Yasmin Furmie On Timeless Fashion, Creative Inspiration And SiSi The Collection

Yasmin Furmie / Co-owner of SiSi The Collection / Reluctantly known as a Fashion & Style “Influencer”

You’re a fashion fire in the industry, where did the love story begin?

My story with fashion has always been evident. From an early age there was a desire to dress well. It has also been imprinted on me through my parents, especially my dad who dressed incredibly well. It has since evolved into the style I’m currently known for.

How do you put an outfit together, especially for important events?

There isn’t a lot of thought that goes into putting an outfit together, it all depends on how I feel. Thought does however go into what shoes or sneakers I wear. It may seem as if a particular way of dressing is an automatic thing, but subconsciously the desire to speak through my clothes is always there. Of course certain occasions call for a particular way of dressing and that may result in me thinking a bit more carefully about  how I present myself. Ultimately, my clothes say exactly who I am: Bold, Daring, Outspoken and Unapologetic.

SiSi The Collection, what is it all about?

SiSi The Collection is a collaboration between two people, my best friend Cynthia and I. She loves white shirts and as we’ve always wanted to do something together, the opportunity to start a business came along. We started our business in 2014. We saw a niche we could fill and the rest is history.

Style, how do you translate it into your everyday life?

Style is an ever present part of who I am. I use fashion to tell a unique story. The ability to be comfortable in my choice of clothes, the ease with which I put differing items together is indicative of my quirky style. My layering is what I’m known for and that’s basically an every day occurrence.

Do you have any fashion inspirations?

I find fashion inspirations daily. The beauty of what happens around me in South Africa; the way other people dress, women walking to work at 5am in the morning, looking supremely stylish. Young creatives inspire me daily. I am inspired by what happens globally as well as older women who step outside of the norm.

The South African fashion industry, what are the positives?

The amount of creativity is a positive on its own. In every field there is talent to be found, whether it’s in beauty, art or the design field. The democracy we exist within gives people the freedom to tell their stories in different ways. Sadly, there are not enough opportunities and that can be disheartening but my advice is to focus and pursue, collaborate and find the way to what it is you want to do.

What’s your take on age and dressing up?

Age is never an issue. I believe women should wear what they want, what makes them comfortable and what defines their personality. We are powerful enough not to be prescribed to.

How can females especially make fashion work for them?

I think people make fashion work for them every day. The very act of putting on clothes is an act of stating who you are in this world. We consume fashion in different ways; for some it’s an act of defiance, for others it’s a uniform to fit in. Daily fashion is used to tell stories and my advice to women and people in general, is to find the story you want to tell and see how your clothes can be the vehicle for telling that story.

Follow Yasmin!

Instagram: @yasminfurmie

Twitter: @yasminfurmie

Facebook: @YasminFurmie


-Bridgette Makhela

Sne Mbatha On Her Passion For Dance And Making Major Moves In The Industry

Snenhlanhla Sne Mbatha / 25 / Choreographer, Dancer, Actress & Creative Director
How did you get into the industry?
I have always been a street dancer, but the day I made my debut on television my life changed forever. I went to a dance school, Dance Direction International to expand my knowledge in dance. From there I moved to the City of Gold to pursue my dream.
You are passionate about dance and it shows through your work, when was the love for dance ignited?
By the time I got to college, sitting in class without a uniform meant I’d be driving myself up the wall in an office environment for the rest of my life! I had to make a decision. Fortunately I got my first proper paying gig which made it easier to convince my mother. It was a question of “Do you want to pay my college fees for the next three years and not be guaranteed a job, or do I make this paper now whilst living my dream and changing lives?!” I never looked back after that day!
Any big shows you can mention that you choreographed?
Wow, there’s quiet a lot! The MAMAs 2015 & 2016, SAMAs, Metro FM Awards 2015 & 2016, Travis Scott, Kanye West, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, The Movie Music Festival, Fill Up The Dome (assistant choreographer), Glo CAF in Nigeria, Yvonne Chaka Chaka in Tanzania (GOALS!!!), etc.
People only see the finished product on stage, how much work goes into what you do on a daily basis?
A whole lot! We just never have enough time. One moment it’s 8am, the next you’re walking out of a studio and it’s past 11pm (good luck to my future hubby, lol). We deal with impressing the client and artist, training our artists, creative directing, music, lights, costumes, keeping our bodies intact because injuries happen (we get sick ALL the time), castings in between work and training our own dancers, it just never ends. I’m just grateful for the people I work with. It’s been pretty balanced. It’s a crazy life that every creative is in a deep relationship with.
That one thing you always do before going on stage?
PRAY! You never do it alone. It’s by God’s will! Before you show off what He’s blessed you with, you gotta give thanks! You can miss a warm up and everything, but not Prayer!
Complete this: I would never trade _________ for anything!
“… my life and it’s ups and downs..” because it got me to where I am today.
How’s your fitness schedule like?
I can freely say it used to be bad but I’m getting there. I don’t eat the healthiest but I’ve gotten into a ‘drinking as much water as I can’ habit. Grateful for my partner, he’s my biggest gym motivation, so now I do those early morning gym sessions. I also do Yoga to keep myself supple, gyming a lot can make your muscles tight, so I have to keep it well balanced. I also don’t have much of a choice because I have a permanent spinal injury so I have to keep training my core and back muscles.
Being approached by big campaigns such as Nike, does that make you feel that your work is being recognized?
My girl Tarryn is the one that’s always on the lookout for me there. It’s always a huge thing for me. These are brands that I grew up struggling to buy, but being put in a position to represent the brand is an honour. I’m also a Puma girl.
What do you think South African dance still needs to get to the next level?
We need to be educated about the business in dance. One of the reasons why society and the rest don’t take us seriously is because some of us still struggle to operate the business itself. Once we get that on the go, I’m sure things will change. 2018 is gonna be my year for that!
Your favourite South African song right now?
Yoh! South African artists are eating fire these days. Newcomers, upcoming artists, legends, err’body! Everyone is so lit that I don’t have a specific song but DJ Maphorisa’s Qhom album is LIT, Shane Eagle also DID THE DAMN THING, Phantom, Costa Titch, Benny_Chill, Mr All Of It are some of the artists to be on the lookout for! Priddy Ugly, 2018 neh! OK! Bruh there’s A LOT mate.
Who is/are your biggest cheerleader/s?
My family, my man and my supporters.
What’s your go-to form of meditation?
YOGA! I play slow music and listen to my body. If I was back home I’d be at the beach but shame Jozi thle, so I hit the mountain. No one ever knows when I go there.
Think 2018 has your name on it already?
Hmmm, kindly ask the Almighty! I’m already cooking! I just feel sorry for those who thought it’s over for me.
Follow Sne!
Instagram: @iam_snembatha
Facebook: I AM SNE Mbatha
Bridgette Makhela