Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena On The Come Up, Making Music And What The Industry Lacks

Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena / 27 / Recording Artist

It’s Been A Minute: You’ve been in the industry for a a while, how has the journey been?

It’s really been exciting. Lots of highs and lows, plenty of lessons learnt and priceless memories to last a lifetime.

Something New: ‘I’m A Star’ just dropped recently, what’s the message there?

I think the title says it all, just letting people know I’m a star!

A First: What are you still jamming from your debut album ‘Victory’?

‘Vatel’ will forever be on my playlist, but ‘Victory Anthem’ featuring Tribal has been really great during these crazy times.

A Woman Of Many Talents: What do you enjoy more, TV or making music?

Making music.

Coming To You Live!: The one thing you still get nervous about at live performances?

I’m not sure if nervous is the right word but you always want the crowd to engage and enjoy your performance. You always want people to like what you’ve got to offer.

If Only Ya’ll Knew: The dopest thing to happen to you in your career so far?

I could tell you but I’d have to kill you. I’ve worked with some of the biggest stars both locally & internationally so just know I’ve got behind the scenes stories for days, lol.

Preach Sister!: What does the South African entertainment industry lack?

Wow, there’s a lot honestly. Our industry is still young and although we’ve come far, we still have a long way to go. True costing for work being one of them, it’s high time we all got paid our worth. Not only the people on screen, but those behind the scenes too. There’s a big shift that needs to happen.

There Can Only Be One: Fashion or Friends?

Friends. You can always steal their clothes, that way you have both.

The Come Up: What advice would you give to anyone trying to build a lasting brand?

Think about who you want to be in the future and think about who you are now. A perfect blend of both those people authentically shining through will always be relatable no matter what stage you’re at, and give yourself room to grow as a person.


Follow Moozlie!

Instagram: @moozlie

Twitter: @nomoozlie

Facebook: @Moozlie


-Bridgette Makhela

Patoranking On Music, Africa And Metro FM Awards Nomination


Patrick Nnemeka Okorie / 27 / Music Artist & Entertainer

How did you get your breakthrough into the music industry?

I got my breakthrough into the music industry after the release of my single ‘Alubarika’, featuring Timaya.

Who are your biggest inspirations?

Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Buju Banton and Shabba Ranks.


You’re nominated for a Metro FM ‘One Africa’ Award this year, did you ever think ‘No Kissing Baby’ would reach this level?

‘No Kissing Baby’, just like every other song I have dropped, was believed to take me to the next level of my music career. I am grateful to have been nominated, although it was unexpected.

How did you come up with the concept for the ‘No Kissing Baby’ music video?

The concept for the ‘No Kissing Baby’ music video came from team effort, conceptualized even before the director was selected. I am happy with the feedback from my fans and how much they are loving it.


So many people love your music, how do you give back to your fans?

Every  year, I make it a point of duty to go back to the ghetto to encourage, feast and vibe with the people who are still there. I know as God continues to bless me, they too will have more opportunities because I believe in them, in the same manner as I was believed in.

Any artist you would still love to collaborate with?

Definitely, there are tons of artists I would love to collaborate with, if time and chance allow. Future is a huge favourite of mine. There are quite a lot, too many to mention.

What do you think of the current state of Nigerian music?

The current state of Nigerian music is definitely not where it should be yet, at the same time, we are not where we were a few years ago. Growth is present and very good. We are at the point where everyone can recognize that we are playing a huge role in music, both locally in Africa and internationally.


If you could live anywhere in Africa, where would it be?

If I could live anywhere in Africa, I would live in ‘Africa’…One Continent, No Borders!

Do you have an outfit ready for the Metro FM Awards yet?


Follow Patoranking!

Instagram: @patorankingfire

Twitter: @patorankingfire

Facebook: @patorankingofficial

Bridgette Makhela