Shudufhadzo Musida On Miss South Africa Title And 2020 Becoming A Dream Come True

Shudufhadzo Abigail Musida / 24 / Miss South Africa 2020

Obvious first question…how does it feel to be Miss South Africa 2020?

It feels amazing and surreal, I have to pinch myself sometimes. It’s also been so busy as well. It usually hits me at night when I head to bed. It’s still hitting me in small doses.

How was your upbringing like?

It was a good upbringing, I was in a free and safe space where I could always be myself.

When did you decide to try out for the pageant?

I decided last year for the first time. Before I didn’t think I could enter such a pageant, I thought you had to look a certain way but I realised things were changing.

What kept you going through all the weeks leading up to the main event?

Knowing that I would make a really good Miss South Africa, I could make a change and do really well at being an ambassador of the country. I’ve always wanted to impact people’s lives and live a life of service.

One cool thing South Africans don’t know about you …yet?

I’ve always wanted to be a singer and entertainer.

Mental Health is a strong focus of yours, what’s your take on the youth of today and how they tackle this serious issue?

I read somewhere that suicide is currently the leading cause of death between ages 15-29 and in South Africa, 1 in 10 people are expected to suffer from mental health in their lifetime but only I in those 10 people will have access to mental healthcare. It is an important issue globally and when people are not okay, they don’t know that it’s okay to not be okay. It is still considered a taboo issue around the world, and no one equips the youth and we end up having a high suicide rate.

Your absolute favourite moment of the Miss South Africa journey before your crowning?

In Cape Town sitting at the dinner table and hearing some of the ladies telling us about their adventures in New York. I remember memorising everyone’s name on the table that night. I have never been that happy in my life.

What’s your advice to other young ladies in pursuit of the crown?

Your dreams are valid, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Many stereotypes and narratives have been changed. It’s your time!

Follow Shudufhadzo!

Instagram: @shudufhadzomusida

Twitter: @abigailmusida

Facebook: @ShudufhadzoMusida

-Bridgette Makhela

Tino Chinyani On The Modelling Industry And Opportunities It Has Brought His Way

Tinotenda Chinyani / 23 / TV Presenter / Model / Actor

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How did you get your break into the industry?

A friend of mine, Donald, suggested that I try out modelling. I then did a photo shoot, then got signed to Boss Models…the rest is history!

Has modelling always been in the cards for you?

I didn’t always want to be a model, instead I always wanted to be an athlete. Basketball was always the sport I wanted to play. My first year at varsity I got signed to a modelling agency and that’s when the journey began.

You’re the main guy in Thabsie’s new music video ‘African Queen’ featuring JR, did you have to audition for the role?

No I didn’t, they called me, having seen me on the Channel O Top 5 show. They contacted me the day before the shoot and invited me to go to Mpumalanga and shoot the music video.

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All the titles that you hold, how do you find some balance?

Finding balance requires knowing when to say no because it’s very easy to get burnt out. You have to value your own time and take some time to rest.

What’s your typical day like?

Call time could be anytime between 08:30 or 09:30. You could be on your feet the whole day, you have to be smiling the whole time and getting the work done. I’ve never been a fan of sleeping anyway so as soon as the sun’s up I’m good to go.

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Would you say the industry you’re in is tough, and why?

The modelling industry is very blunt. Castings and auditions are very unapologetic when it comes to what they want. At the same time it’s also a beautiful industry when it comes to the places you travel to and the people you meet. It’s also tricky when it comes to getting booked, payment could sometimes take from 30 to 90 days. Clients you deal with are also different compared to agencies. You can get taken advantage of if you’re not careful, you have to be very woke. You may look up to big names in the industry, but when you actually get to work with them, it turns out to be something very different. I am very thankful that I’m still young and doing what I love.

Who or what keeps you grounded?

My friends keep me grounded. I’m very personal with people who I keep in my space. My sister and mother also play a big role in keeping me grounded. I want people to see me years from now and still say that Tino has remained humble even after all the achievements, even if I was to take my career to an international level.

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Money or Fame?

Money, definitely not the fame. You need to be financially secure. Go get your money, you didn’t go through all the hard work for nothing.

That one thing you can’t function without?


You dress very well. How do you put an outfit together?

I love comfort, that is always key. I always ask myself “does it look good?” I’m not trying to be acknowledged for how I dress, but I’m also not trying to look terrible either. I always try to stand out within my simplicity.

How do you deal with all the attention?

People want you for who you are right now. The same people who were never even interested in you from way back. I evaluate it in the sense that no one really loves you out here, they only value you for what you do. There will always be distractions in whatever industry you’re in, I just try my best to always keep focused.

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2017’s almost done, any exciting plans for next year?

2017’s been a really eye-opening year. I started doing Television for the first time and also further learning about the reality of the modelling industry. I got to meet and work with amazing people, it’s still surreal. Coming into 2018, you’re gonna see a hungrier me, chasing that cheque and a lot of things to come. I like keeping people in suspense so watch this space!


Follow Tino!

Instagram: @tino_chinyani263

Twitter: Tino_Chinyani09

Facebook: Tinotenda Chinyani


Bridgette Makhela



Kriya Gangiah On Being An Infotainment Professional At 27


Kriya Gangiah


Radio DJ / Television Presenter / Digital Leader at Kagiso Media

What does Kriya do for a living?

I work at Kagiso Media as a Digital Leader for Jacaranda FM and Zalebs. From Monday to Thursday I co-host the Late show on Jacaranda FM, then on Saturdays I am part of our listeners wake up call with the Saturday Breakfast show. In between all that, I get whisked away to various locations around the country and abroad to be filmed as one of the Television Presenters for the Mela show on SABC 3, which airs every week on Sundays.

You are known as an Infotainment Professional, how did you earn the title?

In the broadcast industry (particularly radio), my skill set doesn’t fall into just ‘news’, ‘business’ or ‘entertainment’, but rather encapsulates all of these. Add to this line of work is a career for me with years of experience in the industry already behind me and…voila! The title of ‘Infotainment Professional’ came into being.


What moment gave you your break into the industry?

My break into the industry began in 2007 when I joined TUKS FM while I was studying at the University of Pretoria. Ever since then, my love for the entertainment industry developed and allowed me to follow my current career path.

How do you juggle being a DJ and being on TV as well?

It’s tough sometimes, but I always try to strike a balance between the two. Luckily with the way technology is these days, my cellphone has become my own personal PA that helps me keep track as far as scheduling is concerned so I can avoid any conflict.


What keeps you going each day no mater what?

It’s definitely my passion for the industry and people that keeps me going. The fact that I get paid to talk makes it such a fun career, it never feels like a job! My family and friends are also a big part of keeping me grounded and focused. I have a very close-knit family and they have always been supportive and encouraged me throughout my career.

What would you say has been the best moment of your career so far?

This is a tricky one to answer as there have been so many moments that I’m so glad to have experienced and that have helped mould my career. More recently, being on the Mela show has been a huge highlight in my career. Having this opportunity to work on such a prestigious show still feels slightly surreal! I have met some amazing people while filming on Mela and visited some of the most beautiful places.

Wine or water?

Wine of course! 


How do you unwind after a hectic day?

My day never really ends actually. The only time I get to unwind and relax is during the weekend. That’s if I’m not traveling for the Mela show, otherwise you’ll find me spending the weekend with my family having a braai or chilling at home watching TV and catching up on my favourite Series (having some “me time”).

Would you ever retire?

I’m sure at some stage I will retire, but for now I most certainly have a long way to go.


 Follow Kriya!

Instagram: @kriyag

Twitter: @KriyaG

Facebook: Kriya Gangiah


Bridgette Makhela