Bongeziwe Mabandla On iimini, Preserving His Craft And 8 Years In The Industry

Bongeziwe Sipho Samkelwe Mabandla / 30 / Singer Songwriter

‘iimini’, what’s the meaning behind the album?

iimini means days. The album references different dates in the lifetime of a love relationship from the beginning to the end. With the title I wanted to acknowledge those memories and experiences. I documented a relationship at its crucial parts and marked the different moments of this. I wanted to show the good and bad parts of a relationship and what it really means to be in love.

You’ve been in the industry for about 8 years now, how important is consistency and originality to you?

I came into music very late. I was studying to be an actor when I fell in love with music. I look at the past 8 years as a huge learning curve for me. I have learnt so much about writing, composing music, live performing and the business side of music. I have wanted to show with each album that I am growing and changing.

What does your craft mean to you and how do you preserve it?

I have put a lot into being a musician. I have always wanted to be good at what I do. For me, I’m at artist first. I want to make art that evokes emotion and feelings. Creating moving art has been the biggest motivator for me, it comes before anything else.

Amongst other songs, ‘Zange’ made big waves, (it still is)…what inspired you to write it?

Zange was written about falling in love and how that feeling can make you feel like life is worth it. I wanted to capture the fuzzy feeling of how it feels to be in love. I wrote the words to the song at a time when I met someone and they completely changed my life.

Live performances or studio sessions?

I like both. I love how a song comes together in the studio- it’s so fascinating. I like live, but it can be unpredictable. The funny thing is when a live performance goes well, it’s the best feeling ever. I’m hoping to fall even more in love with performing live as I get better at it.

Favourite country to perform in and why?

South Africa is really important for me. I write music in Xhosa because of the pride I have about where I come from. I write music to inspire and empower my people and to stand for a culture and language that was at times disregarded by history.

Africa is bursting at the seams with musical talent, what drives you to keep going?

I love what I do. I respect creating work that takes time and effort. I love figuring and working out difficult things. The people that love my music are such an inspiration and a sense of encouragement to me to keep me going even when it gets difficult. I think I’m doing something from a real and honest place and I think people are looking for that kind of music that connects them with their inner world.

What would you love to be remembered for?

My kindness and compassion, and for songs that made people feel connected.

Any upcoming exciting news you’d like to share?

I’ve been really happy that iimini has come with so many visual aspects. There are still a few more visuals to share which I am really excited about.

Follow Bongeziwe Mabandla!

Instagram: @bongeziwemabandla

Twitter: @Bongeziwe

Facebook: @BongeziweMabandlaOfficial


-Bridgette Makhela

Ami Faku On Music, Ebhayi And Imali Album

Amanda “Ami” Faku / 26 / Musician

Your music has fast taken the South African industry by storm, was this always your life plan?

It has been the dream, but you never really know so you always hope for the best. I am happy that the plan we had with my team actually worked out.

What does music mean to you?

Music for me is a human need. I define it as that because I always need music when I feel a certain way. It helps us function through life, it’s what we all need as humans and it’s what we connect with. It gives us hope and dreams, it’s such an important part of life.

What’s your favourite song at the moment from your album ‘Imali’?

I can’t really say I have a favourite song on the album, every song has such a special and significant meaning for me and why I made each song so it’s always difficult for me to answer such a question but I would pick ‘Ndikhethe Wena’ as it was the first ever single that introduced me into the industry.

What would you call your genre of music?

I would define my genre of music as Modern Afro Soul, that’s the kind of music I make.

What do you think South African musicians still need to learn?

We need to take collaborating with other artists (even if it’s through writing) very seriously. Being involved in the creation of your songs, knowing what you want and establishing your own style as an individual is something that we need to do more as South African musicians.

Any collaborations you’d like to be a part of?

I would love to be a part of any collaboration that I feel can see me grow as an artist, I’m open to any collaboration with anyone that I can find useful at that moment.

 Your ‘Ebhayi’ music video is truly beautiful…what’s the message there?

The Ebhayi music video portrays how I am happy when I’m back home, and how much home gives me strength and courage to continue working towards my dreams.

The one person that inspires you?

I’m inspired by a lot of people, I genuinely don’t just look up to one person. A lot of people have important roles in the journey of who I want to be. Caiphus Semenya, Chrronixx and H.E.R are some of the artists that inspire me.

Any exciting projects you’re currently working on?

Currently I’m just trying to do music, just like with my first album. I’m not trying to rush or have a deadline, whenever I feel like it and whenever I find time to do it.

How was your life like this time last year?

This time last year I was still creating music, trying to figure out my place in this industry and still trying to introduce myself. I look back now and it’s so amazing to see how many things have happened in a year.


Follow Ami Faku!

Instagram: @ami_faku

Twitter: @Ami_Faku

Facebook: @AmiFakuMusic


-Bridgette Makhela

Thabang Molaba: The Actor, Model And Upcoming Stylist

Thabang Molaba / 23 / Actor, Model, venturing into Styling

Explain how the journey to where you are now has been…

It’s been a very difficult journey of rejection, failure and sometimes success. I’m actually glad I never gave up. Besides that, all the struggles and failure I endured, were preparing me for a great reward which is currently unfolding.

You’re a model and actor, has this always been on the cards for you?

Yes, especially with acting, that’s where my heart is.

What would you be doing if you were not in the industry?

I’d probably be with a team of architects putting together a sketch of a building about to be built.

How’s your daily routine like?

Very busy. Filled with spiritual, physical and mental activities. And a day doesn’t end without me getting busy with anything that has to do with acting and drama.

You’ve recently done work with Ferguson Films via The Queen, any valuable lessons learnt there?

I learnt that you need to be firmly present and be there for yourself.

Had you ever done acting before?

I had drama plays in my hometown’s youth club. However, The Queen was my first Television acting gig.

How do you keep focused in your line of work?

I try my best to shut out the distractions. I keep myself present in the now. Give everything in the process instead of the results.

What’s that pinnacle you’d love to reach one day?

I want to be an award-winning actor, it could be any type of award. I want to be in Hollywood productions and projects. I want to play the Marvel superhero ‘Black Panther’ someday. More than anything, I’d like to maintain a constant stupendous improvement in my craft of acting.

Motivation and inspiration, were do you draw them from?

I probably have the most motivated and determined friends in the world. We inspire each other to constantly do great and better. And of course my acting coach Patricia Boyer, she is truly amazing. Other than that, I get it from watching good classic movies and theater plays, interviews and series.

How was 2017 for you and any big things you’re looking forward to this year?

2017 was honestly an amazing year for me. Everything only began to fall into place. It was the beginning for me. A great start. In 2018 I’m looking forward to my comeback on The Queen and a small role I did for Ring Of Lies. That’s all I know of so far, however I know for a fact that 2018 is going to be a year that’s impeccably great. I am excited.

Follow Thabang!

Instagram: @thabangmolaba_

Twitter: @ThabangMolaba_

Facebook: Thabang Molaba

Bridgette Makhela