Una Rams On New Single Shy, The Crush EP And His Ultimate Dream

Una Rams / 24 / Pop Star

When did Una’s music career begin?

When I was born! I used to call myself Prince and I used to dance with a group of friends back home, it was a cool way to express myself. I made music from about grade 4/5, then in grade 9 I started releasing solo music. Every moment in my life has led up to who I am now.

Your recent drop, ‘Shy’, what’s the song all about?

Shy is a declaration of love, of feelings. It’s the perfect song to play for your crush, a song to tell someone you have feelings for them.

What can fans expect from your EP ‘Crush’?

So Shy was the lead single of off Crush. You can hear a beautiful blend of different genres under the umbrella of Afro Pop, a whole lot of that is going to be delivered on Crush. Crush is going to tell the tale of love, from meeting a person and wanting them to be in your life. There are beautiful bars on there, I’m throwing a lot of TshiVenda in there too and sampling a Venda legend, some collaborations as well. These are songs to add onto the soundtrack of your life, it’s a Sci-Fi rom com.

What does music mean to you?

Music is life, it’s a healing force. It’s therapeutic when I make it, and a bonding experience between friends. Music is a way to address many things and express who I am, it’s a global language. Music is just so much, it’s a force. It is also a platform to explore my dreams, it strengthens the idea that I can make something from nothing.

The most valuable thing you’ve learnt from being a South African artist?

Having patience. We’re still in an emerging market, we have to be aware of the inequalities we face. Kids in the rural places and townships access music differently in comparison to us in the cities. You want to reach out to the widest audience as much as possible, you have to know who is for you. When you’re doing something that is not a traditional genre, I’ve had to teach people about what I’m doing. As South Africans we stick to what we know but we also have a willingness to discover what we love. My brand is growing and it’s a blessing.

Does your upcoming album ‘Boyfriend Material’ have a release date yet?

Unfortunately not yet, I want to be in a different place in my life when I do release it. Still focusing on the single Crush, then I’ll focus on Boyfriend Material. It’s all about how after the honeymoon phase you learn about each other and put in the work. It’s going to explore the good and the bad of love and what relationships can do to people.

What has this year taught you as an artist?

Being able to wear different thinking hats. I’ll have a season of just creating carelessly then there comes a season where one should have a business element to their craft and their art. Seeing where you went wrong and trying to outdo yourself. I like to be still, look at myself and reassess who I am doing this for…me. I use my imagination and play around with cool ideas and collaboration. Music is also a platform for me to explore other avenues such as business prospects and investments I seek to grow. I am a multi-dimensional person who can express themselves in more than one way.

Your ultimate dream is?

To build a city, I feel that as Africans we haven’t built a city. We haven’t placed our identity on a platform like that. I have dreams in the tech space as well.

One artist you’d absolutely love to collaborate with?

I really want to be the guy that can do anything and to work with whoever I want to work with. I am very experimental in my approach. I actually want to be the guy that people want to collaborate with. I keep dreaming bigger and want to conquer many markets.


Follow Una Rams!

Instagram: @unarams

Twitter: @UnaRamsWeirdKid

Facebook: @unarams


-Bridgette Makhela 

Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena On The Come Up, Making Music And What The Industry Lacks

Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena / 27 / Recording Artist

It’s Been A Minute: You’ve been in the industry for a a while, how has the journey been?

It’s really been exciting. Lots of highs and lows, plenty of lessons learnt and priceless memories to last a lifetime.

Something New: ‘I’m A Star’ just dropped recently, what’s the message there?

I think the title says it all, just letting people know I’m a star!

A First: What are you still jamming from your debut album ‘Victory’?

‘Vatel’ will forever be on my playlist, but ‘Victory Anthem’ featuring Tribal has been really great during these crazy times.

A Woman Of Many Talents: What do you enjoy more, TV or making music?

Making music.

Coming To You Live!: The one thing you still get nervous about at live performances?

I’m not sure if nervous is the right word but you always want the crowd to engage and enjoy your performance. You always want people to like what you’ve got to offer.

If Only Ya’ll Knew: The dopest thing to happen to you in your career so far?

I could tell you but I’d have to kill you. I’ve worked with some of the biggest stars both locally & internationally so just know I’ve got behind the scenes stories for days, lol.

Preach Sister!: What does the South African entertainment industry lack?

Wow, there’s a lot honestly. Our industry is still young and although we’ve come far, we still have a long way to go. True costing for work being one of them, it’s high time we all got paid our worth. Not only the people on screen, but those behind the scenes too. There’s a big shift that needs to happen.

There Can Only Be One: Fashion or Friends?

Friends. You can always steal their clothes, that way you have both.

The Come Up: What advice would you give to anyone trying to build a lasting brand?

Think about who you want to be in the future and think about who you are now. A perfect blend of both those people authentically shining through will always be relatable no matter what stage you’re at, and give yourself room to grow as a person.


Follow Moozlie!

Instagram: @moozlie

Twitter: @nomoozlie

Facebook: @Moozlie


-Bridgette Makhela

Thapelo Mokoena On Trackers, New Ventures And The Industry

Thapelo Mokoena / 37 / Actor, Filmmaker, Wine Producer, Brewer & Restaurant/Tap Room Owner

Viewers are currently glued to MNet’s Trackers, tell us about the character you play, Quinn…

Quinn is an ambitious young father chasing his dream. His main mission is to protect and serve the republic and the president’s office. He is a high-end conflicted cop who has a family to look after at home but also has the toughest time at the office, trying to work his way up to one day take charge and head up the bureau.

Bosman Wines has been doing amazing, what’s the collaboration all about?

Bosman Wines is a collaboration about family and the power of unity. Myself and Petrus Bosman became friends and ultimately family in a space of literally a month. The collaboration is all about us expressing the powers we hold as people that can work together, it’s about us being open and showcasing that together we can achieve more and be ground breaking, be brave and try something new and see what happens. It’s also been a year since we started, November is Nero month (we released last year November). We’ve sold out 6400 bottles in 6 months and right now we’re already comfortably selling stock we should be selling in 2020!

One doesn’t see a lot of Africans tapping into the wine industry, what motivated you to take this route?

While visiting and traveling the wine lands via Destinate Tours, the interest sparked. I decided to go out and experience the wine lands as I needed some inspiration to help me with a script I was working on. As I was meeting all the wine families, I also met the Bosmans and that changed everything. We shared conversations and realized we share the same views such as family and business. Meeting the Bosmans felt like the kind of upbringing and values I have known throughout my life so connecting came naturally. Petrus introduced me to a “black grape” (Nero) and explained how it originates from Sicily and can grow in volcanic soil and doesn’t need much to grow, given the drought in Cape Town, it was a game changer. Petrus was looking for someone of my caliber to collaborate with and help open up wine to the average South African. All the work that goes into wine making, the patience required and the challenges faced throughout the process made me learn so much. I still have dreams of living on a farm and I grew up in that space so the venture opportunity really spoke to me.

You’re already a household name in the entertainment industry, how do you always stay on top of your game?

We as South Africans need to become a culture of people that are consistent. As much as I am an actor first, I knew it wouldn’t build me wealth, especially in our country, it bothered me a bit, but I was okay with it. God put me in Africa, not in Hollywood so hey?! I knew I enjoyed the Arts but didn’t know how to apply that passion. Growing up in a small town, I never knew how to articulate it, I mean we never had gadgets such as phones and laptops growing up. When I came to Johannesburg I studied Accounting at Wits but started noticing Art schools, and I’d always say, “they look like how I feel”. From then on I knew I would have to fight to be happy and keep myself in a stable space while pursuing my dream. I’d always pray to God about using my talent and still being able to pay the bills. I come from a family of business so I have always been business minded. The talent has always said you will work, I was in all the lead graduation roles in school while also qualifying as a producer in the film business. I knew I had to be smart and wise, hence I always strive to control the business side of all the projects I am involved in. Consistency is subjective, I can only be consistent as my hard work and I believe there’s more to a human being than being one dimensional.

2019 has seemingly been a great year for you, any other exciting stuff to close of the year?

2019 has been a tough year but a great one in general, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. In the midst of the toughness, the exciting news is that I am officially a co-owner of a beer brewery/restaurant/Tap Room as of today Thursday 21 November! The Ukhamba Beerworx Tap Room & Shisanyama is in Claremont, Cape Town (53 Main Rd, Claremont). We’re launching The Tap Room and the highly anticipated new branding for the Ukhamba beers today. The business has been around for 3 years and with my involvement comes a new identity, a new age and new journey. The Tap Room is a concept store for beers and a full solution liquor distribution company that handles logistics on and off consumption in the Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal areas. Currently it boasts being South Africa’s largest and most reliable one stop route to market partner for brewers, distillers and brands looking to expand…You’re the first to get the scoop!

You’re involved in a lot of projects, how do you manage all of them efficiently?

The trick is to always find a balance, so I always take Mondays off to focus on me, (for my sanity). I set times for work and all the projects I’m involved in. I do all of this while sitting in my garden, sometimes even barefoot because I love nature (growing up on a farm and all), I sometimes call myself a “dignified hippie”. I am an early riser too so I take time to try and meditate as that assists with training my mind to focus. I also constantly creatively think of ways to make all the businesses I am involved in better.

You’re also a big fitness fan, do you have a schedule you follow?

Yes I am a big fitness fan and I always try and have a schedule, I always want to be prepared.

Proudest moment in your career so far?

There’s definitely more than one moment, but getting a South African Film & Television Award (SAFTA) for my mobile cinema was a proud moment. I hadn’t even planned to take the trip to Sun City that day, so that was definitely a highlight. One other highlight was getting to star on Deon Meyer’s ‘Trackers’ that is going to be aired across the world. I am at the point in my career where I am clear about what I want and what my story is. I hope this is the point in my career where I “Denzel!” I’ve got a lot of international projects coming up that I am signing away, its crazy! 2020’s already fully booked. It’s been 17 years for me in this industry and I’ve never not worked.

What/who keeps you grounded and focused?

It’s where I come from, I come from a very hardworking family. My brothers and I were never raised as kids that had privilege. We were always reminded that we were just people, our own person. My father is quite a successful man (which is all my mother’s doing) but we never used his name or title to gain anything in our personal lives. The prayers from my family as well, there’s a lot of well wishes from them that keep me going and not let me go astray or lose focus of the bigger picture. I am in a public industry and there is so much that could easily go wrong, I am human and I am not perfect but I do however always strive to be the best version of myself. There’s always pressure and I always say I am not a role model, I am a human being who is pursuing his vision and his dream, so take the good that you see, take what you need and leave what you don’t want because I’ll still be human tomorrow. I don’t believe I am “the guy”, my wife and I are not “the couple” and there’s no such thing as perfect love or a perfect marriage. At the same time, I have to be a father to 2 beautiful souls which are my sons, I have to do it for them, they have to be proud of their father. I believe the more you get drawn into the spotlight, is the more you should be selfless, the moment I forget that, I’ll live in my ego and be driven by it. I am South African but I am born into the world, have I really started working as an artist if my work is only consumed in Africa and a bit of London? I don’t think so. There’s still a lot of work to do. I don’t think I am worth celebrating, I think I am just a guy that works hard.


Follow Thapelo!

Instagram: @mokoenalive

Twitter: @ThapeloMokoena

Facebook: Thapelo Mokoena


-Bridgette Makhela

Ginger Trill On Music, Relevance And Always Staying Focused

Tshegofatso Seroalo aka Ginger Trill / 30 / Musician

The Ginger Trill story, where did it all begin?

The Ginger Trill story began long ago, probably back in Potchefstroom before I was called Trill. My friends and I had been making music and cutting demos since high school. I always knew I loved music but it wasn’t until I turned 22 that I knew that I wanted pursue a career in music. 

The come up and remaining relevant, what are your thoughts?

My come up was different and I think no two come-ups are the same really, I’m from the school of the hard knocks. So many failures, mistakes and lessons that helped me grow, not only as an artist, but as a person as well. Seven years since I released my debut album and I’ve learned that relevance is almost like having a “buzz”…it’s all about what you do with the traction you gain.

South African Hip-Hop is hella right now, agree? What are your reasons?

Agreed, the local Hip-Hop scene is lit right now. I think the cycle before this generation had a lot to do with the shift, we’ve never had a scene so full of young independent artists making so much bank off of Rap music, EVER! Thanks to the arrival of prodigies like Nasty C & A-Reece, the industry is opening up.

As an artist that expresses themselves through words and beats, where do you plug in inspiration from?

I draw my inspiration from the music I bump into mostly, and the things I read, the conversations I have, even the shows I watch on TV or on the net, anything that stimulates my mind really. 

How would you describe your music in one word?


Any new material you’re yet to release this year?

Finishing my work on “Tales of the High & Mighty”, a joint tape with myself and Top Goggs from Dizzy Monks. 

Have a favourite track to date that you’ve released?

Too many to mention, and I think they switch every season or year, but right now? I’d say #Money is my favourite song by myself, that record is HARD. 

The plan is to never give up right? What keeps you focused and going?

What keeps me going is purpose, and my family, they are the people I draw my strength and motivation from and of course, my Lord and Saviour.

Where can fans keep in touch with you?  

Fans can catch me on social media.

Instagram: @Ginger_Trill Twitter: @Ginger_Trill Facebook: @Gingertrilly and for music www.gingertrill.com 


Bridgette Makhela

J’Something On Food, Music And Everything Else

Joao Da Fonseca / 28 / My job is a bit complicated – I like to sing and like to cook


First things first, you opening up your own restaurant is a major deal, how did this all come about?

There are certain opportunities in life that are too good to not take. Sun International is the reason why  I am in South Africa, fast forward my life and they offered me a restaurant. It’s an amazing opportunity to extend my passion in food, it’s also a tribute to my father and mother who both worked their entire lives in the food business.

How old where you when the foodie bug bit you?

The foodie bug really hit when I was 23. That’s when I really wanted to get more creative with my cooking.

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How do you juggle the music side of your career with the restaurant business?

Everything stems from doing what I love. When times are tough and I feel stretched out, it really helps doing what I love. Plus, I have an amazing team which really helps me to achieve my crazy dreams.

What does Mi Casa mean to you?

Mi Casa is what I dreamt of since I was 4 years old. Mi Casa is my dream come true!! Mi Casa is my family!


Yemi Alade features Mi Casa on her new single ‘Get Through This’, can we expect more collaborations with African artists?

Most certainly! Africa is our focus!

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It’s already May 2017, what do you believe the rest of the year holds for you?

Who really knows? The only thing I wish is to stay happy. We are working on more music as a band and I have a very busy year ahead from a good side of things.

That one habit you need to stop?

Losing golf balls on the course!

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Food or Friends?

Why do we need to pick? We need both!

You’re an inspiration to so many young South Africans, any closing words of advice you’d like to give away?

Work at becoming an inspiration to people. As a young person you should work at becoming an inspiration to somebody else.


Follow J’Something!

Instagram: @jsomething

Twitter: @jsomethingmusic

Facebook: J’Something

Bridgette Makhela

Katlego Maboe On Life Behind The Camera, Pet Peeves And What Brings Him Joy


Katlego Maboe / 29 / Multiple award winning TV host on the Expresso Breakfast Show & Strictly Come Dancing (Seasons 7 and 8) on SABC3

What kind of a guy is Katlego?

Electrifying, energetic, ambitious, family oriented, fun-loving, serious, weird guy who loves life and all good things about it.

How did the entertainer bug bite you, was it always in your life plan?

My late uncle, Martin Maboe, was quite the entertainer and I would watch him, trying to imitate him in order to entertain friends and family. I enjoyed the spotlight, so much so that subconsciously I pursued every opportunity to display my talent. I don’t think that it was ever a life plan that I made but perhaps one that God made for me because life has always found a way of steering me back onto the path of music and entertainment.


Did you actually study for your chosen career path?

Not at all. I studied B. Com Chartered Accounting; quite far removed from the world I currently call my career.

How’s your typical day like?

No day is ever the same. The only constant is my call-time at Expresso and the time the show ends at 09h00. The rest of the day is spent training, preparing for the next day’s show and imminent corporate engagements all while growing my personal brand and leading by example.


What brings you joy?

The ability to use my God given talent everyday in whichever way possible to make the world a better place. Music is one of those things – it makes me feel closest to God.

Any pet peeves?

People that make it their life mission to take away from other people’s happiness.

That one thing you always do before the camera zooms in you?

Think of how I can make the person watching from home smile.


Would you ever retire?

God willing, no. I enjoy what I do so much, I wouldn’t mind doing it ’till my last day.

Cape Town or Jozi?

#CoZi – that’s Cape Town and Jozi. Both cities offer things I like. Jozi has that vibrant energy and ambitious spirit of youth chasing dreams while Cape Town oozes with serenity and a quality of life that is tough to beat. If they were one city, I’d be complete.

What or who do you do this for?

My mother. I owe her my life and all I do is to make her proud everyday.


Follow Katlego!

Instagram: @katlegomaboe

Twitter: @KatlegoMaboe

Facebook: Kaltego Maboe

*Photographer: Michael Le Grange


Bridgette Makhela

Ayanda Thabethe On Her Modeling, Acting, TV Hosting And Entrepreneurial Career


Ayanda Thabethe

Actress | TV Host | Model | Entrepreneur


Who is Ayanda?

A lover of God, family and friends. Ambitious and carving my own path, my own way.

How did you break into the modeling industry?

After many closed doors, due to my height and lack of exposure, I reached out to a friend who happened to know my current agency head. He then put us in contact with each other and when she saw my pictures, she immediately signed me to the agency under which I now work under.

Was it a surprise to be selected as an E! Africa Television host?

A complete surprise and an absolute honour and privilege. I had worked with the team before on a production for SABC 1, a movie called Zion. They remembered me from then and called me for E!, much to my amusement and delight.


Any other avenues you are focusing on this year?

I’m focusing on my Marketing agency Buzzworthy that I have been running with my business partner for over a year now. We are seeing great strides in the business and just want to continue with the momentum. I’m also quite excited for my BIG acting debut on one of South Africa’s leading drama series, Rockville, as a lead.

Being a model for Khosi Nkosi, how did that come about?

I suppose when you are being authentic and running your own race people get drawn to you as a person, so I suppose that’s what happened with Khosi Nkosi. I just received a call regarding being the face of their Autumn range and I couldn’t say no. The brand fit was just right. Khosi Nkosi speaks to the woman that is taking strides, owning her talent and is a go-getter, I believe that describes me perfectly. Needless to say, the campaign was a hit!

11312500_801421286614170_167762307_nHow do you maintain your fitness and health?

I really struggle in this department, for me it’s a matter of trying, falling off and getting back again. I try my best to eat healthy but I have an extremely sweet tooth which is a big problem. Otherwise I exercise with my mates as often as possible. I do enjoy spinning quite a lot.

Music or milk?

Music… It soothes the soul in a way that nothing else can.


Who makes you laugh?

Nothing gets me like a good quality conversation with great sense of humour.

Describe your life in one word…


Favourite quote?

“It takes a long time to become an overnight success.”


Follow Ayanda!

Instagram: @ayandathabethe_

Twitter: @ayandathabethe_


Bridgette Makhela


Shane Eagle On Vuzu, His Music And The Special Lady In His Life


Shane Patrick Hughes


Rapper/ Musician and TV Personality

What kind of a guy is Shane?

Really humble and confident, generally very easy going and patient. I’m extremely ambitious and 100% focused on my path and career in the entertainment industry. I value important things/people in my life; I’m not a superficial person.


What’s the next move after the success of your Way Up song?

Well I’ve just landed a spot on Vuzu TV as one of the new presenters. This does not mean I’ve comprised my music though, I have a few singles which are yet to be released and currently dedicating a lot of my time to an E.P. which is aimed to release soon.

Would you say Vuzu’s The Hustle put you on in a major way?

Absolutely, and I’m forever grateful. If I had not been on The Hustle, I really think it might have taken me twice as long to get where I’m at now. As a result, it has definitely opened a lot of doors for me.


The rap scene is an unpredictable one; would you say you have the staying power to continuously reinvent your brand?

Yes. Longevity is very important to me. A lot of the time, you have to conform to current trends in music in order to remain relevant with a specific era. Those trends however may not be a true reflection of your personal interests or artistic genius. I therefore think it is important that, once you get the attention of people, to then reinvent yourself according to what YOU want to do so that your brand does become more diverse. Essentially, I plan on creating music which will resonate with people for years to come, as opposed to creating something which is easily forgotten.

Any special lady in your life?

Yes, there has been one special lady in my life for 6 years.


Timbs or Air Max’s?

Timbs for sure.

What other avenues in the industry would you like to start exploring?

I’d definitely like to go more into modeling, specifically in the health and fitness department. Other than that, I’m open to any opportunity that presents itself which does not interfere with my music.


What can your fans/followers expect from you this year?



Follow Shane!

Instagram: @shane_eagle

Twitter: @Shane_Eagle

Facebook: Shane Eagle


Bridgette Makhela





Zinhle Jiyane: DJ & Business Woman, Adds Motherhood To List


Ntombezinhle Jiyane
DJ & Business Woman


At what age did the DJing bug hit you?

I started DJing in 2004.

The feeling you got when you first witnessed a crowd dancing to your music?

I was in disbelief and got less nervous than I was. It gave me so much confidence; I knew I could do it.



Describe the kind of woman that Zinhle is…

I am a very simple person. I am a body of love: I love my family, friends and fans. I love successful and ambitious women. I love music. I am the kind of woman who wants to see other women being successful and happy.

How has motherhood changed your priorities in life?

I don’t think it has changed me at all, I feel like it has heightened some of my characteristics. I love love and I feel an overwhelming feeling of love for my baby.


Your dream for your daughter is?

I want her to be happy! I want her to pursue her dreams and do whatever makes her happy as long as she does not hurt or disrespect anyone. I want her to have dreams and not be afraid to go after them. I also want her to know that she is loved and beautiful.

When Zinhle isn’t out working, what’s her best way to unwind?

Spending time with Kairo or with friends…I also love a good book and nap.


What’s your secret to maintaining staying power as a female DJ in the industry?

I stay true to myself.

Favourite quote?

“You are your thoughts.”


Got any phobias?

I have a phobia for balloons…Kairo is helping me face that fear, it’s not easy but I can’t expect my child to not have balloons at her parties just because mommy is afraid of them.

Besides DJ work and your Era by Zinhle line, are there any other projects you will be focusing on this year?

I will be releasing a new single featuring Tamara Dey.


Follow Zinhle!

Instagram: @djzinhle

Twitter: @DJZinhle

Facebook: DJ ZINHLE


Bridgette Makhela