Amanda Black On New Single, Forthcoming Album And Career Highlights

Amanda Black / Singer & Songwriter

Who is Amanda Black?

A South African musician from the Eastern Cape.

What is the message in your new single ‘Kutheni Na’ featuring Kwesta?

I am venting, talking about how I feel and what I’m going through. There are so many things happening and sometimes I find myself not understanding how to make sense of all the changes we’re going through. It’s all about me being honest with myself. I want people to be okay with not being okay. Kwesta also came on and was honest too in the song and I appreciate that.

Your forthcoming ablum, ‘Mnyama’, tell us the process it took to create this body of work?

When I began making these songs, it wasn’t an album. I just needed to say something and express myself. I decided this year to make an album with all these songs I made during lockdown. The process was about my journey and how I feel. I wanted to be vulnerable and bare. It was about showing my emotions throughout the songs. I needed to be gentle towards myself and I believe it will resonate with people when they listen.

Your journey so far, a highlight that stands out?

Winning my first awards in 2017, such as the SAMAs. Working with the likes of Yvonne Chaka Chaka, and Anthony Hamilton as well as being nominated for a BET award (hearing Nomzamo say my name at the BETs was everything) and being on the Essence stage (it was virtual but amazing). It’s only my fifth year in the industry but it’s been a beautiful journey so far.

What would you say the South African music industry is doing right in 2021?

I’m seeing artists being fearless, owning themselves and the work they do and it’s going to ripple-effect into owning our stake in the industry. Artists have not taken the ownership as playmakers in the industry but I see it happening now. This is our industry, whatever happens is on us.

Where in the world would you still love to perform?

Everywhere in the world, lol. I’d absolutely love to perform at Madison Square Garden.

What would you say is your ex-factor?

My spirit, it’s the one thing that stands out across the board with every hat that I wear.

Consistency, how do you maintain it?

The people I keep around me, my team and the people that know me push me and keep me consistent. I love what I do and that also keeps me consistent because I remain myself always.

Pick one, money or a man?

I would pick “the man”.

How do your fans play a role in your life?

My fans literally come up to me and tell me how they relate to my music and how it heals them. All the love and support they show me is encouraging, I truly appreciate them.

Follow Amanda!

Instagram: @amandablacksa

Twitter: @AmandaBlackSA

Facebook: @amandablackofficial

-Bridgette Makhela

PH On 12 Years In The Industry, Gotta Go Single And Upcoming Projects

PH Madubela / 32 / DJ

Why did you pick the DJ route?

Music is my life, without music I’d probably be sitting at a desk somewhere dreaming about music. 

Over the past 12 years in the industry, what moment still stands out for you?

It’s hard to pick out one singular event and say that was “THE MOMENT”, it’s been a series of small achievements which snowballed into recently being at the forefront of a game changing show which provided relief and entertainment to millions of people in South Africa.

Your latest single ‘Gotta Go’, how did you pick the features on it and what’s the song about?

It’s all been fun and interesting. Tumi and I have been sitting on this song for just under two years. We’ve gone back and forth about who would sit well as a feature. I was recording another song at Da L.E.S’ house when he heard the beat, I then asked him if he would jump on, and 30 minutes later we had a fire verse from him. Kiddo C is special. I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw one of his many freestyles that I liked. I sent him the beat and later that day he sent me his verse, and that’s how the song came about. The song is about having good clean fun, homies wanting to hit the coast, party it up and head back home afterwards.

Following the success of Lockdown House Party, any projects you’re working on?

I’ve been bitten by the TV producer bug. I’m really liking TV and the back of TV shows. There’s something I’m currently working on that will come to light next year. I’m excited for that.

You’re an award winning DJ, does the title come with a lot of pressure?

That’s a thing of the past now. We are in a new year with new challenges. It was great to receive recognition from industry peers. However, I have to earn that title once again. 

What’s your ultimate favourite song?

Common & Kanye West – Go. I will never get tired of that song. And don’t tell anyone (for real for real) Natasha Bedingfield – These Words. That’s my sh**

How do you generally prepare for a big show?

Big or small show, I need to know the demographics, that’s always a good start. Apart from that, I’m always prepared musically. The mood is never the same, so you need to stay ready and stay flexy. 

Any more music you’re set to release before 2020 ends?

Yeah, one more song, or the EP, I’m really undecided. I’m also waiting for one or two more features then we are good to go with the EP.

One thing your fans don’t know about you is…?

It has to remain that way, they must know it!

Follow PH!

Instagram: @iam_ph

Twitter: @iam_ph

Facebook: @IAMPH

-Bridgette Makhela

Pearl Shongwe On Her Journey In The Broadcast Industry And What’s Still To Come

Pearl Shongwe / 31 / TV & Radio News Anchor / Host of the most impactful youth leadership show on the continent, One Day Leader / Voice Over Artist / MC & Facilitator


How did you mould your way into the broadcast industry?

From winning a radio talent search competition in 2010, I’ve come a long way.  It’s taken a lot of hard work, dedication, networking, failure, rejection and a lot of patience! I’ve tried not to plan too much in my journey, I have set my eye on things I have wanted to accomplish and worked steadily from there. I follow my gut and I allow myself time to grow into whatever role I’m in. Being authentically me and not allowing myself to succumb to pressure has helped me stay true to my cause. It has not been easy and I’m grateful that my journey hasn’t been the smoothest because my character and who I am now is better for it. A lot of the skills that I possess have had to be self-taught, which is one of the things I remain profoundly proud of!


Your schedule is probably demanding, how do you keep focused?

There is a lot of demand on my time but with everything I do, my secret is to talk myself into staying present, so that I don’t miss out on any experience and any opportunity to be grateful. It’s so easy to fall into ‘auto-pilot’ mode and so it’s become imperative for me to take it one show at a time, one voice recording at a time, one shoot at a time, etc and be fully present so that I can deliver the best standard of work possible. I have been working 7 days a week for several years now and yes, it gets exhausting. It is especially difficult because I miss a lot of family and friends time but I think I’m getting better at managing that now, especially this year. I have learnt to manage my time more efficiently.  That also comes with sacrifices like saying “no” to paying gigs!


What have you learnt on your journey in the industry so far?

That it’s so important to do things your way, in your own time and pace. People will try and mould you into their own ideas of who you are and what you should be doing, and when. It’s not necessary to live up to anyone else’s expectations except your own. Rejection is part of the game. Deal with it. Do your best, audition, get better, take notes, practice and perfect it! Do what you can, until you can do what you want. Also, never forget why you started and always pay it forward.


Biggest moment you’ve had?

There have been so many! I’m gushing just thinking about a few of them! It’s impossible to single out just one. My most stand out Television moments include what was the very first time I was booked as a field reporter at the 2014 Carling Cup, making my debut on SABC’s longest running breakfast show, ‘Morning Live’, and working alongside Kass Naidoo on the Rio 2016 Paralympic show. Also, signing off at the end of my first news bulletin on Metro FM was a massive moment of sheer elation, joy, and satisfaction. I had dreamt about it for a very long time.


Look up to any one in the industry?

There are so many female broadcasters that I have immense respect for; Kass Naidoo, Ayanda Allie Payne, Azania Mosaka, Carol Bouwer, Oprah Winfrey, Lara Baldeserra, Bonang Matheba, and Gorja Calvin-Smith are at the top of my list but I also have a deep sense of admiration for women working behind the scenes in television including Desiree Markgraaff and Mmabatho Montsho who are such A-graders!


What’s the end goal after doing your part?

There’s a lot that I still want to achieve but I think one of my ultimate dreams is to own a TV and Film school in the township. Our children are so talented and need to be supported if they are passionate about the arts. I always think of what Oprah has done for our country to advance education and to provide better opportunities for young girl children here, it’s something that I think everyone should aspire to do; to contribute towards positively changing the trajectory of the future of our children. Our success is not our own, it is meant to build others up and to create a better reality for those who come after us! I also have a secret dream of being a diplomat and then retire in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands at 45!


Working on anything else in 2018 you’d like to share?

Not much. I lost my dad in January this year and I think my biggest commitment has been to try and focus on my healing journey and being there for my family.  It’s been a challenging time and I’ve just been showing up for all the current projects I have running without wanting to put myself under any pressure. I am an extremely ambitious woman, and though it’s been a little weird trying to allow myself to slow down, I’m actually okay with it. I am not complacent however and something exciting is definitely brewing for 2019, but I won’t say too much about it for now. All I can say is that I’m banking on it being a game-changer for me.


Talent, consistency and hard work, what do these things mean to you in your everyday work life?

Talent is not enough, consistency in itself is hard work and is tough to maintain and well, hard work pays off! Cliché but, it works! Whether you believe in working hard or smart – either way, work must be put in!


Strong, fearless females are usually seen as intimidating in society, how do you deal with that stigma within your work space?

I don’t think about it and so there’s nothing to deal with. I stand tall, go about my business and get the job done. I have no emotional capacity to deal with negativity or to try and nurse egos or even notice who is feeling what about my position. It’s simply a non-factor. There’s work to be done and I’m pretty good at shutting out the noise. Men or even women who feel intimidated should rather focus on their own journeys. Life’s too short to try and keep up with anyone else. Pearl Shongwe is busy working…are you?!


Follow Pearl!

Instagram: @pearlshongwe

Twitter: @Pearl_Shongwe

Facebook: Pearl Shongwe


Bridgette Makhela

Kutloano ‘Da Kruk’ Nhlapo On DJing, The Axe Ibiza Experience And His Industry Journey

Kutloano Nhlapo / 29 / Mix DJ / Radio Presenter / Radio Music Executive / All Round Creative

How’d you find your way into the industry?

It’s been a really long journey that started during school holidays. I used to job shadow DJ Sbu’s Drive Time Show and eventually had a taste of radio and the Schools Art Festival in Grahamstown, I think that’s when I knew that music and radio are what I’m going to do until the casket drops. DJing started a lot earlier, which was also during my high school days, a friend of mine had equipment and we’d chill for hours on end in his backroom DJing. The defining point, however, was leaving UJFM to produce Mo Flava’s Breakfast Show on YFM 99.2 at the age of 22 back in 2012.

Has your journey been epic or a beautiful struggle? Elaborate…

My journey has been a beautiful struggle and epic at the same time because it’s been really challenging, confusing and torturing all in the same breath. Every time I think of giving up or doubting my abilities, a reward takes me to the next level.

You made headlines last year by winning the Axe DJ search competition, how has that impacted/shaped your brand?

That was a defining period, I mean I was one of the last people to enter the competition because I was in a place where I was fighting who I am and what I wanted from the industry as a creative. So I entered because playing in Ibiza was a childhood dream and this opportunity really took me back to why I wanted to DJ and why I actually started, so it really wasn’t a battle to beat any other DJ but a challenge to fulfill something I’ve always wanted.

How does a typical day for you look like?

I’m a workaholic that’s always ready to outwork everybody, so every time I have time on my hands and doing nothing with it, I feel like I’m cheating myself. So during the week (Monday to Friday) I’m at YFM working as a Music Executive, playing my part in contributing to the sound and direction of the station. During weekends I’m either doing my radio shows on YFM or gigging somewhere in the country.

Ever had/have a mentor?

Yeah, before I got into radio I worked as an intern at a youth marketing agency called Monatefellaz, which was founded by Musa Kalenga. I left Monatefellaz at age 22 as a Junior Creative Director and made sure that I maintain that relationship over the years, so besides not working for him, I kept reaching out over the years and that’s how he became a person that helps me make some crucial career decisions and maintain a progressive mindset. Musa Kalenga is an author, master strategist, speaker and all things progressive African.

What does music mean to you?

Music means ‘Privileged Mindset’ to me because music prepares and makes us overcome any situation or any stage of life. It’s one of the only art forms that gives obvious solutions to our everyday life struggles.

Favourite genre of music? (already seems pretty obvious though…lol)

Well I don’t think it’s as obvious as you think. I’m a big Hip-Hop fan because of how precise the messaging is in the art, so you know exactly what the person is going through and what he/she is trying to say. It’s closely followed by Dance/House music because of the feeling of immunity it gives one and the fact that you are able to comprehend every record the way you want.

When you play for a crowd, what makes it memorable?

I think being able to take a group of people from one energy wavelength to the next regardless of their racial, socioeconomic status or background is an out of body experience for me and is probably the most addictive thing one can do.

You’ve done some traveling too, any type of growth you experienced?

Yeah man, traveling just makes you realize how much more there is to contribute to the culture and world through music. It’s taught me a lot about myself and what I have to contribute creatively.

What’s the plan going forward?

Just being more creative in my approach and not fall for society’s trap and what everyone else is doing or deems as a working formula.

What’s your 2018 mindset yet?

2018 is looking amazing, as we speak my first quarter is almost sorted and it entails traveling, international collaborations and growing organically as a creative so I’m really amped up.

Any closing words for the culture?


Follow Da Kruk!

Instagram: @dakruk

Twitter: @dakruk

Facebook: Kutloano da Kruk

Bridgette Makhela

Anatii On His Brand, Music And The ARTIIFACT Album


Anathi Bhongo Mnyango / 23 / Artist

When did you decide to bring the brand Anatii into the industry?

In 2010.

How has your journey in the music industry been so far?

I have been blessed with my journey so far, and I am proof that talent and hard work are a winning combination.


2016 has been an awesome year for you, already got plans for 2017?

Yes, without giving away too much, fans can expect more music both from me as an artist and as a producer, ARTIIFACT tour and some special surprises along the way.

You managed to bring US star Omarion on a South African Tour with you, how did that come about?

I was having dinner with him while in Los Angeles after our session, and I jokingly said “Why don’t you come out for the launch of my album?” He was like “Let’s do it!” The rest is history.

Any more future Anatii and Omarion collaborations to look forward to?

Nothing definitive yet, but Omarion and I have an open working relationship.


Your ARTIIFACT album has received so much love, is this how you expected things to turn out?

I never expect any of my work to be a “hit” right out the gate; I just do my best and ensure that the work is true to my vision and ability.

What gets you up and grinding every morning?

Life, there’s so much to be grateful for and so much I want to accomplish. So I know I have to push hard every day to get closer to achieving the goals I have for myself.

Your current favourite South African Hip-Hop song?

Besides myself, ‘Lifestyle’ ft. Gemini Major by Da L.E.S.


Who is the real Anatii?

What you see is what you get. I’m a spiritually conscious individual, who is always looking to better himself and those around me.

Follow Anatii!

Instagram: @anatii

Twitter: @ANATII

Facebook: Anatii

Bridgette Makhela


Smash Afrika: That Energetic Kid Who Does Radio, TV, Content And MCing

Afrika Similo Mdutyulwa aka Smash Afrika / YFM 99.2 Breakfast Show Host / Ground Zero Presenter (YFM 99.2 Reality TV Show) / Content Producer for TV / MC / Energetic Kid

Tell me how Smash made his way into the business of Entertainment…

I was at a traffic light and I had placard that read…just kidding! It all started on campus radio, Kovsie FM (2009), then moved to VOW FM (2011). I got a call from a colleague at the time I was at VOW FM telling me that Tholi B, (presenter of Room 69 on YFM at the time), was looking for a co presenter for his new drive time show. Tholi B then gave me a call inviting me on Room 69 to audition (oh by the way I didn’t know I was auditioning). I was one of seven dudes he auditioned and that is how I got into the commercial radio space. In April 2012 I was at a commercial radio station, which I’m currently working at.


You’ve been handling the Breakfast show #SmashandGrab on YFM 99.2 this year, how’s that going so far?

We are trying something different and we are winning, if I can say so myself. Ask the listeners, they will tell you. We are vibing with a contacted young adult who is aware of how small and big the world is today. So the show is about sharing information, entertaining and grabbing the listener’s ear for three hours with matters from around the globe and Africa.

Do you always have a good 8-hour sleep?

Nope, I get an average of four hours. Weekends maybe but never on weekdays.

List the other stuff you’re involved in.

TV (presenter and content production)

MC (corporate gigs and events)

Dance (in my car and on the dance floor)

Production Company Owner: Afrika Respect Productions (we create content for clients’ needs)

Afrika casual 2

Your career path, does it feel right?

I was born to do this, everything I do, I do because I love. You will never catch me doing things I don’t love. Plus, it never feels like work, but I’m anal about being a professional.

You’re always so full of energy (lol), is this the guy you’ve always been?


Shades or sugar? Pick one…


How do you plan on taking over the world?

By doing what I’ve been doing all these years, putting in the work and trying to be the best at what I do and who I am.

Afrika Formal2

Any deep closing words for the kids?

Listen to the kids, even when you are the kid. Have yourself a cool shoe shine day and always try leave better than you found it.


Follow Smash!

Instagram: @smashafrika

Twitter: @smashafrika

Facebook: Smash Afrika


Bridgette Makhela