator & MC

Being an Actor and Film & TV Creator isn’t an easy career, did you always want this for yourself?

Yes, probably from the age of 14, that’s when I was a part of my first play, an inter house play where I won Best Supporting Actor at a school called Union High School, in the Eastern Cape…ever since then I’ve wanted this!

How does a typical day for you look like?
There is no typical day, some days I’m writing a proposal to pitch something and some days I’m exercising and meditating, then go and see my acting coach. Some days I go MC an event somewhere and some days I’ll go sit and read a script for a couple of hours in a day for a new project and maybe do some research through watching a lot of movies and series. Some days I’ll just take a taxi somewhere, like to Alex and back because I play real people, depending on the person I’m playing, I’ll go and be where those real people are – whether in a shebeen or a law firm. When I’m producing or directing, I could be in meetings were we’re working out budgets, or I could be spending an hour or two going through contracts, then at times I could be in a PR and Marketing workshop. Other days I’ll do a photo shoot. Sometimes I’ll go for a jog or a swim, all of that is part of creation – even the part where you’re resting.
That one thing you can’t survive without when on set would be?

I try to make sure that I am able to survive even without any of the things I enjoy…just like how at some point coffee used to be quite a thing for me. I like my space, and sometimes I’ve had to adjust to places where I sometimes didn’t have a trailer. My earphones are a thing too because if I cut out noise it helps me focus and I can mentally visualize things. Stretching and breathing are also things I do in my own space to help me get into the zone.

South Africa has some seriously talented actors, anyone you look up to for inspiration?
 There are two actors I respect incredibly: Andrew Buckland (some people may know him from Catching Feelings). I saw him in a play probably back in 1999 and he blew me away! I think he is one of the best theatre actors in the world right next to Rowan Atkinson and Jim Carrey, he really inspires me. Another one is Mcedisi Shabangu, saw him in 2005 in a play called Tshepang. I love going to theatre a lot, it really inspires me.
You’ve made a mark in the industry, what’s keeps you consistently creating work and being a part of it too?
I want it more than anything in the world, probably more than living and being alive. I want to make amazing work and that keeps me going, I’m determined to get it!
Favourite film/TV show you’ve been a part of to date?
It’s hard to pick, I’ve loved so many of them for different reasons. I really love ‘Agent’ which is coming to SABC 1 on Sunday nights at 20:30, it starts March 8th. I’ve loved being a part of season 1 of ‘Trackers’ too, that’s coming to Mzansi Magic as well soon. I also loved being a part of ‘Gauteng Mabongeng’, although I worked on it as series producer and creative director.
What would you like the upcoming generation of actors and filmmakers to know?
It depends on what they want to know and do. There are so many different parts of the industry to go into these days, so it would depend on what they want…makes sense?
Any exciting projects you’d like to share for 2020?
I want to share 2 things: I am going to co-produce and star in a romantic comedy feature film, a big announcement’s about to made soon, it’s amazing! I’m also going to be in a new drama series that is going to be on MNet, although I can’t say much about that at the moment, but when the time comes I definitely want to share the news with you, B Kool Media!
Follow Sisanda!
Instagram: @sisanda_henna
Twitter: @SisandaHenna
Facebook: @SisandaHennaActor
Bridgette Makhela

Ginger Trill On Music, Relevance And Always Staying Focused

Tshegofatso Seroalo aka Ginger Trill / 30 / Musician

The Ginger Trill story, where did it all begin?

The Ginger Trill story began long ago, probably back in Potchefstroom before I was called Trill. My friends and I had been making music and cutting demos since high school. I always knew I loved music but it wasn’t until I turned 22 that I knew that I wanted pursue a career in music. 

The come up and remaining relevant, what are your thoughts?

My come up was different and I think no two come-ups are the same really, I’m from the school of the hard knocks. So many failures, mistakes and lessons that helped me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person as well. Seven years since I released my debut album and I’ve learned that relevance is almost like having a “buzz”…it’s all about what you do with the traction you gain.

South African Hip-Hop is hella right now, agree? What are your reasons?

Agreed, the local Hip-Hop scene is lit right now. I think the cycle before this generation had a lot to do with the shift, we’ve never had a scene so full of young independent artists making so much bank off of Rap music, EVER! Thanks to the arrival of prodigies like Nasty C & A-Reece, the industry is opening up.

As an artist that expresses themselves through words and beats, where do you plug in inspiration from?

I draw my inspiration from the music I bump into mostly, and the things I read, the conversations I have, even the shows I watch on TV or on the net, anything that stimulates my mind really. 

How would you describe your music in one word?


Any new material you’re yet to release this year?

Finishing my work on “Tales of the High & Mighty”, a joint tape with myself and Top Goggs from Dizzy Monks. 

Have a favourite track to date that you’ve released?

Too many to mention, and I think they switch every season or year, but right now? I’d say #Money is my favourite song by myself, that record is HARD. 

The plan is to never give up right? What keeps you focused and going?

What keeps me going is purpose, and my family, they are the people I draw my strength and motivation from and of course, my Lord and Saviour.

Where can fans keep in touch with you?  

Fans can catch me on social media.

Instagram: @Ginger_Trill Twitter: @Ginger_Trill Facebook: @Gingertrilly and for music 


Bridgette Makhela

Thabo & Thabiso On YoMzansi, Relevant Content And Social Media

Thabo Modiselle and Thabiso Modiselle / Content Creators at 5@2 Media & YoMzansi

Content is of the essence. How did YoMzansi begin?

YMZ began as a hobby at a time when we were messing around with computers and coding. And since we were attached to the entertainment industry, we figured we’d create our own blog which would talk about the latest news in entertainment, music and digital trends. This was back in 2008 and we named the blog 5@2 News Network. Then in 2010, we decided to re brand to YoMzansi and make it a solid passion project, because people were enjoying our content and wanted more. Today, YoMzansi is a platform that focuses on current pop culture and documenting it. We also curate our own original content through dope collaborations with different brands.

Describe a typical day at the office…

Weekdays we kick start the day at 8am, the plan is to keep our mornings very easy so we can achieve a lot more within those hours. The first hour we go through our To-Do list and figure out deadlines and the content list. Between that and midday, we’re on our laptops putting up content on the blog and social media, while getting on those morning calls and E-mailing potential clients and brands. At times we use some hours to put together proposals and share ideas with certain brands we’re keen on working with, so this is a team effort. Same morning we get package deliveries from brands that have booked editorials and shoots. Lunchtime we hit the drawing board together with the team to come up with killer ideas for editorial shoots. Once we have implemented the key ideas and plan, we spend most afternoon hours putting together the shoot at the studio. We try as much to stay away from meetings, unless it’s critical. We wrap up our day after receiving a bunch of invites to attend launches, events, press conferences, etc (not all of them pay). We then decide which ones would be great to attend, where it will be beneficial to network and get dope content.

You guys are twins, how does working together pan out?

It has honestly made things a bit smoother in terms of building and getting the work done, because we can multi-task. We have spent time together since day one, and have shared our passion since, so our work relationship has become a lot easier. But also, this comes with a lot of arguments because as much as we’re twins, our tastes differ, so at times when we have to put out a final product, you find that we have to choose what is best and it’s not always easy. But through the years we’ve managed to overcome challenges like that, because we share the same vision and our work ethic is on a thousand.

What’s the secret to always producing fresh, relevant and visually captivating content on your blog? 

When we started the blog, most times, the question was what type of content would we (personally) want to consume and read daily. From that, we started looking at trendy, fresh and youthful content that any millennial would enjoy and want to subscribe to. Picture it: when you’re hanging with your friends, what would you talk about? The ‘IT’ Fashion item everyone has, money, cars, music, the coolest restaurant in Melville and so forth. So it’s not really a secret but more of daily stuff that attracts millennials.

2019, what’s the goal?

Building and building. There is much to be done, but the focus for this year is content. We are expanding our current podcast #YMZTechTalk and want to launch two more and produce more video content focused on South African pop culture. We also plan on expanding our portfolio in terms of collaborating with different brands that appeal to our audience.

What do you think South African Bloggers, Influencers and Content Creators still need to figure out?

It’s definitely the ‘storytelling’ part, that’s the key thing, many Influencers new and old still think it’s about the massive following, trending and clout. Creators and Influencers need to focus on telling beautiful and honest stories about whatever subject/topic they are covering. We need more Creators who are reliable when it comes to their word and work. Remember all this has to come with an audience that relies on your word, and that easily makes you stand out. Also for the ‘longevity’ part, can a kid in the next 10 years reference your piece, work, review or photograph? Also, it’s important to ‘stay away’ from the cycle of doing what others are doing, the usual things. It will be so dope to see new Creators and Influencers coming into the industry with their own taste, impact, style and just authentic new cool.

Think we’ll ever see the end of social media?

As long as we have the internet, social media will never die. Besides the celebrity life, slay queens, etc, social media is about connecting people, communicating and sharing information, and you have to think about this ‘world wide’. These days people rely on social media for information, latest news, advice and so on. Platforms are always going to be there for people to access such. Social media has to be the biggest thing that has ever happened to the internet itself, we honestly don’t think that today the internet would be fun without the social media part of it (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram).

What are you guys looking forward to the most this year?

What is important to us is taking a step closer to the big goal. So even if it’s just one step we take this year, that will be dope for us. We are on a journey of building a media network with YoMzansi, have our own digital network, TV shows and expanding the brand into a lifestyle.

What does YoMzansi do for the culture?

Currently, we’re focused on documenting all the important stories and events that are happening within the music, fashion, art, film and lifestyle industry. We also tell stories about individuals who are pushing the envelope within those categories. This is so that the upcoming generation can have an authentic and honest reference about what was going on 5 to 10 years ago. We’re in the digital era, they should be able to read that, watch it or stream.


Follow Thabo & Thabiso! 

Twitter: @ThaboThabiso

Instagram: @ThaboThabiso

Facebook: @ThaboThabiso Modiselle


Bridgette Makhela

Thuso Mbedu On Her First Acting Break, Her Journey And The Industry

Thuso Mbedu / 26 / Actress


You’re such a talented actress, how has the journey to where you are now been?

It has not been an easy one, it tests you to discover if you really love what you do.

What was your first acting break like?

It was with Saints and Sinners. It was nice to especially work with industry veterans who were willing to teach and guide me.



Who do you look up to in the industry?

Denzel Washington.

The first time you saw yourself on screen, how did that feel?

I was excited! Then a few seconds later, I started criticizing my performance.

What do you believe young female South African actresses should strive for?

Excellence and greatness, and to be able to pave their own ways.



What do you do when you get some time alone?

I work on my projects and read a lot.

What do your family and friends mean to you?

My sister and niece mean the world to me, they are always there for me and are also my biggest supporters. The journey to where I am today would have been harder without them.



Boys or bags?


How would you like viewers to feel when they watch you?



Follow Thuso!

Instagram: @thuso.mbedu

Twitter: @ThusoMbedu

Facebook: Thuso Mbedu


Bridgette Makhela

SubVerse On ‘O Vaya Le Mang’ Single, Upcoming Album And Motswako

IMG_2165Kgomotso Mokgatlhe aka SubVerse / Rapper

How did you find your way into the rap game?

Growing up in the ‘90s, it was almost impossible escaping the influence of Hip Hop culture. My brother kept a steady supply of TDKs and recorded music videos as well. That’s what really built the foundation of my love for the rap game. From then, the early South African Hip Hop scene is what convinced me that it could really be done and I started writing raps of my own.

O Vaya Le Mang…How has the single being received so far?

The track has received quite a lotta love and we don’t expect that to slow down now that the video is out (!! I’m mad excited about the video release and making sure everybody sees it!

DSC_5220You’ll be releasing your second album since 2013, how much work was put into it?

The work is still happening and I’m actually in studio at the moment putting tracks down. I’ve got some special tracks lined up and the style and theme is different from anything I’ve put out before!

Do you have a favourite track on The Take Off album?

It’s way too early to pick a favourite. I can never single out one track but there are a few collaborations up my sleeve that I’m secretly going crazy over!

DSC_5263Tswellopele…How did the album mould your career?

More than anything, Tswellopele showed me the power of will and perseverance. That we (PGP Music) were able to put out such a solid project together, shoot videos, sells CDs, set up gigs and perform – to do all of that independently is an amazing feature. That will forever be a source of inspiration for me. Also, the response that we got was an indication to me that we’re doing something right. There were a lot of lessons that we learnt in the artistic and business sense…I could go on for a while!

What inspires your lyrics?

Experiences and observations. It could be something as simple as something I see or read, or a memory. There’s way too many sources of inspiration!

Motswako, what does it mean to you?

Motswako is the power of expressing yourself on your own terms! It’s powerful stuff if you think about the achievements that have been clocked in the name of Motswako. And I truly believe we ain’t seen nothing yet!

SONY DSCMaintaining consistency in the industry, how do you plan to do that?

I think maintaining consistency is purely a matter of trusting one’s talent and skill. There’s way too many trends and overnight buzzes to try keep up with. If you know what the end goal is, consistency shouldn’t be a fear-driven thing.

Food or FIFA?

I’m tempted to say FIFA…but this completely depends on the time of day, hahaha!

If you weren’t in the Hip-Hop game what would you be doing with your life?

I’d still be in the music scene in some other role. I’m way too passionate about music to imagine myself not involved in one way or another. That and sports.


Follow SubVerse!

Instagram: Subvwarusty

Twitter: @SubVwaRusty

Facebook: SubVerse

Soundcloud: SubVerse

YouTube: SubVerse


Bridgette Makhela