Paxton Is All ‘Touch & Go’ With Brand New Single!

Paxton / Artist

How has your timeline as an artist evolved since you came into the industry?

    It has evolved drastically. I went from singing covers on my Instagram to performing for millions of people when I was on Idols. I then went on to record my first ever album in 2018 and travelled to places like Sweden, Russia and Los Angeles. I honestly would have never thought that I would be living out my childhood dream!

    Your new single ‘Touch & Go’ is dropping tomorrow, is this your favourite song from the upcoming EP?

    It is very hard to choose. I am deeply connected to every single song; they are all gems to me. 

    How has the industry changed since your debut album?

    It has changed drastically; I think what I appreciate the most is how diverse and inclusive our industry is. South Africa is truly a hidden gem, and I will forever be inspired by the different sounds and elements we have to offer.

    Who has been your biggest musical influence?

    My biggest musical influences are Rihanna and Black Coffee.

    What can fans look forward to from Paxton in 2023?

    The fans can look forward to a very different and more vulnerable version of me. 

    Follow Paxton!

    Instagram: @paxtonfielies_

    Twitter: @paxtonmusicsa

    Facebook: @Paxtonmusicsa

    -Bridgette Makhela

    Pamela Mtanga On Content Creation And Building A Lasting Brand

    Pamela Mtanga / 26 / Multimedia Entrepreneur

    Pamela in one sentence?

    A multitalented girl from Port Elizabeth with an inevitably successful journey awaiting her.

                   You label yourself a ‘Fashionable Multimedia Entrepreneur’, what does the title entail?

    Stylishly infiltrating the stage, Television, social media and soon, radio.

    What is your take on 2022 content creation in South Africa?

    It is my favourite era! Landing up on a Television show that you used to watch when you were a child or seeing yourself on TV after creating social media videos warms my heart, especially seeing it happen for many creators. The unemployment rate is at an all-time high and I commend those who keep creating until they get a breakthrough, because seeking employment for long periods is heart wrenching. Over and above this, I am appreciating the amount of effort that creators are putting into their work. Content creation has been around long enough for us to actually start reinventing and finding new ways to market ourselves to our followers.

    What does a typical day look like for you?

    I would like to know myself! You wake up with plans to do nothing but exercise and run errands, then end up sleeping at 2AM due to a last minute client brief that needs to be out the next day, all this whilst packing to prepare to be in another city, so you sleep for an hour then tackle the next day, which could be filled with admin work and preparation for MCing at an event.

    I am however taking a break from content creation for a bit so I can get back to having a strict routine like exercise, family time, coffee breaks and a balanced content schedule. I am also in the process of making structural changes to my team so I can have a helping hand to elevate the work off of my shoulders and deliver my best to client. 

    Let’s talk Fashion, favourite designer/s? 

    I am at a stage in my life where I am starting to take interest in designer items and anticipating what will bet first designer item. I recently wore a dress designed by Ryan Keys and that is easily the most expensive dress I have ever worn. The quality is immaculate and so was the service. I am a fan of MaXhosa as well. Internationally, Giuseppe Zanotti, Chanel and Carolina Herrera are sensational. 

    What would you still like to add to your titles?

    I would love to go back to radio, I believe the opportunity is yet to come.

    Name a campaign you’ve absolutely loved working with to date?

    It changes every month, I would say Adidas, Nedbank and Nivea have a special place in my heart. I am now working on a campaign with MiWay Blink which is completely different to what I normally create, yet I’m enjoying it. 

    Behind the scenes, what do your followers not know about the process?

    I think my followers are starting to get a glimpse of what happens in the background because I share as much as I can. My team and I create beautiful content pieces that come out perfectly but I try my best to share the “not-so-perfect” parts through my live videos or stories. This helps people understand the immense amount of work that goes into it, simultaneously helping other creators create realistic expectations for their work and less pressure.  

    Create a lasting brand, what does that look like to you?

    Creating a lasting brand speaks to a lot of things. Talent is the foundation but hard work, respect for your craft and clients, constantly reinventing yourself to adapt to changes within your industry and strategically placing your brand in relevant spaces keeps you versatile and relevant. 

    Follow Pamela!

    Instagram: @pamela_mtanga

    Twitter: @pamela_mtanga

    Facebook: @pamelamtnagasa

    -Bridgette Makhela

    Kwenzo Ngcobo On Theatre, Television And Playing Qhawe On Showmax’s The Wife

    Kwenzo Ngcobo / Actor, Director & Martial Arts Choreographer

    You’re a talent to look out for, where does your love for acting stem from?

    I’ve always wanted to act. Growing up as a kid I would act out what I watched in Kung-Fu movies and such, imitating what I saw when I played those VHS tapes was the coolest thing.

    You have extensive experience in theatre, how did you transition into Television?

    I studied theatre but I have always wanted to do TV, so venturing into it came naturally.

    You play ‘Qhawe’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, do you relate to the character in any way?

    Yes I do relate to the character sometimes, especially in the beginning of the story. We all go through some happy and rough times in life and right now the Qhawe, Hlomu and Mqhele storyline is a tough and tricky one.

    How did you land the role of Qhawe?

    I auditioned in March last year and got called back in June. The rest is history.

    What’s your favourite part about being on set? 

    I love acting. I get to be creative.

    The Wife is such a gripping story, what have you learnt from it?

    I have learnt that as a family, you have to protect each other, love each other and learn how to be caring.

    How does maintaining longevity in the industry look like to you?

    Hard work and consistency. Learn from other people, be humble and always stay open-minded.

    One thing you can’t leave the house without?


    Any advice for aspiring actors?

    You’re still learning. If you want to be successful and be known, you have to work hard, stay humble and always be open-minded.

    Follow Kwenzo!

    Instagram: @kwenzo_pholoba

    Twitter: @kwenzokuhlengco

    Facebook: @kwenzongcobo

    Bridgette Makhela

    Bonko Khoza On Playing Mqhele, Following His Passion And Upcoming Projects

    Bonginkosi ‘Bonko’ Khoza / Actor & Voice-Over Artist

    What sparked the love for acting?

    I have always been into acting, since primary school I loved plays but never took it seriously. I went to art school and studied graphic design, I dreamt of being an overall visual artist. After 2 years of trying that, I dropped out to figure out my life. I asked myself if I was doing things because the status quo says so or if I was going to focus on what brings me joy. I decided that I wanted to do something I enjoy and would do for the rest of my life. So I took the decision to study Drama at The Market Theatre Laboratory.

    You play ‘Mqhele’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, how would you describe the character?

    He is a complex character that is heavily bothered by demons in his head. He has unresolved childhood traumas that cause him to act and react in a certain way. Other than that, he is a sweet guy.

    You are an extremely talented actor. How do you prepare yourself for a role?

    My preparation starts at the audition level. I’ll read my script and research the character biography. I get to know the character and start looking at costumes and play scenes out. If I get the role, it’s a progression of building the character.

    What would you change about the South African entertainment industry?

    The industry doesn’t exist on its own, it doesn’t function without the audience. If anything, I would like to change the audience. I wish South Africa would open up access to more global content because it is part of a global market. The audience can then push the industry towards something different. The audience needs to start playing with their appetite and choosing different types of content.

    That one moment in your career so far that you’ll never forget?

    I spent a day with Benedict Cumberbatch in 2020. We did a scene together on a film called The Mauritanian. My scene was initially for his character. The casting director told me to keep pushing and keep my head up because it may be overwhelming. We did the scene in Cape Town and it dawned on me in that moment that he was just a colleague and I had to get it together. From that moment, we started talking and getting to know each other. That was a special time.

    Is there anyone that you call your role model/inspiration?

    Mahershala Ali, I love the way he handles his career and brand. He keeps it very much acting-centric even if he does work for brands. He has won two Oscars and I’m pretty sure when he’s not acting he’s probably spending time with his family and relaxing.

    What is the importance of following your passion?

    Life has a price to pay, you’re not here for free. The system will try and put you in a place where you are most comfortable. When you’re most comfortable, you’ve got nothing to complain about. But things like passion come from the inside, it is who you are, it’s an expression of your true self. Retrospection and bravery are important where passion is involved.

    ’13 Weeks To Find Mr Right’ is your upcoming project, are you working on other things at the moment?

    I have already wrapped 13 Weeks To Find Mr Right. I have now started working on a Disney animation, I’m also shooting a Hollywood film and in talks with various directors but I can’t say much about that right now. Actively working on The Wife and voice overs.

    Any advice for aspiring actors?

    Study first, treat the art with respect and it will pay you back with longevity and substance. Put in the work and the time. Believe in your dreams, trust in God and don’t forget to pray.

    Images by Asanele Shaun

    Follow Bonko!

    Instagram: @bonkokhoza

    Twitter: @BonkoKhoza

    Facebook: @bonkokhoza

    Bridgette Makhela

    YoungstaCPT On DDPB Album, Y?GEN And Career Highlights

    Why the name ‘Dreams Don’t Pay Bills’?

    YoungstaCPT: The pandemic really shifted things for artists and humanity alike. I think for artists specifically, we were spoiled. We were protected and sheltered, our lifestyles were funded by shows, tours and other endeavours. When all of that came to an end, we had to scramble for an alternative. Luckily I had a shop, we were still selling merchandise, sneakers and everything else. Once the pandemic hit, it did make things a bit slower for us. I only got the shop in 2019 so I traded for nine months without Covid, and two years with Covid! It taught me lot, especially in terms of being a business man. I realized my dreams are still valuable, but I have to be more aggressive in actioning them, making them possible and turning them into material things that I can see. I should always be able to give something to my mom, pay the crew and pay the rent. The name of the album came from that desperation. I felt like I had to hustle like back when I started in 2010. Desperate times, desperate measures.

    How did you and Shaney Jay meet?

    Shaney Jay: We met in 2019 at a show. My friend told me Youngsta was in the parking lot so I went to go and take a photo with him and a year later, he opened up the studio and I was told he wanted to see me and here we are today. I had been producing for about 6 years before that. When Youngsta listened to my production on songs like Shane Eagle’s ‘AMMO’, he sent for me and it’s been a pleasure working with him so far.

    Do you have a favourite feature on the album?

    YoungstaCPT: Every song captures each person’s quality, personality and skill set. But, the song with DJ Ready D and Emile YX from Black Noise does something to me. This is probably the first time they make a song together and for me, it’s the significance of the song and what the two as pioneers of Hip Hop mean to us as Capetonians.

    As a South African product, what is different about your Y?GEN clothing line?

    YoungstaCPT: It’s not really dictated by trends, it is meant for someone who dresses according to what they like. In Cape Town, just because everyone wears something, it doesn’t mean we’ll all wear it, we have a certain image and specific style (there’s a whole documentary about this) and I’ve brought that into my clothing line, my raps and into the music videos too. I don’t dress like a rich rapper, I’ve kept my style grounded and kept to what I like.

    Describe music in your own words…

    Shaney Jay: It’s a feeling, if you make a hyped up song, you feel hyped, if you make an emotional song, you feel emo. That’s why us as creators play a big role in how the listener will feel, music is about feelings.

    Would you say your highlight of 2021 is the album?

    YoungstaCPT: I would say the Street Fever deal, acting in and having my music played on Blood & Water (S2) and of course, the new album.

    Follow Youngsta CPT!

    Instagram: @youngstacpt

    Twitter: @YoungstaCpt

    Facebook: @YoungstaCpt

    -Bridgette Makhela

    Lawrence Maleka On Playing Zolani And How He Plans On Impacting The Industry

    Lawrence Maleka / Actor & Entrepreneur

    Projects you are currently working on?

    I’ve never intentionally put word out of what I’m busy with. I want my work to speak for itself and that’s how I’ve maneuvered my career so far.

    Let’s talk The River, how did you land the role of Zolani?

    I have had engagements with MNet for a while now, having d done Clash of The Choirs and All Access Mzansi. They were trying to get me on a drama series and they’d send me scripts but nothing resonated with me. I then got called in to audition for Cobra’s role initially but everything happens as it should as that character is now played by Presley Chweneyagae. The writer’s then wrote a part for me that I read and loved, that’s how the character Zolani was born.

    What was the highlight of your childhood?

    A primary school play I was in, The Jungle Book. I landed a role of a pigeon and had one line throughout the whole show. The hall was full of students and parents. When I said my line, the crowd exploded! That was the moment I knew I like attention. Then throughout the rest of the play, I’m flying in and out of scenes I wasn’t supposed to be in. That was when the seed was planted.

    How do you wish to impact the South African entertainment industry?

    Through credibility, authenticity, breaking barriers and altering stereotypes. I’ve always wanted to be known for my craft and my work. I want to be “Mr sexy” with my shirt on. Careers such as Meryl Streep’s and Denzel Washington’s are what I aspire to, their work comes before their physical appearance and that’s amazing.

    Describe a typical day for you?

    My day starts at 3:30AM. I wake up, pray and meditate and have a quick workout session. I then take a shower and get ready for work. I’m usually on set at 6AM, then by 7AM/8AM my team gives me updates on what I’m doing for the rest of the week. Then I’m on set and get my fencing lessons done afterwards. Once I get home I catch up on emails then spend time with my family, loved ones and do the boyfriend Olympics thing, lol.

    Your favourite career moment so far?

    Everything I work on is my best “thing”. Every job you’ve seen me do was intentional. I’ve always wanted to carve out a certain path out to maintain a career I am proud of. Actually, the character Zolani is a celebration of my brother and friend Mzwandile, it’s also about the culture and people I grew up around ekasi. People resonate with shows they see themselves in.

    Something you’ve learnt while working during a pandemic?

    I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made throughout my career and this made the pandemic slightly easier. On the business front we did however suffer some losses. In the greater scheme of things, it’s all about preparation, the more prepared you are, the more you become ready to face anything. When the pandemic hit, I was able to identify opportunities within it over the tragedies.

    Any final closing words of wisdom for your fans?

    There’s no manual to life, everyone is figuring it out. There’s more than enough room for all of us and the more we collaborate, it makes us better as a people and we can leave something behind for the next generation. No one is coming to save you but don’t discount the goodness of people. Try to be the best version of yourself because the best person to meet is you, this will resonate with other people. Be selfish with your time and the things you want for yourself and don’t forget to experience joy in moments.

    Follow Lawrence!

    Instagram: @sirlawrencemaleka

    Twitter: @Lawrence_Maleka

    Facebook: @LawrenceMaleka

    Bridgette Makhela

    Amanda Black On New Single, Forthcoming Album And Career Highlights

    Amanda Black / Singer & Songwriter

    Who is Amanda Black?

    A South African musician from the Eastern Cape.

    What is the message in your new single ‘Kutheni Na’ featuring Kwesta?

    I am venting, talking about how I feel and what I’m going through. There are so many things happening and sometimes I find myself not understanding how to make sense of all the changes we’re going through. It’s all about me being honest with myself. I want people to be okay with not being okay. Kwesta also came on and was honest too in the song and I appreciate that.

    Your forthcoming ablum, ‘Mnyama’, tell us the process it took to create this body of work?

    When I began making these songs, it wasn’t an album. I just needed to say something and express myself. I decided this year to make an album with all these songs I made during lockdown. The process was about my journey and how I feel. I wanted to be vulnerable and bare. It was about showing my emotions throughout the songs. I needed to be gentle towards myself and I believe it will resonate with people when they listen.

    Your journey so far, a highlight that stands out?

    Winning my first awards in 2017, such as the SAMAs. Working with the likes of Yvonne Chaka Chaka, and Anthony Hamilton as well as being nominated for a BET award (hearing Nomzamo say my name at the BETs was everything) and being on the Essence stage (it was virtual but amazing). It’s only my fifth year in the industry but it’s been a beautiful journey so far.

    What would you say the South African music industry is doing right in 2021?

    I’m seeing artists being fearless, owning themselves and the work they do and it’s going to ripple-effect into owning our stake in the industry. Artists have not taken the ownership as playmakers in the industry but I see it happening now. This is our industry, whatever happens is on us.

    Where in the world would you still love to perform?

    Everywhere in the world, lol. I’d absolutely love to perform at Madison Square Garden.

    What would you say is your ex-factor?

    My spirit, it’s the one thing that stands out across the board with every hat that I wear.

    Consistency, how do you maintain it?

    The people I keep around me, my team and the people that know me push me and keep me consistent. I love what I do and that also keeps me consistent because I remain myself always.

    Pick one, money or a man?

    I would pick “the man”.

    How do your fans play a role in your life?

    My fans literally come up to me and tell me how they relate to my music and how it heals them. All the love and support they show me is encouraging, I truly appreciate them.

    Follow Amanda!

    Instagram: @amandablacksa

    Twitter: @AmandaBlackSA

    Facebook: @amandablackofficial

    -Bridgette Makhela

    Muzi On New Singles, The Industry, And How The Year 2015 Changed His Career

    Muziwakhe McVictor Mazibuko / Artist 

    What does your journey in music reflect?

    That things eventually work out when you listen to your soul rather than the outside world. 

    Who is Muzi?

    Muzi is a father, who happens to make some music. 

    Apart From Need Dat, Interblaktic is your recent drop, share the message behind it?

    It’s about being unapologetically yourself.

    You’re a Singer, Songwriter and Producer, how do you remain inspired and working?

    I study other art forms and get inspired by them, then bring that inspiration back to music. 

    Have a favourite song so far from your collection?

    Sunset Kwazulu.

    What year in your music career really changed your life and why?

    2015, when I got signed to BMG Chrysalis. First time I didn’t feel like John and I were crazy. 

    What has the pandemic taught you as an artist and creative?

    Things take time, be easy on yourself. 

    Anything you would change about the industry? 

    I don’t know. I don’t think like that anymore. I worry not about external factors, the industry is external.

    Follow Muzi!

    Instagram: @muziou

    Twitter: @muziou

    Facebook: @Muzi

    -Bridgette Makhela

    John Amos On His Exceptional Career, Loving Africa And Upcoming Projects

    John Amos / American Actor, Director, Author & Philanthropist

    After so many years in the industry and an amazing career, how do you still keep going?

    What keeps me going is that there are still so many good stories to tell. I always read my scripts first to see what kind of story I will be telling, all my work has to be of substance and mean something.

    Your son KC works closely with you, could you share information on the Kicking It with Pops project?

    Kicking It with Pops is a project from my son KC’s point of view about my life so far. He sheds light on the amazing career I’ve had, my travels, my experience in sports, my childhood as well as experiences until now. There’ll also be appearances from some of my close friends such as Jamie Foxx and Anthony Anderson, it’s truly set to be entertaining.

    What do you think actors should take into important consideration in today’s filmmaking age?

    They should take advantage of technological advances. Actors such as myself did not have such growing up. They have a distinct advantage in carving their future and they should use whatever they can to grab those special moments that they see playing out right in front of them.

    How has Hollywood shown you the divide between black actors compared to other races?

    That’s stuff from so long ago, I’d rather not look back to 40/50 years ago. Right now I see filmmakers of all races and genders who are doing amazing things and it’s great to watch.

    How do you keep focused to your character on set as you shoot?

    The best way to keep focused for me is through eating some good home-cooked meals, haha. When we shot Coming 2 America recently in Atlanta at The Tyler Perry Studios, and it was always a bit chilly so I’d enjoy the tasty warm meals on set and just keep going.

    You’ve mainly played positive black fathers in your roles, what does that mean to you?

    Playing positive black fathers creates a balance for all the other negative roles and bad imagery that’s been out there, it means a lot to me. On the other side of this, I urge that young black men stay safe out there and always be respectful, everybody wants to go home at the end of the day.

    Your favourite work so far?

    One is the biopic my son KC is currently creating as director, the second would be Halley’s Comet, I love the entertainment value and educational value in it. There’s also Kicking It with Pops, we’ve got some great content coming that will keep the viewers entertained.

    What would you like to say to South African filmmakers?

    The future of filmmaking lies in Africa and South Africa is doing amazing work, some wonderful stories about your heroes and heroines are being brought to viewers all over the world. We’ve also all still got a lot of traveling to do, it’s eye-opening and it’s inspiring.

    Follow John Amos!

    Instagram: officialjohnamos

    Twitter: @therealjohnamos

    Facebook: @officialjohnamos

    -Bridgette Makhela

    Mo Flava On Trending SA, Radio And Everything Else In Between

    Moeti “Moflava” Tsiki / Radio & TV Personality / Club DJ

    What do you think you bring to the new Trending SA presenter line-up?

    My experience in media and broadcasting has exposed me to many different facets and I hope that will shine through. I can cover a range of topical discussions ranging from current affairs to entertainment. Naturally, my personality and wit is apparently another stand out factor, lol.

    How does Trending SA stand out for you as a TV show?

    I love talk-show formats. I enjoy TV shows that create content based on daily affairs and social commentary. Trending SA is an excellent platform and it allows us to touch on many different subjects and get a sense of public opinion on a number of matters.

    You’ve been in the entertainment industry for a long while, what do you think still needs to change?

    The entertainment industry needs to be regulated better so that talent is protected. Our industry still remains relatively unstable. Talent needs to get paid more, talent also needs to plan careers and manage finances better. I think corporates and media platforms need to collaborate more with personalities on their own concepts.

    Radio is in your DNA, how is TV different for you?

    On radio, people hear what you say. On TV, they hear and see what you’re saying. The visual aspects of how you communicate become important when you’re live on TV. I also think TV has a much bigger crew working on one show, unlike with radio.

                Your wish for this year is?

                To elevate my career to the next level, and get the vaccine! Lol.

            How does a typical day look for you?

    My radio show on Metro FM, ‘The Morning Flava’ from 5-9AM. Then meetings, voice overs and brand campaigns that I’m working on. Next thing you know, it’s time for Trending SA!

                Anything you would change about your career journey so far?

    I wouldn’t change anything, but I do feel procrastination has been my “achilles heel”. I’ve put off so many great ideas and opportunities and I feel I need to stop second guessing myself and take more risks.

                What can fans expect from you in 2021?

    I hope to contribute to the growth of Trending SA and grow my radio show too. I’m also working on my own initiative called ‘Buy Local’, a YouTube show that promotes local brands. I’m also giving away bursaries to students who want to study, and I’ve been a part of a student debt initiative aimed at eradicating student debt.

    What would you say is your ex-factor?

    People say it’s my smile, my voice, my choice of cologne and sneakers and my witty sense of humour, lol.

    Follow Mo Flava!

    Instagram: @moflava

    Twitter: @moflavadj

    Facebook: @MoFlavaDJ

    -Bridgette Makhela