Ami Faku On Music, Ebhayi And Imali Album

Amanda “Ami” Faku / 26 / Musician

Your music has fast taken the South African industry by storm, was this always your life plan?

It has been the dream, but you never really know so you always hope for the best. I am happy that the plan we had with my team actually worked out.

What does music mean to you?

Music for me is a human need. I define it as that because I always need music when I feel a certain way. It helps us function through life, it’s what we all need as humans and it’s what we connect with. It gives us hope and dreams, it’s such an important part of life.

What’s your favourite song at the moment from your album ‘Imali’?

I can’t really say I have a favourite song on the album, every song has such a special and significant meaning for me and why I made each song so it’s always difficult for me to answer such a question but I would pick ‘Ndikhethe Wena’ as it was the first ever single that introduced me into the industry.

What would you call your genre of music?

I would define my genre of music as Modern Afro Soul, that’s the kind of music I make.

What do you think South African musicians still need to learn?

We need to take collaborating with other artists (even if it’s through writing) very seriously. Being involved in the creation of your songs, knowing what you want and establishing your own style as an individual is something that we need to do more as South African musicians.

Any collaborations you’d like to be a part of?

I would love to be a part of any collaboration that I feel can see me grow as an artist, I’m open to any collaboration with anyone that I can find useful at that moment.

 Your ‘Ebhayi’ music video is truly beautiful…what’s the message there?

The Ebhayi music video portrays how I am happy when I’m back home, and how much home gives me strength and courage to continue working towards my dreams.

The one person that inspires you?

I’m inspired by a lot of people, I genuinely don’t just look up to one person. A lot of people have important roles in the journey of who I want to be. Caiphus Semenya, Chrronixx and H.E.R are some of the artists that inspire me.

Any exciting projects you’re currently working on?

Currently I’m just trying to do music, just like with my first album. I’m not trying to rush or have a deadline, whenever I feel like it and whenever I find time to do it.

How was your life like this time last year?

This time last year I was still creating music, trying to figure out my place in this industry and still trying to introduce myself. I look back now and it’s so amazing to see how many things have happened in a year.


Follow Ami Faku!

Instagram: @ami_faku

Twitter: @Ami_Faku

Facebook: @AmiFakuMusic


-Bridgette Makhela

Sisanda Henna On Acting, Film And What’s Coming Next

Sisanda Henna / 37 / Actor, Film & TV Creator & MC

Being an Actor and Film & TV Creator isn’t an easy career, did you always want this for yourself?

Yes, probably from the age of 14, that’s when I was a part of my first play, an inter house play where I won Best Supporting Actor at a school called Union High School, in the Eastern Cape…ever since then I’ve wanted this!

How does a typical day for you look like?
There is no typical day, some days I’m writing a proposal to pitch something and some days I’m exercising and meditating, then go and see my acting coach. Some days I go MC an event somewhere and some days I’ll go sit and read a script for a couple of hours in a day for a new project and maybe do some research through watching a lot of movies and series. Some days I’ll just take a taxi somewhere, like to Alex and back because I play real people, depending on the person I’m playing, I’ll go and be where those real people are – whether in a shebeen or a law firm. When I’m producing or directing, I could be in meetings were we’re working out budgets, or I could be spending an hour or two going through contracts, then at times I could be in a PR and Marketing workshop. Other days I’ll do a photo shoot. Sometimes I’ll go for a jog or a swim, all of that is part of creation – even the part where you’re resting.
That one thing you can’t survive without when on set would be?

I try to make sure that I am able to survive even without any of the things I enjoy…just like how at some point coffee used to be quite a thing for me. I like my space, and sometimes I’ve had to adjust to places where I sometimes didn’t have a trailer. My earphones are a thing too because if I cut out noise it helps me focus and I can mentally visualize things. Stretching and breathing are also things I do in my own space to help me get into the zone.

South Africa has some seriously talented actors, anyone you look up to for inspiration?
 There are two actors I respect incredibly: Andrew Buckland (some people may know him from Catching Feelings). I saw him in a play probably back in 1999 and he blew me away! I think he is one of the best theatre actors in the world right next to Rowan Atkinson and Jim Carrey, he really inspires me. Another one is Mcedisi Shabangu, saw him in 2005 in a play called Tshepang. I love going to theatre a lot, it really inspires me.
You’ve made a mark in the industry, what’s keeps you consistently creating work and being a part of it too?
I want it more than anything in the world, probably more than living and being alive. I want to make amazing work and that keeps me going, I’m determined to get it!
Favourite film/TV show you’ve been a part of to date?
It’s hard to pick, I’ve loved so many of them for different reasons. I really love ‘Agent’ which is coming to SABC 1 on Sunday nights at 20:30, it starts March 8th. I’ve loved being a part of season 1 of ‘Trackers’ too, that’s coming to Mzansi Magic as well soon. I also loved being a part of ‘Gauteng Mabongeng’, although I worked on it as series producer and creative director.
What would you like the upcoming generation of actors and filmmakers to know?
It depends on what they want to know and do. There are so many different parts of the industry to go into these days, so it would depend on what they want…makes sense?
Any exciting projects you’d like to share for 2020?
I want to share 2 things: I am going to co-produce and star in a romantic comedy feature film, a big announcement’s about to made soon, it’s amazing! I’m also going to be in a new drama series that is going to be on MNet, although I can’t say much about that at the moment, but when the time comes I definitely want to share the news with you, B Kool Media!
Follow Sisanda!
Instagram: @sisanda_henna
Twitter: @SisandaHenna
Facebook: @SisandaHennaActor
Bridgette Makhela

Nandipha Mqoco On Digital Entrepreneurship, MC’ing And Her Love For Fashion

Nandipha Mqoco / 24 / Digital Entrepreneur, Master of Ceremonies & Fashion Enthusiast

School Them: What’s a Digital Entrepreneur?

Someone who starts a business in the digital space. In my case it would be by means of content creation and endorsing products on my social media platforms.

Content Creation: What’s the process followers don’t know about?

A lot of planning and strategizing. Most of the content you see is curated but that process is where it gets fun, well most of the time.

New Year: What would you love to achieve in 2020?

Solidify existing brand relationships. Getting the opportunity to travel more for work as an MC and a Content Creator, collaborating with more international brands too. Being well on my way to achieving full financial independence.

Rewind: How did you get into the Digital and MC’ing space?

My digital career just happened to me. It definitely wasn’t intentional at all. I would post my outfits, places I would go to on my Instagram. My sisters and I would have impromptu shoots with street fashion photographers. In addition to that, my sister Yoliswa who had a bigger following, would also post me on her Instagram. Thereafter, my audience grew and brands started to take notice and the rest was history! My MC career was definitely intentional. I always had a passion for public speaking so it only made sense to turn my passion into a profit.

Fun Fact: Your sisters Yoliswa and Thobeka are also in the Social Media Influencer game, was this always the plan?

Not at all, we were just living our lives and sharing our love for fashion, beauty and lifestyle then BOOM!

Threads: You’re a very stylish girl, where’s the inspiration from?

Thank you so much! My relationship with fashion is VERY personal. I was surrounded by extremely stylish women (my mother and sisters) all my life. I would watch fashion TV all day, everyday. I drive my inspiration from many places. Thank God for the internet because it exposed me to amazing fashion from all across the globe, seeing how people interpret different styles and trends. London, Amsterdam, New York, Beijing, even good ol’ Cape Town right here in Mzansi. I really enjoy how the people dress there.

Brag a Bit: Biggest bag/s you’ve secured so far?

Revlon and Clinique have been the biggest bags for me.

Mzansi: Where do you enjoy spending your free time?

Get on a plane and fly to CAPE TOWN. For many reasons – my sister lives there, the food is amazing, the scenery is breathtaking. There’s just so much to do there! But if that isn’t possible then watching series, movies and documentaries in another favourite place of mine…MY BED, is a close second.

Wisdom: Some advice on how to stay relevant in the digital era?


Follow Back: Where can new fans catch you on all platforms?

Instagram: nandipha_mqoco / Twitter: @nan_deep / Facebook: Nandipha


Bridgette Makhela

Naledi Sibisi On Content, The Throne And The Mobb

Naledi Sibisi / 26 / Editor-in-Chief at The Throne Agency

Content, what does this mean to you?

Quality, value, tact and reception. Beyond how you carry and pass on information, I think content (creation and marketing) has more to do with how much you captivate and keep your target audience. The people behind the content have to be in the know; research, be on top of trends, understand what is happening in their industries and address or influence their audience through that knowledge. I think that really great content has more to do with the audience than the creator or marketer in the end. Your audience is ultimately who keeps determining what content is and how it translates.

It took you how many years to get to this point?

In theory, eight years. In practice, I would say about three years.

The Throne & The Mobb are dope, give a synopsis…

They feed each other but they also stand alone. Both The Throne and The Mobb explore entertainment, fashion, art and culture in a South African context. The agencies study cultural insights and influencer relations in order to serve as a voice for the contemporary urban and creative landscape. Most importantly, they are 100% Black female owned – aiming to reshape and rethink the creative industry and dynamic for the generation coming on board in the future.

What’s an Influencer to you?

Someone who has the ability to affect how you think and feel about products or services and can ultimately control your purchase power as a result. It goes beyond the surface level and pretty pictures on social media. An influencer is someone who has built up a following based on who they are, what they know and has identified their niche. As a result, brands can use this knowledge and audience loyalty to collaborate with them for marketing purposes to achieve their specific objectives. Influencers are assets.

Writing, it’s either you have it or you don’t. Agree?

Yes and no. I think as with any creative field it’s part ‘gift’, part passion and equal parts practice. You have to constantly study and practice your craft as much as you are passionate about it. You can have a natural flair for writing but if you are not pushing yourself, studying other writers and researching, you don’t have it.

South African social media platforms that praise and promote females, do we have enough?

More than enough. We need to keep promoting and praising them more. Above that, we need to keep putting more women in influential positions and positions of power. The gatekeepers of said platforms are still predominantly male. Life is about balance, it needs to apply in quite simple and complex contexts.

They say the hustle never stops, do you ever stop working and just chill?

I think that when you love what you do, you become a workaholic by default. It’s always important to take time out. I make it a point to not check work related things after a certain point. If it’s urgent, it can find me at 5AM lol.

How would you want to change another person’s life through the work you do?

To keep being a source of inspiration or reference on a large scale. In the near future when I feel I have established myself, I’d definitely like to take a group under my wing; I suppose like a mentorship. I think that knowledge is best when it is shared. I want young people specifically to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour and pass that on.

Where can everyone find your movement, handles?

Instagram: @thethronesa / @themobb_sa

Twitter: @TheThroneSA / @TheMobbSA

Website: /


Bridgette Makhela