Falz TheBahdGuy On Music, His Journey And Time in South Africa

Falz TheBahdGuy (Folarin Folana) / 30 / Nigerian Rapper, Songwriter, Actor & Filmmaker

How has your journey as an artist been so far?

It’s been so interesting, I’ve been doing music professionally since 2009.

Favourite artist you’ve collaborated with?

That’s a tough one, everyone I’ve worked with has something special about them, I can’t pick a favourite.

When did the love for music begin?

My journey began at about 10/11 years. I started writing raps and formed a group at school where we’d perform for other students, I developed so much love for the art. In university I perfected my craft, I took the time to invest in proper recordings and also put out my music online, that’s when everything caught fire.

What about the Nigerian music industry would you say still needs to be fixed?

A proper structure that looks out for creatives has to be built. Royalty collection for instance, creatives need to be protected in that regard. It’s intellectual property that needs to be protected.

Any favourite African country you’ve traveled to?

South Africa, it’s the most developed. The infrastructure is proper and the outlook of the city is great, it’s good to see.

Any advice for aspiring artists on the come-up?

Just have fun, music is meant to be enjoyed. Be passionate about it, be hardworking and truly enjoy yourself.

You’re a creative, any other things you’d like to branch out to?

There are indeed many layers to me. I’m a lawyer, an actor and have recently become a filmmaker. During the pandemic last year, I launched my film company where I get to tell African stories, stories about us beautifully to the world. I’m also getting to a point in my life where I’m all about impact in people’s lives.

Any new music you’re releasing?

I don’t have a name or date yet, but I have an album coming out in the next two months.

Follow Falz!

Instagram: @falzthebahdguy

Twitter: @falzthebahdguy

Facebook: @falzthebahdguy

-Bridgette Makhela

ASA On New Music, Touring Africa And How She Got Discovered

ASA /  Singer, Songwriter & Musician  
You’ve recently had a busy time touring South Africa and Namibia, how do you prepare your performances for set shows? 
I warm up two hours before the show, then stay totally quiet for fifteen minutes before show time to visualize myself on stage.
Africa loves you, do you believe your music speak to fans beyond the continent?
Yes it does speak to fans beyond the continent.
How does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is waking up at 5:30am, reading for two hours, then having coffee with Oma (my dog) next to me. Work out and then write in the studio until 3pm, then do some riding, painting, chatting or watch movies, it all depends on my mood. 
Your latest single, The Beginning, what’s the message there?
It is about pausing in life, in love and however the words speak to you. I don’t really like interpreting songs, as they mean different things to the listener. 
How did you get into the music industry?  
I had been writing songs and performing before I traveled to Paris. I got discovered by an Artist & Repertoire in Paris while performing and then got signed.
Anything exciting coming up that fans can expect from you?
I have just released ‘The Beginning’, the first single from my fourth studio album, which will be released in September.
What have you learnt from your journey in the industry so far? 
Always have the right and truthful people around you, it helps keep you grounded. 
Your advice to the young female out there inspired by you?
Be YOU! Never let anyone tell you what your story should be.  
Follow ASA!
Instagram: @asaofficial
Twitter: @Asa_official
Facebook: @asaofficial
Bridgette Makhela