Lawrence Maleka On Playing Zolani And How He Plans On Impacting The Industry

Lawrence Maleka / Actor & Entrepreneur

Projects you are currently working on?

I’ve never intentionally put word out of what I’m busy with. I want my work to speak for itself and that’s how I’ve maneuvered my career so far.

Let’s talk The River, how did you land the role of Zolani?

I have had engagements with MNet for a while now, having d done Clash of The Choirs and All Access Mzansi. They were trying to get me on a drama series and they’d send me scripts but nothing resonated with me. I then got called in to audition for Cobra’s role initially but everything happens as it should as that character is now played by Presley Chweneyagae. The writer’s then wrote a part for me that I read and loved, that’s how the character Zolani was born.

What was the highlight of your childhood?

A primary school play I was in, The Jungle Book. I landed a role of a pigeon and had one line throughout the whole show. The hall was full of students and parents. When I said my line, the crowd exploded! That was the moment I knew I like attention. Then throughout the rest of the play, I’m flying in and out of scenes I wasn’t supposed to be in. That was when the seed was planted.

How do you wish to impact the South African entertainment industry?

Through credibility, authenticity, breaking barriers and altering stereotypes. I’ve always wanted to be known for my craft and my work. I want to be “Mr sexy” with my shirt on. Careers such as Meryl Streep’s and Denzel Washington’s are what I aspire to, their work comes before their physical appearance and that’s amazing.

Describe a typical day for you?

My day starts at 3:30AM. I wake up, pray and meditate and have a quick workout session. I then take a shower and get ready for work. I’m usually on set at 6AM, then by 7AM/8AM my team gives me updates on what I’m doing for the rest of the week. Then I’m on set and get my fencing lessons done afterwards. Once I get home I catch up on emails then spend time with my family, loved ones and do the boyfriend Olympics thing, lol.

Your favourite career moment so far?

Everything I work on is my best “thing”. Every job you’ve seen me do was intentional. I’ve always wanted to carve out a certain path out to maintain a career I am proud of. Actually, the character Zolani is a celebration of my brother and friend Mzwandile, it’s also about the culture and people I grew up around ekasi. People resonate with shows they see themselves in.

Something you’ve learnt while working during a pandemic?

I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made throughout my career and this made the pandemic slightly easier. On the business front we did however suffer some losses. In the greater scheme of things, it’s all about preparation, the more prepared you are, the more you become ready to face anything. When the pandemic hit, I was able to identify opportunities within it over the tragedies.

Any final closing words of wisdom for your fans?

There’s no manual to life, everyone is figuring it out. There’s more than enough room for all of us and the more we collaborate, it makes us better as a people and we can leave something behind for the next generation. No one is coming to save you but don’t discount the goodness of people. Try to be the best version of yourself because the best person to meet is you, this will resonate with other people. Be selfish with your time and the things you want for yourself and don’t forget to experience joy in moments.

Follow Lawrence!

Instagram: @sirlawrencemaleka

Twitter: @Lawrence_Maleka

Facebook: @LawrenceMaleka

Bridgette Makhela

Shannon Esra On Her Journey, New Show Lioness And Various Acting Roles

Shannon Earle Esrechowitz (better known as Shannon Esra) / Actor, Writer & Artist

How did your journey in the industry begin?

I was 15 years old when I began presenting for TV. A year after that, I was cast in ‘I Dreamed of Africa’ with Kim Basinger, thanks to my high school Drama teacher, Janet Bayliss and South African casting agent, Christa Shamberger-Young.

You’ve played so many characters on South African television, how do you prepare for each role?

I approach every script the same way – I read it three times: firstly, to get a feeling for the story; secondly, as an investigator – looking for clues about my character – what are people saying about her, what does she say about herself, what are her fears, passions and motivations; and then thirdly, for pure enjoyment. Then it’s a matter of collaboration with the various departments. Who is she? How does she dress? What does she look like? How does she move? I like to work with the elements and the animal kingdom to root the energies of the people I portray. It’s a fun process. It really is like moulding clay. 

Lioness is currently on MNet on Thursdays, what can viewers look forward to in the storyline?

The revelations at the end of every episode are so powerful! But other than that, I really cannot say…can’t set off any “spoiler alerts”!

You’ve been on prominent and loved TV shows such as The River, Gomora, The Throne, and Isidingo…how does an actress maintain consistent work in the industry?

Honestly, by the grace of God. Everything that comes to us, as human beings, is what the universe needs us to experience. I believe each job comes by way of what I need to encounter. 

What do you love about acting?

I love how I get to experience another human being on any given day; how I am granted access into other worlds and mind-sets; how I get to see the world through someone else’s eyes, and by virtue of that, I get to stretch my capacity for love and understanding. Acting is very holistic, for me, personally. I can play pretend and create other worlds. It’s the best job on the planet!

One talent people don’t know you have?

I can tie a cherry stalk into a knot with just my tongue.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve in 2021?

Tranquility and peace of mind. I would love to shoot a couple of movies, maybe another series or two, and also, the odd painting here and there. That would be great! 

How would you like to be remembered?

As funny, kind, and passionate. 

Follow Shannon!

Instagram: @shannonesra_official

Twitter: @ShannonEsra

Facebook: @ShannonEsraOfficial

-Bridgette Makhela

Sisanda Henna On Acting, Film And What’s Coming Next

Sisanda Henna / 37 / Actor, Film & TV Creator & MC

Being an Actor and Film & TV Creator isn’t an easy career, did you always want this for yourself?

Yes, probably from the age of 14, that’s when I was a part of my first play, an inter house play where I won Best Supporting Actor at a school called Union High School, in the Eastern Cape…ever since then I’ve wanted this!

How does a typical day for you look like?
There is no typical day, some days I’m writing a proposal to pitch something and some days I’m exercising and meditating, then go and see my acting coach. Some days I go MC an event somewhere and some days I’ll go sit and read a script for a couple of hours in a day for a new project and maybe do some research through watching a lot of movies and series. Some days I’ll just take a taxi somewhere, like to Alex and back because I play real people, depending on the person I’m playing, I’ll go and be where those real people are – whether in a shebeen or a law firm. When I’m producing or directing, I could be in meetings were we’re working out budgets, or I could be spending an hour or two going through contracts, then at times I could be in a PR and Marketing workshop. Other days I’ll do a photo shoot. Sometimes I’ll go for a jog or a swim, all of that is part of creation – even the part where you’re resting.
That one thing you can’t survive without when on set would be?

I try to make sure that I am able to survive even without any of the things I enjoy…just like how at some point coffee used to be quite a thing for me. I like my space, and sometimes I’ve had to adjust to places where I sometimes didn’t have a trailer. My earphones are a thing too because if I cut out noise it helps me focus and I can mentally visualize things. Stretching and breathing are also things I do in my own space to help me get into the zone.

South Africa has some seriously talented actors, anyone you look up to for inspiration?
 There are two actors I respect incredibly: Andrew Buckland (some people may know him from Catching Feelings). I saw him in a play probably back in 1999 and he blew me away! I think he is one of the best theatre actors in the world right next to Rowan Atkinson and Jim Carrey, he really inspires me. Another one is Mcedisi Shabangu, saw him in 2005 in a play called Tshepang. I love going to theatre a lot, it really inspires me.
You’ve made a mark in the industry, what’s keeps you consistently creating work and being a part of it too?
I want it more than anything in the world, probably more than living and being alive. I want to make amazing work and that keeps me going, I’m determined to get it!
Favourite film/TV show you’ve been a part of to date?
It’s hard to pick, I’ve loved so many of them for different reasons. I really love ‘Agent’ which is coming to SABC 1 on Sunday nights at 20:30, it starts March 8th. I’ve loved being a part of season 1 of ‘Trackers’ too, that’s coming to Mzansi Magic as well soon. I also loved being a part of ‘Gauteng Mabongeng’, although I worked on it as series producer and creative director.
What would you like the upcoming generation of actors and filmmakers to know?
It depends on what they want to know and do. There are so many different parts of the industry to go into these days, so it would depend on what they want…makes sense?
Any exciting projects you’d like to share for 2020?
I want to share 2 things: I am going to co-produce and star in a romantic comedy feature film, a big announcement’s about to made soon, it’s amazing! I’m also going to be in a new drama series that is going to be on MNet, although I can’t say much about that at the moment, but when the time comes I definitely want to share the news with you, B Kool Media!
Follow Sisanda!
Instagram: @sisanda_henna
Twitter: @SisandaHenna
Facebook: @SisandaHennaActor
Bridgette Makhela

Mpho “Popps” Modikoane On Black In My Day Tour And Upcoming Savanna Comics’ Choice Awards

Mpho “Popps” Modikoane / 32 / Stand Up Comedian

Comedy: How did you start your journey?

As a kid, there was a day my grandfather made fun of me in front of the whole family, everyone was laughing and I couldn’t even get a word in. I ran to hide in a closet  because I couldn’t take the embarrassment and I vowed that would never happen again. So it basically started from a place of trauma.

You’ve made a name for yourself in the Comedy industry, was this always the life plan?

It wasn’t always the plan – I wanted to be a lawyer, a pilot, a business man, a swimsuit model.

Material: Where do you draw your ideas to joke about on stage from?

I draw all my ideas from my everyday life. My belief is that my talent and skill is not a show I put on but an embodiment of my true self. This is who I am, all day, every day. My goal is to spread laughs and bring joy to audiences around the world.

Laughter or Love? Pick one…

That’s like choosing between your brother and your sister – laughter and love go hand in hand , you can’t have one without the other.

Tell us about your ‘Black In My Day’ national tour and what attendees can expect?

#BlackInMyDay is a nostalgic trip down memory lane of how I grew up and all the experiences that have brought me to the point I’m at today. It is a play on what life was like back in the day as a black man and navigating those challenges. It is reflective on life in the hood, and drawing a comparison to flourishing in the suburbs. So people can expect an evening of laughs and some great entertainment.

The Savanna Comics’ Choice Awards are coming up and you’re a nominee, anticipating a win?

Whether I win or lose doesn’t really matter to me, there is no way of really measuring comedy because how do you determine who got the most laughs or who had the best joke of 2019?

What do you love most about your job?

The fact that I get to make people laugh for a living, unlike a dentist, people actually look forward to coming to my place of work.

Any exciting plans for the rest of 2019?

Touring the country for my #BlackInMyDay tour, it doesn’t get more exciting than that for me.

One crazy/cool thing that people don’t know about you?

I can spin a Gusheshe.


Follow Mpho Popps!

Instagram: @mphopopps 

Twitter: @MphoPopps

Facebook: @mpho.popps.fanpage


Bridgette Makhela

Una Rams On His Story So Far, His First Ever Single And His Genre Of Music

Unarine Rambani / 22 / Sonic Artist, Software Engineer, Weird Kid

Tell your story so far…
I’m a kid from a small town called Makwarela in Venda, I’ve always felt that I was destined to be something great! I fell in love with music at a young age, learnt a couple of instruments through being involved in my parents’ church, that laid a foundation for how I understand and create music today. I went from being a Soundcloud kid to hearing my songs play on a couple of radio stations, to TV and now I’m the Venda Pop Star. There’s still so much I want to do, even outside the music, stay tuned!

Thank God for music because?
It literally saved my life, it’s allowed me to be free and express myself. I honestly don’t think I’d be as happy as I am if I didn’t have music. It was a healthy outlet in my varsity years, I believe it kept me sane.

You just recently celebrated your 22nd birthday, any major plans for the year ahead?
I’m releasing an important EP titled ‘Wavy Baby’ very soon. It’s one for the cuddles, head rubs, smiles and tears. I tell a love story without a happy ending because fairy tales are overrated. I have big plans for this project that will be an extension of the music, super excited to see everything come together.

South Africa needs to watch out for you mos def, do you love the attention?
It’s super cool, I used to shy away from it because I’ve always been about keeping to myself but I’m the type of person that wants to positively impact people and see them reach their potential and actually make efforts to chase their dreams. So I’m embracing the popularity (pronounced fame) and using the influence that comes with that to spread a message of positivity, peace and love.

Something not everybody knows, when did you release your first ever single?
Lol, that was way back in Grade 10, I produced the song myself, with a little help from my brother, Tondi Rams (check him out) and recorded over at a friend’s place. I got a thousand downloads on the day I released, which was a pretty big deal back then. I even got to perform the song at the Matric dance that year.

Do you own a journal? In other words, do you write your own material?
I’ve been trying to keep records of all the little thoughts that go through this wild brain. I wasn’t the type to reminisce much but I’m starting to appreciate looking back at who I was and seeing how much I’ve grown. We often get caught up in what’s wrong right now and we forget to be grateful for how far we’ve come, this sort of remedies this. I’ve written all my songs to date and I’m getting to the stage where I’m challenging myself to fully open up and really say how I’m feeling.

How would you describe your genre of music?
I call it human, it’s imperfect in it’s nature and it’s forever evolving. I might be doing this style today but I could easily come back with a new one tomorrow, I’m always trying to reinvent myself and my sound, Growth is key.

Nobody wants a lame squad. Do your friends support you?
My friends have been nothing but amazing. They won’t allow anyone they know to sleep on Una Rams, I’ve gotten voice notes from 6-year olds, videos from parents and even speeches inspired by myself from their friends and families. I really appreciate them, I just wish we could still hang out like the old times (we’ll find time).

Are you in this for the long run, or for the fame?
This is my life and for as long as I’m breathing, this is what I’m going to be doing. I love it with all my heart and God Himself keeps opening new doors for me…it’s not a journey that’s gonna end any time soon.


Follow Una Rams!

Instagram: @unarams

Twitter: @UnaRamsWeirdKid

Facebook: Una Rams


Bridgette Makhela

Thabang Molaba: The Actor, Model And Upcoming Stylist

Thabang Molaba / 23 / Actor, Model, venturing into Styling

Explain how the journey to where you are now has been…

It’s been a very difficult journey of rejection, failure and sometimes success. I’m actually glad I never gave up. Besides that, all the struggles and failure I endured, were preparing me for a great reward which is currently unfolding.

You’re a model and actor, has this always been on the cards for you?

Yes, especially with acting, that’s where my heart is.

What would you be doing if you were not in the industry?

I’d probably be with a team of architects putting together a sketch of a building about to be built.

How’s your daily routine like?

Very busy. Filled with spiritual, physical and mental activities. And a day doesn’t end without me getting busy with anything that has to do with acting and drama.

You’ve recently done work with Ferguson Films via The Queen, any valuable lessons learnt there?

I learnt that you need to be firmly present and be there for yourself.

Had you ever done acting before?

I had drama plays in my hometown’s youth club. However, The Queen was my first Television acting gig.

How do you keep focused in your line of work?

I try my best to shut out the distractions. I keep myself present in the now. Give everything in the process instead of the results.

What’s that pinnacle you’d love to reach one day?

I want to be an award-winning actor, it could be any type of award. I want to be in Hollywood productions and projects. I want to play the Marvel superhero ‘Black Panther’ someday. More than anything, I’d like to maintain a constant stupendous improvement in my craft of acting.

Motivation and inspiration, were do you draw them from?

I probably have the most motivated and determined friends in the world. We inspire each other to constantly do great and better. And of course my acting coach Patricia Boyer, she is truly amazing. Other than that, I get it from watching good classic movies and theater plays, interviews and series.

How was 2017 for you and any big things you’re looking forward to this year?

2017 was honestly an amazing year for me. Everything only began to fall into place. It was the beginning for me. A great start. In 2018 I’m looking forward to my comeback on The Queen and a small role I did for Ring Of Lies. That’s all I know of so far, however I know for a fact that 2018 is going to be a year that’s impeccably great. I am excited.

Follow Thabang!

Instagram: @thabangmolaba_

Twitter: @ThabangMolaba_

Facebook: Thabang Molaba

Bridgette Makhela



Johannesburg (South Africa) – In the 90’s the Berea Courts, on the corner of Joe Slovo and Abel Road in Johannesburg, were the home ground for the country’s upcoming basketball talent. On 12 August 2017, international 3-on-3 basketball competition Red Bull Reign makes it’s way to those very courts to restore them to their former glory.

Red Bull Reign is the only basketball tournament with a cumulative scoring system as teams of three play against each other in rounds with the highest scoring team advancing to the next round. This system essentially makes the event an offence-focused tournament where “it’s all about getting buckets.”

The tournament started in the United States two years ago and is now a global sports phenomenon with participation from over 15 countries, including South Africa. The global finals will take place in Washington DC in the USA on the 15th/16th of September at the historic Barry Farms.

The Berea Courts, in the shadow of the iconic Ponte Apartments, will be prepped and primed not only for the event, but also as a leave-behind for the basketball community at large.


DATE: Saturday, 12 August 2017


PLACE: Ponte Basketball Court (Berea Park, Cnr Abel and Joe Slovo Drive, Johannesburg)


Distributed on behalf of Red Bull South Africa

Distributed by: Tutone Communications 

PR Contacts: Melanie Gia Ramjee  

+2784 682 3457 


Bridgette Makhela

Kyle Deutsch On Music, Collaborations And The Industry That Idols Exposed Him To


Kyle Colin Deutschmann / Doctor / Chiropractor / Artist

Did you ever think you’d end up in the music industry?

To be honest, I never thought I’d be in the music industry to the extent that I am in now. I always thought a little talent would get me in, but not to this extreme. I guess sometimes we underestimate ourselves. It wasn’t until about three years ago that I started recording my music, this happened after injuries prevented me from continuing my football career professionally, I then decided to continue with a Chiropractic/Health business and the Music.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

The first thing I do when I wake up definitely has to be, checking my phone. Mainly for the time but then to go through anything I may have missed whilst sleeping.


Your latest offering, ‘Can’t Get Enough’, in a nutshell is about what?

Can’t Get Enough is a song that describes a feeling of desire and passion, created by a moment that you are infatuated with. A moment that blocks out the world and feelings that surround you. Its your muse.

What did your journey on Idols do for the musician that you are today?

Idols was a show that taught me a lot about the local music industry, introduced me to people in the industry and exposed my brand to the country. It taught me to be more comfortable on stage and in front of a crowd. It taught me to believe in myself and that I had/have what it takes to make it in the industry.


How do you balance out work and play?

This is a tough question because in this industry the two overlap very often. These days I prioritize my spare time for family and loved ones. The rest of the time is work.

If you could change one thing about your journey so far, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing thus far, I’ve been very happy with the journey thus far.

Can fans look forward to future Kyle and Shekhinah collaborations?



Is there any special significant other in your life at the moment?

There is indeed.

What makes you happy?

I love good company, witty conversations, music, and good food.

Your most memorable moment in the industry so far?

In the brief year and a half that we’ve been releasing music the moments keep getting better and better. From Back To The Beach going gold, to performing to over twenty thousand people at MTN BushFire Festival and Joburg Day. No one can explain the feeling of having that many people singing along to your own music.


Follow Kyle!

Instagram: @kyle_deutsch

Twitter: @kyle_deutsch

Facebook: Kyle Deutsch


Bridgette Makhela




Thapelo Mokoena Talks New Film, His Craft And The Industry


Thapelo Mokoena
Actor / Producer / Filmmaker

What’s the daily Thapelo Mokoena schedule like?
It consists of a high level of discipline and keeping my eye on the ball. Chasing the dream and fulfilling it. Most of the work I have to do myself, as an actor I get to fulfill other people’s dreams. Consistency is key.

Describe the role you play on the upcoming movie, Mrs Right Guy…
I play a guy called Dumile, a well to-do business man, he’s a young guy working for a big corporation. It’s a story of an underdog who goes from rags to riches. He can’t stand people that believe there is a short cut to life. He’s always fixing people’s problems. An arrogant guy who believes he is the solution for people on this earth. He is very self-assured and believes himself to be god-sent.


Tell me more about Kasi Movie Nights?
Kasi Movie Nights is a mobile cinema events company that brings the cinema experience to the people in a refreshing manner; it works as an informal cinema. It takes African-produced movies to the people, we all know there are no cinemas in the townships, Kasi Movie Nights is the solution to township cinema. People can watch movies in their own environment in a special way. It is the first of it’s kind on our shores. I believe our people need to start watching themselves; we pirate so many movies, consuming so much US and Australian content, that has to change.

Did you always want to end up in the entertainment industry?
I think so, I look at my life and since I was a kid my brothers and I have always been that way. It was a natural thing in the household; I grew up in a small town so we entertained ourselves. We would put the radio in the garage; connect a MIC, recorded music and movies. I have a serious passion for the arts. I guess I’ve always known.


What have you learnt about the industry?
It’s growing, from being an infant to a toddler…the world is our oyster. The fuel for the arts is an artist. It is one way to learn a lot of things about yourself. I enjoy it, the world is watching!

Inspiration comes in all forms, where do you get yours from?
Everywhere…I come from a family of hard workers, it’s all we’ve ever known and seen. I am inspired by where I am from; I come from a small town and what my parents managed to do from the situation inspires me. I do not want to fail them. I have also created another generation, my son inspires me every day to be a better man.


How do you practice remaining constant in your craft?
I believe that we all want to make it. Not all of us reach our goals; so I believe that I need to be the best at what I do, when I do it. My last job is the only CV I have so I constantly have to reinvent myself and invest in myself. The industry is small, so if needs be, I will be the freshest, fittest, etc. I will always leave a good mark, no matter what kind of day I’m having. If it needs to get done, I will do it like it’s the first gig. One never stops learning…

What makes you tick?
Time wasting is horrible, especially when someone wastes my time. People who don’t come prepared are to me, very unprofessional.


The bush or the burbs?
The bush!

Are you happy with the man you see in the mirror every day?
Most of the time yes, but not all the time. I do disappoint myself sometimes, and judge myself…But there are always more smiles than frowns.


Follow Thapelo!

Instagram: @mokoenalive

Twitter: @ThapeloMokoena

Facebook: Thapelo Mokoena


Bridgette Makhela