Bonko Khoza On Playing Mqhele, Following His Passion And Upcoming Projects

Bonginkosi ‘Bonko’ Khoza / Actor & Voice-Over Artist

What sparked the love for acting?

I have always been into acting, since primary school I loved plays but never took it seriously. I went to art school and studied graphic design, I dreamt of being an overall visual artist. After 2 years of trying that, I dropped out to figure out my life. I asked myself if I was doing things because the status quo says so or if I was going to focus on what brings me joy. I decided that I wanted to do something I enjoy and would do for the rest of my life. So I took the decision to study Drama at The Market Theatre Laboratory.

You play ‘Mqhele’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, how would you describe the character?

He is a complex character that is heavily bothered by demons in his head. He has unresolved childhood traumas that cause him to act and react in a certain way. Other than that, he is a sweet guy.

You are an extremely talented actor. How do you prepare yourself for a role?

My preparation starts at the audition level. I’ll read my script and research the character biography. I get to know the character and start looking at costumes and play scenes out. If I get the role, it’s a progression of building the character.

What would you change about the South African entertainment industry?

The industry doesn’t exist on its own, it doesn’t function without the audience. If anything, I would like to change the audience. I wish South Africa would open up access to more global content because it is part of a global market. The audience can then push the industry towards something different. The audience needs to start playing with their appetite and choosing different types of content.

That one moment in your career so far that you’ll never forget?

I spent a day with Benedict Cumberbatch in 2020. We did a scene together on a film called The Mauritanian. My scene was initially for his character. The casting director told me to keep pushing and keep my head up because it may be overwhelming. We did the scene in Cape Town and it dawned on me in that moment that he was just a colleague and I had to get it together. From that moment, we started talking and getting to know each other. That was a special time.

Is there anyone that you call your role model/inspiration?

Mahershala Ali, I love the way he handles his career and brand. He keeps it very much acting-centric even if he does work for brands. He has won two Oscars and I’m pretty sure when he’s not acting he’s probably spending time with his family and relaxing.

What is the importance of following your passion?

Life has a price to pay, you’re not here for free. The system will try and put you in a place where you are most comfortable. When you’re most comfortable, you’ve got nothing to complain about. But things like passion come from the inside, it is who you are, it’s an expression of your true self. Retrospection and bravery are important where passion is involved.

’13 Weeks To Find Mr Right’ is your upcoming project, are you working on other things at the moment?

I have already wrapped 13 Weeks To Find Mr Right. I have now started working on a Disney animation, I’m also shooting a Hollywood film and in talks with various directors but I can’t say much about that right now. Actively working on The Wife and voice overs.

Any advice for aspiring actors?

Study first, treat the art with respect and it will pay you back with longevity and substance. Put in the work and the time. Believe in your dreams, trust in God and don’t forget to pray.

Images by Asanele Shaun

Follow Bonko!

Instagram: @bonkokhoza

Twitter: @BonkoKhoza

Facebook: @bonkokhoza

Bridgette Makhela

T’neeya On Music, Joli, A New Album And Her Time In South Africa

T’neeya / Singer & Songwriter

Did music choose you?

100% and I’m so grateful it did! Wouldn’t have it any other way.

The best thing about your journey so far?

Meeting new people from different backgrounds and cultures, sharing my music with my audience, connecting with amazing artists and just overall getting better at my craft.

How would you describe the music you create?

It’s a blend of Afro Pop, Soul and R&B. I sing/rap in English, French and Pidgin.

Your song ‘Joli’ has been making noticeable waves, what’s the message in there?

It’s a feel good song. A nice uplifting blend of melodies you could easily vibe to in a bar, club or on the highway. In this record I’m talking to a “joli gars” which means pretty boy, basically expressing my feelings for him!

Your thoughts on African music in general?

Proud to be part of the movement, we have a lot to offer and it’s only UP from here!

What are the positives that you have experienced during this pandemic?

Taking some time for myself. Self-love has been eye opening!

How would you describe your time spent in South Africa?

Too short!!! I wish I stayed longer! I loved everything from the people to the culture to the street wear fashion! Can’t wait to go back!

Any new material you’re working on?

My first album, my baby!!! Can’t wait to share when the time is right. Stay tuned.

What would you tell aspiring female artists?

This is what I would advise any artist: Believe in yourself, surround yourself with the good people and never give up!


Follow T’neeya!

Instagram: @tneeya

Twitter: @tneeyaofficial

Facebook: @tneeya1


-Bridgette Makhela

Focalistic On Quarantined Tarantino, Rap In 2020 And Being The Hardest Working Artist

Lethabo “Focalistic” Sebetso / 23 / Musician

You’ve created such a major wave in the industry, was this always the plan?

Thank you. This is only 2% of the plan…I want to be the greatest ARTIST from Africa, so I am glad there is progress on this long journey ahead of me.

You always represent the city Pretoria, what do you love about the city?

What I love about Pretoria is the fact that the city taught me how to be comfortable with myself. It taught me a lot about accepting people from different walks of life, as it is so rich in culture. Pretoria is where I found myself, and I will always be grateful for that.

Describe rap in 2020?

Rap in 2020 has moved from the simple criteria of word play. It is deep. For me, it is about an unbreakable connection with the audience. If the person listening cannot relate, then it is easily classified as whack. The said connection is only attained by genuine music and genuine storytelling.

How are you setting yourself apart from other young rappers?

I am the hardest working, and I am the truest to myself. As a result, the saying “Ase Trap ke Pina tsa ko Kasi” means so much because it is how I decided to set myself apart.

Talent and hard work always win, but how do you take time to chill out?

I usually play FIFA on my PlayStation 4 to clear my mind and chill out. It is therapeutic and also helps keep my competitive personality in check.

Of all the music you’ve released, have a favourite one?

My favorite is always my most recent release. In this case, I am always listening to ‘Quarantined Tarantino’ right now as I feel that it is the most recent masterpiece from myself.

What’s the plan for your fans to never forget the name Focalistic?

I don’t try too hard for that. I am one person who believes in genuine connections. For me, listening to my music and if you love the vibe, I will forever be there for you. I am like your best friend in music, but, in the most genuine way, and that’s how I will be forever remembered.

If you could, what would you change about the industry you’re in?

I would change the opportunities given to people without influence. What I mean by this is we need to give more attention to up and coming artists, as they are extremely talented but just need more attention for them to prosper. The power to change and elevate South Africa lies in the youth and undiscovered talent.

Any newer music you plan on dropping this year?

For now, people need to keep checking out my new release titled #QuarantinedTarantino, which is out on ALL streaming platforms. But, I’m always in the studio so we may never know what can happen, maybe I will surprise my fans…Squad Sa Maradona are always ready for new music.

What keeps you motivated to keep working towards your goals

I’m always motivated by my mom. She managed to take us from Garankuwa in a backroom shack to a double story house. I just want to be able to thank her substantially and ensure that her, and my daddy in heaven are proud of me.

Follow Focalistic!

Instagram: @focalistic




-Bridgette Makhela 

Cyril Zuma On Photography, Founding iStockAfrica And His Dream For 2019

Cyril Zuma / 30 / Portrait, Lifestyle, Events & Wedding Photographer / Founder of iStockAfrica

You’re a young male photographer making moves, how has your journey 
been so far?
My journey in photography has been amazing, photography has helped me travel to parts of Africa I never thought I would see as a boy who grew up in Pietermaritzburg. I have been doing photography professionally for 4 years and only now I can truly call myself a photographer. Like any other field, it has its challenges that can be overcome with focus and consistency.

Where did the love for photography begin?
It began when my late mother bought me a photojournalism book for my birthday, it didn’t make sense until I bought my first camera and started practicing on family members and friends. Growing up in Pietermaritzburg I never had school photos or photos of myself as a toddler. That sparked a whole lot more interest in the field of photography.

How does a typical day look like for you?
First thing’s first, I pray then I respond to emails and check the news. Check up on the iStockAfrica team on what needs to be done for the day and week. If I am not on set, I am either somewhere pitching for new business or editing, which takes up most of my time.

What kind of photography style would you describe your work to be?
I started out as a street portrait photographer so my style stems from shooting a lot of strangers in the streets. I have since grown fond of lifestyle, event and wedding photography.

Biggest project you got to work on?
Every project is big and I treat it as such. There are so many elements that need to come together before, during and after a shoot that make it all nerve-wrecking and exciting. ‘Till this day I still get nervous before every shoot, thankfully I have a team that helps me prepare and stay ahead. It is worth mentioning that we were lucky enough to win the Flight Centre South Africa account to shoot stock images for a couple of their brands.

Ultimate photography job for you would be?
Geez, hahaha! I haven’t thought about it, however building iStockAfrica is my ultimate job at the moment. As a new player in stock imagery, there are a lot of things I am learning and discovering.

The one thing that separates you from other photographers in the 
industry is?
I struggle with this question, can we skip it hahaha! Being a “new comer” gives me the advantage to learn a lot from the guys I look up to and a lot of photographers are really scared to ask because it is an industry with a lot us working in silos. I am not afraid to ask questions if I do not know, nor do I limit myself to one certain style of photography. If it is cool and I vibe with it, then I will learn about it and implement it.

What’s your dream for 2019?
The dream is having the ultimate dream team at iStockAfrica. One of my personal goals is shooting a magazine cover, it eluded me last year, somehow I have a feeling it is coming this year.

Where and how can people contact you for your services?
Instagram: cyrilzuma
Twitter: @cyrilzuma


Follow Cyril!

Instagram: @cyrilzuma

Twitter: @cyrilzuma

Facebook: Cyril Mxolisi Zuma


Bridgette Makhela

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie On New Music, His Next Move And Being An Entertainer

Shelton ‘Forbez’ Salie / 24 / Entertainer

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You’re a well-known face already, how did you find your way into the industry?

I have been in the industry for a very long time. I did my first music video for Tuks with ‘Monate Thwaa’ in 2006 and since then I’ve been working…It went from dancing to TV commercials, then acting and presenting, so I’d say I got to where I am through dance.

One word to describe your time at Vuzu would be?


What are you focusing on right now?

Right now I am focused on building the Shelton Forbez brand and music.


Your new single ‘Smoke’, how has it been received so far?

It has been received amazingly. The girls get it, haha!

Any new exciting projects you’re working on right now?

Yes, I have started my own event where by I provide a platform for untapped music talent.

You’re a dancer too; tell me more about that…

It began in 2004, but only professionally in 2006, with music videos. I’ve appeared in about fifteen music videos in total. I have also choreographed for Danny K and opened up for Akon and Trey Songz, so dance is my first love.


Favourite clothing item?


Your thoughts on the current South African music industry status?

I think we are in a really good place, still work to be done but it’s at a great place.

Jackets or Jays? Select one



Follow Shelton!

Instagram: @sheltonforbez

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela


Farah Fortune On Starting Her Own Business, African Star Communications And The Entertainment Industry

Farah Fortune / 37 / Director & Owner of African Star Communications

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Describe yourself in one word…


Share your story on how you found your way into the business of Public Relations and Event Management

I started my own business in 2008 after being tired of having a boss. I left my job with no savings. I had R1000 to start the business and used R589 to buy my CC for the company.

How do you get up every morning and keep going?

I have bills to pay so I have to work! I also love my job, makes a big difference to my enthusiasm levels. I always set myself goals, so I continuously want to achieve them.

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Was this always your vision for your future?

I knew I always wanted to be my own boss. I always knew I wanted to push women empowerment; I was just never sure how I was going to do it. So when I identified the opportunity to start my own business, I went for it. I had no idea if I’d succeed or not.

African Star Communications has come a long way, with celebrating 8 years this year, how do you plan on keeping up the great work?

We try and keep things fresh within the business through great Public Relations strategies and hopefully we will continue to do so for another 8 years.

One thing you never leave your home without?

Kissing my baby girl goodbye.

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Family and friends, are they a solid support structure?

Yes, very solid support! I appreciate them so much!!! You really can’t do anything in life without solid support.

Club or chilling at home, what do you prefer?

Chilling at home. My job is about events and parties most of the time, so when I get a chance, I like to relax, which isn’t often.

How would you describe the South African entertainment industry?

A growing industry with so much potential.


Follow Farah!

Instagram: @fcfortune

Twitter: @fcfortune

Facebook: Farah Fortune

Follow African Star Communications!

Instagram: @africanstar08

Twitter: @AfricanStar08

Facebook: African Star Communications


Bridgette Makhela