
Johannesburg (South Africa) – In the 90’s the Berea Courts, on the corner of Joe Slovo and Abel Road in Johannesburg, were the home ground for the country’s upcoming basketball talent. On 12 August 2017, international 3-on-3 basketball competition Red Bull Reign makes it’s way to those very courts to restore them to their former glory.

Red Bull Reign is the only basketball tournament with a cumulative scoring system as teams of three play against each other in rounds with the highest scoring team advancing to the next round. This system essentially makes the event an offence-focused tournament where “it’s all about getting buckets.”

The tournament started in the United States two years ago and is now a global sports phenomenon with participation from over 15 countries, including South Africa. The global finals will take place in Washington DC in the USA on the 15th/16th of September at the historic Barry Farms.

The Berea Courts, in the shadow of the iconic Ponte Apartments, will be prepped and primed not only for the event, but also as a leave-behind for the basketball community at large.


DATE: Saturday, 12 August 2017


PLACE: Ponte Basketball Court (Berea Park, Cnr Abel and Joe Slovo Drive, Johannesburg)


Distributed on behalf of Red Bull South Africa

Distributed by: Tutone Communications 

PR Contacts: Melanie Gia Ramjee  

+2784 682 3457 


Bridgette Makhela

K Naomi On Her Dreams, Achievements And The Road To Success

Keitumetse Naomi Noinyane / 25 / TV Personality / MC / Brand Ambassador / Brand Strategist & Consultant


First thing’s first, how was Coachella 2017 girl?!

Coachella was amazing, thank you. Probably one of the best trips I’ve ever gone on. World class setup, music and productions. More than anything, an eye opener to the opportunities the world has to offer.

How amazing is it being selected to join the Maybelline It Girls Global Campaign?

It’s an honour. The opportunity came by surprise, I’m also the only African female in the Global Girls Group. It’s pretty exciting in many ways and an awesome campaign to be a part of.

You’ve recently also teamed up with the Reebok family, how close is the #PrettyLethal campaign to your heart?

Being a Reebok ambassador also came by surprise, it’s awesome being part of an international classic brand that aligns with the type of brand I’m mounding K Naomi to be. Pretty Lethal is an awesome female empowering campaign that made sense to my intentions of inspiring females and it’s also awesome to contribute through a campaign that can actively change lives and more than anything, highlight the importance of females, their unity and their safety. Reebok definitely created a campaign that non have done and it’s an absolute privilege that I carry it too.


Your schedule seems pretty hectic, how do you find balance?

Finding balance is quite hard but I always make sure I make time for myself to reflect and just be. I listen to a lot of music so that’s helped me through my career and just being in my own space.

Your secret to always keeping in shape is?

Gym, eat healthy, gym, mind your own business, gym, work hard.

All your achievements to date, has this always been your dream?

Some of my achievements have been dreams and others I consider ‘extras’. I always set goals, there are so many to still achieve but I’m working on them. So far everything has been a blessing, but my dreams are bigger than where I am currently.


How long has the road to success been for you?

I’m not even successful yet, I haven’t hit that peak or reached that level of confidently saying I’m successful. I’m still wishing my journey, it’s been long but worthwhile.

Only one can be chosen, which one…Fashion, Make-Up or Traveling?


Do you live to inspire or to be inspired?

I live to inspire.


Follow K Naomi!

Instagram: @knaomin

Twitter: KNaomi_N

Facebook: K Naomi N

Bridgette Makhela