Kwenzo Ngcobo On Theatre, Television And Playing Qhawe On Showmax’s The Wife

Kwenzo Ngcobo / Actor, Director & Martial Arts Choreographer

You’re a talent to look out for, where does your love for acting stem from?

I’ve always wanted to act. Growing up as a kid I would act out what I watched in Kung-Fu movies and such, imitating what I saw when I played those VHS tapes was the coolest thing.

You have extensive experience in theatre, how did you transition into Television?

I studied theatre but I have always wanted to do TV, so venturing into it came naturally.

You play ‘Qhawe’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, do you relate to the character in any way?

Yes I do relate to the character sometimes, especially in the beginning of the story. We all go through some happy and rough times in life and right now the Qhawe, Hlomu and Mqhele storyline is a tough and tricky one.

How did you land the role of Qhawe?

I auditioned in March last year and got called back in June. The rest is history.

What’s your favourite part about being on set? 

I love acting. I get to be creative.

The Wife is such a gripping story, what have you learnt from it?

I have learnt that as a family, you have to protect each other, love each other and learn how to be caring.

How does maintaining longevity in the industry look like to you?

Hard work and consistency. Learn from other people, be humble and always stay open-minded.

One thing you can’t leave the house without?


Any advice for aspiring actors?

You’re still learning. If you want to be successful and be known, you have to work hard, stay humble and always be open-minded.

Follow Kwenzo!

Instagram: @kwenzo_pholoba

Twitter: @kwenzokuhlengco

Facebook: @kwenzongcobo

Bridgette Makhela

Laduma Ngxokolo On MaXhosa Brand, Coming 2 America Movie And The Clothing Industry

Laduma Ngxokolo / Designer / MaXhosa Africa Brand Owner

Your brand MaXhosa Africa, what would you say is its ex-factor?

The patterns, which is what makes it distinctive and recognizable by consumers. The quality too.

How long did it take you to get to where you are today?

This was always my life plan. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years now, since the start of the business, this was always the plan, and I just didn’t know it would get to where it is now, as quickly as it did.

Coming 2 America, how did the collaboration happen?

The costume designer Ruth E. Carter contacted me two years ago and told me she’d been following my work for some years and would love to collaborate with me. A month later, she contacted me again and told me she’s working on the Coming 2 America movie and would love to work with me. Of course I said yes. The movie is a classic and the work I’ve showcased will still live on even after my time.

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How does a typical day look for an international brand such as yours?

I wake up and get to work at 7AM every day, by then everyone is already at work when I arrive. All the departments usually have meetings the entire day and we make sure we’re always aligned.

As a business, what have you taken from the pandemic?

One of the lessons I learned is that saving is very important and knowing where you are positioned as a business in the industry. Human Resources is very valuable within a business and the sustainability of a business comes a lot from how the employees are treated.
What would you say South Africa is doing right in the clothing/textile industry?

The labour laws, we’re doing that right. Financial support from the government we’re doing right and a lot of designers are defining their own DNA and we’re standing out as a country.
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Ever get creative block or lack of inspiration?

I hardly ever get those…instead, I get too many ideas to produce so I have had to learn how to cut down and focus on certain things at a time. I still design everything myself but I’m training my team to assist with that.
Any collaborations you’d still like to take on?

Yes, more within the lifestyle space. Crockery brands, appliances brands, etc.
Any inspirational advice you’d like to give to people seeking to be in your industry?

Know what your purpose is. Whatever path you choose will determine your level of passion for it. Education plays a big role in knowing the industry you operate in. Work hard, that even beats talented people when they are not working hard enough.


Follow Laduma & MaXhosa!

Instagram: @laduma / @maxhosa

Twitter: @LadumaNgxokolo / @MaXhosaAfrica

Facebook: @LudaNgxokolo / @MAXHOSA


-Bridgette Makhela

Azana On Her Debut Album, What Talent Means To Her And Her Vision For Years To Come

Makhosazana “Azana” Masango / 20 / Singer & Songwriter
That moment you knew you wanted to be in the music industry was?
At the age of six I had already made up my mind about being a musician, it was something I knew my whole life from then. Performing at preschool for the first time triggered the feeling of wanting to perform.
The single ‘Your Love’ has made major waves, did you think it would be this big?
Yes, I knew it would do well because it’s very catchy and it’s a cute love message.

Why the title ‘Ingoma’ for your debut album?
It’s an abstract title. I love abstract art and stories. The idea behind the title is that it’s not just an INGOMA (a song) is not just a song. Its memories, feelings, expressions, stories and messages.
What is it about South African music that you admire?
I admire how soulful South African music is and I admire the messages our artists give to the people.
Is there a team behind your brand?

Of course! Bigcitydreams Records is the team behind the magic you see.

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Got a favourite single from your offering so far?

All 14 tracks from INGOMA are my babies and I love them all the same because they all come from my thoughts and I value what I think and write.
Talent, what does it mean to you as an artist? 
Talent means an advantage to me (which I am aware I do have) but it does not mean a guaranteed success, hard work gives me hope and confidence in all that I do.
One thing you could use to change the world would be?
I’d use my music to encourage people to think bigger and tackle poverty, racism and inequality.

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What’s your vision for years to come?
I’m wishing to learn more by educating myself about the fields of entertainment, and to improve every time I create or put something out there for someone to see.


Follow Azana!

Instagram: @azanamusic

Twitter: @azanamusic

Facebook: @azanamusic

-Bridgette Makhela

Stonebwoy On Anloga Junction Album, South African Collaborations And Beyond

Stonebwoy / 32 / Artist, Performer & Composer

Describe Stonebwoy and the love for music?

Stonebwoy is an African from Ghana. A multi-international award-winning artist, a performer and composer. I am a very talented musical genius, blending Dancehall and Reggae styles with Afrobeats, it is termed ‘AfroDancehall’. Born Livingstone Etse Satekla, music is my life and I love my life.

You create Afropop, Reggae and Dancehall music, what’s your favourite genre to create and why?

My style is actually a combination of all the above mentioned, to form a single body, so I can confidently say my favourite thing is to create all 3-in-1, termed as AfroDancehall. All the genres of music beautifully intertwined, have the same roots which make them not so widely different.

You’ve worked with South African artists such as AKA, Nasty C and Cassper Nyovest, do you listen to SA music? If so, what’s your favourite thing about the music/artists?

South African music is smooth, with its naturally fast and mid tempos that come with a lot of very creative dances to match. I love to listen to music across Anglophone, Lusophone and Francophone lines, so I can easily relate SA music. My favourite thing about SA music is the swing it comes with, derived from the tone of languages and the artistes are unique in their styles. SA has a very diverse culture, which is beautiful.

Your new single ‘Bow Down’ sees you collaborating with Nasty C, what’s the story behind the collaboration?

Nasty C was the best choice for a rhythm like that, when I heard it I knew we could create some magical with the guidance of producer iPappi Beats from Ghana. The song was recorded at my home studio in Ghana, we made under 2 hours, from scratch! We are yet to put a video together after the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a major project for the Anloga Junction album.

You’ve collaborated with top artists all over the world, how much personal and musical growth happens with each collaboration?

I’ve collaborated with great artists worldwide, personal musical connections have been brewed with each connect, with some relationships going beyond the music and turning into family and real friends. Like they say, real recognize real and the bond there off.

Why call your new album ‘Anloga Junction’?

The idea behind calling my album Anloga Junction is to give it identity as an African album from Ghana. The name of the town I hail from is Anloga, where Anlo is the dialect spoken and the same name defines my ethnicity.

How did the collaboration with Keri Hilson come about? Should we expect more collabs in the future?

The collaboration with Keri Hilson was meant to happen, it wasn’t planned though, only thought of and that’s why everything came together beautifully. A friend of mine met Keri on a flight and it all began there. We exchanged numbers and followed up when I went to the States for a tour. She invited me over to her studios, where the legendary award-winning producer, Andre Dre Harris was present. and we all made it happen. Yes there’s definitely a few more coming up.

How does it feel to be inducted into the Grammy Museum Sounds of Africa exhibit?

To be included in such a prestigious exhibition is proof that my hard work and contribution to the music scene is recognized globally.

What do you believe is the future of African music or Afrobeats?

The future of African music or Afrobeats is there for us the creative to speak about our history, our stories and spread the African agenda in our compositions. I’ve come to realize that this is lacking in our creative content and that is the future.

With not being able to travel due to the pandemic, what is the future looking like for you? What message do you have for your South African fans who were looking  forward to meeting you on tour in SA?

The future is still very bright, though there’s a lock down happening and the world is facing this global pandemic, I trust that there’s hope for the people of the world. Let’s turn to our maker in these times and let’s all keep to the protocols of keeping safe from this deadly virus.

Any live streaming performances for your fans during the lock down?

During this lock down I’ve done a few virtual charity concerts and pushed my store via merchandise and also pushing my album. I’ve continued to use social media to keep in touch with my fans.

How has lock down affected you as an artist?

Lock down has affected the whole world and we are finding newer means to keep pushing our work out and interacting with our fans.


Follow Stonebwoy!

Instagram: @stonebwoyb

Twitter: @stonebwoyb

Facebook: @stonebwoyburniton

YouTube: Stonebwoy


-Bridgette Makhela

Some Time With Thiwe Mbola, All About Her Soul Therapy Album


Thiwe Mbola / 31 / Singer/Songwriter

Tell us about your album Soul Therapy…
Soul Therapy is my second album, released last year September. It has eleven tracks and was produced by Demor with the exception of ‘I Am Woman’, which was produced by Sun-El as well as ‘I Care For You’, which was produced by Mondli Ngcobo. I wrote six of the songs and co-wrote two. Sbu Nkomo wrote a beautiful Sesotho love song, and two were written by Mondli Ngcobo. The album has three features, which include Zano, Ziyon and Busiswa. It’s a beautiful body of work that showcases my songwriting, vocal capabilities and growth as a storyteller.

What inspired the album?
The album is inspired by my own personal journey. I sing about faith, prayer, spirituality, heartbreak, loneliness, love, a man’s role in society and female solidarity.


What are your favourite songs on the album, if any?
‘I Am Woman’ (a celebration of being a modern day woman and encouragement for women to celebrate their individuality and that of others). ‘Just A Matter Of Time’ is also close to my heart as it’s a reminder that as much as I am nowhere near where I want to be, things will work out eventually.

Any collaborations on the album that stood out for you?
All three collaborations are special. I believe Zano and I are vocal soulmates, what we make together is just magical. Ziyon came in to do vocal arrangement and ended up recording a verse for ‘Just A Matter Of Time’. We really blend well together. The collaboration with Busiswa is special because the one thing I wanted most for the album was female collaborations and she’s the only one who agreed. Her energy on ‘Ubuhle Bendoda’ was exactly what I expected.


Have you always been in the music business?
I have been in the music business since 2004. I started out with doing backing vocals, and then got into the music business learnership, from there I got into artist management and worked on The Standard Bank Joy of Jazz and did PR for Kem when he came to South Africa for the first time. So even when I’m not making music, I’m somehow still involved in the background.

What can you reveal about your journey in the industry so far?
My journey has not been all moonlight and roses but I wouldn’t change anything about it. I have grown a backbone and learnt to do things myself and all this really does come in handy, especially when you are a woman in a male dominated industry.


How’s your schedule for 2016 looking like?
2016 started off on a good note when I got nominated for a Metro FM Music Award in the Best Female category. So God willing, I’ll be bringing it home. I’m heading to the Miami Winter Music Conference in March for two performances and to record a collaboration with the legendary house vocalist Barbara Tucker. One other collaboration with Charles Webster has just been put to bed. I’d love to take Soul Therapy on the road to promote it as I know that many people still don’t know me and my work. Other than that, I’m working behind the scenes for a few projects close to my heart. I’ll definitely be revealing them when the time is right.

What can you tell young talented women that would love to take the same road as you?
When talent is there, don’t ever compromise your values in order to succeed. It’s very appealing to fast forward the hustle by doing things you wouldn’t normally do that compromise everything you stand for, but it’s so rewarding to see your hard work paying off.


*Soul Therapy is available on iTunes and in music stores*

Follow Thiwe!

Instagram: @thiwem

Twitter: @Thiwe

Facebook: Thiwe Mbola


Bridgette Makhela