Twitter Interview With Siya Beyile


If you missed Siya Beyile’s #‎BKoolMedia‬ Twitter interview, go check it out at @BKool_Media

Follow Siya!
Instagram: @siyabeyile
Twitter: @SiyaBeyile
Facebook: The Threaded Man


Thank you for your time Siya! Appreciated!




Bridgette Makhela

DJ Doowap: Doin’ It And Doin’ It And Doin’ It Well


Khetsiwe Morgan aka DJ Doowap
YFM 99.2 Radio Host, Live Mix DJ & Conceptualist


What does a day in the life of a Dubstep, Hip-Hop and Bass mix DJ look like?
Everyday is wonderfully different. I wake up early, workout, have breakfast and then handle whatever is in the diary. It varies: from preparing a new mix for a gig, to shooting one of my concept videos, playing at one of the Nike training events, getting my hair done in Hillbrow (on average every two weeks), recording my radio show on YFM 99.2 or sometimes even designing outfits I would like to get made. It’s awesome that each day differs.

How was your childhood like?
I would say I have lived a charmed life. My parents are happily married so there was always fore filling love in the air, which gave me a fantastic support system for all my dreams.
My parents believed that we (my sister and I) should travel as much as possible and try as many things as possible to see what we like, what we don’t like and most importantly, what we are good at. I went to the French school Jules Verne in Morningside, where I did springboard diving for the national team, that took up a lot of my time as it was intensive training. It taught me self-discipline and “kept me off the streets”.



When did you decide “Okay, I wanna be a DJ”?
I have always had a passion for music, so I started studying Sound Engineering in London and partying in the bass scene at the underground clubs. I moved back to South Africa in 2012 to complete my studies and needed to make a bit of cash on the side, so I did a DJ course with DJ4Life and got my first gig at Roxy’s. I was scouted by YFM at that first gig and it’s basically just been a snowball effect from there.

Pick one: walk-in sneaker closet or music?
WOW! That’s a super tricky one. But I have understood that music is my destiny. Music will bring me the walk-in sneaker closet.



Who or what keeps you grounded in this industry?
My wonderful parents, sister, my love and my incredible zen manager, Preneil Pillay.

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Do you like that ‘female DJ’ tag? If no, why?
Crisis, that’s one thing I hate the most. So I appreciate how you phrased the question. I just feel that if you badass you badass, no gender discussion needs to be involved. People often say “Oh wow you’re not just female and beautiful but you can actually play!” Like why was that even a question? Nicki Minaj isn’t getting judged as a female rapper, she has managed to break through that ceiling and be labelled one of the best rappers in the world. I would like to do that as a DJ.



Favourite jam right now?
Gosh, I am constantly changing favourites, I hear a lot and get bored quickly so probably by the time this is published I would be over it…But right now it’s Conduction x Notion – Felt This Way

What’s that one thing people don’t know about you?
I am fluent in French.



Got big plans for the rest of this year? If yes, do share…
Sooooo many BIG plans but the most exciting one that will open many other doors is the move to Berlin in June for 6 months for the European summer.



Follow DJ Doowap!

Instagram: @djdoowap

Twitter: @Dj_Doowap

Facebook: Dj Doowap / Khetsiwe Morgan


Bridgette Makhela