YoungstaCPT On DDPB Album, Y?GEN And Career Highlights

Why the name ‘Dreams Don’t Pay Bills’?

YoungstaCPT: The pandemic really shifted things for artists and humanity alike. I think for artists specifically, we were spoiled. We were protected and sheltered, our lifestyles were funded by shows, tours and other endeavours. When all of that came to an end, we had to scramble for an alternative. Luckily I had a shop, we were still selling merchandise, sneakers and everything else. Once the pandemic hit, it did make things a bit slower for us. I only got the shop in 2019 so I traded for nine months without Covid, and two years with Covid! It taught me lot, especially in terms of being a business man. I realized my dreams are still valuable, but I have to be more aggressive in actioning them, making them possible and turning them into material things that I can see. I should always be able to give something to my mom, pay the crew and pay the rent. The name of the album came from that desperation. I felt like I had to hustle like back when I started in 2010. Desperate times, desperate measures.

How did you and Shaney Jay meet?

Shaney Jay: We met in 2019 at a show. My friend told me Youngsta was in the parking lot so I went to go and take a photo with him and a year later, he opened up the studio and I was told he wanted to see me and here we are today. I had been producing for about 6 years before that. When Youngsta listened to my production on songs like Shane Eagle’s ‘AMMO’, he sent for me and it’s been a pleasure working with him so far.

Do you have a favourite feature on the album?

YoungstaCPT: Every song captures each person’s quality, personality and skill set. But, the song with DJ Ready D and Emile YX from Black Noise does something to me. This is probably the first time they make a song together and for me, it’s the significance of the song and what the two as pioneers of Hip Hop mean to us as Capetonians.

As a South African product, what is different about your Y?GEN clothing line?

YoungstaCPT: It’s not really dictated by trends, it is meant for someone who dresses according to what they like. In Cape Town, just because everyone wears something, it doesn’t mean we’ll all wear it, we have a certain image and specific style (there’s a whole documentary about this) and I’ve brought that into my clothing line, my raps and into the music videos too. I don’t dress like a rich rapper, I’ve kept my style grounded and kept to what I like.

Describe music in your own words…

Shaney Jay: It’s a feeling, if you make a hyped up song, you feel hyped, if you make an emotional song, you feel emo. That’s why us as creators play a big role in how the listener will feel, music is about feelings.

Would you say your highlight of 2021 is the album?

YoungstaCPT: I would say the Street Fever deal, acting in and having my music played on Blood & Water (S2) and of course, the new album.

Follow Youngsta CPT!

Instagram: @youngstacpt

Twitter: @YoungstaCpt

Facebook: @YoungstaCpt

-Bridgette Makhela

Austin Malema On 10 Years In The Industy, RTC Studios And The Future Of Photography

Mpho Austin Malema / Entrepreneur, Photographer & Founder of RTC Studios and Pixel Kollective

You’re a well-known photographer in South Africa, how has the journey been so far?

I have been in the industry for just over 10 years as a photographer and the journey has been an interesting one with many ups and downs. It is not as easy as it seems. Right now people only see your glory years and want the same thing but they don’t know of the failures and trials you face before getting to a point where your work speaks for itself.

What is RTC Studios and what services are offered?

RTC stands for Ronewa Tshiamo Cai. We are a visual creative hub which currently offers photography and videography solutions.

What’s your opinion on the current young South African photographer’s career span? 

I think as a young photographer in South Africa your career can be short lived depending on how serious you take your craft and using it to build a career. The big thing is adapting to different forms of photography, as the industry in South Africa is not big enough for one to make a living by just one form of photography. Most times, you have to adapt to new skills to grow. Young photographers need to stay strong and sharp mentally, as failures and rejection can be taxing.

Explain your type of photography…

I shoot lifestyle photography.

How are you staying busy during this pandemic?

At the beginning of this pandemic I was taking part in challenges by other photographers and created one myself, I also started watching tutorials on other forms of photography I am interested in, I usually do this to keep my mind fresh and to develop my skill set. In the  past couple of  weeks, we had had some projects done which should be coming out soon.

Your proudest career moment? 

There are so many of these moments, one being making it onto the Forbes 30 Under 30 list of 2019. I think I realized that photography was more than just photos, but the bigger picture being the business.

One word to describe your industry would be…


How’s the future looking?

The future of the industry looks great as there are many opportunities for young people to come in and grow. The future belongs to those who go after it.

Inspire the kids with some closing words of wisdom…

As Confucius once wrote: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart”.


Follow Austin Malema! 

Instagram: @aust_malema

Twitter: @AustinMalema

Facebook: @AustMalema


-Bridgette Makhela

Doowap & Tarryn On New Single Thunda Thighs, Collaborations And Performing

Khetsiwe “Doowap” Morgan / 30 / Live Mix DJ & Performer

Tarryn “TNT” Alberts / 29 / Artist, Dancer & Business Owner

You guys recently released a banger of an Amapiano song called ‘Thunda Thighs’, how did the concept come about?

Tarryn and I had been listening to a lot of Amapiano in 2019 and we started creating choreography routines to some of the tracks to perform during my DJ sets. Then end of 2019, Tarryn had the hook “Mmmm aaaahhh mmmm aaahhhh Thunda Thunda” stuck in her head and around that time we had just met the young producer DJ Nel (now going by the name DJ Nelcee) at one of our shows in Limpopo. I spoke to Nel and got him to send through some of his beats for us to vibe to. We both fell in love with the power and energy of the Thunda Thighs beat and we made the song that same day, all that was left was for it to be mixed and mastered.

How and when did you two start collaborating?

I have always admired Tarryn as a dancer, already back in 2014. Then in 2017 I asked her to help me out with creating a show and adding dance as a new element. Our first ever gig performing together was at Budweiser’s first show in South Africa. We then did Afropunk Jozi and Afropunk Brooklyn, New York together. The transition to making music together was a natural and gradual progression.

Music and Dance are what you guys represent on another level, what do you think the South African industry has done right when it comes to these two entities?

Music and dance is in South Africans’/Africans’ blood. We dance and sing when we happy or sad. There’s always been spaces and platforms for both crafts to shine. I will say though that dancers are not treated with the respect they deserve. The amount of hours they put in to help bring an artist’s show to life is immense. They are often overlooked in terms of budget and attention deserved, but still they deliver over and above to bring a show to life. We need more community centres in underdeveloped areas to give children and young adults an alternative to the harsh circumstances they grow up in. Tarryn started a dance centre called “So Dope”, where she teaches classes and is grooming the next generation of dancers. Hopefully we can have more mentors, leaders and spaces created to nurture and cultivate young talented individuals in all forms of artistry.

Where do you guys keep getting inspiration from?

We are both super inspired and motivated by our country and the driven youth that inhibit it. Connecting with young artists at all ours shows, spending time with like-minded creatives in Braamfontein and each city we visit sparks us and ignites our fire. Travelling is always the biggest inspiration, hopping on a plane and landing in a completely different country with their own culture and views is always a refreshing mind shift and opportunity to learn and engage with other parts of ourselves.

Travel is a major part of your lives, how do you plan your schedules around this?

The traveling is part of the work, I try and organize gigs at the places I would like to visit. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to get opportunities that fly us out of the country and give us time to explore it. Tarryn was fortunate enough to do multiple world tours with a well known group.

Once the lockdown’s done, where can fans look forward to seeing your performances?

Wow the future of music is so uncertain. We are not really thinking about shows at the moment as they keep getting cancelled, the main focus is to keep making music and to keep creating. We are also figuring out new and interesting ways of making money in this industry during this weird climate. If you would like to catch us doing our thing and shining then for now it seems it’s going to have to be virtually through Lives and social media.

Any music video for Thunda Thighs in the pipeline?

We would love a video for Thunda Thighs and have the treatment mapped out but the lockdown has put everything on hold. Hopefully something will come out soon.

The one thing you always do before a performance?

We always do warm ups, some abs and core workout, run through the choreography and stretch. The main thing is to loosen up and get our energy levels up.

Any exciting projects still to come from you two?

At the moment we are just focused on making the music video, keeping fit and finding the direction we want the music to go. We are grateful to have this chance to work on ourselves without the pressure of the outside world at the moment.

Advice for aspiring young females that look up to you?

Advice is do whatever you have to do to keep your star shining. Even if it means sometimes you have to be selfish with your time and the people you want to be around. Work on your passion daily, even on the days you are feeling off, just keep moving forward.

Follow Doowap & Tarryn!

Instagram: @djdoowap / @tarryn_tnt

Twitter: @DJ_Doowap

Facebook: @DjDoowap / @tarryntnt


-Bridgette Makhela 

Sazi Ngcobo On Rusco Experiential, Marketing And The Events Industry

Sazi Ngcobo / 32 / Director & Owner of Rusco Experiential

Being in the events industry, what the biggest challenge?

Currently, the biggest challenge for us is to simply stay afloat. Our industry is one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, meaning that for the next few months we have to operate differently as a company. This has resulted in the need for us to reduce overheads (without cutting people), implement new methods of delivering experiences whilst still trying to be innovative & creative.  This entire period has actually been as exciting as it has been stressful. However, take Covid-19 out the equation, and the biggest challenge we face on a day to day basis is managing client expectations with client budgets, whilst still striving to deliver high quality productions and experiences.

The hardest lesson you’ve learnt throughout your career?

Try as you might, you can’t please everyone, and you can’t always be the nice guy! I had to learn that the hard way, but in the end I find that people respect you more (especially your staff) if you tell it like it is when it’s in the name of reaching the high standards that we set for ourselves.

What makes you happy about the field you’re in?

So many things come to mind. If I was to highlight some, here’s top 3:

1: The fact that no two days are the same, every project/experience is different. One can never get bored when they are doing something new every day!

2: People! In this industry you work with and meet people from all different walks of life. From CEO’s to entry level creatives, from world renowned chefs to students who waitress part time. Each person has their own unique story and getting to hear so many is amazing!

3: I love that we get to give life to ideas! The process from concept to execution is extremely stressful and draining, but the feeling of standing back and watching people enjoy an experience that until then lived only in your mind is unfathomable! It’s like a drug!

What sets Rusco Experiential apart from other experiential companies?

Well the first and most obvious differentiator is experience. My partner started Rusco 14 years ago and has since worked on a multitude of events and productions. The reason why that’s so important is that with experience comes trust! Clients trust us to deliver at a high level largely because we’ve been doing it for so many years! A second differentiator for us is that we play in several different spaces simultaneously. We are in the hospitality game (we own and run Pegasus Lounge and the Durban July and Decadance Lounge at Delicious Festival), we are in the eventing game, however we produce events for our clients as opposed to doing our own event, we are also in the sponsorship game in that one of our strategic partners is Big Concerts. With all this, we still take pride in being very low-key and behind the scenes.

What do you think the South African events industry does well?

As far as event productions are concerned, it’s safe to say that although we don’t have the latest technologies and massive budgets seen around the world, we throw world class productions on a constant basis. I’m always proud to be South African when I go to experiences like Friends of Amstel, Castle Lite Unlocks or Rocking The Daisies. Our events, in particular our larger scale events, are on par with some of the best events around the world, and with more people supporting them, they can only get better. Who’s to say South Africa can’t be the destination for the next Coachella?!

The entertainment and events industry are close partners, how does marketing play an imperative part?

Coming from a background in marketing, I would say that to market yourself and your event well is vital (especially for a new event). I mean what’s the use of throwing a dope experience if there’s nobody there to experience it? With that said, we find ourselves working very closely with the entertainment industry. In fact I would go as far to say that we are the intermediary between the entertainment and corporate world.

Most prestigious event you’ve ever worked on?

That’s a tricky one. I would have to say that the most ‘prestigious’ event we did was the President’s Golf Day that we were blessed to be involved with in 2020 (before the Corona virus of course). However, from a personal point of view, I would have to say that the Miller Music Drop Experience we did in 2019 was the best event I worked on, simply because it was a personal project that I’d been trying to execute for about 2 years and Miller Genuine Draft actually gave us the chance to bring it to life.

Any regrets throughout your journey so far?

None! I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that we learn a lot more from our mistakes than our successes.

Where can people get to know more about Rusco Experiential?

Shameless plug time, lol. You can find us on our website You’ll get to see a lot of what we actually do there. Alternatively, we are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @RuscoExperiential.


Follow Sazi!

Instagram: @sazingcobo

Twitter: @Saz_SA

Facebook: @SazNgcobo


-Bridgette Makhela

Abdul Khoza On Acting, Music And Everything Else In Between

Abdul Khoza / 31 / Actor & Musician

You’re fast becoming a household name in the South African entertainment industry. How did you make your debut into the industry?

I won an amazing show called Amstel Class Act (S2), that’s how I got my big break into the industry.

What would you be doing if you were not an actor and musician?

Since I was already a dedicated fireman, I would have continued my studies to be up the ranks as a Station Commander or Division Commander by now.

What was your plan for 2019 going into 2020? 

More fire from Isibaya’s ‘Qaphela Ngwenya’ for sure, dropping music as a solo artist as well as more with my group, Audio Assassinz. I look forward to a lot of personal growth within my relationship, as well as with family and friends.

What does a day on set for you comprise of? 

In a nutshell, it’s long hours, lots of running, many kicks and punches (when I do my own stunts), driving fast cars and shooting loud guns.

When you’re feeling demotivated, what or who inspires you?

A good workout (exercises & martial arts), good music, a good movie or a good book.

What’s your take on South Africa’s current entertainment industry?

I love the immense growth I see from all ages of the many multi talented artists of our country. Many of our talents in music and acting alike have gone global and become international super stars. Our local stars are multi tasking and juggling different careers, and are more independent now with their work.

That one thing you can’t leave the house without?

My smile and positive energy.

What does music mean to you?

Good music is therapeutic and it gets me through so many challenges in life. It motivates and inspires me to live life with a purpose and pursue greatness in all I do.

One trait that’s gotten you this far in your career?

Being grateful for all my blessings, whether big or small. Staying humble and forever appreciating every single day of life that I am blessed with.

Follow Abdul!

Instagram: @abdul_khoza

Twitter: @Abdul_Khoza

Facebook: @AbdulMKhoza


-Bridgette Makhela

Mpho “Popps” Modikoane On Black In My Day Tour And Upcoming Savanna Comics’ Choice Awards

Mpho “Popps” Modikoane / 32 / Stand Up Comedian

Comedy: How did you start your journey?

As a kid, there was a day my grandfather made fun of me in front of the whole family, everyone was laughing and I couldn’t even get a word in. I ran to hide in a closet  because I couldn’t take the embarrassment and I vowed that would never happen again. So it basically started from a place of trauma.

You’ve made a name for yourself in the Comedy industry, was this always the life plan?

It wasn’t always the plan – I wanted to be a lawyer, a pilot, a business man, a swimsuit model.

Material: Where do you draw your ideas to joke about on stage from?

I draw all my ideas from my everyday life. My belief is that my talent and skill is not a show I put on but an embodiment of my true self. This is who I am, all day, every day. My goal is to spread laughs and bring joy to audiences around the world.

Laughter or Love? Pick one…

That’s like choosing between your brother and your sister – laughter and love go hand in hand , you can’t have one without the other.

Tell us about your ‘Black In My Day’ national tour and what attendees can expect?

#BlackInMyDay is a nostalgic trip down memory lane of how I grew up and all the experiences that have brought me to the point I’m at today. It is a play on what life was like back in the day as a black man and navigating those challenges. It is reflective on life in the hood, and drawing a comparison to flourishing in the suburbs. So people can expect an evening of laughs and some great entertainment.

The Savanna Comics’ Choice Awards are coming up and you’re a nominee, anticipating a win?

Whether I win or lose doesn’t really matter to me, there is no way of really measuring comedy because how do you determine who got the most laughs or who had the best joke of 2019?

What do you love most about your job?

The fact that I get to make people laugh for a living, unlike a dentist, people actually look forward to coming to my place of work.

Any exciting plans for the rest of 2019?

Touring the country for my #BlackInMyDay tour, it doesn’t get more exciting than that for me.

One crazy/cool thing that people don’t know about you?

I can spin a Gusheshe.


Follow Mpho Popps!

Instagram: @mphopopps 

Twitter: @MphoPopps

Facebook: @mpho.popps.fanpage


Bridgette Makhela

Mihlali Ndamase On Content, Influencing And Beauty In The Digital Era

Mihlali Ndamase / 22 / Certified Makeup Artist, Brand Strategist, Beauty Content Curator & Co-Founder of Siyasizana Foundation

Content: What does this word mean to you?

Documenting and sharing what brings fulfillment to you.

In this era of social media, how did you become a Digital Entrepreneur?

As my brand grew, I started to understand it’s value and the value it brought to the brands I collaborated with, that’s when I decided to turn content curating into a business.

You’ve made a big name for yourself within the beauty space through your YouTube channel, has this always been your passion?

Yes it has, I started watching Beauty YouTubers at age of 15. I drew a lot of inspiration from them when I finally decided to start my channel.

What does it mean to you to hold an Influencer label?

Being an Influencer means to have the ability to influence the purchase decision of others because of one’s authority, knowledge, position and relationship with their audience. Being regarded as one is honestly such an honour, especially when you work on such platforms, it benefits your business immensely because brands are then able to trust you with their product.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different, it honestly depends. Sometimes I wake up, go to the gym, come home and shower and begin filming or shooting content. Other days I have shoots in studio or outdoors, depending on who I am shooting for and what the style of the shoot is, then there are meetings in between. Some days are purely for relaxation and unwinding. I either spend them at home alone, or out with friends or family.

You’re the co-founder of Siyasizana Foundation, what is it all about?

Siyasizana Foundation is a non-profit organisation which was founded by myself and Dineo Nono in 2017. We focus on addressing various needs in society, our projects consist of assisting everyone. We have worked closely with Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra by throwing annual Christmas parties for the children, feeding them and supplying them with uniforms, clothes and blankets for the Winter season. We have also done baby drives (where we supply homes which house abandoned babies with food and clothing), pad drives, Winter clothing drives and book drives. We aim to grow and continue to empower men and women in our community and some day across South Africa.

Congratulations on winning the Cosmopolitan ‘Influencer of the Year Sparkle Award’, some advice to young ladies that look up to you?

Be very persistent in following your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise because your dreams are valid.

Pick one: Travel or Fashion?

Surely picking one should be illegal! I would have to go with travel.

Any exciting projects you’re working on for the rest of 2019?

More Masterclasses are to come, look out for ‘Beauty and The Beat’ in Durban, Cape Town and all over South Africa. I am also working on some exciting products and there is more growth and expansion to come for the Mihlali brand, I can’t give away too much so keep a lookout!


Follow Mihlali!

Instagram: @mihlalii_n

Twitter: @mihlalii_n

Facebook: @MihlaliiNdamase


-Bridgette Makhela

Thabo & Thabiso On YoMzansi, Relevant Content And Social Media

Thabo Modiselle and Thabiso Modiselle / Content Creators at 5@2 Media & YoMzansi

Content is of the essence. How did YoMzansi begin?

YMZ began as a hobby at a time when we were messing around with computers and coding. And since we were attached to the entertainment industry, we figured we’d create our own blog which would talk about the latest news in entertainment, music and digital trends. This was back in 2008 and we named the blog 5@2 News Network. Then in 2010, we decided to re brand to YoMzansi and make it a solid passion project, because people were enjoying our content and wanted more. Today, YoMzansi is a platform that focuses on current pop culture and documenting it. We also curate our own original content through dope collaborations with different brands.

Describe a typical day at the office…

Weekdays we kick start the day at 8am, the plan is to keep our mornings very easy so we can achieve a lot more within those hours. The first hour we go through our To-Do list and figure out deadlines and the content list. Between that and midday, we’re on our laptops putting up content on the blog and social media, while getting on those morning calls and E-mailing potential clients and brands. At times we use some hours to put together proposals and share ideas with certain brands we’re keen on working with, so this is a team effort. Same morning we get package deliveries from brands that have booked editorials and shoots. Lunchtime we hit the drawing board together with the team to come up with killer ideas for editorial shoots. Once we have implemented the key ideas and plan, we spend most afternoon hours putting together the shoot at the studio. We try as much to stay away from meetings, unless it’s critical. We wrap up our day after receiving a bunch of invites to attend launches, events, press conferences, etc (not all of them pay). We then decide which ones would be great to attend, where it will be beneficial to network and get dope content.

You guys are twins, how does working together pan out?

It has honestly made things a bit smoother in terms of building and getting the work done, because we can multi-task. We have spent time together since day one, and have shared our passion since, so our work relationship has become a lot easier. But also, this comes with a lot of arguments because as much as we’re twins, our tastes differ, so at times when we have to put out a final product, you find that we have to choose what is best and it’s not always easy. But through the years we’ve managed to overcome challenges like that, because we share the same vision and our work ethic is on a thousand.

What’s the secret to always producing fresh, relevant and visually captivating content on your blog? 

When we started the blog, most times, the question was what type of content would we (personally) want to consume and read daily. From that, we started looking at trendy, fresh and youthful content that any millennial would enjoy and want to subscribe to. Picture it: when you’re hanging with your friends, what would you talk about? The ‘IT’ Fashion item everyone has, money, cars, music, the coolest restaurant in Melville and so forth. So it’s not really a secret but more of daily stuff that attracts millennials.

2019, what’s the goal?

Building and building. There is much to be done, but the focus for this year is content. We are expanding our current podcast #YMZTechTalk and want to launch two more and produce more video content focused on South African pop culture. We also plan on expanding our portfolio in terms of collaborating with different brands that appeal to our audience.

What do you think South African Bloggers, Influencers and Content Creators still need to figure out?

It’s definitely the ‘storytelling’ part, that’s the key thing, many Influencers new and old still think it’s about the massive following, trending and clout. Creators and Influencers need to focus on telling beautiful and honest stories about whatever subject/topic they are covering. We need more Creators who are reliable when it comes to their word and work. Remember all this has to come with an audience that relies on your word, and that easily makes you stand out. Also for the ‘longevity’ part, can a kid in the next 10 years reference your piece, work, review or photograph? Also, it’s important to ‘stay away’ from the cycle of doing what others are doing, the usual things. It will be so dope to see new Creators and Influencers coming into the industry with their own taste, impact, style and just authentic new cool.

Think we’ll ever see the end of social media?

As long as we have the internet, social media will never die. Besides the celebrity life, slay queens, etc, social media is about connecting people, communicating and sharing information, and you have to think about this ‘world wide’. These days people rely on social media for information, latest news, advice and so on. Platforms are always going to be there for people to access such. Social media has to be the biggest thing that has ever happened to the internet itself, we honestly don’t think that today the internet would be fun without the social media part of it (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram).

What are you guys looking forward to the most this year?

What is important to us is taking a step closer to the big goal. So even if it’s just one step we take this year, that will be dope for us. We are on a journey of building a media network with YoMzansi, have our own digital network, TV shows and expanding the brand into a lifestyle.

What does YoMzansi do for the culture?

Currently, we’re focused on documenting all the important stories and events that are happening within the music, fashion, art, film and lifestyle industry. We also tell stories about individuals who are pushing the envelope within those categories. This is so that the upcoming generation can have an authentic and honest reference about what was going on 5 to 10 years ago. We’re in the digital era, they should be able to read that, watch it or stream.


Follow Thabo & Thabiso! 

Twitter: @ThaboThabiso

Instagram: @ThaboThabiso

Facebook: @ThaboThabiso Modiselle


Bridgette Makhela

Rudzani Netshiheni: HYPE Magazine’s Editor And How He’s Changing The Game

Rudzani Khorommbi “Roo” Netshiheni / 26 / Editor at HYPE Magazine / Chief Information Officer at TEMPLE AGENCY (super exclusive, to be announced soon)

You’re changing the game one word at a time, how’d you become HYPE Magazine’s editor?

It’s quite a simple story of how just reaching out can open doors. After my Matric year in 2010, I decided to take a gap year to find myself. Initially I wanted to study architecture (still do & will do soon) but the thought of it didn’t excite me that much anymore compared to when I was in high school. During that gap year I reconnected with one of my primary school best friends and we had so much in common after all these years of not communicating that it made sense why we were close in primary haha. Anyway, one of our interests was Hip-Hop culture and all the cool things that were a part of it. From the fashion, events and music, we were just obsessed with knowing what was going on. That sparked us to create a blog in 2012 called Temple Revolutions (one of TEMPLE AGENCY’s inspirations you see). The blog started when I was a first year student at Boston Media House. Every day we would rush over to some internet cafe in Hatfield and write about current Hip-Hop news and other cool things like sneakers, etc. As time progressed, people started noticing the blog and we started to get more confident in what we were doing, which led to us being more experimental and going out to Hip-Hop events, documenting them and just drowning within the creative atmospheres. I call those days our “studying” days because we were studying the game.

I remember we attended our first Back To The City festival event also in 2012, by then I had grown a taste for writing which helped with my studies, at that BTTC festival, I remember us standing in a long que waiting to get in and I noticed that they were handing out free HYPE Magazines. I took one of course and started going through its content. There were also some other Hip-Hop platforms at the festival and even though they didn’t compare to HYPE, I was still intrigued by them. I approached one guy that was a writer for one of the other Hip-Hop magazines, I won’t mention the name of the magazine as I don’t want to seem like I’m dissing it. I approached the guy and he gave me the editor of that magazine’s email address, that same night I sent an email to the editor asking to be a part of it. He replied once, I replied to his reply and after that never heard from him again. That disappointment was the tipping point that encouraged me to approach HYPE because initially I thought that the biggest Hip-Hop magazine in Africa wouldn’t have time for a young hungry kid like me. Simone Harris was the editor at the time, and I reached out to her. She replied and I responded to her without high hopes for things moving forward but Simone hit me up again. So, before I sent emails through to editors, I would always have about three articles I wrote to submit so they could review my writing skills. I sent Simone about three articles I had written at the time, she liked them and asked me if I would love to contribute to the HYPE website and I said hell yeah! Oh, I also had an article published on XXL’s website about South African Hip-Hop that gave me some credit. Also had HYPEBEAST connects but that’s a different story.

Four years later, I graduated. While at home chilling, frustrated because Simone had moved on from HYPE around that time and I didn’t know if that meant my time with HYPE had ended. Keep in mind I wasn’t getting paid or anything, but I truly felt blessed and cool for having been given the opportunity. Fred Kayembe was the new editor and we weren’t that close at the time. I think I only met him once at some HYPE event before Simone’s departure. I was in Venda getting my driver’s licence when I got a call from Fred who said that he loved my work and wanted me to come work with him. The timing of everything was perfect because when he called, I has just passed my driving test and then I got my first car, which helped with getting to the office on time. For a year I was Fred’s assistant, then in 2016 he moved on from HYPE to do crazier things and I took over. I probably skipped some parts because  it’s a long story.

What’s the vision for 2019?

The vision for 2019 is to really celebrate the future superstars within the music industry. Personally, I want to expand HYPE’s influence on the other genres too that are also still part of our community. Also have a vision to create more interactive experiences, collaborations and higher quality content. Its going to be a crazy year.

Hip-Hop, define it in your own words…

Hip-Hop is God’s gift to the world. Those are my words. This culture has changed so many lives and continues to do so and grow.

Who’s quickly making their come up in the industry according to you?

You have a lot of young artists and unique artists coming up. The likes of ByLwansta, who was one of our first HYPE Freshman, he is really set on dominating. ByLwansta is also the first South African (and only) to have appeared on the famous COLORS platform, which is crazy. Then you have new wave artists such as The Big Hash, Lethabo Acid, Yuang, PatricKxxLee and so many more paving their way to the top. Other artists like Touchline, Luna Florentino, Kingsweetkid, King Lutendo and a whole lot more are working hard. Then you have our HYPE Freshman 2018 winners such as Rowlene, ASON, 3ple B, Tian and others I mentioned before gearing up for a takeover. I’ve also been keeping an eye on the alternative guys like Tron Pyre, Angie Santana, Una Rams, Espacio Dios and so many others who are special.

Music, Fashion or Alcohol, one’s gotta go lol.

Alcohol can go bruh…

What are you grateful for the most?

I’m grateful for the opportunities I’m constantly given to make a mark and super grateful for the support structures I have.

Favourite jam at the moment?

I currently have Mac Miller’s ‘Wings’ on repeat now. R.I.P

When you started, you never thought…?

Never thought I would be such an influential voice in South African Hip-Hop and get event invites from London, New York & Los Angeles. Crazy.

Who is Roo really?

Roo is a grown-ass Venda kid from Shayandima who over the years has grown in confidence, appreciates all that God has blessed him with and is destined for overwhelming great things. That’s Roo.


Follow Roo!

Instagram: @_rooat

Twitter: @Roo_AT

Facebook: Rudzani Khorro Netshiheni


-Bridgette Makhela