Doowap & Tarryn On New Single Thunda Thighs, Collaborations And Performing

Khetsiwe “Doowap” Morgan / 30 / Live Mix DJ & Performer

Tarryn “TNT” Alberts / 29 / Artist, Dancer & Business Owner

You guys recently released a banger of an Amapiano song called ‘Thunda Thighs’, how did the concept come about?

Tarryn and I had been listening to a lot of Amapiano in 2019 and we started creating choreography routines to some of the tracks to perform during my DJ sets. Then end of 2019, Tarryn had the hook “Mmmm aaaahhh mmmm aaahhhh Thunda Thunda” stuck in her head and around that time we had just met the young producer DJ Nel (now going by the name DJ Nelcee) at one of our shows in Limpopo. I spoke to Nel and got him to send through some of his beats for us to vibe to. We both fell in love with the power and energy of the Thunda Thighs beat and we made the song that same day, all that was left was for it to be mixed and mastered.

How and when did you two start collaborating?

I have always admired Tarryn as a dancer, already back in 2014. Then in 2017 I asked her to help me out with creating a show and adding dance as a new element. Our first ever gig performing together was at Budweiser’s first show in South Africa. We then did Afropunk Jozi and Afropunk Brooklyn, New York together. The transition to making music together was a natural and gradual progression.

Music and Dance are what you guys represent on another level, what do you think the South African industry has done right when it comes to these two entities?

Music and dance is in South Africans’/Africans’ blood. We dance and sing when we happy or sad. There’s always been spaces and platforms for both crafts to shine. I will say though that dancers are not treated with the respect they deserve. The amount of hours they put in to help bring an artist’s show to life is immense. They are often overlooked in terms of budget and attention deserved, but still they deliver over and above to bring a show to life. We need more community centres in underdeveloped areas to give children and young adults an alternative to the harsh circumstances they grow up in. Tarryn started a dance centre called “So Dope”, where she teaches classes and is grooming the next generation of dancers. Hopefully we can have more mentors, leaders and spaces created to nurture and cultivate young talented individuals in all forms of artistry.

Where do you guys keep getting inspiration from?

We are both super inspired and motivated by our country and the driven youth that inhibit it. Connecting with young artists at all ours shows, spending time with like-minded creatives in Braamfontein and each city we visit sparks us and ignites our fire. Travelling is always the biggest inspiration, hopping on a plane and landing in a completely different country with their own culture and views is always a refreshing mind shift and opportunity to learn and engage with other parts of ourselves.

Travel is a major part of your lives, how do you plan your schedules around this?

The traveling is part of the work, I try and organize gigs at the places I would like to visit. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to get opportunities that fly us out of the country and give us time to explore it. Tarryn was fortunate enough to do multiple world tours with a well known group.

Once the lockdown’s done, where can fans look forward to seeing your performances?

Wow the future of music is so uncertain. We are not really thinking about shows at the moment as they keep getting cancelled, the main focus is to keep making music and to keep creating. We are also figuring out new and interesting ways of making money in this industry during this weird climate. If you would like to catch us doing our thing and shining then for now it seems it’s going to have to be virtually through Lives and social media.

Any music video for Thunda Thighs in the pipeline?

We would love a video for Thunda Thighs and have the treatment mapped out but the lockdown has put everything on hold. Hopefully something will come out soon.

The one thing you always do before a performance?

We always do warm ups, some abs and core workout, run through the choreography and stretch. The main thing is to loosen up and get our energy levels up.

Any exciting projects still to come from you two?

At the moment we are just focused on making the music video, keeping fit and finding the direction we want the music to go. We are grateful to have this chance to work on ourselves without the pressure of the outside world at the moment.

Advice for aspiring young females that look up to you?

Advice is do whatever you have to do to keep your star shining. Even if it means sometimes you have to be selfish with your time and the people you want to be around. Work on your passion daily, even on the days you are feeling off, just keep moving forward.

Follow Doowap & Tarryn!

Instagram: @djdoowap / @tarryn_tnt

Twitter: @DJ_Doowap

Facebook: @DjDoowap / @tarryntnt


-Bridgette Makhela 

Justice Mukheli On Film, Photography And Life In Between

Justice Mukheli / 34 / Filmmaker & Photographer

Not everyone can say they are a self-taught filmmaker and photographer, what sparked your interest?

I’ve always felt that I’ve wanted to be an artist, I felt this from a very young age. Both my parents were artists in their own way. My fondest memory is of my brother and I in primary school, when our father drew a picture of us holding a vinyl while we were listening to music. I grew up with drawings, paintings and sculptures around me. My mom would make jerseys with various patterns, even when it came to her baking skills, she way always creative. I’ve always known that I am artistically inclined. In school I was always interested in work that required drawing and creative solutions, I loved painting as well. On the other hand I was also into fixing cars and IT as well. I have Dyslexia and growing up with it was challenging and created trauma for me by the treatment I got from other kids around me. Therapy has now helped me a lot with getting over that trauma. There are still moments where it still kicks in, especially if I am nervous but the therapy has really helped and it’s gotten better.

What projects are you involved in at the moment?

I’m involved in a few projects at the moment. There’s a documentary that’s brewing, a little film for a cool brand (can’t say at the moment) and two amazing music videos I shot for a band called Urban Village with a label called No Format. There’s also an exhibition coming up, firstly online then in a gallery in Braamfontein, it won’t be new work but it’ll be put out in a different manner and package.

Inspiration and consistency keep the work going, who or what inspires you? 

I’m inspired by a lot of people and a lot of things. Music, politics and young individuals living their purpose. I am also inspired by our country and the advantages we have in our generation. The inspirational names that came before us didn’t have access to various opportunities like we do, that inspires me because our voices can be heard quicker and easier than our predecessors. I love people such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Current people that inspire me are Vincent Moloi and Tebogo Mahlatse, I believe they have moved our country forward and I am grateful that I get to work with them. My mother inspires me too, so much. My culture, heritage and beautiful history inspire me, as well as Black Power. The increasing need of seeing and acknowledging women inspires me. Being a man, a lot of what I am is easier because of my gender, this inspires me to be mindful of my privilege and be better and create access for women in any way that I can.

The industry is full of talented individuals, how do you keep your work apart and noticeable from others?

I create my work for me. My intention and purpose in my work is different. A lot of photographers follow trends, most creatives try to do the same type of thing. My intention and the feeling in my work will never be the same as anyone’s. Every project I do is for me, how the person receives it is secondary to what’s important to me.

Fashion seems to be one of your interests, how do you put an outfit together for an occasion?

I really love fashion, it’s a way for me to express myself. Fashion is very therapeutic for me. I buy a lot of clothes and lately I’ve been trying to understand why I have an access of items so I gave away about 60% of my shoes. I grew up poor, I didn’t have much. My dad left when I was 15 and he was the breadwinner, my mother didn’t have a job so she had to find creative ways to make money such as selling cakes, Mashonzha, etc. There was no room for me to be fashionable while growing up so when I started making my own money, I started buying stuff for myself. It’s a beautiful thing for me. I mean imagine going from having one shoe to being able to have five pairs a year, but I need to be mindful of how it affects my pocket now.

You’re a twin…how has this shaped your storytelling? 

Being a twin is amazing, it taught me how to be around other people, if even though my brother is me, and I am him, I still have to be mindful of him and around him. He is my right hand, and I am his, you have to be considerate. Him and I have the same interests and competing with one another helps us to always strive to be better. When you’re a twin you are born with a best friend that you can always be yourself around. Even when you’re not seeing eye to eye, you still love one another. Being a twin also gave me separation anxiety, it was hard for me to be alone but you learn to deal with it. The connection we have is still strong even if we’re now in different businesses and are pursing different careers, I can also always feel if something is wrong with him so you always just check up on the other half.

Where can people follow you on social media?

Instagram: @justicemukheli

Twitter: @justice_mukheli



Facebook: Justice Rendani Mukheli


-Bridgette Makhela

Yasmin Furmie On Timeless Fashion, Creative Inspiration And SiSi The Collection

Yasmin Furmie / Co-owner of SiSi The Collection / Reluctantly known as a Fashion & Style “Influencer”

You’re a fashion fire in the industry, where did the love story begin?

My story with fashion has always been evident. From an early age there was a desire to dress well. It has also been imprinted on me through my parents, especially my dad who dressed incredibly well. It has since evolved into the style I’m currently known for.

How do you put an outfit together, especially for important events?

There isn’t a lot of thought that goes into putting an outfit together, it all depends on how I feel. Thought does however go into what shoes or sneakers I wear. It may seem as if a particular way of dressing is an automatic thing, but subconsciously the desire to speak through my clothes is always there. Of course certain occasions call for a particular way of dressing and that may result in me thinking a bit more carefully about  how I present myself. Ultimately, my clothes say exactly who I am: Bold, Daring, Outspoken and Unapologetic.

SiSi The Collection, what is it all about?

SiSi The Collection is a collaboration between two people, my best friend Cynthia and I. She loves white shirts and as we’ve always wanted to do something together, the opportunity to start a business came along. We started our business in 2014. We saw a niche we could fill and the rest is history.

Style, how do you translate it into your everyday life?

Style is an ever present part of who I am. I use fashion to tell a unique story. The ability to be comfortable in my choice of clothes, the ease with which I put differing items together is indicative of my quirky style. My layering is what I’m known for and that’s basically an every day occurrence.

Do you have any fashion inspirations?

I find fashion inspirations daily. The beauty of what happens around me in South Africa; the way other people dress, women walking to work at 5am in the morning, looking supremely stylish. Young creatives inspire me daily. I am inspired by what happens globally as well as older women who step outside of the norm.

The South African fashion industry, what are the positives?

The amount of creativity is a positive on its own. In every field there is talent to be found, whether it’s in beauty, art or the design field. The democracy we exist within gives people the freedom to tell their stories in different ways. Sadly, there are not enough opportunities and that can be disheartening but my advice is to focus and pursue, collaborate and find the way to what it is you want to do.

What’s your take on age and dressing up?

Age is never an issue. I believe women should wear what they want, what makes them comfortable and what defines their personality. We are powerful enough not to be prescribed to.

How can females especially make fashion work for them?

I think people make fashion work for them every day. The very act of putting on clothes is an act of stating who you are in this world. We consume fashion in different ways; for some it’s an act of defiance, for others it’s a uniform to fit in. Daily fashion is used to tell stories and my advice to women and people in general, is to find the story you want to tell and see how your clothes can be the vehicle for telling that story.

Follow Yasmin!

Instagram: @yasminfurmie

Twitter: @yasminfurmie

Facebook: @YasminFurmie


-Bridgette Makhela

Mihlali Ndamase On Content, Influencing And Beauty In The Digital Era

Mihlali Ndamase / 22 / Certified Makeup Artist, Brand Strategist, Beauty Content Curator & Co-Founder of Siyasizana Foundation

Content: What does this word mean to you?

Documenting and sharing what brings fulfillment to you.

In this era of social media, how did you become a Digital Entrepreneur?

As my brand grew, I started to understand it’s value and the value it brought to the brands I collaborated with, that’s when I decided to turn content curating into a business.

You’ve made a big name for yourself within the beauty space through your YouTube channel, has this always been your passion?

Yes it has, I started watching Beauty YouTubers at age of 15. I drew a lot of inspiration from them when I finally decided to start my channel.

What does it mean to you to hold an Influencer label?

Being an Influencer means to have the ability to influence the purchase decision of others because of one’s authority, knowledge, position and relationship with their audience. Being regarded as one is honestly such an honour, especially when you work on such platforms, it benefits your business immensely because brands are then able to trust you with their product.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different, it honestly depends. Sometimes I wake up, go to the gym, come home and shower and begin filming or shooting content. Other days I have shoots in studio or outdoors, depending on who I am shooting for and what the style of the shoot is, then there are meetings in between. Some days are purely for relaxation and unwinding. I either spend them at home alone, or out with friends or family.

You’re the co-founder of Siyasizana Foundation, what is it all about?

Siyasizana Foundation is a non-profit organisation which was founded by myself and Dineo Nono in 2017. We focus on addressing various needs in society, our projects consist of assisting everyone. We have worked closely with Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra by throwing annual Christmas parties for the children, feeding them and supplying them with uniforms, clothes and blankets for the Winter season. We have also done baby drives (where we supply homes which house abandoned babies with food and clothing), pad drives, Winter clothing drives and book drives. We aim to grow and continue to empower men and women in our community and some day across South Africa.

Congratulations on winning the Cosmopolitan ‘Influencer of the Year Sparkle Award’, some advice to young ladies that look up to you?

Be very persistent in following your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise because your dreams are valid.

Pick one: Travel or Fashion?

Surely picking one should be illegal! I would have to go with travel.

Any exciting projects you’re working on for the rest of 2019?

More Masterclasses are to come, look out for ‘Beauty and The Beat’ in Durban, Cape Town and all over South Africa. I am also working on some exciting products and there is more growth and expansion to come for the Mihlali brand, I can’t give away too much so keep a lookout!


Follow Mihlali!

Instagram: @mihlalii_n

Twitter: @mihlalii_n

Facebook: @MihlaliiNdamase


-Bridgette Makhela

Pearl Shongwe On Her Journey In The Broadcast Industry And What’s Still To Come

Pearl Shongwe / 31 / TV & Radio News Anchor / Host of the most impactful youth leadership show on the continent, One Day Leader / Voice Over Artist / MC & Facilitator


How did you mould your way into the broadcast industry?

From winning a radio talent search competition in 2010, I’ve come a long way.  It’s taken a lot of hard work, dedication, networking, failure, rejection and a lot of patience! I’ve tried not to plan too much in my journey, I have set my eye on things I have wanted to accomplish and worked steadily from there. I follow my gut and I allow myself time to grow into whatever role I’m in. Being authentically me and not allowing myself to succumb to pressure has helped me stay true to my cause. It has not been easy and I’m grateful that my journey hasn’t been the smoothest because my character and who I am now is better for it. A lot of the skills that I possess have had to be self-taught, which is one of the things I remain profoundly proud of!


Your schedule is probably demanding, how do you keep focused?

There is a lot of demand on my time but with everything I do, my secret is to talk myself into staying present, so that I don’t miss out on any experience and any opportunity to be grateful. It’s so easy to fall into ‘auto-pilot’ mode and so it’s become imperative for me to take it one show at a time, one voice recording at a time, one shoot at a time, etc and be fully present so that I can deliver the best standard of work possible. I have been working 7 days a week for several years now and yes, it gets exhausting. It is especially difficult because I miss a lot of family and friends time but I think I’m getting better at managing that now, especially this year. I have learnt to manage my time more efficiently.  That also comes with sacrifices like saying “no” to paying gigs!


What have you learnt on your journey in the industry so far?

That it’s so important to do things your way, in your own time and pace. People will try and mould you into their own ideas of who you are and what you should be doing, and when. It’s not necessary to live up to anyone else’s expectations except your own. Rejection is part of the game. Deal with it. Do your best, audition, get better, take notes, practice and perfect it! Do what you can, until you can do what you want. Also, never forget why you started and always pay it forward.


Biggest moment you’ve had?

There have been so many! I’m gushing just thinking about a few of them! It’s impossible to single out just one. My most stand out Television moments include what was the very first time I was booked as a field reporter at the 2014 Carling Cup, making my debut on SABC’s longest running breakfast show, ‘Morning Live’, and working alongside Kass Naidoo on the Rio 2016 Paralympic show. Also, signing off at the end of my first news bulletin on Metro FM was a massive moment of sheer elation, joy, and satisfaction. I had dreamt about it for a very long time.


Look up to any one in the industry?

There are so many female broadcasters that I have immense respect for; Kass Naidoo, Ayanda Allie Payne, Azania Mosaka, Carol Bouwer, Oprah Winfrey, Lara Baldeserra, Bonang Matheba, and Gorja Calvin-Smith are at the top of my list but I also have a deep sense of admiration for women working behind the scenes in television including Desiree Markgraaff and Mmabatho Montsho who are such A-graders!


What’s the end goal after doing your part?

There’s a lot that I still want to achieve but I think one of my ultimate dreams is to own a TV and Film school in the township. Our children are so talented and need to be supported if they are passionate about the arts. I always think of what Oprah has done for our country to advance education and to provide better opportunities for young girl children here, it’s something that I think everyone should aspire to do; to contribute towards positively changing the trajectory of the future of our children. Our success is not our own, it is meant to build others up and to create a better reality for those who come after us! I also have a secret dream of being a diplomat and then retire in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands at 45!


Working on anything else in 2018 you’d like to share?

Not much. I lost my dad in January this year and I think my biggest commitment has been to try and focus on my healing journey and being there for my family.  It’s been a challenging time and I’ve just been showing up for all the current projects I have running without wanting to put myself under any pressure. I am an extremely ambitious woman, and though it’s been a little weird trying to allow myself to slow down, I’m actually okay with it. I am not complacent however and something exciting is definitely brewing for 2019, but I won’t say too much about it for now. All I can say is that I’m banking on it being a game-changer for me.


Talent, consistency and hard work, what do these things mean to you in your everyday work life?

Talent is not enough, consistency in itself is hard work and is tough to maintain and well, hard work pays off! Cliché but, it works! Whether you believe in working hard or smart – either way, work must be put in!


Strong, fearless females are usually seen as intimidating in society, how do you deal with that stigma within your work space?

I don’t think about it and so there’s nothing to deal with. I stand tall, go about my business and get the job done. I have no emotional capacity to deal with negativity or to try and nurse egos or even notice who is feeling what about my position. It’s simply a non-factor. There’s work to be done and I’m pretty good at shutting out the noise. Men or even women who feel intimidated should rather focus on their own journeys. Life’s too short to try and keep up with anyone else. Pearl Shongwe is busy working…are you?!


Follow Pearl!

Instagram: @pearlshongwe

Twitter: @Pearl_Shongwe

Facebook: Pearl Shongwe


Bridgette Makhela

C’Funk On New ‘In The City’ EP And All The Hours He Put In

Nhlakanipho Ndlovu C’Funk aka “Mission wabantwana” / 27 / Singer & Production Engineer
‘Time In The City’ EP is out, break it down track by track…
Time in the City is about my time in Johannesburg, I’m from Durban originally. I came to Johannesburg in October 2011 and never looked back. My experience within that time is partly depicted in the EP. Most of my experiences involve women, either than the fact that I love them, my experiences with women have left a lasting impression. If I had to name them all we’d be here all day long.
Track 1: Cobain The thing about this song is it’s the second to last track in terms of the order I wrote these songs. I had just finished speaking to my mother, every time I speak to her she always asks me when I’m coming home and I always have to reassure her that all is well and that I’ll be home soon. I usually end up speaking with my father as well, him and I are always discussing soccer, so I decided to write this intro just to show the current state of things. As you begin this EP, you’ll hear Smash Afrika’s voice, shout out to Smash Afrika, we’re both from out of town so his words really complimented the intro.
Track 2: Dubane This song came about after my homies and I hit the club, I forgot which club it was but it’s in Sandton next to a News Cafe, Taboo I think is the name. We ran into girls we know from Durban and I remember they were rollin’ with OKMalumkoolkat. That experience inspired the song and no, nothing happened between us and them, like I said, they came with people, the song was just my version of events.
Track 3: Chocolate Cinderella Is just and ode to my love for dark-skinned girls. I met thee idea dark-skinned girl at the time and the beat is what lead me into the theme because of the party bounce. The song is about enjoying her presence in any setting, even at a party setting, as you may know some guys don’t like hitting the club with their respective partners, using terms like “how you gonna bring sand to the beach”, and that’s the story of this song.
Track 4: Smoke Sum This song is my, what’s the word, “flex song”. I’m just talking that talk, when I made the beat I was feeling cheeky and carried that sentiment in the words. I can’t explain it to you, you have to hear it to understand.
Track 5: For Sure Is a love song, it’s not inspired by anything in particular. It’s the song I wrote when I decided to start taking singing seriously. I’d like to believe I was in love at this time, but since I can’t remember it. that must not have been the case. The thing I like about it though is that when I hear it now it resonates with my current relationship, which leads me to believe even a regular listener will be able to relate. 
Track 6: Comet My current favourite, this song came about in the final stages of the EP. I wrote it on Women’s Day, it was supposed to be an interlude but as I wrote the song, it started to have legs. Soon I had added a clip of me and an old flame in our drunk state, it’s inspired by her, she’s been a huge fan of mine since way back when, that’s why the opening line is “pitching tents for cute honeys I’m a silly mother toucher everything is good cause she likes me to Usher”.
Track 7: Time In The City Well this is the song that wraps up the EP, it puts everything into prospective in terms of where I started to where I am right now in this city. Big shout out to my boy Sandile Radebe, who added that dope verse that complimented what I was trying to say.
Bonus track: Clap For You This song is for the ladies, it features my homie J.Smallz, we just appreciating the ladies…WE GOT A VIDEO COMING SOON!
PS, the interludes that are in between certain songs are there to make a smooth transition for the songs on the EP, they all occurred after I wrote ‘Comet’. The story developed then, I mean yes I do understand that I come off as a “fuck boy”, claiming to be in love with this Dubane/Chocolate Cinderella girl but sharing intimacies with another young lady. I felt like it would make for a more compelling story.
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When did you decide to take the music route seriously?
It all happened in 2015, a good friend of mine named Phindile Ziqubu aka ‘The Boss Lady’ encouraged me to do so, her belief made me believe and the rest is history.
As a vocalist, any challenges you faced while putting the EP together?
Hell yeah! When I started all I had was a singing voice and a book full of songs, how to sing was something I didn’t know would be the problem. Singing is not a game, even now I’m still learning. that’s why the EP took almost two years to make. I had a lot of help from friends and even family at some point, that to me was the biggest road block. The rest didn’t affect me enough to be mentioned.
You’ve already released some singles from the EP, how have they been received so far?
Dubane, my first single, was received very well, it was even number one at some point on Khutso Theledi’s R&B Chart on YFM, shout out to Khutso. The second single from how I see not so much but the third one did the damn thing, shout out to J.Smallz for jumping on the song, we even got a video coming soon for that track.
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What’s the next step for you since releasing your EP?
Pushing it is my biggest goal, I want people to believe in the local R&B scene and I’m going to be performing every chance I get until I drop the next one I guess. Part of this you must understand is to feed my hunger to sing, when I wasn’t pursuing this I would sing everywhere, after a while people even started encouraging me to try out Idols.
You’re performed at YFM this past Friday on ‘Live n ReYired, how did your fans receive it?
I had a live band, with the ever so talented Delicious Keys aka Josh directing the music. It was dope! I’ll be performing songs off of the EP as well as two new songs just to round it off.
How many hours go into rehearsal?
A lot! I can’t really tell at this point because I’m singing most of the time.
C’Funk as an artist, how much have you grown since your musical journey began?
Immensely vocally, my pen has always been lit so at this point whether it’s to grow or not, it’s hard to tell.
What genre would you describe your music as?
I’d describe it as R&B, that’s my aim, I might shift a bit here and there but at the end of the day, the focus will be R&B.
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Follow C’Funk!
Instagram: @funknificent
Twitter: @TheRealCFunk
Facebook: C’funk
Bridgette Makhela

Kim Jayde On Juggling All Her Titles, Her Trusted Mantra And Future Aspirations

Kimberley Jayde Robinson / 27 / MTV Base Africa TV Presenter / Model / Fashion & Travel Blogger 

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How was it like for you growing up in Zimbabwe then having to move to South Africa?

I loved growing up in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was a small, safe town with a great sense of community. Cape Town, and now Johannesburg is the complete opposite! A fast-paced, big city with so much opportunity! It was definitely an adjustment moving here, but totally worth it for the career path that I am on right now.

You hold a few titles under your name, how does each title represent who you are?

Each title allows me to explore a different creative side of myself.  TV presenting allows me to work with people in entertainment, modelling allows me to take on various roles in TV commercials worldwide; from a Brazilian Samba dancer, to a Middle Eastern girl drinking Pepsi. The KimJayde blog allows me to travel and share beautiful places and experiences, as well as teach my followers about the fashion trends I’m loving at the moment. No two days are ever the same; that’s the beauty of wearing more than one career hat!

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Did you ever imagine that you would have achieved this much at this age?

To be honest, my mum always tells me “I never stop to think about how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.” I have my eye on so much more that I want to do. I look at the top women in the industry and that drives me to work harder and push even more. I’m so grateful for where I am now but I’m so focused on where I’m going, so watch this space!

Is there a downside that comes with being in this industry?

It’s a competitive one for sure. Only a select few get the opportunity to even be on TV, and to be on a platform like MTV is huge! The pressure to maintain a certain image in the public eye is something I have never dealt with before. Also, in the public eye, you are expected to be happy everyday. Should I have an off day, or go through a break-up, or anything like that, I still have to go to work, stand in front of the camera and be happy. So there are pros and cons to the job.

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What’s your mantra to always stay focused?

“Dream big. Work Hard. Stay Humble.”

What’s the one item you can’t function without?

My cellphone.

Any other aspirations you dream of?

I am a qualified Social Worker (Honours Degree in Social Work from the University of Stellenbosch) and it’s in my ten-year plan to start my own non-profit organization that will empower women and children through skills, training and education.

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2017 in one word so far?


How do you manage to give all your titles 100% each time? 

MTV Base Africa is my full-time job, I am also lucky enough to be able to blog when I have the time and inspiration to do so. Pace yourself, that way you can give it your all to create a quality product.


Follow Kim!

Instagram: @kimjayde

Twitter: @KimJaydeBlog

Facebook: Kim Jayde


Bridgette Makhela


Farah Fortune On Starting Her Own Business, African Star Communications And The Entertainment Industry

Farah Fortune / 37 / Director & Owner of African Star Communications

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Describe yourself in one word…


Share your story on how you found your way into the business of Public Relations and Event Management

I started my own business in 2008 after being tired of having a boss. I left my job with no savings. I had R1000 to start the business and used R589 to buy my CC for the company.

How do you get up every morning and keep going?

I have bills to pay so I have to work! I also love my job, makes a big difference to my enthusiasm levels. I always set myself goals, so I continuously want to achieve them.

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Was this always your vision for your future?

I knew I always wanted to be my own boss. I always knew I wanted to push women empowerment; I was just never sure how I was going to do it. So when I identified the opportunity to start my own business, I went for it. I had no idea if I’d succeed or not.

African Star Communications has come a long way, with celebrating 8 years this year, how do you plan on keeping up the great work?

We try and keep things fresh within the business through great Public Relations strategies and hopefully we will continue to do so for another 8 years.

One thing you never leave your home without?

Kissing my baby girl goodbye.

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Family and friends, are they a solid support structure?

Yes, very solid support! I appreciate them so much!!! You really can’t do anything in life without solid support.

Club or chilling at home, what do you prefer?

Chilling at home. My job is about events and parties most of the time, so when I get a chance, I like to relax, which isn’t often.

How would you describe the South African entertainment industry?

A growing industry with so much potential.


Follow Farah!

Instagram: @fcfortune

Twitter: @fcfortune

Facebook: Farah Fortune

Follow African Star Communications!

Instagram: @africanstar08

Twitter: @AfricanStar08

Facebook: African Star Communications


Bridgette Makhela


Fulu Mugovhani On Musical Theatre, Ayanda Movie And The South African Film Industry


Fulufhelo Georginah Mugovhani / 25 / Award Winning Actress


Where is Fulu from?

Fulu was born and raised in Thohoyandou, Limpopo.

Share your journey into the acting industry…

I’ve always been a singer…sang all my life and also participated in church plays from a very young age. However, I studied all your typical academic subjects (Maths, Geography, Science, etc) until Grade 12, then I had to decide what I really wanted to do for the rest of my life. My dad had just started working at the Tshwane University of Technology as Head of the Performing Arts Department and he handed me a brochure with the word ‘Musical Theatre’ on it – and there it was! I had found something I wanted to do but was also very good at…Singing, Acting and Dancing. After completing my studies at TUT, I immediately landed the role of Nala in the Hong Kong production of The Lion King. This was validation to me and to the rest of my peers who thought I was admitted into the Musical Theatre program because my dad was overseeing the whole department, I did well!


How did you land the Ayanda role?

It’s quite a story, to cut it short: I got a call from Ntathi Moshesh (who had just left Scandal) telling me about the auditions and how they were struggling to find the lead. I went there and I gave my best audition, then I got the part!

You’ve received a lot of love (and awards) since the Ayanda movie, what’s your opinion on the South African film industry in 2016?

Well, my introduction to the film world was just recently with Ayanda, and that did great. As long as we have amazing filmmakers in this country, the industry will only get better.


Do you have a mentor in your field of work?

I look up to a lot of women in this industry that motivate and encourage me both personally and professionally (whether they know it or not). But, my biggest mentor is my mother.

Do you sing in the shower?

Not anymore…now I just wanna shower, and get it over and done with, haha!


How do you keep fit and stay healthy with your schedule?

I try and make time but I’ve learnt not to beat myself up about missing a day or two of gym and eating badly. Life is too short really.

Love or laundry?

Love, but sometimes I’d just rather do my laundry.


Follow Fulu!

Instagram: @fulu_mugovhani

Twitter: @fulu_heart

Facebook: Fulu Mugovhani


Bridgette Makhela


Zinhle Jiyane: DJ & Business Woman, Adds Motherhood To List


Ntombezinhle Jiyane
DJ & Business Woman


At what age did the DJing bug hit you?

I started DJing in 2004.

The feeling you got when you first witnessed a crowd dancing to your music?

I was in disbelief and got less nervous than I was. It gave me so much confidence; I knew I could do it.



Describe the kind of woman that Zinhle is…

I am a very simple person. I am a body of love: I love my family, friends and fans. I love successful and ambitious women. I love music. I am the kind of woman who wants to see other women being successful and happy.

How has motherhood changed your priorities in life?

I don’t think it has changed me at all, I feel like it has heightened some of my characteristics. I love love and I feel an overwhelming feeling of love for my baby.


Your dream for your daughter is?

I want her to be happy! I want her to pursue her dreams and do whatever makes her happy as long as she does not hurt or disrespect anyone. I want her to have dreams and not be afraid to go after them. I also want her to know that she is loved and beautiful.

When Zinhle isn’t out working, what’s her best way to unwind?

Spending time with Kairo or with friends…I also love a good book and nap.


What’s your secret to maintaining staying power as a female DJ in the industry?

I stay true to myself.

Favourite quote?

“You are your thoughts.”


Got any phobias?

I have a phobia for balloons…Kairo is helping me face that fear, it’s not easy but I can’t expect my child to not have balloons at her parties just because mommy is afraid of them.

Besides DJ work and your Era by Zinhle line, are there any other projects you will be focusing on this year?

I will be releasing a new single featuring Tamara Dey.


Follow Zinhle!

Instagram: @djzinhle

Twitter: @DJZinhle

Facebook: DJ ZINHLE


Bridgette Makhela