Mo Flava On Trending SA, Radio And Everything Else In Between

Moeti “Moflava” Tsiki / Radio & TV Personality / Club DJ

What do you think you bring to the new Trending SA presenter line-up?

My experience in media and broadcasting has exposed me to many different facets and I hope that will shine through. I can cover a range of topical discussions ranging from current affairs to entertainment. Naturally, my personality and wit is apparently another stand out factor, lol.

How does Trending SA stand out for you as a TV show?

I love talk-show formats. I enjoy TV shows that create content based on daily affairs and social commentary. Trending SA is an excellent platform and it allows us to touch on many different subjects and get a sense of public opinion on a number of matters.

You’ve been in the entertainment industry for a long while, what do you think still needs to change?

The entertainment industry needs to be regulated better so that talent is protected. Our industry still remains relatively unstable. Talent needs to get paid more, talent also needs to plan careers and manage finances better. I think corporates and media platforms need to collaborate more with personalities on their own concepts.

Radio is in your DNA, how is TV different for you?

On radio, people hear what you say. On TV, they hear and see what you’re saying. The visual aspects of how you communicate become important when you’re live on TV. I also think TV has a much bigger crew working on one show, unlike with radio.

            Your wish for this year is?

            To elevate my career to the next level, and get the vaccine! Lol.

        How does a typical day look for you?

My radio show on Metro FM, ‘The Morning Flava’ from 5-9AM. Then meetings, voice overs and brand campaigns that I’m working on. Next thing you know, it’s time for Trending SA!

            Anything you would change about your career journey so far?

I wouldn’t change anything, but I do feel procrastination has been my “achilles heel”. I’ve put off so many great ideas and opportunities and I feel I need to stop second guessing myself and take more risks.

            What can fans expect from you in 2021?

I hope to contribute to the growth of Trending SA and grow my radio show too. I’m also working on my own initiative called ‘Buy Local’, a YouTube show that promotes local brands. I’m also giving away bursaries to students who want to study, and I’ve been a part of a student debt initiative aimed at eradicating student debt.

What would you say is your ex-factor?

People say it’s my smile, my voice, my choice of cologne and sneakers and my witty sense of humour, lol.

Follow Mo Flava!

Instagram: @moflava

Twitter: @moflavadj

Facebook: @MoFlavaDJ

-Bridgette Makhela

Manu Worldstar On Music, Dreams And Being An Inspiration

Manu Worldstar

Emmanuel Mumbili Mutendji

 24 / Afro Pop Artist

You fast made a name for yourself with the release of your EP ‘Young African Story’, how has life been ever since it dropped?

My life has been filled with crazy experiences and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve also lost a lot but gained a lot too. It’s been quite a roller coaster.

What’s the ultimate 2020 goal?

I have one vision, and that’s to release the best body of work I possibly can.

African music, describe it in 1 word…?


Who do you look up to when it comes to producing music?

Drake, J. Cole, AKA and Burna Boy, Just to name a few…

What are you working on at the moment?

The same thing I’ve been working on for the past 2 years, and it’s almost ready!

Was this always your dream?

My first dream was to become a soccer player, but God quickly led me on the better path for me.

What’s the message you always strive to send out through your music?

My overall message is to be truthful, have fun and live life to the fullest.

Favourite clothing item in your closet?

That’s a tough one, lol. I’d have to say it’s my jewellery.

How do you plan on always inspiring the kids that look up to you?

 By always being myself at all times and by making sure my voice is the voice of my people.

Follow Manu Worldstar!

Instagram: @manu_worldstar

Twitter: @Manu_WorldStar

Facebook: @manuworldstar


-Bridgette Makhela

Naledi Sibisi On Content, The Throne And The Mobb

Naledi Sibisi / 26 / Editor-in-Chief at The Throne Agency

Content, what does this mean to you?

Quality, value, tact and reception. Beyond how you carry and pass on information, I think content (creation and marketing) has more to do with how much you captivate and keep your target audience. The people behind the content have to be in the know; research, be on top of trends, understand what is happening in their industries and address or influence their audience through that knowledge. I think that really great content has more to do with the audience than the creator or marketer in the end. Your audience is ultimately who keeps determining what content is and how it translates.

It took you how many years to get to this point?

In theory, eight years. In practice, I would say about three years.

The Throne & The Mobb are dope, give a synopsis…

They feed each other but they also stand alone. Both The Throne and The Mobb explore entertainment, fashion, art and culture in a South African context. The agencies study cultural insights and influencer relations in order to serve as a voice for the contemporary urban and creative landscape. Most importantly, they are 100% Black female owned – aiming to reshape and rethink the creative industry and dynamic for the generation coming on board in the future.

What’s an Influencer to you?

Someone who has the ability to affect how you think and feel about products or services and can ultimately control your purchase power as a result. It goes beyond the surface level and pretty pictures on social media. An influencer is someone who has built up a following based on who they are, what they know and has identified their niche. As a result, brands can use this knowledge and audience loyalty to collaborate with them for marketing purposes to achieve their specific objectives. Influencers are assets.

Writing, it’s either you have it or you don’t. Agree?

Yes and no. I think as with any creative field it’s part ‘gift’, part passion and equal parts practice. You have to constantly study and practice your craft as much as you are passionate about it. You can have a natural flair for writing but if you are not pushing yourself, studying other writers and researching, you don’t have it.

South African social media platforms that praise and promote females, do we have enough?

More than enough. We need to keep promoting and praising them more. Above that, we need to keep putting more women in influential positions and positions of power. The gatekeepers of said platforms are still predominantly male. Life is about balance, it needs to apply in quite simple and complex contexts.

They say the hustle never stops, do you ever stop working and just chill?

I think that when you love what you do, you become a workaholic by default. It’s always important to take time out. I make it a point to not check work related things after a certain point. If it’s urgent, it can find me at 5AM lol.

How would you want to change another person’s life through the work you do?

To keep being a source of inspiration or reference on a large scale. In the near future when I feel I have established myself, I’d definitely like to take a group under my wing; I suppose like a mentorship. I think that knowledge is best when it is shared. I want young people specifically to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour and pass that on.

Where can everyone find your movement, handles?

Instagram: @thethronesa / @themobb_sa

Twitter: @TheThroneSA / @TheMobbSA

Website: /


Bridgette Makhela 

Pearl Shongwe On Her Journey In The Broadcast Industry And What’s Still To Come

Pearl Shongwe / 31 / TV & Radio News Anchor / Host of the most impactful youth leadership show on the continent, One Day Leader / Voice Over Artist / MC & Facilitator


How did you mould your way into the broadcast industry?

From winning a radio talent search competition in 2010, I’ve come a long way.  It’s taken a lot of hard work, dedication, networking, failure, rejection and a lot of patience! I’ve tried not to plan too much in my journey, I have set my eye on things I have wanted to accomplish and worked steadily from there. I follow my gut and I allow myself time to grow into whatever role I’m in. Being authentically me and not allowing myself to succumb to pressure has helped me stay true to my cause. It has not been easy and I’m grateful that my journey hasn’t been the smoothest because my character and who I am now is better for it. A lot of the skills that I possess have had to be self-taught, which is one of the things I remain profoundly proud of!


Your schedule is probably demanding, how do you keep focused?

There is a lot of demand on my time but with everything I do, my secret is to talk myself into staying present, so that I don’t miss out on any experience and any opportunity to be grateful. It’s so easy to fall into ‘auto-pilot’ mode and so it’s become imperative for me to take it one show at a time, one voice recording at a time, one shoot at a time, etc and be fully present so that I can deliver the best standard of work possible. I have been working 7 days a week for several years now and yes, it gets exhausting. It is especially difficult because I miss a lot of family and friends time but I think I’m getting better at managing that now, especially this year. I have learnt to manage my time more efficiently.  That also comes with sacrifices like saying “no” to paying gigs!


What have you learnt on your journey in the industry so far?

That it’s so important to do things your way, in your own time and pace. People will try and mould you into their own ideas of who you are and what you should be doing, and when. It’s not necessary to live up to anyone else’s expectations except your own. Rejection is part of the game. Deal with it. Do your best, audition, get better, take notes, practice and perfect it! Do what you can, until you can do what you want. Also, never forget why you started and always pay it forward.


Biggest moment you’ve had?

There have been so many! I’m gushing just thinking about a few of them! It’s impossible to single out just one. My most stand out Television moments include what was the very first time I was booked as a field reporter at the 2014 Carling Cup, making my debut on SABC’s longest running breakfast show, ‘Morning Live’, and working alongside Kass Naidoo on the Rio 2016 Paralympic show. Also, signing off at the end of my first news bulletin on Metro FM was a massive moment of sheer elation, joy, and satisfaction. I had dreamt about it for a very long time.


Look up to any one in the industry?

There are so many female broadcasters that I have immense respect for; Kass Naidoo, Ayanda Allie Payne, Azania Mosaka, Carol Bouwer, Oprah Winfrey, Lara Baldeserra, Bonang Matheba, and Gorja Calvin-Smith are at the top of my list but I also have a deep sense of admiration for women working behind the scenes in television including Desiree Markgraaff and Mmabatho Montsho who are such A-graders!


What’s the end goal after doing your part?

There’s a lot that I still want to achieve but I think one of my ultimate dreams is to own a TV and Film school in the township. Our children are so talented and need to be supported if they are passionate about the arts. I always think of what Oprah has done for our country to advance education and to provide better opportunities for young girl children here, it’s something that I think everyone should aspire to do; to contribute towards positively changing the trajectory of the future of our children. Our success is not our own, it is meant to build others up and to create a better reality for those who come after us! I also have a secret dream of being a diplomat and then retire in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands at 45!


Working on anything else in 2018 you’d like to share?

Not much. I lost my dad in January this year and I think my biggest commitment has been to try and focus on my healing journey and being there for my family.  It’s been a challenging time and I’ve just been showing up for all the current projects I have running without wanting to put myself under any pressure. I am an extremely ambitious woman, and though it’s been a little weird trying to allow myself to slow down, I’m actually okay with it. I am not complacent however and something exciting is definitely brewing for 2019, but I won’t say too much about it for now. All I can say is that I’m banking on it being a game-changer for me.


Talent, consistency and hard work, what do these things mean to you in your everyday work life?

Talent is not enough, consistency in itself is hard work and is tough to maintain and well, hard work pays off! Cliché but, it works! Whether you believe in working hard or smart – either way, work must be put in!


Strong, fearless females are usually seen as intimidating in society, how do you deal with that stigma within your work space?

I don’t think about it and so there’s nothing to deal with. I stand tall, go about my business and get the job done. I have no emotional capacity to deal with negativity or to try and nurse egos or even notice who is feeling what about my position. It’s simply a non-factor. There’s work to be done and I’m pretty good at shutting out the noise. Men or even women who feel intimidated should rather focus on their own journeys. Life’s too short to try and keep up with anyone else. Pearl Shongwe is busy working…are you?!


Follow Pearl!

Instagram: @pearlshongwe

Twitter: @Pearl_Shongwe

Facebook: Pearl Shongwe


Bridgette Makhela

Kgadi Mothotse On Ambitiouz Entertainment And Public Relations In South Africa

Kgadi Annah Mothotse / 25 / Publicist & Booking Agent


How did you get into Public Relations?

I studied at a media school, Boston Media House and fell in love with the concept of creating ideas strategically to build a certain perception of the brand or whatever it is you are trying to achieve with your consumers. My personality was also well fitted for the career path that I chose because of the fact that I am so confident, I believe in my ability to create stars and so I ran with it.

Your journey in the industry so far, how has it been?

It hasn’t been an easy one at all. But it most certainly has been rewarding. But one thing that has really helped is to have my own goals and targets in mind. I know very well that I want to be the best and I know what it will take for me to get there. I think the journey is still to give me challenges to overcome, but the most important thing is to overcome them right? I won’t give up, that much I know. I plan to go out in history books.

Ambitiouz Entertainment, what has it taught you?

It has taught me a lot about loyalty and passion for my career. Ambitiouz Entertainment has given me a voice and a fighting spirit in the bigger scheme of things. It made me realize and expose my strengths, passions and weaknesses to masses and myself that I wasn’t even aware of. It has also assisted me to polish my skills.


Which artists do you represent at Ambitiouz Entertainment?

I represent all artists.

How do you deal with bad publicity that affects your artists’ reputation?

It is important to remind fans and media of all the positive things that the artist has achieved in a small period of time. It is also important not to stray away but instead own up and give a humble approach. Let people know you are also a person but one whose mistakes and successes are magnified by an entire nation, whether good or bad.

Is South African PR on a competitive level yet?

No, I don’t think it is. I don’t think that we are being creative enough, instead we follow methods and ideas that have already been there for over 20 years. We need more people to be innovative and really think outside the box and work with what they have. Whatever it is you are trying to sell will only be appreciated with a stand out, memorable approach.

A moment you’re really proud of to date?

Being asked to be on a panel of Women In Music, presented by Thiwe Mbola. I was asked to speak as a PR expert at the age of 25, making me the youngest person on that panel. Most recently is Sjava winning a 2018 BET Award for Best International Act.


What would you like the rest of 2018 to bring?

I would like it to bring more prosperity and success with the company and it’s artists.

A message you would give to industry personalities seeking to keep a lasting brand…

Stay true to yourself and be authentic. People fall in love with people who are true and give real life stories.


Follow Kgadi!

Instagram: @kgadiness

Twitter: @kgadiness

Facebook: Kgadi Mothotse


Follow Ambitiouz Entertainment!

Instagram: @ambitiouz_entertainment

Twitter: @Ambitiouz_Ent

Facebook: Ambitiouz Entertainment


Bridgette Makhela

C’Funk On New ‘In The City’ EP And All The Hours He Put In

Nhlakanipho Ndlovu C’Funk aka “Mission wabantwana” / 27 / Singer & Production Engineer
‘Time In The City’ EP is out, break it down track by track…
Time in the City is about my time in Johannesburg, I’m from Durban originally. I came to Johannesburg in October 2011 and never looked back. My experience within that time is partly depicted in the EP. Most of my experiences involve women, either than the fact that I love them, my experiences with women have left a lasting impression. If I had to name them all we’d be here all day long.
Track 1: Cobain The thing about this song is it’s the second to last track in terms of the order I wrote these songs. I had just finished speaking to my mother, every time I speak to her she always asks me when I’m coming home and I always have to reassure her that all is well and that I’ll be home soon. I usually end up speaking with my father as well, him and I are always discussing soccer, so I decided to write this intro just to show the current state of things. As you begin this EP, you’ll hear Smash Afrika’s voice, shout out to Smash Afrika, we’re both from out of town so his words really complimented the intro.
Track 2: Dubane This song came about after my homies and I hit the club, I forgot which club it was but it’s in Sandton next to a News Cafe, Taboo I think is the name. We ran into girls we know from Durban and I remember they were rollin’ with OKMalumkoolkat. That experience inspired the song and no, nothing happened between us and them, like I said, they came with people, the song was just my version of events.
Track 3: Chocolate Cinderella Is just and ode to my love for dark-skinned girls. I met thee idea dark-skinned girl at the time and the beat is what lead me into the theme because of the party bounce. The song is about enjoying her presence in any setting, even at a party setting, as you may know some guys don’t like hitting the club with their respective partners, using terms like “how you gonna bring sand to the beach”, and that’s the story of this song.
Track 4: Smoke Sum This song is my, what’s the word, “flex song”. I’m just talking that talk, when I made the beat I was feeling cheeky and carried that sentiment in the words. I can’t explain it to you, you have to hear it to understand.
Track 5: For Sure Is a love song, it’s not inspired by anything in particular. It’s the song I wrote when I decided to start taking singing seriously. I’d like to believe I was in love at this time, but since I can’t remember it. that must not have been the case. The thing I like about it though is that when I hear it now it resonates with my current relationship, which leads me to believe even a regular listener will be able to relate. 
Track 6: Comet My current favourite, this song came about in the final stages of the EP. I wrote it on Women’s Day, it was supposed to be an interlude but as I wrote the song, it started to have legs. Soon I had added a clip of me and an old flame in our drunk state, it’s inspired by her, she’s been a huge fan of mine since way back when, that’s why the opening line is “pitching tents for cute honeys I’m a silly mother toucher everything is good cause she likes me to Usher”.
Track 7: Time In The City Well this is the song that wraps up the EP, it puts everything into prospective in terms of where I started to where I am right now in this city. Big shout out to my boy Sandile Radebe, who added that dope verse that complimented what I was trying to say.
Bonus track: Clap For You This song is for the ladies, it features my homie J.Smallz, we just appreciating the ladies…WE GOT A VIDEO COMING SOON!
PS, the interludes that are in between certain songs are there to make a smooth transition for the songs on the EP, they all occurred after I wrote ‘Comet’. The story developed then, I mean yes I do understand that I come off as a “fuck boy”, claiming to be in love with this Dubane/Chocolate Cinderella girl but sharing intimacies with another young lady. I felt like it would make for a more compelling story.
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When did you decide to take the music route seriously?
It all happened in 2015, a good friend of mine named Phindile Ziqubu aka ‘The Boss Lady’ encouraged me to do so, her belief made me believe and the rest is history.
As a vocalist, any challenges you faced while putting the EP together?
Hell yeah! When I started all I had was a singing voice and a book full of songs, how to sing was something I didn’t know would be the problem. Singing is not a game, even now I’m still learning. that’s why the EP took almost two years to make. I had a lot of help from friends and even family at some point, that to me was the biggest road block. The rest didn’t affect me enough to be mentioned.
You’ve already released some singles from the EP, how have they been received so far?
Dubane, my first single, was received very well, it was even number one at some point on Khutso Theledi’s R&B Chart on YFM, shout out to Khutso. The second single from how I see not so much but the third one did the damn thing, shout out to J.Smallz for jumping on the song, we even got a video coming soon for that track.
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What’s the next step for you since releasing your EP?
Pushing it is my biggest goal, I want people to believe in the local R&B scene and I’m going to be performing every chance I get until I drop the next one I guess. Part of this you must understand is to feed my hunger to sing, when I wasn’t pursuing this I would sing everywhere, after a while people even started encouraging me to try out Idols.
You’re performed at YFM this past Friday on ‘Live n ReYired, how did your fans receive it?
I had a live band, with the ever so talented Delicious Keys aka Josh directing the music. It was dope! I’ll be performing songs off of the EP as well as two new songs just to round it off.
How many hours go into rehearsal?
A lot! I can’t really tell at this point because I’m singing most of the time.
C’Funk as an artist, how much have you grown since your musical journey began?
Immensely vocally, my pen has always been lit so at this point whether it’s to grow or not, it’s hard to tell.
What genre would you describe your music as?
I’d describe it as R&B, that’s my aim, I might shift a bit here and there but at the end of the day, the focus will be R&B.
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Follow C’Funk!
Instagram: @funknificent
Twitter: @TheRealCFunk
Facebook: C’funk
Bridgette Makhela

Khutso Theledi On Her Career, Spinning Cars And Giving Back To The Community


Khusto Zanele Theledi / 25 / Radio Personality, Corporate MC, Motorsport Enthusiast, Female Car Spinner, TV Presenter & Voice Over Artist

How did you find your way into the media/entertainment industry?

I was poached by YFM’s former programming manager Tumelo Diaho-Monaheng and former YFM DJ Mo Flava from Boston Media House, Sandton.


You hold the titles Radio Personality, Voice-Over Artist, MC, Brand Ambassador and Motorcar Enthusiast, when do you ever get some alone time?

Every week. I make sure I make time not only for myself, but for God, family, my partner and friends no matter what. I will never compromise that, I would drop everything for what comes first in my life.

Your partnership with Boston Media House, what’s that all about?

I studied at Boston Media House in 2011 (Media Practices) and majored in Radio. I then became a Boston Media House voice over artist, all thanks to my principal at the time, Ruan Venter and Radio lecturer, Karl Kikillus “Mr K”, who believed not only in my voice, but also in the passion I had for radio. Ever since then, Boston Media House has been a part of my journey and a true blessing, opening up opportunities for me in radio and more. Since 2016/17 I’ve partnered with Boston Media House to bless five people each year with bursaries over R500 000.00

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Giving back to the community, what does this mean to you?

Giving back to the community always reminds me that no matter how tough my life is (and it’s been very tough), there’s always someone who’s facing challenges that are even tougher than mine. It takes nothing away from me to give back and I expect nothing in return for it. If God can bless me, nothing will stop me from blessing others, it gives me so much joy and this is just the beginning.

Where does your love for cars come from?

It comes from growing up in Mpumalanga with a family that loves cars. My dad drove a BMW 325is Coupé “Gusheshe’” that was red in colour. I remember being driven to school in it everyday with my cousins. I still remember everything about that car and until this day, I’m in love with the Gusheshe. One person I need to thank for bringing back that memory back to life is Pule from Soweto Drift Academy, who I met in 2013/14 and learnt how to spin Gusheshes from.

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You’ve also partnered with, what’s the scoop there?

The work that you’ve seen with and myself is just the beginning of many more great things to come. It was an honour to have been part of the annual Consumer Awards 2017 as a female judge to establish the most prestigious, credible and influential Awards programme in the South African motoring industry. The scoop is that there’s more to come from Khutso Theledi and

Are you proud of your accomplishments so far?

I believe my biggest accomplishments are the ones no one ever sees, the ones that aren’t so out there, and obvious to anyone else, the ones that have been personal and close to my heart.

Your most treasured moment in your career so far?

During my show on YFM Saturday and Sunday 12-3PM #ChargedUp, I have a segment called #RevdUp where the listener gets to talk to me and tell me more about their cars. It’s not a platform to brag about your car, it’s a platform for the listener to share their treasured car story, how hard they had to work to drive the car they are driving, etc. I had the privilege of talking to Nomzamo Mbatha about her car. She said live on radio: “Khutso, I think you are one of the most under celebrated people amongst us in this industry, and I really just want to commend you for your work and everything that you do, you have your own race at your own pace and I respect that about you.” Those words from such a phenomenal young black woman, doing great things not only in the industry, but for many who are inspired by her and the hard work she’s put in, has been the most treasured moment for me in my career so far.

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How do you plan on making the rest of 2017 as an amazing year?

All I’m going to say is “2017 is 20Theledi”

Follow Khutso!

Instagram: @khutsotheledi

Twitter: @KhutsoTheledi

Facebook: Khutso Theledi

Bridgette Makhela


Conté Creatives: Creative Content Producing Company

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Conté Magazine seems like a really cool source of creative information, what is it all about?

The Conté creative portfolio is aimed at creative African individuals such as illustrators; fine artists; graphic designers; animators; architects; interior designers; poets; photographers and fashion designers. These creatives are given the opportunity to be featured in both digital and print spheres (Conté Digital and Conté Magazine).

Conté Digital is released monthly online, enabling artists to expand their reach to the international markets; those same artists are then allowed to fully exhibit their work in a themed print edition of the Conté Magazine.

Conté Magazine is a Quarterly Creative book that is accompanied by an exhibition event, where all the featured artists get the chance to have their work exhibited. Twice a year, creatives have a platform to have their work displayed and fully exhibited. This is the ultimate Conté vision.

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How and when was Conté Magazine founded?

Conté Magazine is a company started under our holding company Conté Creatives. The agency, which was founded on the 6th of November 2014. The first magazine was released on the 7th of May 2015.

We previously worked at a Transmedia company situated in Auckland Park, and towards the end of our contract, instead of having it renewed, we chose to look for work spaces that would enable us to start our own projects. We found a place called JoziHub, a tech based Hub at 44 Stanley Avenue. This was the beginning of all our Conté adventures.

Is there a specific market you are aiming for/at?

Our Market is extremely vast. When we started our target with creatives all across the board. Weirdly enough, after the release of our 2nd Issue, we realized that our market had changed. We were attracting more businesses, corporate individuals, art buyers and investors. With each issue we learn that our target keeps changing rapidly, which isn’t bad at all. As long as we bring more awareness to creatives all over Africa.

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 What does the content you produce seek to fulfill?

The content we produce is aimed at driving collaboration among artists in order to turn the arts into a force to be reckoned with. We started a vision that would revolutionize the way people think of the creative industry internationally. It is more than just a creative portfolio, it allows the reader to be involved in the creative process, to make the transition from consumer and viewer to creator and enthusiast. We are all about changing the way we work together.

Your upcoming event in June, do elaborate as to what can be expected by attendees?

Each of our events bring a different element each time. Our magazines are themed each issue, and based on the theme, our events take on elements of that theme. This upcoming event, sponsored by the University of Johannesburg, will be based on the current theme “RAW” and the other exciting thing about this event is that it will be around the week of June 16 and we are trying to celebrate the creative students.

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 What can readers expect in the next issue to be released?

This next issue is going to bring on a different aspect of things we see on a daily basis. This “RAW” issue is living up to it’s name…everything is going to be Raw, uncensored, unscripted. Whatever comes to your mind…we will be showing that off to the world…and the lovely thing about this issue, is that it is off to New York in July.

How was the feedback from your previous event, the Revolution issue launch?

Every launch we’ve had, has brought about more interest, more excitement, and more sponsors. And the Revolution issue was no different. We have received nothing but POSITIVE feedback throughout.

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As a South African creative content producing company, what does a day in the office look like?

A day at the office is always exciting…we are all very busy, but the busyness isn’t overwhelming because we all get to do what we ABSOLUTELY love doing. We are all a fun bunch, so coming to work is always entertaining.

What is the way forward for Conté Magazine for the years to come?

Moving forward, Conté’s mission is to expand its leadership role in the creative market, using groundbreaking creative solutions and also expanding creative collaboration by using it’s publications. There is a lot to look forward to because more than anything we want to be the international voice for African Creatives and whatever we can do to make sure we are that, we will most definitely do.

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Follow Conté Magazine!

Instagram: @contemagazine

Twitter: @ConteMagazine

Facebook: Conté Magazine


Bridgette Makhela