Rudzani Netshiheni: HYPE Magazine’s Editor And How He’s Changing The Game

Rudzani Khorommbi “Roo” Netshiheni / 26 / Editor at HYPE Magazine / Chief Information Officer at TEMPLE AGENCY (super exclusive, to be announced soon)

You’re changing the game one word at a time, how’d you become HYPE Magazine’s editor?

It’s quite a simple story of how just reaching out can open doors. After my Matric year in 2010, I decided to take a gap year to find myself. Initially I wanted to study architecture (still do & will do soon) but the thought of it didn’t excite me that much anymore compared to when I was in high school. During that gap year I reconnected with one of my primary school best friends and we had so much in common after all these years of not communicating that it made sense why we were close in primary haha. Anyway, one of our interests was Hip-Hop culture and all the cool things that were a part of it. From the fashion, events and music, we were just obsessed with knowing what was going on. That sparked us to create a blog in 2012 called Temple Revolutions (one of TEMPLE AGENCY’s inspirations you see). The blog started when I was a first year student at Boston Media House. Every day we would rush over to some internet cafe in Hatfield and write about current Hip-Hop news and other cool things like sneakers, etc. As time progressed, people started noticing the blog and we started to get more confident in what we were doing, which led to us being more experimental and going out to Hip-Hop events, documenting them and just drowning within the creative atmospheres. I call those days our “studying” days because we were studying the game.

I remember we attended our first Back To The City festival event also in 2012, by then I had grown a taste for writing which helped with my studies, at that BTTC festival, I remember us standing in a long que waiting to get in and I noticed that they were handing out free HYPE Magazines. I took one of course and started going through its content. There were also some other Hip-Hop platforms at the festival and even though they didn’t compare to HYPE, I was still intrigued by them. I approached one guy that was a writer for one of the other Hip-Hop magazines, I won’t mention the name of the magazine as I don’t want to seem like I’m dissing it. I approached the guy and he gave me the editor of that magazine’s email address, that same night I sent an email to the editor asking to be a part of it. He replied once, I replied to his reply and after that never heard from him again. That disappointment was the tipping point that encouraged me to approach HYPE because initially I thought that the biggest Hip-Hop magazine in Africa wouldn’t have time for a young hungry kid like me. Simone Harris was the editor at the time, and I reached out to her. She replied and I responded to her without high hopes for things moving forward but Simone hit me up again. So, before I sent emails through to editors, I would always have about three articles I wrote to submit so they could review my writing skills. I sent Simone about three articles I had written at the time, she liked them and asked me if I would love to contribute to the HYPE website and I said hell yeah! Oh, I also had an article published on XXL’s website about South African Hip-Hop that gave me some credit. Also had HYPEBEAST connects but that’s a different story.

Four years later, I graduated. While at home chilling, frustrated because Simone had moved on from HYPE around that time and I didn’t know if that meant my time with HYPE had ended. Keep in mind I wasn’t getting paid or anything, but I truly felt blessed and cool for having been given the opportunity. Fred Kayembe was the new editor and we weren’t that close at the time. I think I only met him once at some HYPE event before Simone’s departure. I was in Venda getting my driver’s licence when I got a call from Fred who said that he loved my work and wanted me to come work with him. The timing of everything was perfect because when he called, I has just passed my driving test and then I got my first car, which helped with getting to the office on time. For a year I was Fred’s assistant, then in 2016 he moved on from HYPE to do crazier things and I took over. I probably skipped some parts because  it’s a long story.

What’s the vision for 2019?

The vision for 2019 is to really celebrate the future superstars within the music industry. Personally, I want to expand HYPE’s influence on the other genres too that are also still part of our community. Also have a vision to create more interactive experiences, collaborations and higher quality content. Its going to be a crazy year.

Hip-Hop, define it in your own words…

Hip-Hop is God’s gift to the world. Those are my words. This culture has changed so many lives and continues to do so and grow.

Who’s quickly making their come up in the industry according to you?

You have a lot of young artists and unique artists coming up. The likes of ByLwansta, who was one of our first HYPE Freshman, he is really set on dominating. ByLwansta is also the first South African (and only) to have appeared on the famous COLORS platform, which is crazy. Then you have new wave artists such as The Big Hash, Lethabo Acid, Yuang, PatricKxxLee and so many more paving their way to the top. Other artists like Touchline, Luna Florentino, Kingsweetkid, King Lutendo and a whole lot more are working hard. Then you have our HYPE Freshman 2018 winners such as Rowlene, ASON, 3ple B, Tian and others I mentioned before gearing up for a takeover. I’ve also been keeping an eye on the alternative guys like Tron Pyre, Angie Santana, Una Rams, Espacio Dios and so many others who are special.

Music, Fashion or Alcohol, one’s gotta go lol.

Alcohol can go bruh…

What are you grateful for the most?

I’m grateful for the opportunities I’m constantly given to make a mark and super grateful for the support structures I have.

Favourite jam at the moment?

I currently have Mac Miller’s ‘Wings’ on repeat now. R.I.P

When you started, you never thought…?

Never thought I would be such an influential voice in South African Hip-Hop and get event invites from London, New York & Los Angeles. Crazy.

Who is Roo really?

Roo is a grown-ass Venda kid from Shayandima who over the years has grown in confidence, appreciates all that God has blessed him with and is destined for overwhelming great things. That’s Roo.


Follow Roo!

Instagram: @_rooat

Twitter: @Roo_AT

Facebook: Rudzani Khorro Netshiheni


-Bridgette Makhela

Khai Swartz On House of Velour, Fashion And Being A Young Designer

Khai Swartz / 24 / Designer & Founder of House of Velour

You’re a young female making moves in the fashion industry, has this always been your dream?

Definitely, ever since I was a little girl I always knew I’d work in the fashion industry.

How did House of Velour come about?

I studied a BBA in Media at Lisof, worked for two years at Studio Space Pictures as a Production Assistant and decided I wanted to do my own thing. What better than going back to my roots? Fashion! I love working with different fabrics and textiles, so I started making my own clothes and posting them on social media. I then got the opportunity to work with Moozlie, and since then I’ve been making pieces for people who work in the entertainment industry: Musicians, Presenters, Actresses, Social Media Influencers, etc.

Who’s your target market and why?

My target market initially was influencers, I believed that if you influence the influencer, then the influencer will influence the public, if you get me. It now ranges from young to older people, whether they are creatives or work in the corporate industry, individuals who are bold and enjoy being daring, feeding their alter egos, love dressing up and stealing the show wherever they go, at an affordable price.

What’s the process like when creating a piece for a client?

The client has the option to see my designs online, and can alter it to their requirements. We make custom made garments too, it all depends on the client really.

How does House of Velour stand out from other designer lines?

HOV currently has it’s own aesthetic that nobody else really has. We have an old Hollywood twist to things, 90s Black Excellence vibes with a modern twist of colour. For example, with fur trench coats, HOV’s trench coats are baby blue. Eccentric colours.


What’s your plan for building a lasting, fashionable brand?

Just to stay relevant, keep up with trends but design my own twist to things of course, then hopefully open a boutique in the near future.

What would you like House of Velour to resonate with within the industry as a whole?

Class. Opulence. The Versace of designer lines!

How does a typical day look like for you?

I work alone. I have seamstresses in Town and Randburg that constantly work on my garments, turning my designs into reality. I wake up at around 9am, check on my seamstresses, have fittings throughout the day, then if I have time, go have lunch with friends then get back to delivering garments, all while having photo shoots and sending quotes, lol. My days are busy but I love what I do. Always up and down.

What’s still missing in the South African fashion industry when it comes to opportunities for the youth?

Exactly that. Opportunities for the youth. People believe in you and your dreams, however, they don’t like to assist up and coming artists with a monetary injection to help them grow and sustain their brand and that’s what I’ve mainly struggled with, especially men who have the ability to do so. If you’re a pretty girl, it’s even harder because people always want something from you that has absolutely nothing to do with your talent and aspirations, which has kind of set me back. I’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful and influential people in Johannesburg and have been miserably disappointed in their interests. I think the industry is dark, and if you’re not willing to “do what it takes”, you will hustle longer and harder than the rest.


Follow Khai Swartz & House of Velour!

Instagram: @khaiswz

Instagram: @houseofvelour


Bridgette Makhela 

Maitele Wawe On New Music, Fashion And Setting Trends

Maitele Wawe / 27 / Trendsetter, Artist & Social Entrepreneur


You’re no stranger to the fashion industry, how did you make your mark as a fashion rebel?

There was a lot of passion involved, as being yourself is often not praised in our black communities. Being the trendsetter that I am, I always looked at things differently, hence my look and appearance that’s driven by an amazing sense of style and a very good eye for fashion.

You’re a young influential South African, how do you maintain focus and consistency on that level?

Discipline and loving what you do.

You’ve been approached and have worked with big names in the industry such as Top Billing and GQ, how does it feel to know that you’ve grabbed the attention of such entities?

As good as it feels, to me it’s just a part of the journey and the universe showing me love.


The Social Market in Pretoria continues to be a success, how much work goes into the upkeep of such a big event?

All I can say is the higher power keeps showing me more possibilities and in the process I have to learn as much as I can and remember that not all lessons are just a walk in the park. With a smile, I can say to you: think about a scenario where three years ago I needed no money to make my event happen, yet presently it requires about 150k to 200k to make it possible, with no sponsor! Celebrating three years of strength, learning and helping grow small black businesses. So much goes on in the up keep of so many black-owned brands in the country, this involves so many doors being closed in your face simply because you are black or don’t want to sell shares.

You’ve recently branched into music, has this always been part of your life plan?

Music is part of my growth, creatively.

You’re dropping your new song ‘Designa’ soon, what’s the message behind the music?

All I can say is that listening to it should take you into a trance, and that’s how we’ll connect.


Any plans to eventually release an album?

Not before I feel that I am ready.

Where do you draw your holistic inspiration from when it comes to all that you do?

Crazy enough, I have no idea because most of the things I do are either something I challenged myself to do, or just try it to see what life comes after the original, you know.

Fashion or Food?

Definitely fashion.

Any major moves still on the way?

Well, the magician never reveals his tricks, so the people gotta keep watching the show.



Follow Maitele!

Instagram: @maitele_wawe

Twitter: @maitele_mighty

Facebook: Maitele Wawe


Bridgette Makhela

NEWAGESTEEZE On Being The Future Of Entertainment Through All Forms Of Art

What’s NEWAGESTEEZE all about?
Newagesteeze is a group of young, talented, skilled and creative adults with a passion for all forms of art within the entertainment industry. Anything in the name of entertainment, we are your go to people!
How is NEWAGESTEEZE shaping the future of entertainment?
We are shaping the future of entertainment through the ability to offer all forms of art in one group/company. We are creating a brand that can flexibly work with or around any client/brand’s needs. It being: Dance & Choreography, Cinematography, Fashion, Music, Fitness Lifestyle Event Production, Graphics, Social Media Strategies etc, the list is endless…
How long has NEWAGESTEEZE been around for?
Newagesteeze has been around for three years. The members in it are very well known entertainers who came together from different backgrounds to create the perfect entertainment group.
As a group of individuals, how do you get your various talents to merge into one work of art?
Since Newagesteeze has various skills and talents in the entertainment industry,
It’s easy to form such a group because all of these different skills and talents that work hand in hand.
How many hours of rehearsal are put in before a performance?
We rehearse until we have it right, hours are never counted when creating a show for over 20 000 people.
Any shows you have performed at that stand out for you guys?
We had our own tour where Castle Lite featured us in their show traveling the country as Newagesteeze. Unlocking Extra Cold as the ‘Extra Cold Force’
Fill Up The Dome/Fill Up Orlando (Cassper Nyovest).
Are you a close knit group of friends?
Yes we are. It’s got to the point where we have become like family to each other.
How do you plan on making NEWAGESTEEZE a lasting brand and driving force?
By creating a legacy of entertainment that this country is missing, that will travel the world and fall on to our next generation. Real entertainment at it’s highest level and placing South African art on global/international stages.
Do you believe South Africa has room for growth and escalation when it comes to birthing entertainment groups such as NEWAGESTEEZE?
Yes it definitely does. Entertainment is needed everywhere and almost everyday. All forms of entertainment, it just needs to be packaged well.
How can you be reached for bookings? or
Instagram: @newagesteeze
Twitter: @NewAgeSteezeZA
Facebook: New Age Steeze
Bridgette Makhela

Kim Jayde On Juggling All Her Titles, Her Trusted Mantra And Future Aspirations

Kimberley Jayde Robinson / 27 / MTV Base Africa TV Presenter / Model / Fashion & Travel Blogger 

2017-09-07 12.53.54

How was it like for you growing up in Zimbabwe then having to move to South Africa?

I loved growing up in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was a small, safe town with a great sense of community. Cape Town, and now Johannesburg is the complete opposite! A fast-paced, big city with so much opportunity! It was definitely an adjustment moving here, but totally worth it for the career path that I am on right now.

You hold a few titles under your name, how does each title represent who you are?

Each title allows me to explore a different creative side of myself.  TV presenting allows me to work with people in entertainment, modelling allows me to take on various roles in TV commercials worldwide; from a Brazilian Samba dancer, to a Middle Eastern girl drinking Pepsi. The KimJayde blog allows me to travel and share beautiful places and experiences, as well as teach my followers about the fashion trends I’m loving at the moment. No two days are ever the same; that’s the beauty of wearing more than one career hat!

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Did you ever imagine that you would have achieved this much at this age?

To be honest, my mum always tells me “I never stop to think about how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.” I have my eye on so much more that I want to do. I look at the top women in the industry and that drives me to work harder and push even more. I’m so grateful for where I am now but I’m so focused on where I’m going, so watch this space!

Is there a downside that comes with being in this industry?

It’s a competitive one for sure. Only a select few get the opportunity to even be on TV, and to be on a platform like MTV is huge! The pressure to maintain a certain image in the public eye is something I have never dealt with before. Also, in the public eye, you are expected to be happy everyday. Should I have an off day, or go through a break-up, or anything like that, I still have to go to work, stand in front of the camera and be happy. So there are pros and cons to the job.

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What’s your mantra to always stay focused?

“Dream big. Work Hard. Stay Humble.”

What’s the one item you can’t function without?

My cellphone.

Any other aspirations you dream of?

I am a qualified Social Worker (Honours Degree in Social Work from the University of Stellenbosch) and it’s in my ten-year plan to start my own non-profit organization that will empower women and children through skills, training and education.

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2017 in one word so far?


How do you manage to give all your titles 100% each time? 

MTV Base Africa is my full-time job, I am also lucky enough to be able to blog when I have the time and inspiration to do so. Pace yourself, that way you can give it your all to create a quality product.


Follow Kim!

Instagram: @kimjayde

Twitter: @KimJaydeBlog

Facebook: Kim Jayde


Bridgette Makhela


K Naomi On Her Dreams, Achievements And The Road To Success

Keitumetse Naomi Noinyane / 25 / TV Personality / MC / Brand Ambassador / Brand Strategist & Consultant


First thing’s first, how was Coachella 2017 girl?!

Coachella was amazing, thank you. Probably one of the best trips I’ve ever gone on. World class setup, music and productions. More than anything, an eye opener to the opportunities the world has to offer.

How amazing is it being selected to join the Maybelline It Girls Global Campaign?

It’s an honour. The opportunity came by surprise, I’m also the only African female in the Global Girls Group. It’s pretty exciting in many ways and an awesome campaign to be a part of.

You’ve recently also teamed up with the Reebok family, how close is the #PrettyLethal campaign to your heart?

Being a Reebok ambassador also came by surprise, it’s awesome being part of an international classic brand that aligns with the type of brand I’m mounding K Naomi to be. Pretty Lethal is an awesome female empowering campaign that made sense to my intentions of inspiring females and it’s also awesome to contribute through a campaign that can actively change lives and more than anything, highlight the importance of females, their unity and their safety. Reebok definitely created a campaign that non have done and it’s an absolute privilege that I carry it too.


Your schedule seems pretty hectic, how do you find balance?

Finding balance is quite hard but I always make sure I make time for myself to reflect and just be. I listen to a lot of music so that’s helped me through my career and just being in my own space.

Your secret to always keeping in shape is?

Gym, eat healthy, gym, mind your own business, gym, work hard.

All your achievements to date, has this always been your dream?

Some of my achievements have been dreams and others I consider ‘extras’. I always set goals, there are so many to still achieve but I’m working on them. So far everything has been a blessing, but my dreams are bigger than where I am currently.


How long has the road to success been for you?

I’m not even successful yet, I haven’t hit that peak or reached that level of confidently saying I’m successful. I’m still wishing my journey, it’s been long but worthwhile.

Only one can be chosen, which one…Fashion, Make-Up or Traveling?


Do you live to inspire or to be inspired?

I live to inspire.


Follow K Naomi!

Instagram: @knaomin

Twitter: KNaomi_N

Facebook: K Naomi N

Bridgette Makhela

Gigi Lamayne On The Hip-Hop Game Right Now, Inspiration And Dominating 2017


Genesis Gabriella Tina Manney / 23 / Poet, Musician, Songwriter, Activist, Actress, Voice Over Artist & Wits Graduate in Anthropology & Media Studies


What does Hip-Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is a lifestyle and way of living. It moulds one’s mind, behaviour and experiences. It allows for wisdom to be spread by the oppressed. It allows for victory to be attained by the hopeless.

When did you decide to get into the game? Your favourite single so far?

I was sixteen, so back in the year 2010. My favourite single is definitely my debut for 2017 titled ‘My Ugly Boy’ produced by new kid on the block, J Twinn. I can’t wait!


How’s your 2017 looking like?

Packed from brands, to music, to new business ventures for myself as well as my company, Hart Roc Entertainment. It’s going to be a crazy year for Hip-Hop and the rest of the industry. Endorsements, projects and of course, the #GigiGoesGold saga continues.

Who inspires you in the South African music industry?

Brenda Fassie, Lebo Mathosa and Miriam Makeba.


The awesome thing about being a female rapper is?

You get to train twice as hard to beat the guys. 🙂

Do you believe Hip-Hop and fashion go together? If yes, how so?

I honestly do. Fashion has always been a huge part of the Hip-Hop culture. As with any culture, apparel is of significance. We find so many people denying this fact, however, to belong holistically to any way of life, one has to embody the physical and mental aspects of it. This is fashion.


Fame or fortune?


What do you believe your industry still needs to do in order to improve?

Working together and thinking beyond South Africa.

What would you love to achieve this year?



Follow Gigi!

Instagram: @gigi_lamayne

Twitter: @Gigi_Lamayne

Facebook: Gigi Lamayne


Bridgette Makhela

Twitter Interview With Siya Beyile


If you missed Siya Beyile’s #‎BKoolMedia‬ Twitter interview, go check it out at @BKool_Media

Follow Siya!
Instagram: @siyabeyile
Twitter: @SiyaBeyile
Facebook: The Threaded Man


Thank you for your time Siya! Appreciated!




Bridgette Makhela

Nape Phasha On Life Since Vuzu Rich Kids


Nape Phasha Jnr
Political Sciences Graduate (University of Pretoria) / Currently studying towards a Law Degree (Wits University)


Where’s home for Nape?
Pretoria East.

Since Vuzu Rich Kids, what have you been up to, anything exciting?
Being on Vuzu Rich Kids was a great experience. For me, it was beyond just appearing on TV, but the opportunities that would come with the experience. Since doing the show, I have been mapping out my path in the industry. It’s very important to be true to myself and not try to emulate what everyone is doing, which is why I’ve spent some time crafting my next steps. I’ve also been focusing on my studies, which is very high on my priority list.

Has life changed for you in any way since being on a reality TV show, groupies maybe? Lol
Haha! I wouldn’t call it groupies, but being on the show came with a lot of attention. Everyone has just been supportive, so it’s all love, lol.


Favourite book to read?
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

It’s the month of love…Any special lady in your life? Any tips for the fellas on how to spoil their better half?
My advice to anyone would be to keep your person happy with the little things, before attempting to be romantic. The secret is in the art of keeping your lady happy on a daily basis.


Ultimate travel destination would be?
It would have to be New York and Barcelona, mainly because both destinations have a bit of everything, from the shopping, to the rich culture.

All-time favourite sneakers?
Yo, this is a tough one because they change weekly…but right now – Jordan 11 Bred and the Yeezy 750 Black.

What do you never leave the house without?
My cellphone.


What does family meant to you?
Family to me is everything; they are supportive and keep me grounded. I also happen to be very close to my mom, her love really knows no bounds.

Any future projects you just might wanna reveal?
I’m working on a lot of projects due this year. I think people will finally get to know the real Nape as I’ve made sure that I pursue projects that I’m passionate about. My first project is actually launching this month, while I’m also finalizing plans for a TV/fashion project which is due to drop later on in the year.

(Photography cred: WorthAThovsandWords)


Bridgette Makhela