Shelton Forbez Releases Smoke Music Video


Why the name Smoke for your song?
The song was inspired by the feeling of intoxication and “Smoke” just sounds cooler than “Drink”.
How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
I followed the feeling of the song and how it made meed feel. I wanted to visually bring it to life, hence the trippy parts, the smoke and colour palettes.
Where was the music video shot?
The video was shot at my house.
How much work goes into putting a music video such as this together?
I have a team I work with so we pay for everyone’s service as apposed to paying a production company, then we create and direct it independently, so in my case it was very affordable.

Can we look forward to any more releases from Shelton in 2017?

Yes! I am releasing my first collective project (Mixtape) titled ‘New Season’.

Anyone you’d like to collaborate with?

At this point I am much more interested in collaborating with producers as it allows my sound to broaden but still keep my style of music.

Any current or upcoming projects you’re busy with?

I am busy with my music platform for aspiring artists, ‘New Melody’, as well as my training academy ‘Mzansi Shapers’, more business moves this year.

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Urban R&B artist Shelton Forbez has officially kick-started 2017 with the release of the smoldering SMOKE music video – a Wichi 1080 musically directed single.

Watch the SMOKE music video, now:

On the theme behind the self-produced video, the artist candidly shares how it was inspired by a night out with an ex. “I wanted to attach to the feeling the song gives you, and all the trippy effects associates with intoxication,” says Shelton Forbez.

Smoke is his latest offering, following the success of the debut single Butterfly (featuring Thaiwanda), which introduced fans to his melodious side, adding to the TV presenting, acting and choreography.

2017 will see Shelton Forbez embark on a series of tours to connect with the fan-base, nationwide. “The overall response has been really cool! I’m excited to be going forward, promoting my music. I’m at a point where I’m really taking my time in putting out quality work, and it’s now starting to pay off,” says the musician.

Follow Shelton!

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez

Instagram: SheltonForbez

YouTube: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela

Farah Fortune On Starting Her Own Business, African Star Communications And The Entertainment Industry

Farah Fortune / 37 / Director & Owner of African Star Communications

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Describe yourself in one word…


Share your story on how you found your way into the business of Public Relations and Event Management

I started my own business in 2008 after being tired of having a boss. I left my job with no savings. I had R1000 to start the business and used R589 to buy my CC for the company.

How do you get up every morning and keep going?

I have bills to pay so I have to work! I also love my job, makes a big difference to my enthusiasm levels. I always set myself goals, so I continuously want to achieve them.

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Was this always your vision for your future?

I knew I always wanted to be my own boss. I always knew I wanted to push women empowerment; I was just never sure how I was going to do it. So when I identified the opportunity to start my own business, I went for it. I had no idea if I’d succeed or not.

African Star Communications has come a long way, with celebrating 8 years this year, how do you plan on keeping up the great work?

We try and keep things fresh within the business through great Public Relations strategies and hopefully we will continue to do so for another 8 years.

One thing you never leave your home without?

Kissing my baby girl goodbye.

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Family and friends, are they a solid support structure?

Yes, very solid support! I appreciate them so much!!! You really can’t do anything in life without solid support.

Club or chilling at home, what do you prefer?

Chilling at home. My job is about events and parties most of the time, so when I get a chance, I like to relax, which isn’t often.

How would you describe the South African entertainment industry?

A growing industry with so much potential.


Follow Farah!

Instagram: @fcfortune

Twitter: @fcfortune

Facebook: Farah Fortune

Follow African Star Communications!

Instagram: @africanstar08

Twitter: @AfricanStar08

Facebook: African Star Communications


Bridgette Makhela