NEWAGESTEEZE On Being The Future Of Entertainment Through All Forms Of Art

What’s NEWAGESTEEZE all about?
Newagesteeze is a group of young, talented, skilled and creative adults with a passion for all forms of art within the entertainment industry. Anything in the name of entertainment, we are your go to people!
How is NEWAGESTEEZE shaping the future of entertainment?
We are shaping the future of entertainment through the ability to offer all forms of art in one group/company. We are creating a brand that can flexibly work with or around any client/brand’s needs. It being: Dance & Choreography, Cinematography, Fashion, Music, Fitness Lifestyle Event Production, Graphics, Social Media Strategies etc, the list is endless…
How long has NEWAGESTEEZE been around for?
Newagesteeze has been around for three years. The members in it are very well known entertainers who came together from different backgrounds to create the perfect entertainment group.
As a group of individuals, how do you get your various talents to merge into one work of art?
Since Newagesteeze has various skills and talents in the entertainment industry,
It’s easy to form such a group because all of these different skills and talents that work hand in hand.
How many hours of rehearsal are put in before a performance?
We rehearse until we have it right, hours are never counted when creating a show for over 20 000 people.
Any shows you have performed at that stand out for you guys?
We had our own tour where Castle Lite featured us in their show traveling the country as Newagesteeze. Unlocking Extra Cold as the ‘Extra Cold Force’
Fill Up The Dome/Fill Up Orlando (Cassper Nyovest).
Are you a close knit group of friends?
Yes we are. It’s got to the point where we have become like family to each other.
How do you plan on making NEWAGESTEEZE a lasting brand and driving force?
By creating a legacy of entertainment that this country is missing, that will travel the world and fall on to our next generation. Real entertainment at it’s highest level and placing South African art on global/international stages.
Do you believe South Africa has room for growth and escalation when it comes to birthing entertainment groups such as NEWAGESTEEZE?
Yes it definitely does. Entertainment is needed everywhere and almost everyday. All forms of entertainment, it just needs to be packaged well.
How can you be reached for bookings? or
Instagram: @newagesteeze
Twitter: @NewAgeSteezeZA
Facebook: New Age Steeze
Bridgette Makhela

Shelton Forbez Releases Smoke Music Video


Why the name Smoke for your song?
The song was inspired by the feeling of intoxication and “Smoke” just sounds cooler than “Drink”.
How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
I followed the feeling of the song and how it made meed feel. I wanted to visually bring it to life, hence the trippy parts, the smoke and colour palettes.
Where was the music video shot?
The video was shot at my house.
How much work goes into putting a music video such as this together?
I have a team I work with so we pay for everyone’s service as apposed to paying a production company, then we create and direct it independently, so in my case it was very affordable.

Can we look forward to any more releases from Shelton in 2017?

Yes! I am releasing my first collective project (Mixtape) titled ‘New Season’.

Anyone you’d like to collaborate with?

At this point I am much more interested in collaborating with producers as it allows my sound to broaden but still keep my style of music.

Any current or upcoming projects you’re busy with?

I am busy with my music platform for aspiring artists, ‘New Melody’, as well as my training academy ‘Mzansi Shapers’, more business moves this year.

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Urban R&B artist Shelton Forbez has officially kick-started 2017 with the release of the smoldering SMOKE music video – a Wichi 1080 musically directed single.

Watch the SMOKE music video, now:

On the theme behind the self-produced video, the artist candidly shares how it was inspired by a night out with an ex. “I wanted to attach to the feeling the song gives you, and all the trippy effects associates with intoxication,” says Shelton Forbez.

Smoke is his latest offering, following the success of the debut single Butterfly (featuring Thaiwanda), which introduced fans to his melodious side, adding to the TV presenting, acting and choreography.

2017 will see Shelton Forbez embark on a series of tours to connect with the fan-base, nationwide. “The overall response has been really cool! I’m excited to be going forward, promoting my music. I’m at a point where I’m really taking my time in putting out quality work, and it’s now starting to pay off,” says the musician.

Follow Shelton!

Twitter: @SheltonForbez

Facebook: Shelton Forbez

Instagram: SheltonForbez

YouTube: Shelton Forbez


Bridgette Makhela