Falz TheBahdGuy On Music, His Journey And Time in South Africa

Falz TheBahdGuy (Folarin Folana) / 30 / Nigerian Rapper, Songwriter, Actor & Filmmaker

How has your journey as an artist been so far?

It’s been so interesting, I’ve been doing music professionally since 2009.

Favourite artist you’ve collaborated with?

That’s a tough one, everyone I’ve worked with has something special about them, I can’t pick a favourite.

When did the love for music begin?

My journey began at about 10/11 years. I started writing raps and formed a group at school where we’d perform for other students, I developed so much love for the art. In university I perfected my craft, I took the time to invest in proper recordings and also put out my music online, that’s when everything caught fire.

What about the Nigerian music industry would you say still needs to be fixed?

A proper structure that looks out for creatives has to be built. Royalty collection for instance, creatives need to be protected in that regard. It’s intellectual property that needs to be protected.

Any favourite African country you’ve traveled to?

South Africa, it’s the most developed. The infrastructure is proper and the outlook of the city is great, it’s good to see.

Any advice for aspiring artists on the come-up?

Just have fun, music is meant to be enjoyed. Be passionate about it, be hardworking and truly enjoy yourself.

You’re a creative, any other things you’d like to branch out to?

There are indeed many layers to me. I’m a lawyer, an actor and have recently become a filmmaker. During the pandemic last year, I launched my film company where I get to tell African stories, stories about us beautifully to the world. I’m also getting to a point in my life where I’m all about impact in people’s lives.

Any new music you’re releasing?

I don’t have a name or date yet, but I have an album coming out in the next two months.

Follow Falz!

Instagram: @falzthebahdguy

Twitter: @falzthebahdguy

Facebook: @falzthebahdguy

-Bridgette Makhela

Wurld On AfroSoul EP, The International Music Scene And Upcoming Projects

Sadiq “Wurld” Onifade / 33 / Singer, Songwriter & Musician

You’ve made a name for yourself in the international music scene, was this always the goal?

The goal has always been to share good music and a new perspective of the Afrobeat perception to the rest of the world. Everything is happening the way it should, but the main goal is to motivate people.

Your AfroSoul EP is making major waves, what’s the inspiration behind it?

It’s an appreciation. I’m defining Afrobeat in my own way with AfroSoul and looking forward to sharing more experiences.

Got a favourite song on the EP?

They are all my babies.

Which artist would you love to work with at the moment?

Coldplay, Asa and Kendrick Lamar

How has your work life changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic?

Everything is digital and I’m spending more time in the studio. I miss performing for my fans but it has kept me more focused on creating music.

The most important thing you’ve learnt in your career so far?

Patience and consistency.

What does music mean to you?

Music is an escape. It’s my number one escape that gets me through daily life struggles.

You and Sarz gave fans the EP ‘I Love Girls With Trobul’, how was that received?

That was a moment in Afrobeat history that we made, I’m grateful that fans back home and abroad accepted and are still accepting it.

Any new projects you’re working on?

Yes, I’m working on some new stuff. I’ll be sharing details on my social media platforms soon. Cant’ wait, working on collaborations as well.


Follow Wurld!

Instagram: @thisiswurld

Twitter: @thisisWurlD

Facebook: @thisiswurld


-Bridgette Makhela


ASA On New Music, Touring Africa And How She Got Discovered

ASA /  Singer, Songwriter & Musician  
You’ve recently had a busy time touring South Africa and Namibia, how do you prepare your performances for set shows? 
I warm up two hours before the show, then stay totally quiet for fifteen minutes before show time to visualize myself on stage.
Africa loves you, do you believe your music speak to fans beyond the continent?
Yes it does speak to fans beyond the continent.
How does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is waking up at 5:30am, reading for two hours, then having coffee with Oma (my dog) next to me. Work out and then write in the studio until 3pm, then do some riding, painting, chatting or watch movies, it all depends on my mood. 
Your latest single, The Beginning, what’s the message there?
It is about pausing in life, in love and however the words speak to you. I don’t really like interpreting songs, as they mean different things to the listener. 
How did you get into the music industry?  
I had been writing songs and performing before I traveled to Paris. I got discovered by an Artist & Repertoire in Paris while performing and then got signed.
Anything exciting coming up that fans can expect from you?
I have just released ‘The Beginning’, the first single from my fourth studio album, which will be released in September.
What have you learnt from your journey in the industry so far? 
Always have the right and truthful people around you, it helps keep you grounded. 
Your advice to the young female out there inspired by you?
Be YOU! Never let anyone tell you what your story should be.  
Follow ASA!
Instagram: @asaofficial
Twitter: @Asa_official
Facebook: @asaofficial
Bridgette Makhela 

Reabetswe Mooketsi On Public Relations And Founding I BAR PUBLICITY

Reabetswe Fortune Mooketsi aka “Rabi” / 26 / Founder & Director at I BAR PUBLICITY 

 How have you contributed to the industry so far?

Wow, it has been an interesting journey for me. PR really found me, in 2016 on a random day I got a call for my Mavin records (Nigeria) and they asked me to assist Tiwa Savage with PR, just a year later I was employed by Sony Music Africa as a PR intern – the greatest foundation ever! Having worked on the biggest projects; Dj Maphorisa, Riky Rick, Kwesta, Jabu Hlongwane, the list goes on and on! Six months later, I found myself at Universal Music as a Coordinator for the local division, 2018 releases had to become my babies; from Nasty C’s “Strings & Blings”, Lady Zamar, Prince Kaybee, Mafikizolo, DJ Ganyani, Kalawa Jazmeee, Dr Tumi, Khaya Mthethwa, I could literally go on. But I can confidently say I was truly blessed having worked with a quarter of the South African music industry and made a great contribution to that!

What does a typical day consist of for you?

My day consists of a lot of emails, long phone calls and seeking new opportunities! Re-Introducing myself, taking care of existing clients and ensuring that all is still going well.

What’s the one thing required when working with artists and celebrities?

Being selfless; having worked with number of artists has taught me to put the client’s needs first, and making sure their dreams come true!

Describe Public Relations in one word… 


Who’s got the dopest brand/image right now according to you?

Riky Rick! What an Influencer!

What’s the secret to a successful event?

Planning and dedication.

One item you can’t survive without?

My phone!

 It’s not easy working your way to the top, advice for upcomers? 

Stay true to who you are, don’t break but just crack and get up! Be open to learning, be humble, don’t be scared of introducing yourself! With each opportunity you get, whether it’s a paying or non paying gig, take it as an experience and give it your all! It’s okay not to know, just ask! Make mistakes and learn from them!

Where can people reach you?

Personal: @RabiMe on InstagramTwitter

Work: @ibarpublicity on Instagram & Facebook


Bridgette Makhela

WurlD On New EP, Contagious Single And Being Human First

Nigerian-American Singer and Songwriter, WurlD (real name Sadiq Onifade), recently visited South Africa for the first time, giving an amazing musical showcase at the Universal Music Group South Africa head offices in Rosebank, Johannesburg. #BKoolMedia got to sit down with him following his showcase, this is what he had to say…


First and foremost, why South Africa to showcase your music?

South Africa represents the future for Africa, it is an amazing country. What Mandela has done is truly inspirational, and it takes a village to continue that good work. I have a song called Mother’s Prayer with a line that actually says “When I was young, I dreamt of being Mandela”. I’ve never been to South Africa, this is my first time but I am a fan of the growth.

What’s the EP about?

My EP is titled Contagious and it is a universal conversation. It’s Africa, it’s the US, it’s London. It’s free music. My only hope for the project is to touch as many lives as possible and I can’t wait to share it, it has different colours to it.

Time spent between Nigeria and America, how did that come to be?

Most of my childhood was spent in Nigeria, I went to high school in Nigeria and went to college in America, Atlanta. I actually have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Information Technology.


Music has always been a part of me, in my spare time after school I used to go and take part in talent shows and go to studios in Atlanta. Atlanta has always been a hub for Hip-Hop and R&B music. I’ve found myself in the midst of really talented people. I have however, had to work five times harder because I’m African, people would always have a perception of how my music is supposed to sound.

What’s Contagious about?

Contagious is me going back to my childhood, being inspired by Juju, Fuji and Afro Beats music, the kind of music my parents would listen to while I sat in the backseat of their car.

Any South African artists you’d be keen to collaborate with?

I’d love to collaborate with Shekhinah, she’s dope. Nasty C is dope as well, I love what he represents for the youth and the kids. I also love what artists such as Black Coffee are doing, it’ gonna touch hearts.


Before the end of the year, I’ll be releasing the Contagious EP. I’m also doing a lot of collaborations with different artists. It’s a beautiful time to be African, the rest of the world is watching.

It’s Women’s Month at the moment in South Africa, anything you’d like to share about women?

Happy Women’s Month by the way, it should be an everyday thing actually. I’m so inspired by women that are doing amazing things in various fields. I have an amazing mother and sisters so I know what women are capable of, I mean I’ve met so many women killing it in fields are mainly male-dominated.

Any big names you’ve worked with?

 I’ve worked with a lot of producers and artists. Names such as Akon, B.O.B, Timabaland and Trinidad James to name a few, I’ve also written for some successful artists. I worked with them as a songwriter and as an artist as well. And there’s still so much more to come.


Follow WurlD!

Instagram: @thisiswurld

Twitter: @thisisWurlD

Facebook: WurlD


Bridgette Makhela


Patoranking On Music, Africa And Metro FM Awards Nomination


Patrick Nnemeka Okorie / 27 / Music Artist & Entertainer

How did you get your breakthrough into the music industry?

I got my breakthrough into the music industry after the release of my single ‘Alubarika’, featuring Timaya.

Who are your biggest inspirations?

Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Buju Banton and Shabba Ranks.


You’re nominated for a Metro FM ‘One Africa’ Award this year, did you ever think ‘No Kissing Baby’ would reach this level?

‘No Kissing Baby’, just like every other song I have dropped, was believed to take me to the next level of my music career. I am grateful to have been nominated, although it was unexpected.

How did you come up with the concept for the ‘No Kissing Baby’ music video?

The concept for the ‘No Kissing Baby’ music video came from team effort, conceptualized even before the director was selected. I am happy with the feedback from my fans and how much they are loving it.


So many people love your music, how do you give back to your fans?

Every  year, I make it a point of duty to go back to the ghetto to encourage, feast and vibe with the people who are still there. I know as God continues to bless me, they too will have more opportunities because I believe in them, in the same manner as I was believed in.

Any artist you would still love to collaborate with?

Definitely, there are tons of artists I would love to collaborate with, if time and chance allow. Future is a huge favourite of mine. There are quite a lot, too many to mention.

What do you think of the current state of Nigerian music?

The current state of Nigerian music is definitely not where it should be yet, at the same time, we are not where we were a few years ago. Growth is present and very good. We are at the point where everyone can recognize that we are playing a huge role in music, both locally in Africa and internationally.


If you could live anywhere in Africa, where would it be?

If I could live anywhere in Africa, I would live in ‘Africa’…One Continent, No Borders!

Do you have an outfit ready for the Metro FM Awards yet?


Follow Patoranking!

Instagram: @patorankingfire

Twitter: @patorankingfire

Facebook: @patorankingofficial

Bridgette Makhela