PH On 12 Years In The Industry, Gotta Go Single And Upcoming Projects

PH Madubela / 32 / DJ

Why did you pick the DJ route?

Music is my life, without music I’d probably be sitting at a desk somewhere dreaming about music. 

Over the past 12 years in the industry, what moment still stands out for you?

It’s hard to pick out one singular event and say that was “THE MOMENT”, it’s been a series of small achievements which snowballed into recently being at the forefront of a game changing show which provided relief and entertainment to millions of people in South Africa.

Your latest single ‘Gotta Go’, how did you pick the features on it and what’s the song about?

It’s all been fun and interesting. Tumi and I have been sitting on this song for just under two years. We’ve gone back and forth about who would sit well as a feature. I was recording another song at Da L.E.S’ house when he heard the beat, I then asked him if he would jump on, and 30 minutes later we had a fire verse from him. Kiddo C is special. I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw one of his many freestyles that I liked. I sent him the beat and later that day he sent me his verse, and that’s how the song came about. The song is about having good clean fun, homies wanting to hit the coast, party it up and head back home afterwards.

Following the success of Lockdown House Party, any projects you’re working on?

I’ve been bitten by the TV producer bug. I’m really liking TV and the back of TV shows. There’s something I’m currently working on that will come to light next year. I’m excited for that.

You’re an award winning DJ, does the title come with a lot of pressure?

That’s a thing of the past now. We are in a new year with new challenges. It was great to receive recognition from industry peers. However, I have to earn that title once again. 

What’s your ultimate favourite song?

Common & Kanye West – Go. I will never get tired of that song. And don’t tell anyone (for real for real) Natasha Bedingfield – These Words. That’s my sh**

How do you generally prepare for a big show?

Big or small show, I need to know the demographics, that’s always a good start. Apart from that, I’m always prepared musically. The mood is never the same, so you need to stay ready and stay flexy. 

Any more music you’re set to release before 2020 ends?

Yeah, one more song, or the EP, I’m really undecided. I’m also waiting for one or two more features then we are good to go with the EP.

One thing your fans don’t know about you is…?

It has to remain that way, they must know it!

Follow PH!

Instagram: @iam_ph

Twitter: @iam_ph

Facebook: @IAMPH

-Bridgette Makhela

K Naomi On Her Dreams, Achievements And The Road To Success

Keitumetse Naomi Noinyane / 25 / TV Personality / MC / Brand Ambassador / Brand Strategist & Consultant


First thing’s first, how was Coachella 2017 girl?!

Coachella was amazing, thank you. Probably one of the best trips I’ve ever gone on. World class setup, music and productions. More than anything, an eye opener to the opportunities the world has to offer.

How amazing is it being selected to join the Maybelline It Girls Global Campaign?

It’s an honour. The opportunity came by surprise, I’m also the only African female in the Global Girls Group. It’s pretty exciting in many ways and an awesome campaign to be a part of.

You’ve recently also teamed up with the Reebok family, how close is the #PrettyLethal campaign to your heart?

Being a Reebok ambassador also came by surprise, it’s awesome being part of an international classic brand that aligns with the type of brand I’m mounding K Naomi to be. Pretty Lethal is an awesome female empowering campaign that made sense to my intentions of inspiring females and it’s also awesome to contribute through a campaign that can actively change lives and more than anything, highlight the importance of females, their unity and their safety. Reebok definitely created a campaign that non have done and it’s an absolute privilege that I carry it too.


Your schedule seems pretty hectic, how do you find balance?

Finding balance is quite hard but I always make sure I make time for myself to reflect and just be. I listen to a lot of music so that’s helped me through my career and just being in my own space.

Your secret to always keeping in shape is?

Gym, eat healthy, gym, mind your own business, gym, work hard.

All your achievements to date, has this always been your dream?

Some of my achievements have been dreams and others I consider ‘extras’. I always set goals, there are so many to still achieve but I’m working on them. So far everything has been a blessing, but my dreams are bigger than where I am currently.


How long has the road to success been for you?

I’m not even successful yet, I haven’t hit that peak or reached that level of confidently saying I’m successful. I’m still wishing my journey, it’s been long but worthwhile.

Only one can be chosen, which one…Fashion, Make-Up or Traveling?


Do you live to inspire or to be inspired?

I live to inspire.


Follow K Naomi!

Instagram: @knaomin

Twitter: KNaomi_N

Facebook: K Naomi N

Bridgette Makhela

Solo On His Sophomore Album, The Hip Hop Game And His Consistency Plan

Zothile Langa / 28 / Hip Hop Artist


Why Hip-Hop for you?

Hip hop is what I have put most of my practice into, my most effective form of expression.

How long have you been in the game?

I’ve been writing since I was in high school. My first project dropped back in 2010.

Your latest offering Dreams. B. Plenty, does it make you proud? How so?

Yes, my project makes me feel proud. I’ve put two years into it, there’s a lot of emotion.


Your favourite body of work in your career so far?

‘Jubilee no’ LigaMo’, which drops tomorrow, 26 August. It’s about my late grandmother and late cousin. It’s a song close to my heart.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I’m in the studio for eight hours, hit the gym at 5pm, then back to the studio at 10pm.

What’s your consistency plan to remain relevant in the music industry?

Be my authentic self. Listen to myself as I change and apply that to the music. Most importantly, stay true to the music.


Any one you look up to in the industry?

It would definitely have to be Kabelo Mabalane.

What would you still like to achieve?

Everything. I don’t think I have many achievements under my belt yet, I still want to make sure I complete the Dreams trilogy.

Your message to your fans?

I didn’t buckle under the pressure! I truly appreciate all their support over the years, without them I wouldn’t be here today.


Follow Solo!

Instagram: @thisissolo

Twitter: @ThisIsSoloSA

Facebook: This Is Solo


Bridgette Makhela


SubVerse On ‘O Vaya Le Mang’ Single, Upcoming Album And Motswako

IMG_2165Kgomotso Mokgatlhe aka SubVerse / Rapper

How did you find your way into the rap game?

Growing up in the ‘90s, it was almost impossible escaping the influence of Hip Hop culture. My brother kept a steady supply of TDKs and recorded music videos as well. That’s what really built the foundation of my love for the rap game. From then, the early South African Hip Hop scene is what convinced me that it could really be done and I started writing raps of my own.

O Vaya Le Mang…How has the single being received so far?

The track has received quite a lotta love and we don’t expect that to slow down now that the video is out (!! I’m mad excited about the video release and making sure everybody sees it!

DSC_5220You’ll be releasing your second album since 2013, how much work was put into it?

The work is still happening and I’m actually in studio at the moment putting tracks down. I’ve got some special tracks lined up and the style and theme is different from anything I’ve put out before!

Do you have a favourite track on The Take Off album?

It’s way too early to pick a favourite. I can never single out one track but there are a few collaborations up my sleeve that I’m secretly going crazy over!

DSC_5263Tswellopele…How did the album mould your career?

More than anything, Tswellopele showed me the power of will and perseverance. That we (PGP Music) were able to put out such a solid project together, shoot videos, sells CDs, set up gigs and perform – to do all of that independently is an amazing feature. That will forever be a source of inspiration for me. Also, the response that we got was an indication to me that we’re doing something right. There were a lot of lessons that we learnt in the artistic and business sense…I could go on for a while!

What inspires your lyrics?

Experiences and observations. It could be something as simple as something I see or read, or a memory. There’s way too many sources of inspiration!

Motswako, what does it mean to you?

Motswako is the power of expressing yourself on your own terms! It’s powerful stuff if you think about the achievements that have been clocked in the name of Motswako. And I truly believe we ain’t seen nothing yet!

SONY DSCMaintaining consistency in the industry, how do you plan to do that?

I think maintaining consistency is purely a matter of trusting one’s talent and skill. There’s way too many trends and overnight buzzes to try keep up with. If you know what the end goal is, consistency shouldn’t be a fear-driven thing.

Food or FIFA?

I’m tempted to say FIFA…but this completely depends on the time of day, hahaha!

If you weren’t in the Hip-Hop game what would you be doing with your life?

I’d still be in the music scene in some other role. I’m way too passionate about music to imagine myself not involved in one way or another. That and sports.


Follow SubVerse!

Instagram: Subvwarusty

Twitter: @SubVwaRusty

Facebook: SubVerse

Soundcloud: SubVerse

YouTube: SubVerse


Bridgette Makhela