Kwenzo Ngcobo On Theatre, Television And Playing Qhawe On Showmax’s The Wife

Kwenzo Ngcobo / Actor, Director & Martial Arts Choreographer

You’re a talent to look out for, where does your love for acting stem from?

I’ve always wanted to act. Growing up as a kid I would act out what I watched in Kung-Fu movies and such, imitating what I saw when I played those VHS tapes was the coolest thing.

You have extensive experience in theatre, how did you transition into Television?

I studied theatre but I have always wanted to do TV, so venturing into it came naturally.

You play ‘Qhawe’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, do you relate to the character in any way?

Yes I do relate to the character sometimes, especially in the beginning of the story. We all go through some happy and rough times in life and right now the Qhawe, Hlomu and Mqhele storyline is a tough and tricky one.

How did you land the role of Qhawe?

I auditioned in March last year and got called back in June. The rest is history.

What’s your favourite part about being on set? 

I love acting. I get to be creative.

The Wife is such a gripping story, what have you learnt from it?

I have learnt that as a family, you have to protect each other, love each other and learn how to be caring.

How does maintaining longevity in the industry look like to you?

Hard work and consistency. Learn from other people, be humble and always stay open-minded.

One thing you can’t leave the house without?


Any advice for aspiring actors?

You’re still learning. If you want to be successful and be known, you have to work hard, stay humble and always be open-minded.

Follow Kwenzo!

Instagram: @kwenzo_pholoba

Twitter: @kwenzokuhlengco

Facebook: @kwenzongcobo

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