Ami Faku On Music, Ebhayi And Imali Album

Amanda “Ami” Faku / 26 / Musician

Your music has fast taken the South African industry by storm, was this always your life plan?

It has been the dream, but you never really know so you always hope for the best. I am happy that the plan we had with my team actually worked out.

What does music mean to you?

Music for me is a human need. I define it as that because I always need music when I feel a certain way. It helps us function through life, it’s what we all need as humans and it’s what we connect with. It gives us hope and dreams, it’s such an important part of life.

What’s your favourite song at the moment from your album ‘Imali’?

I can’t really say I have a favourite song on the album, every song has such a special and significant meaning for me and why I made each song so it’s always difficult for me to answer such a question but I would pick ‘Ndikhethe Wena’ as it was the first ever single that introduced me into the industry.

What would you call your genre of music?

I would define my genre of music as Modern Afro Soul, that’s the kind of music I make.

What do you think South African musicians still need to learn?

We need to take collaborating with other artists (even if it’s through writing) very seriously. Being involved in the creation of your songs, knowing what you want and establishing your own style as an individual is something that we need to do more as South African musicians.

Any collaborations you’d like to be a part of?

I would love to be a part of any collaboration that I feel can see me grow as an artist, I’m open to any collaboration with anyone that I can find useful at that moment.

 Your ‘Ebhayi’ music video is truly beautiful…what’s the message there?

The Ebhayi music video portrays how I am happy when I’m back home, and how much home gives me strength and courage to continue working towards my dreams.

The one person that inspires you?

I’m inspired by a lot of people, I genuinely don’t just look up to one person. A lot of people have important roles in the journey of who I want to be. Caiphus Semenya, Chrronixx and H.E.R are some of the artists that inspire me.

Any exciting projects you’re currently working on?

Currently I’m just trying to do music, just like with my first album. I’m not trying to rush or have a deadline, whenever I feel like it and whenever I find time to do it.

How was your life like this time last year?

This time last year I was still creating music, trying to figure out my place in this industry and still trying to introduce myself. I look back now and it’s so amazing to see how many things have happened in a year.


Follow Ami Faku!

Instagram: @ami_faku

Twitter: @Ami_Faku

Facebook: @AmiFakuMusic


-Bridgette Makhela

Tino Chinyani On The Modelling Industry And Opportunities It Has Brought His Way

Tinotenda Chinyani / 23 / TV Presenter / Model / Actor

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How did you get your break into the industry?

A friend of mine, Donald, suggested that I try out modelling. I then did a photo shoot, then got signed to Boss Models…the rest is history!

Has modelling always been in the cards for you?

I didn’t always want to be a model, instead I always wanted to be an athlete. Basketball was always the sport I wanted to play. My first year at varsity I got signed to a modelling agency and that’s when the journey began.

You’re the main guy in Thabsie’s new music video ‘African Queen’ featuring JR, did you have to audition for the role?

No I didn’t, they called me, having seen me on the Channel O Top 5 show. They contacted me the day before the shoot and invited me to go to Mpumalanga and shoot the music video.

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All the titles that you hold, how do you find some balance?

Finding balance requires knowing when to say no because it’s very easy to get burnt out. You have to value your own time and take some time to rest.

What’s your typical day like?

Call time could be anytime between 08:30 or 09:30. You could be on your feet the whole day, you have to be smiling the whole time and getting the work done. I’ve never been a fan of sleeping anyway so as soon as the sun’s up I’m good to go.

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Would you say the industry you’re in is tough, and why?

The modelling industry is very blunt. Castings and auditions are very unapologetic when it comes to what they want. At the same time it’s also a beautiful industry when it comes to the places you travel to and the people you meet. It’s also tricky when it comes to getting booked, payment could sometimes take from 30 to 90 days. Clients you deal with are also different compared to agencies. You can get taken advantage of if you’re not careful, you have to be very woke. You may look up to big names in the industry, but when you actually get to work with them, it turns out to be something very different. I am very thankful that I’m still young and doing what I love.

Who or what keeps you grounded?

My friends keep me grounded. I’m very personal with people who I keep in my space. My sister and mother also play a big role in keeping me grounded. I want people to see me years from now and still say that Tino has remained humble even after all the achievements, even if I was to take my career to an international level.

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Money or Fame?

Money, definitely not the fame. You need to be financially secure. Go get your money, you didn’t go through all the hard work for nothing.

That one thing you can’t function without?


You dress very well. How do you put an outfit together?

I love comfort, that is always key. I always ask myself “does it look good?” I’m not trying to be acknowledged for how I dress, but I’m also not trying to look terrible either. I always try to stand out within my simplicity.

How do you deal with all the attention?

People want you for who you are right now. The same people who were never even interested in you from way back. I evaluate it in the sense that no one really loves you out here, they only value you for what you do. There will always be distractions in whatever industry you’re in, I just try my best to always keep focused.

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2017’s almost done, any exciting plans for next year?

2017’s been a really eye-opening year. I started doing Television for the first time and also further learning about the reality of the modelling industry. I got to meet and work with amazing people, it’s still surreal. Coming into 2018, you’re gonna see a hungrier me, chasing that cheque and a lot of things to come. I like keeping people in suspense so watch this space!


Follow Tino!

Instagram: @tino_chinyani263

Twitter: Tino_Chinyani09

Facebook: Tinotenda Chinyani


Bridgette Makhela



Shelton Forbez Releases Smoke Music Video


Why the name Smoke for your song?
The song was inspired by the feeling of intoxication and “Smoke” just sounds cooler than “Drink”.
How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
I followed the feeling of the song and how it made meed feel. I wanted to visually bring it to life, hence the trippy parts, the smoke and colour palettes.
Where was the music video shot?
The video was shot at my house.
How much work goes into putting a music video such as this together?
I have a team I work with so we pay for everyone’s service as apposed to paying a production company, then we create and direct it independently, so in my case it was very affordable.

Can we look forward to any more releases from Shelton in 2017?

Yes! I am releasing my first collective project (Mixtape) titled ‘New Season’.

Anyone you’d like to collaborate with?

At this point I am much more interested in collaborating with producers as it allows my sound to broaden but still keep my style of music.

Any current or upcoming projects you’re busy with?

I am busy with my music platform for aspiring artists, ‘New Melody’, as well as my training academy ‘Mzansi Shapers’, more business moves this year.

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Urban R&B artist Shelton Forbez has officially kick-started 2017 with the release of the smoldering SMOKE music video – a Wichi 1080 musically directed single.

Watch the SMOKE music video, now:

On the theme behind the self-produced video, the artist candidly shares how it was inspired by a night out with an ex. “I wanted to attach to the feeling the song gives you, and all the trippy effects associates with intoxication,” says Shelton Forbez.

Smoke is his latest offering, following the success of the debut single Butterfly (featuring Thaiwanda), which introduced fans to his melodious side, adding to the TV presenting, acting and choreography.

2017 will see Shelton Forbez embark on a series of tours to connect with the fan-base, nationwide. “The overall response has been really cool! I’m excited to be going forward, promoting my music. I’m at a point where I’m really taking my time in putting out quality work, and it’s now starting to pay off,” says the musician.

Follow Shelton!

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez

Instagram: SheltonForbez

YouTube: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie On New Music, His Next Move And Being An Entertainer

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie / 24 / Entertainer

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You’re a well-known face already, how did you find your way into the industry?

I have been in the industry for a very long time. I did my first music video for Tuks with ‘Monate Thwaa’ in 2006 and since then I’ve been working…It went from dancing to TV commercials, then acting and presenting, so I’d say I got to where I am through dance.

One word to describe your time at Vuzu would be?


What are you focusing on right now?

Right now I am focused on building the Shelton Forbez brand and music.


Your new single ‘Smoke’, how has it been received so far?

It has been received amazingly. The girls get it, haha!

Any new exciting projects you’re working on right now?

Yes, I have started my own event where by I provide a platform for untapped music talent.

You’re a dancer too; tell me more about that…

It began in 2004, but only professionally in 2006, with music videos. I’ve appeared in about fifteen music videos in total. I have also choreographed for Danny K and opened up for Akon and Trey Songz, so dance is my first love.


Favourite clothing item?


Your thoughts on the current South African music industry status?

I think we are in a really good place, still work to be done but it’s at a great place.

Jackets or Jays? Select one



Follow Shelton!

Instagram: @sheltonforbez

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela


Get To Know Sne Mbatha…

Sne Mbatha, 23
Professional dancer, choreographer and upcoming actress

Dance is your life, tell me why?         

I’ve made the biggest sacrifices for dance; it saved me from a lot of things. Dancing got me through a lot in life. I appreciate this talent that God has given me…somehow people seem to understand me better when I dance, without dance I don’t see myself doing much in life. Dance has made me the person I am today and I still have a long way to go.


How and when did you get into the South African dance scene?     

Yoh! I’ve been dancing since I don’t know when dance decided to enter my system. I did two Television competitions, Wimpy Beat and my favourite, So You Think You Can Dance (Top 8 finalist). From then on I received a lot of calls in Gauteng so I decided to move here in 2013. I have had contacts from both commercial and theatre side…I’m truly blessed. I have had opportunities to work with amazing choreographers and also to choreograph some of the biggest concerts and award ceremonies in the country.

Are you part of a dance crew?  

Yes I am, Freeze Frame dance crew.

I’ve spotted your talent on most SA Hip-Hop & House music videos, how do you get to be chosen to be a dancer on a music video?     

I meet artists and directors in different places so networking has been my biggest saviour in this industry. It has always been a thing of me making sure I leave them more than happy with my work so I can be referenced more. I push myself to be recognized because being on TV for one show doesn’t make you the best thing ever; it’s about the after effect. Treat everyone around you the same, from the make-up artist, to the cleaner, the lighting guy, to the director…First impressions count! When I stand in front of that camera, it is no longer only about the people around me at that moment, but the people watching at home!


How do you balance things in your busy life?      

I have an injury that can never go away unless I do an operation so I always have to make time to see a chiropractor, get to rehearsals, do gigs, have meetings, etc. I have a lot on my hands but I can handle it, I always find ways to make it work…I don’t know how.

Give me a pro and a con about dance  

The pros are getting to travel and doing what you love. You grow as an artist and get to work with some amazingly talented people; you get to be part of history.
Cons, man the biggest battle almost every dancer is fighting: finances, respect, unity and consistency. You always have to stay fresh in this industry because it is easy for anyone to replace you, you have to stay hungry. The sacrifices dancers make are actually shocking! The things we do for success neh…


Music obviously plays a major role in a dance routine; give me your favourite SA Hip-Hop track out right now  

Oooooh I’m in love with Riky Rick- Fuseg, Breeze- FENDA, Cassper Nyovest featuring The Game – Cooking In The Kitchen & Turn Up, Wtf – all their tracks, Dj Switch featuring Nasty C, Tumi & Youngsta- Way It Go and an upcoming artist named Phantom Steeze – Skipa Saka Jo, Hooray and Losing My Mind…You’ll know him soon.

What exciting dance competitions/projects have you been involved in so far?               

I choreographed for the MTV BASE AFRICAN MUSIC AWARDS, Kanye West concert, Miller BoomTown Kendrick Lamar tour, I almost choreographed for Ne-yo but there was a situation with that, lol. Miller SAB, Castle Lite, I also choreographed and danced for Cassper Nyovest at #FillUpTheDome. I recently worked with Lee-ché Janecke (Vintage Cru) on Idols Season 11. I traveled with Freeze Frame dance crew to represent the country at the world champs in San Diego – Hip Hop International. I’m also in a Dance movie called Pop Lock ‘n Roll, I’m in the main crew there, super excited! It comes out this year. Keep your eyes and ears open!!!

Is there longevity in the dance industry to choose it as a career path?    

Yes there is, It all depends on how hard you work and if you are ready to truly bend over backwards to get there. Your level of faith and commitment must be on a 100!


What traits do you believe make a good dancer?          

Workaholic, fresh, be creative, be consistent, be a people’s person, be humble and always be open to learning new things because our industry is forever evolving. Work hard but work smart.

Give aspiring dancers some advice about choosing dance

Be ready to work, never give up! Push harder when people stop believing in you. It is not going to be a walk in the park; you have to keep your head up. The whole world will fall on you but you got to get up, dust your shoulders and continue running. Tomorrow is still another day but live today like you’ve only got one shot to do this! It’s not a joke, it’s your life!


Follow Sne!



Facebook: Sne Happyfeet Mbatha

Bridgette Makhela