Justice Mukheli On Film, Photography And Life In Between

Justice Mukheli / 34 / Filmmaker & Photographer

Not everyone can say they are a self-taught filmmaker and photographer, what sparked your interest?

I’ve always felt that I’ve wanted to be an artist, I felt this from a very young age. Both my parents were artists in their own way. My fondest memory is of my brother and I in primary school, when our father drew a picture of us holding a vinyl while we were listening to music. I grew up with drawings, paintings and sculptures around me. My mom would make jerseys with various patterns, even when it came to her baking skills, she way always creative. I’ve always known that I am artistically inclined. In school I was always interested in work that required drawing and creative solutions, I loved painting as well. On the other hand I was also into fixing cars and IT as well. I have Dyslexia and growing up with it was challenging and created trauma for me by the treatment I got from other kids around me. Therapy has now helped me a lot with getting over that trauma. There are still moments where it still kicks in, especially if I am nervous but the therapy has really helped and it’s gotten better.

What projects are you involved in at the moment?

I’m involved in a few projects at the moment. There’s a documentary that’s brewing, a little film for a cool brand (can’t say at the moment) and two amazing music videos I shot for a band called Urban Village with a label called No Format. There’s also an exhibition coming up, firstly online then in a gallery in Braamfontein, it won’t be new work but it’ll be put out in a different manner and package.

Inspiration and consistency keep the work going, who or what inspires you? 

I’m inspired by a lot of people and a lot of things. Music, politics and young individuals living their purpose. I am also inspired by our country and the advantages we have in our generation. The inspirational names that came before us didn’t have access to various opportunities like we do, that inspires me because our voices can be heard quicker and easier than our predecessors. I love people such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Current people that inspire me are Vincent Moloi and Tebogo Mahlatse, I believe they have moved our country forward and I am grateful that I get to work with them. My mother inspires me too, so much. My culture, heritage and beautiful history inspire me, as well as Black Power. The increasing need of seeing and acknowledging women inspires me. Being a man, a lot of what I am is easier because of my gender, this inspires me to be mindful of my privilege and be better and create access for women in any way that I can.

The industry is full of talented individuals, how do you keep your work apart and noticeable from others?

I create my work for me. My intention and purpose in my work is different. A lot of photographers follow trends, most creatives try to do the same type of thing. My intention and the feeling in my work will never be the same as anyone’s. Every project I do is for me, how the person receives it is secondary to what’s important to me.

Fashion seems to be one of your interests, how do you put an outfit together for an occasion?

I really love fashion, it’s a way for me to express myself. Fashion is very therapeutic for me. I buy a lot of clothes and lately I’ve been trying to understand why I have an access of items so I gave away about 60% of my shoes. I grew up poor, I didn’t have much. My dad left when I was 15 and he was the breadwinner, my mother didn’t have a job so she had to find creative ways to make money such as selling cakes, Mashonzha, etc. There was no room for me to be fashionable while growing up so when I started making my own money, I started buying stuff for myself. It’s a beautiful thing for me. I mean imagine going from having one shoe to being able to have five pairs a year, but I need to be mindful of how it affects my pocket now.

You’re a twin…how has this shaped your storytelling? 

Being a twin is amazing, it taught me how to be around other people, if even though my brother is me, and I am him, I still have to be mindful of him and around him. He is my right hand, and I am his, you have to be considerate. Him and I have the same interests and competing with one another helps us to always strive to be better. When you’re a twin you are born with a best friend that you can always be yourself around. Even when you’re not seeing eye to eye, you still love one another. Being a twin also gave me separation anxiety, it was hard for me to be alone but you learn to deal with it. The connection we have is still strong even if we’re now in different businesses and are pursing different careers, I can also always feel if something is wrong with him so you always just check up on the other half.

Where can people follow you on social media?

Instagram: @justicemukheli

Twitter: @justice_mukheli

Tumblr: justicemukheli.tumblr.com

Website: justicemukheli.com

Facebook: Justice Rendani Mukheli


-Bridgette Makhela

Rudzani Netshiheni: HYPE Magazine’s Editor And How He’s Changing The Game

Rudzani Khorommbi “Roo” Netshiheni / 26 / Editor at HYPE Magazine / Chief Information Officer at TEMPLE AGENCY (super exclusive, to be announced soon)

You’re changing the game one word at a time, how’d you become HYPE Magazine’s editor?

It’s quite a simple story of how just reaching out can open doors. After my Matric year in 2010, I decided to take a gap year to find myself. Initially I wanted to study architecture (still do & will do soon) but the thought of it didn’t excite me that much anymore compared to when I was in high school. During that gap year I reconnected with one of my primary school best friends and we had so much in common after all these years of not communicating that it made sense why we were close in primary haha. Anyway, one of our interests was Hip-Hop culture and all the cool things that were a part of it. From the fashion, events and music, we were just obsessed with knowing what was going on. That sparked us to create a blog in 2012 called Temple Revolutions (one of TEMPLE AGENCY’s inspirations you see). The blog started when I was a first year student at Boston Media House. Every day we would rush over to some internet cafe in Hatfield and write about current Hip-Hop news and other cool things like sneakers, etc. As time progressed, people started noticing the blog and we started to get more confident in what we were doing, which led to us being more experimental and going out to Hip-Hop events, documenting them and just drowning within the creative atmospheres. I call those days our “studying” days because we were studying the game.

I remember we attended our first Back To The City festival event also in 2012, by then I had grown a taste for writing which helped with my studies, at that BTTC festival, I remember us standing in a long que waiting to get in and I noticed that they were handing out free HYPE Magazines. I took one of course and started going through its content. There were also some other Hip-Hop platforms at the festival and even though they didn’t compare to HYPE, I was still intrigued by them. I approached one guy that was a writer for one of the other Hip-Hop magazines, I won’t mention the name of the magazine as I don’t want to seem like I’m dissing it. I approached the guy and he gave me the editor of that magazine’s email address, that same night I sent an email to the editor asking to be a part of it. He replied once, I replied to his reply and after that never heard from him again. That disappointment was the tipping point that encouraged me to approach HYPE because initially I thought that the biggest Hip-Hop magazine in Africa wouldn’t have time for a young hungry kid like me. Simone Harris was the editor at the time, and I reached out to her. She replied and I responded to her without high hopes for things moving forward but Simone hit me up again. So, before I sent emails through to editors, I would always have about three articles I wrote to submit so they could review my writing skills. I sent Simone about three articles I had written at the time, she liked them and asked me if I would love to contribute to the HYPE website and I said hell yeah! Oh, I also had an article published on XXL’s website about South African Hip-Hop that gave me some credit. Also had HYPEBEAST connects but that’s a different story.

Four years later, I graduated. While at home chilling, frustrated because Simone had moved on from HYPE around that time and I didn’t know if that meant my time with HYPE had ended. Keep in mind I wasn’t getting paid or anything, but I truly felt blessed and cool for having been given the opportunity. Fred Kayembe was the new editor and we weren’t that close at the time. I think I only met him once at some HYPE event before Simone’s departure. I was in Venda getting my driver’s licence when I got a call from Fred who said that he loved my work and wanted me to come work with him. The timing of everything was perfect because when he called, I has just passed my driving test and then I got my first car, which helped with getting to the office on time. For a year I was Fred’s assistant, then in 2016 he moved on from HYPE to do crazier things and I took over. I probably skipped some parts because  it’s a long story.

What’s the vision for 2019?

The vision for 2019 is to really celebrate the future superstars within the music industry. Personally, I want to expand HYPE’s influence on the other genres too that are also still part of our community. Also have a vision to create more interactive experiences, collaborations and higher quality content. Its going to be a crazy year.

Hip-Hop, define it in your own words…

Hip-Hop is God’s gift to the world. Those are my words. This culture has changed so many lives and continues to do so and grow.

Who’s quickly making their come up in the industry according to you?

You have a lot of young artists and unique artists coming up. The likes of ByLwansta, who was one of our first HYPE Freshman, he is really set on dominating. ByLwansta is also the first South African (and only) to have appeared on the famous COLORS platform, which is crazy. Then you have new wave artists such as The Big Hash, Lethabo Acid, Yuang, PatricKxxLee and so many more paving their way to the top. Other artists like Touchline, Luna Florentino, Kingsweetkid, King Lutendo and a whole lot more are working hard. Then you have our HYPE Freshman 2018 winners such as Rowlene, ASON, 3ple B, Tian and others I mentioned before gearing up for a takeover. I’ve also been keeping an eye on the alternative guys like Tron Pyre, Angie Santana, Una Rams, Espacio Dios and so many others who are special.

Music, Fashion or Alcohol, one’s gotta go lol.

Alcohol can go bruh…

What are you grateful for the most?

I’m grateful for the opportunities I’m constantly given to make a mark and super grateful for the support structures I have.

Favourite jam at the moment?

I currently have Mac Miller’s ‘Wings’ on repeat now. R.I.P

When you started, you never thought…?

Never thought I would be such an influential voice in South African Hip-Hop and get event invites from London, New York & Los Angeles. Crazy.

Who is Roo really?

Roo is a grown-ass Venda kid from Shayandima who over the years has grown in confidence, appreciates all that God has blessed him with and is destined for overwhelming great things. That’s Roo.


Follow Roo!

Instagram: @_rooat

Twitter: @Roo_AT

Facebook: Rudzani Khorro Netshiheni


-Bridgette Makhela

All Praise To The Ghost: Sabelo Ncube On New Single ‘Ncube’ And Being An All-Round Artist

Sabelo Ncube / 31 / Musician, Performing Artist, Songwriter, Composer & Producer

You’ve just recently released your new single titled ‘Ncube’, how’s the response so far?
The response has been great, people have been waiting for this to drop so it’s a relief to see it so well received.

Any inspiration behind Ncube?

I am Ncube, so it’s inspired by my character, heritage and my family. I am a proud South African and I wanted that to resonate through this song.

When did you find your way into the rap game?

I started rapping in primary school and have been writing songs since I was 8. But I can say I’ve dedicated the past 5 years of my life solely to music.

As an artist, how do you put your body of work together and who would you like it to speak to?

Well music is vast and there are many genres. I like to capture an idea first and then break down all the things that make the idea what it is. So I do a lot of research, coupled with introspection and hope that somewhere in the balance, people will relate to the sound. I genuinely hope that my work speaks to anyone who loves music.

Why the name Ghost?

The name was given to me by my friends because I lived between Port Elizabth and Johannesburg and would sporadically appear and vanish on any given weekend. They started calling me “Los the lost Ghost from the East Coast and the West Coast”, clearly this wouldn’t work as a rap alias, so I shortened it to Ghost.

Have a specific favourite track from all the music you’ve released so far?

Hands down has to be my latest single Ncube.

Something people don’t know about you?

Lol. I’m not into clubs and crowds. I know, it’s weird for an artist.

Studio or live perfomances? Have a preference or are you in tune with both?

I absolutely love to create. That’s my zone. I’ve always said that I’m a studio artist because of my ability to relax and deliver on ANY mandate. But once that’s done, there’s nothing that beats the exhilaration of standing in front of  audiences and showcasing my art. So both. Haha.

The game plan for Ghost and music going forward?

To put it basically, The plan is to expose the world to an authentic South African artist, with a no-nonsense attitude to creating great music.

Follow Ghost!
Instagram: @papa.ghost
Facebook: Ghosty Ncube
Music Download Links:
Bridgette Makhela

Kinetic On New Single ‘Touch’, South African House Music And Future Plans

Thabo Damari aka Kinetic / House DJ, Producer, Professional Audio Engineer & Entrepreneur 


Who is Kinetic?

Kinetic, as I like to call myself, is an avid music enthusiast. I am someone who has continued to stay true to what I believe in despite many influences. I possess a creative spirit that continues to drive me and constantly pushes me to challenge myself. The name Kinetic is simply defined as an energy around a moving object. I possess that energy within me and whether I’m behind the decks or sitting in front of my DAW, I am simply transferring that energy.

Your new single titled ‘Touch’, who does it feature?

Touch features an amazing fellow creative by the name of Vugar M Beats. Vugar is a multi talented individual who sings, produces and also comes up with unique concepts. The track also has a remix by Chris Carter, who gave it a different feel which resonates with the masses.

What inspires your love for House music?

Over the years I have realized that House music is not just a genre, it’s a community. My inspiration stems from the community of House music. As House music enthusiasts we are always looking to better the culture within the community. Not only that but we are always looking to progress the sound forward. That for me, provides constant inspiration.

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Any other singles you are set to release this year?

I have a few projects pending which are set to be released this year (if all goes according to plan). I have already completed two EPs, but I need to make sure that the standard and quality of the music can compete on an international level. I’m also halfway from concluding a project with a very talented female vocalist from Pretoria, the details of that project will be released in due time.

What’s your relationship with Just Mo Records?

The label founder and owner Just Mo has been like my mentor to me ever since I joined YFM. He is a respected member of the House music community, and he is somewhat of an authority in the music industry. I have always wanted to work with Just Mo on a personal capacity outside the realms of radio, so when the opportunity came about I was more than thrilled.

What’s your take on the current South African House music industry?

There’s been talk around how monotonous the industry is currently. A lot of people, particularly those who are in the industry have been complaining about the standard of local House music and the events. I personally believe that there has to be diversity in order for all of us to co-exist. Our aim should be to push the culture forward and avoid being stagnant so that the House music industry can be as economically viable as it’s counterparts. This can only happen if each individual in the community can add positive value, including myself.


How do you balance your day job with a DJ career?

I have always found a way to have balance. In the times we live in now it is not uncommon for someone to be engaging in multiple crafts at the same time. What has helped me is that what I do as an Engineer has enhanced my capabilities as a Music Producer and DJ.

Who do you look up to in the industry?

That has always been a relatively tough question for me to answer because I analyze so many people in the industry, not only in House music but across multiple genres. That’s because I believe that I can learn more from a group of individuals than I would from one person. Everyone has something to offer and everyone has a lesson to teach.

How’s the future looking for Kinetic?

I believe the future holds so much more for me. I see progress each passing day. I was destined to succeed and no matter the challenges, I will continue to work towards my greatness. With God and my family by my side nothing is impossible.


Follow Kinetic!

Instagram: @kinetic_sa

Twitter: @Kinetic_ERR

Facebook: Thabo Kinetic SA

Bridgette Makhela


Anatii On His Brand, Music And The ARTIIFACT Album


Anathi Bhongo Mnyango / 23 / Artist

When did you decide to bring the brand Anatii into the industry?

In 2010.

How has your journey in the music industry been so far?

I have been blessed with my journey so far, and I am proof that talent and hard work are a winning combination.


2016 has been an awesome year for you, already got plans for 2017?

Yes, without giving away too much, fans can expect more music both from me as an artist and as a producer, ARTIIFACT tour and some special surprises along the way.

You managed to bring US star Omarion on a South African Tour with you, how did that come about?

I was having dinner with him while in Los Angeles after our session, and I jokingly said “Why don’t you come out for the launch of my album?” He was like “Let’s do it!” The rest is history.

Any more future Anatii and Omarion collaborations to look forward to?

Nothing definitive yet, but Omarion and I have an open working relationship.


Your ARTIIFACT album has received so much love, is this how you expected things to turn out?

I never expect any of my work to be a “hit” right out the gate; I just do my best and ensure that the work is true to my vision and ability.

What gets you up and grinding every morning?

Life, there’s so much to be grateful for and so much I want to accomplish. So I know I have to push hard every day to get closer to achieving the goals I have for myself.

Your current favourite South African Hip-Hop song?

Besides myself, ‘Lifestyle’ ft. Gemini Major by Da L.E.S.


Who is the real Anatii?

What you see is what you get. I’m a spiritually conscious individual, who is always looking to better himself and those around me.

Follow Anatii!

Instagram: @anatii

Twitter: @ANATII

Facebook: Anatii

Bridgette Makhela


Samantha Lehoko On The Entertainment Industry And Following Her Passion


Samantha Motshidisi Lehoko


Radio & Television Presenter / Emcee / Motivational Speaker / Vocalist


How did you find your way into the entertainment industry?

My plan was always to go into journalism and perhaps be a reporter. I took Dramatic Arts as a subject in high school and based on my love for the performing arts, my love and passion for entertaining grew at that very point. I studied Sociology, Anthropology, Language & Communication, English and more then later decided to do a show at UCT Radio, in Cape Town. My show soon gained quite a bit of popularity and I had the opportunity to do breakfast, afternoon and drive shows. After a few years, I was hired to do a show at YFM 99.2. From then on, I had slowly begun to infiltrate the industry.

What do you love most about the South African entertainment industry?

There are probably two things that I love the most about the industry: The countless opportunities out there and the abundance of different people that one has access to within the industry; both in front of and behind the cameras.


Can you say you are following your passion?

Of course, I am. I’ve always believed that following your dreams and passions makes life worth living. When you’re doing everything that you love, life becomes simple, enjoyable, fun and adventurous. Loving your people, your work & your education is the key to success; something my father always reminded me of.

To date, what are you most proud of when it comes to your work?

My growth within the industry is something that I am proud of. I have achieved many things in a short space of time and have done things that many in the industry have taken years to do. Nonetheless, it does not mean that I am better, richer, more talented or luckier than others. I have always remained focused, passionate and aware of the fact that everything I do is always for my son.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I see a young, beautiful, independent, strong, caring, fun, crazy, intelligent and powerful woman.


Any exciting projects for you on the come up?

I am currently working on more music. I am doing a lot more appearances and public speaking. In a few months, I’ll be shooting a series called ‘How To Make Love In The Kitchen’. I’m really excited and look forward to working with new people. I’ll also be doing some work with regards to martial arts. It’s something being reintroduced to South Africa. I have always been quite sporty, and think this is perfect.

Movies or malls?

Personally, I don’t like malls, but that’s where I get all my things. Movies are absolutely addictive.

Who or what keeps you grinding?

Nothing but my son and my passion for what I do.

Favourite life quote?

“Don’t trust anything that you see. Even salt looks like sugar.”


Follow Samantha!

Instagram: @sam_lehoko

Twitter: @sam_lehoko

Facebook: Sam ‘Sammy Sosa’ Lehoko


Bridgette Makhela


Cassper Nyovest On Opening For Nicki Minaj, Family Tree Media And Refiloe Album

cassper new pic
Refiloe Maele Phoolo, Musician

How has the Refiloe album been doing so far?
Refiloe is doing very well. We’ve already went platinum with the album, and now we are just focusing on putting out more singles.

Must be super exciting being the opening act for Nicki Minaj in South Africa, got anything special planned for the shows?
Yes, most definitely, it’s exciting! We are just trying to outdo ourselves with every performance.


Fans are already loving your Malome single, how was it like working the Mahotella Queens?
It was a very special moment. It was very humbling and also informative, as they shared a lot of stories and decades of knowledge. It was priceless.

How do you plan to grow and move your Family Tree label forward?
Music, music and more music. Our roster consists of myself, Nadia Nakai, Tshego and Gemini. Each artist is unique in what they do, which makes it exciting for the label. We just want create more platforms and opportunities for our artists to be seen and heard.


Is everyday in the life of Cassper different?

What are you afraid of in life?
Not being able to reach my full potential.

Any more exciting collaborations your fans can look forward to?
Yes, always. Yesterday, Tshego just released a song titled ‘Tell Em Say’ featuring myself, Gemini Major and Nasty C. There’s another huge remix on the way. I’m excited for people to hear it.

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Who truly knows you?
My mother and my best friend, Carpo.

One thing that pushes you to stay in the game everyday?
The love that I have for what I do. The hunger to reach more people; to touch them and make a difference in their lives with my music.


Follow Cassper!

Instagram: @casspernyovest

Twitter: @CassperNyovest

Facebook: Cassper Nyovest


Bridgette Makhela