Shannon Esra On Her Journey, New Show Lioness And Various Acting Roles

Shannon Earle Esrechowitz (better known as Shannon Esra) / Actor, Writer & Artist

How did your journey in the industry begin?

I was 15 years old when I began presenting for TV. A year after that, I was cast in ‘I Dreamed of Africa’ with Kim Basinger, thanks to my high school Drama teacher, Janet Bayliss and South African casting agent, Christa Shamberger-Young.

You’ve played so many characters on South African television, how do you prepare for each role?

I approach every script the same way – I read it three times: firstly, to get a feeling for the story; secondly, as an investigator – looking for clues about my character – what are people saying about her, what does she say about herself, what are her fears, passions and motivations; and then thirdly, for pure enjoyment. Then it’s a matter of collaboration with the various departments. Who is she? How does she dress? What does she look like? How does she move? I like to work with the elements and the animal kingdom to root the energies of the people I portray. It’s a fun process. It really is like moulding clay. 

Lioness is currently on MNet on Thursdays, what can viewers look forward to in the storyline?

The revelations at the end of every episode are so powerful! But other than that, I really cannot say…can’t set off any “spoiler alerts”!

You’ve been on prominent and loved TV shows such as The River, Gomora, The Throne, and Isidingo…how does an actress maintain consistent work in the industry?

Honestly, by the grace of God. Everything that comes to us, as human beings, is what the universe needs us to experience. I believe each job comes by way of what I need to encounter. 

What do you love about acting?

I love how I get to experience another human being on any given day; how I am granted access into other worlds and mind-sets; how I get to see the world through someone else’s eyes, and by virtue of that, I get to stretch my capacity for love and understanding. Acting is very holistic, for me, personally. I can play pretend and create other worlds. It’s the best job on the planet!

One talent people don’t know you have?

I can tie a cherry stalk into a knot with just my tongue.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve in 2021?

Tranquility and peace of mind. I would love to shoot a couple of movies, maybe another series or two, and also, the odd painting here and there. That would be great! 

How would you like to be remembered?

As funny, kind, and passionate. 

Follow Shannon!

Instagram: @shannonesra_official

Twitter: @ShannonEsra

Facebook: @ShannonEsraOfficial

-Bridgette Makhela

Una Rams On His Story So Far, His First Ever Single And His Genre Of Music

Unarine Rambani / 22 / Sonic Artist, Software Engineer, Weird Kid

Tell your story so far…
I’m a kid from a small town called Makwarela in Venda, I’ve always felt that I was destined to be something great! I fell in love with music at a young age, learnt a couple of instruments through being involved in my parents’ church, that laid a foundation for how I understand and create music today. I went from being a Soundcloud kid to hearing my songs play on a couple of radio stations, to TV and now I’m the Venda Pop Star. There’s still so much I want to do, even outside the music, stay tuned!

Thank God for music because?
It literally saved my life, it’s allowed me to be free and express myself. I honestly don’t think I’d be as happy as I am if I didn’t have music. It was a healthy outlet in my varsity years, I believe it kept me sane.

You just recently celebrated your 22nd birthday, any major plans for the year ahead?
I’m releasing an important EP titled ‘Wavy Baby’ very soon. It’s one for the cuddles, head rubs, smiles and tears. I tell a love story without a happy ending because fairy tales are overrated. I have big plans for this project that will be an extension of the music, super excited to see everything come together.

South Africa needs to watch out for you mos def, do you love the attention?
It’s super cool, I used to shy away from it because I’ve always been about keeping to myself but I’m the type of person that wants to positively impact people and see them reach their potential and actually make efforts to chase their dreams. So I’m embracing the popularity (pronounced fame) and using the influence that comes with that to spread a message of positivity, peace and love.

Something not everybody knows, when did you release your first ever single?
Lol, that was way back in Grade 10, I produced the song myself, with a little help from my brother, Tondi Rams (check him out) and recorded over at a friend’s place. I got a thousand downloads on the day I released, which was a pretty big deal back then. I even got to perform the song at the Matric dance that year.

Do you own a journal? In other words, do you write your own material?
I’ve been trying to keep records of all the little thoughts that go through this wild brain. I wasn’t the type to reminisce much but I’m starting to appreciate looking back at who I was and seeing how much I’ve grown. We often get caught up in what’s wrong right now and we forget to be grateful for how far we’ve come, this sort of remedies this. I’ve written all my songs to date and I’m getting to the stage where I’m challenging myself to fully open up and really say how I’m feeling.

How would you describe your genre of music?
I call it human, it’s imperfect in it’s nature and it’s forever evolving. I might be doing this style today but I could easily come back with a new one tomorrow, I’m always trying to reinvent myself and my sound, Growth is key.

Nobody wants a lame squad. Do your friends support you?
My friends have been nothing but amazing. They won’t allow anyone they know to sleep on Una Rams, I’ve gotten voice notes from 6-year olds, videos from parents and even speeches inspired by myself from their friends and families. I really appreciate them, I just wish we could still hang out like the old times (we’ll find time).

Are you in this for the long run, or for the fame?
This is my life and for as long as I’m breathing, this is what I’m going to be doing. I love it with all my heart and God Himself keeps opening new doors for me…it’s not a journey that’s gonna end any time soon.


Follow Una Rams!

Instagram: @unarams

Twitter: @UnaRamsWeirdKid

Facebook: Una Rams


Bridgette Makhela