Ayanda Thabethe On Her Modeling, Acting, TV Hosting And Entrepreneurial Career


Ayanda Thabethe

Actress | TV Host | Model | Entrepreneur


Who is Ayanda?

A lover of God, family and friends. Ambitious and carving my own path, my own way.

How did you break into the modeling industry?

After many closed doors, due to my height and lack of exposure, I reached out to a friend who happened to know my current agency head. He then put us in contact with each other and when she saw my pictures, she immediately signed me to the agency under which I now work under.

Was it a surprise to be selected as an E! Africa Television host?

A complete surprise and an absolute honour and privilege. I had worked with the team before on a production for SABC 1, a movie called Zion. They remembered me from then and called me for E!, much to my amusement and delight.


Any other avenues you are focusing on this year?

I’m focusing on my Marketing agency Buzzworthy that I have been running with my business partner for over a year now. We are seeing great strides in the business and just want to continue with the momentum. I’m also quite excited for my BIG acting debut on one of South Africa’s leading drama series, Rockville, as a lead.

Being a model for Khosi Nkosi, how did that come about?

I suppose when you are being authentic and running your own race people get drawn to you as a person, so I suppose that’s what happened with Khosi Nkosi. I just received a call regarding being the face of their Autumn range and I couldn’t say no. The brand fit was just right. Khosi Nkosi speaks to the woman that is taking strides, owning her talent and is a go-getter, I believe that describes me perfectly. Needless to say, the campaign was a hit!

11312500_801421286614170_167762307_nHow do you maintain your fitness and health?

I really struggle in this department, for me it’s a matter of trying, falling off and getting back again. I try my best to eat healthy but I have an extremely sweet tooth which is a big problem. Otherwise I exercise with my mates as often as possible. I do enjoy spinning quite a lot.

Music or milk?

Music… It soothes the soul in a way that nothing else can.


Who makes you laugh?

Nothing gets me like a good quality conversation with great sense of humour.

Describe your life in one word…


Favourite quote?

“It takes a long time to become an overnight success.”


Follow Ayanda!

Instagram: @ayandathabethe_

Twitter: @ayandathabethe_


Bridgette Makhela


Zinhle Jiyane: DJ & Business Woman, Adds Motherhood To List


Ntombezinhle Jiyane
DJ & Business Woman


At what age did the DJing bug hit you?

I started DJing in 2004.

The feeling you got when you first witnessed a crowd dancing to your music?

I was in disbelief and got less nervous than I was. It gave me so much confidence; I knew I could do it.



Describe the kind of woman that Zinhle is…

I am a very simple person. I am a body of love: I love my family, friends and fans. I love successful and ambitious women. I love music. I am the kind of woman who wants to see other women being successful and happy.

How has motherhood changed your priorities in life?

I don’t think it has changed me at all, I feel like it has heightened some of my characteristics. I love love and I feel an overwhelming feeling of love for my baby.


Your dream for your daughter is?

I want her to be happy! I want her to pursue her dreams and do whatever makes her happy as long as she does not hurt or disrespect anyone. I want her to have dreams and not be afraid to go after them. I also want her to know that she is loved and beautiful.

When Zinhle isn’t out working, what’s her best way to unwind?

Spending time with Kairo or with friends…I also love a good book and nap.


What’s your secret to maintaining staying power as a female DJ in the industry?

I stay true to myself.

Favourite quote?

“You are your thoughts.”


Got any phobias?

I have a phobia for balloons…Kairo is helping me face that fear, it’s not easy but I can’t expect my child to not have balloons at her parties just because mommy is afraid of them.

Besides DJ work and your Era by Zinhle line, are there any other projects you will be focusing on this year?

I will be releasing a new single featuring Tamara Dey.


Follow Zinhle!

Instagram: @djzinhle

Twitter: @DJZinhle

Facebook: DJ ZINHLE


Bridgette Makhela