ASA On New Music, Touring Africa And How She Got Discovered

ASA /  Singer, Songwriter & Musician  
You’ve recently had a busy time touring South Africa and Namibia, how do you prepare your performances for set shows? 
I warm up two hours before the show, then stay totally quiet for fifteen minutes before show time to visualize myself on stage.
Africa loves you, do you believe your music speak to fans beyond the continent?
Yes it does speak to fans beyond the continent.
How does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is waking up at 5:30am, reading for two hours, then having coffee with Oma (my dog) next to me. Work out and then write in the studio until 3pm, then do some riding, painting, chatting or watch movies, it all depends on my mood. 
Your latest single, The Beginning, what’s the message there?
It is about pausing in life, in love and however the words speak to you. I don’t really like interpreting songs, as they mean different things to the listener. 
How did you get into the music industry?  
I had been writing songs and performing before I traveled to Paris. I got discovered by an Artist & Repertoire in Paris while performing and then got signed.
Anything exciting coming up that fans can expect from you?
I have just released ‘The Beginning’, the first single from my fourth studio album, which will be released in September.
What have you learnt from your journey in the industry so far? 
Always have the right and truthful people around you, it helps keep you grounded. 
Your advice to the young female out there inspired by you?
Be YOU! Never let anyone tell you what your story should be.  
Follow ASA!
Instagram: @asaofficial
Twitter: @Asa_official
Facebook: @asaofficial
Bridgette Makhela 



Johannesburg (South Africa) – In the 90’s the Berea Courts, on the corner of Joe Slovo and Abel Road in Johannesburg, were the home ground for the country’s upcoming basketball talent. On 12 August 2017, international 3-on-3 basketball competition Red Bull Reign makes it’s way to those very courts to restore them to their former glory.

Red Bull Reign is the only basketball tournament with a cumulative scoring system as teams of three play against each other in rounds with the highest scoring team advancing to the next round. This system essentially makes the event an offence-focused tournament where “it’s all about getting buckets.”

The tournament started in the United States two years ago and is now a global sports phenomenon with participation from over 15 countries, including South Africa. The global finals will take place in Washington DC in the USA on the 15th/16th of September at the historic Barry Farms.

The Berea Courts, in the shadow of the iconic Ponte Apartments, will be prepped and primed not only for the event, but also as a leave-behind for the basketball community at large.


DATE: Saturday, 12 August 2017


PLACE: Ponte Basketball Court (Berea Park, Cnr Abel and Joe Slovo Drive, Johannesburg)


Distributed on behalf of Red Bull South Africa

Distributed by: Tutone Communications 

PR Contacts: Melanie Gia Ramjee  

+2784 682 3457 


Bridgette Makhela

DreamTeam On Group Dynamics, Growth And Upcoming Projects


Trevor Sineke, 32, Musician
Lusaso Ngcobo, 26, Musician
Mthokozisi Mkhathini, 25, Musician


Why the name DreamTeam?
Well we’ve always been friends even before we started making music together, and the name DreamTeam speaks to the Dreams that we’ve always wanted to achieve, and the fact that we’re a tight knit Team. We have a strong circle of support which also falls under the brand so we’re basically a team chasing all of our dreams together.


You three are already a big name in the Hip-Hop industry, where to from here?
We’ve still got a long way to go to get to where we ideally want to be, so the name of the game at this stage is growth, and consistency. We want to develop the DreamTeam brand to be a continental powerhouse, so our focus this year is creating and establishing partnerships and relationships that will allow us to grow in other African countries. That means more collaborations, promo tours, performances etc…

KwaZulu Natal will always be home right? Do you guys now reside in Jozi full-time?
Yes KwaZulu Natal will always be home to us. We’re currently in Johannesburg to fulfil some of our work obligations, but KZN and Durban still play a big role in our lives, as our strongest support base.


How do you guys manage to keep your schedules in-sync?
We have a really strong team, and although it gets hectic at times they are responsible for keeping our schedules aligned.

Who decides on the daily look of the group?
We all have an input into what we dress like; we’ll normally have a conversation around it and decide on a look that everybody is comfortable with.


How has the album been received so far?
The reception to the album has been fantastic. It took a bit of time to get traction around it but people have been really responsive and seem to love the body of work we put out. We’re still on that campaign trail to push it more and create a stronger awareness, and we’re still planning to tour, so we’re expecting more positive feedback from people that are yet to hear it.

Any new music your fans can look out for soon?
Yes we have a lot of new music coming in the near future; we’ve got a couple of features, most notably with PatoRanking for his album and Duncan for his. We might be dropping a video very soon too.


Who keeps everyone in check between you guys? Lol
Depends on who needs to be kept in check really…But we all rely on each other to keep the team in line.

Cape Town or Gauteng?
Cape Town!


What are DreamTeam’s future plans?
We are hoping to drop a new video and single soon, we’ve had a great response to our current single, ‘Shandis’ so we’re hoping the new single at least matches that. We are also doing an event called Dubane Spring Break in September, last year it brought in over 10 000 people so we’re hoping to top that…Other than that, expect a tour, and possibly a new album.


Follow DreamTeam!

Instagram: @dreamteamdbn

Twitter: @DreamTeamDBN

Facebook: Dreamteam_DBN


Bridgette Makhela

Some Time With Thiwe Mbola, All About Her Soul Therapy Album


Thiwe Mbola / 31 / Singer/Songwriter

Tell us about your album Soul Therapy…
Soul Therapy is my second album, released last year September. It has eleven tracks and was produced by Demor with the exception of ‘I Am Woman’, which was produced by Sun-El as well as ‘I Care For You’, which was produced by Mondli Ngcobo. I wrote six of the songs and co-wrote two. Sbu Nkomo wrote a beautiful Sesotho love song, and two were written by Mondli Ngcobo. The album has three features, which include Zano, Ziyon and Busiswa. It’s a beautiful body of work that showcases my songwriting, vocal capabilities and growth as a storyteller.

What inspired the album?
The album is inspired by my own personal journey. I sing about faith, prayer, spirituality, heartbreak, loneliness, love, a man’s role in society and female solidarity.


What are your favourite songs on the album, if any?
‘I Am Woman’ (a celebration of being a modern day woman and encouragement for women to celebrate their individuality and that of others). ‘Just A Matter Of Time’ is also close to my heart as it’s a reminder that as much as I am nowhere near where I want to be, things will work out eventually.

Any collaborations on the album that stood out for you?
All three collaborations are special. I believe Zano and I are vocal soulmates, what we make together is just magical. Ziyon came in to do vocal arrangement and ended up recording a verse for ‘Just A Matter Of Time’. We really blend well together. The collaboration with Busiswa is special because the one thing I wanted most for the album was female collaborations and she’s the only one who agreed. Her energy on ‘Ubuhle Bendoda’ was exactly what I expected.


Have you always been in the music business?
I have been in the music business since 2004. I started out with doing backing vocals, and then got into the music business learnership, from there I got into artist management and worked on The Standard Bank Joy of Jazz and did PR for Kem when he came to South Africa for the first time. So even when I’m not making music, I’m somehow still involved in the background.

What can you reveal about your journey in the industry so far?
My journey has not been all moonlight and roses but I wouldn’t change anything about it. I have grown a backbone and learnt to do things myself and all this really does come in handy, especially when you are a woman in a male dominated industry.


How’s your schedule for 2016 looking like?
2016 started off on a good note when I got nominated for a Metro FM Music Award in the Best Female category. So God willing, I’ll be bringing it home. I’m heading to the Miami Winter Music Conference in March for two performances and to record a collaboration with the legendary house vocalist Barbara Tucker. One other collaboration with Charles Webster has just been put to bed. I’d love to take Soul Therapy on the road to promote it as I know that many people still don’t know me and my work. Other than that, I’m working behind the scenes for a few projects close to my heart. I’ll definitely be revealing them when the time is right.

What can you tell young talented women that would love to take the same road as you?
When talent is there, don’t ever compromise your values in order to succeed. It’s very appealing to fast forward the hustle by doing things you wouldn’t normally do that compromise everything you stand for, but it’s so rewarding to see your hard work paying off.


*Soul Therapy is available on iTunes and in music stores*

Follow Thiwe!

Instagram: @thiwem

Twitter: @Thiwe

Facebook: Thiwe Mbola


Bridgette Makhela