Muzi On New Singles, The Industry, And How The Year 2015 Changed His Career

Muziwakhe McVictor Mazibuko / Artist 

What does your journey in music reflect?

That things eventually work out when you listen to your soul rather than the outside world. 

Who is Muzi?

Muzi is a father, who happens to make some music. 

Apart From Need Dat, Interblaktic is your recent drop, share the message behind it?

It’s about being unapologetically yourself.

You’re a Singer, Songwriter and Producer, how do you remain inspired and working?

I study other art forms and get inspired by them, then bring that inspiration back to music. 

Have a favourite song so far from your collection?

Sunset Kwazulu.

What year in your music career really changed your life and why?

2015, when I got signed to BMG Chrysalis. First time I didn’t feel like John and I were crazy. 

What has the pandemic taught you as an artist and creative?

Things take time, be easy on yourself. 

Anything you would change about the industry? 

I don’t know. I don’t think like that anymore. I worry not about external factors, the industry is external.

Follow Muzi!

Instagram: @muziou

Twitter: @muziou

Facebook: @Muzi

-Bridgette Makhela