Nandipha Mqoco On Digital Entrepreneurship, MC’ing And Her Love For Fashion

Nandipha Mqoco / 24 / Digital Entrepreneur, Master of Ceremonies & Fashion Enthusiast

School Them: What’s a Digital Entrepreneur?

Someone who starts a business in the digital space. In my case it would be by means of content creation and endorsing products on my social media platforms.

Content Creation: What’s the process followers don’t know about?

A lot of planning and strategizing. Most of the content you see is curated but that process is where it gets fun, well most of the time.

New Year: What would you love to achieve in 2020?

Solidify existing brand relationships. Getting the opportunity to travel more for work as an MC and a Content Creator, collaborating with more international brands too. Being well on my way to achieving full financial independence.

Rewind: How did you get into the Digital and MC’ing space?

My digital career just happened to me. It definitely wasn’t intentional at all. I would post my outfits, places I would go to on my Instagram. My sisters and I would have impromptu shoots with street fashion photographers. In addition to that, my sister Yoliswa who had a bigger following, would also post me on her Instagram. Thereafter, my audience grew and brands started to take notice and the rest was history! My MC career was definitely intentional. I always had a passion for public speaking so it only made sense to turn my passion into a profit.

Fun Fact: Your sisters Yoliswa and Thobeka are also in the Social Media Influencer game, was this always the plan?

Not at all, we were just living our lives and sharing our love for fashion, beauty and lifestyle then BOOM!

Threads: You’re a very stylish girl, where’s the inspiration from?

Thank you so much! My relationship with fashion is VERY personal. I was surrounded by extremely stylish women (my mother and sisters) all my life. I would watch fashion TV all day, everyday. I drive my inspiration from many places. Thank God for the internet because it exposed me to amazing fashion from all across the globe, seeing how people interpret different styles and trends. London, Amsterdam, New York, Beijing, even good ol’ Cape Town right here in Mzansi. I really enjoy how the people dress there.

Brag a Bit: Biggest bag/s you’ve secured so far?

Revlon and Clinique have been the biggest bags for me.

Mzansi: Where do you enjoy spending your free time?

Get on a plane and fly to CAPE TOWN. For many reasons – my sister lives there, the food is amazing, the scenery is breathtaking. There’s just so much to do there! But if that isn’t possible then watching series, movies and documentaries in another favourite place of mine…MY BED, is a close second.

Wisdom: Some advice on how to stay relevant in the digital era?


Follow Back: Where can new fans catch you on all platforms?

Instagram: nandipha_mqoco / Twitter: @nan_deep / Facebook: Nandipha


Bridgette Makhela

Khai Swartz On House of Velour, Fashion And Being A Young Designer

Khai Swartz / 24 / Designer & Founder of House of Velour

You’re a young female making moves in the fashion industry, has this always been your dream?

Definitely, ever since I was a little girl I always knew I’d work in the fashion industry.

How did House of Velour come about?

I studied a BBA in Media at Lisof, worked for two years at Studio Space Pictures as a Production Assistant and decided I wanted to do my own thing. What better than going back to my roots? Fashion! I love working with different fabrics and textiles, so I started making my own clothes and posting them on social media. I then got the opportunity to work with Moozlie, and since then I’ve been making pieces for people who work in the entertainment industry: Musicians, Presenters, Actresses, Social Media Influencers, etc.

Who’s your target market and why?

My target market initially was influencers, I believed that if you influence the influencer, then the influencer will influence the public, if you get me. It now ranges from young to older people, whether they are creatives or work in the corporate industry, individuals who are bold and enjoy being daring, feeding their alter egos, love dressing up and stealing the show wherever they go, at an affordable price.

What’s the process like when creating a piece for a client?

The client has the option to see my designs online, and can alter it to their requirements. We make custom made garments too, it all depends on the client really.

How does House of Velour stand out from other designer lines?

HOV currently has it’s own aesthetic that nobody else really has. We have an old Hollywood twist to things, 90s Black Excellence vibes with a modern twist of colour. For example, with fur trench coats, HOV’s trench coats are baby blue. Eccentric colours.


What’s your plan for building a lasting, fashionable brand?

Just to stay relevant, keep up with trends but design my own twist to things of course, then hopefully open a boutique in the near future.

What would you like House of Velour to resonate with within the industry as a whole?

Class. Opulence. The Versace of designer lines!

How does a typical day look like for you?

I work alone. I have seamstresses in Town and Randburg that constantly work on my garments, turning my designs into reality. I wake up at around 9am, check on my seamstresses, have fittings throughout the day, then if I have time, go have lunch with friends then get back to delivering garments, all while having photo shoots and sending quotes, lol. My days are busy but I love what I do. Always up and down.

What’s still missing in the South African fashion industry when it comes to opportunities for the youth?

Exactly that. Opportunities for the youth. People believe in you and your dreams, however, they don’t like to assist up and coming artists with a monetary injection to help them grow and sustain their brand and that’s what I’ve mainly struggled with, especially men who have the ability to do so. If you’re a pretty girl, it’s even harder because people always want something from you that has absolutely nothing to do with your talent and aspirations, which has kind of set me back. I’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful and influential people in Johannesburg and have been miserably disappointed in their interests. I think the industry is dark, and if you’re not willing to “do what it takes”, you will hustle longer and harder than the rest.


Follow Khai Swartz & House of Velour!

Instagram: @khaiswz

Instagram: @houseofvelour


Bridgette Makhela 

Pearl Shongwe On Her Journey In The Broadcast Industry And What’s Still To Come

Pearl Shongwe / 31 / TV & Radio News Anchor / Host of the most impactful youth leadership show on the continent, One Day Leader / Voice Over Artist / MC & Facilitator


How did you mould your way into the broadcast industry?

From winning a radio talent search competition in 2010, I’ve come a long way.  It’s taken a lot of hard work, dedication, networking, failure, rejection and a lot of patience! I’ve tried not to plan too much in my journey, I have set my eye on things I have wanted to accomplish and worked steadily from there. I follow my gut and I allow myself time to grow into whatever role I’m in. Being authentically me and not allowing myself to succumb to pressure has helped me stay true to my cause. It has not been easy and I’m grateful that my journey hasn’t been the smoothest because my character and who I am now is better for it. A lot of the skills that I possess have had to be self-taught, which is one of the things I remain profoundly proud of!


Your schedule is probably demanding, how do you keep focused?

There is a lot of demand on my time but with everything I do, my secret is to talk myself into staying present, so that I don’t miss out on any experience and any opportunity to be grateful. It’s so easy to fall into ‘auto-pilot’ mode and so it’s become imperative for me to take it one show at a time, one voice recording at a time, one shoot at a time, etc and be fully present so that I can deliver the best standard of work possible. I have been working 7 days a week for several years now and yes, it gets exhausting. It is especially difficult because I miss a lot of family and friends time but I think I’m getting better at managing that now, especially this year. I have learnt to manage my time more efficiently.  That also comes with sacrifices like saying “no” to paying gigs!


What have you learnt on your journey in the industry so far?

That it’s so important to do things your way, in your own time and pace. People will try and mould you into their own ideas of who you are and what you should be doing, and when. It’s not necessary to live up to anyone else’s expectations except your own. Rejection is part of the game. Deal with it. Do your best, audition, get better, take notes, practice and perfect it! Do what you can, until you can do what you want. Also, never forget why you started and always pay it forward.


Biggest moment you’ve had?

There have been so many! I’m gushing just thinking about a few of them! It’s impossible to single out just one. My most stand out Television moments include what was the very first time I was booked as a field reporter at the 2014 Carling Cup, making my debut on SABC’s longest running breakfast show, ‘Morning Live’, and working alongside Kass Naidoo on the Rio 2016 Paralympic show. Also, signing off at the end of my first news bulletin on Metro FM was a massive moment of sheer elation, joy, and satisfaction. I had dreamt about it for a very long time.


Look up to any one in the industry?

There are so many female broadcasters that I have immense respect for; Kass Naidoo, Ayanda Allie Payne, Azania Mosaka, Carol Bouwer, Oprah Winfrey, Lara Baldeserra, Bonang Matheba, and Gorja Calvin-Smith are at the top of my list but I also have a deep sense of admiration for women working behind the scenes in television including Desiree Markgraaff and Mmabatho Montsho who are such A-graders!


What’s the end goal after doing your part?

There’s a lot that I still want to achieve but I think one of my ultimate dreams is to own a TV and Film school in the township. Our children are so talented and need to be supported if they are passionate about the arts. I always think of what Oprah has done for our country to advance education and to provide better opportunities for young girl children here, it’s something that I think everyone should aspire to do; to contribute towards positively changing the trajectory of the future of our children. Our success is not our own, it is meant to build others up and to create a better reality for those who come after us! I also have a secret dream of being a diplomat and then retire in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands at 45!


Working on anything else in 2018 you’d like to share?

Not much. I lost my dad in January this year and I think my biggest commitment has been to try and focus on my healing journey and being there for my family.  It’s been a challenging time and I’ve just been showing up for all the current projects I have running without wanting to put myself under any pressure. I am an extremely ambitious woman, and though it’s been a little weird trying to allow myself to slow down, I’m actually okay with it. I am not complacent however and something exciting is definitely brewing for 2019, but I won’t say too much about it for now. All I can say is that I’m banking on it being a game-changer for me.


Talent, consistency and hard work, what do these things mean to you in your everyday work life?

Talent is not enough, consistency in itself is hard work and is tough to maintain and well, hard work pays off! Cliché but, it works! Whether you believe in working hard or smart – either way, work must be put in!


Strong, fearless females are usually seen as intimidating in society, how do you deal with that stigma within your work space?

I don’t think about it and so there’s nothing to deal with. I stand tall, go about my business and get the job done. I have no emotional capacity to deal with negativity or to try and nurse egos or even notice who is feeling what about my position. It’s simply a non-factor. There’s work to be done and I’m pretty good at shutting out the noise. Men or even women who feel intimidated should rather focus on their own journeys. Life’s too short to try and keep up with anyone else. Pearl Shongwe is busy working…are you?!


Follow Pearl!

Instagram: @pearlshongwe

Twitter: @Pearl_Shongwe

Facebook: Pearl Shongwe


Bridgette Makhela

Thabsie On Her Music, Performing Live And Living Her Dream

Bathabise Vokwana / 26 / Singer, Songwriter & Business Owner


When was your break into the music industry?

I started in the music industry as a backing vocalist in 2013. My big break as a solo artist was the hit SAMA nominated feature with Kwesta, Ngiyazfela Ngawe.

Amongst your others singles, ‘African Queen’ has been a well-received song, did you think it would be this big? 

I never really anticipate how big my songs are going to be, I just write them from the heart and hope that it connects with the listener and African Queen absolutely surpassed my expectations which is pretty cool.

Balancing your schedule must come with a lot of pressure, when do you find time to relax?

I hardly get time for myself these days but I love to use my pockets of spare time to do the things that I love, like going to gym and hanging out with my sisters and close friends. This helps me to recharge my soul.

Do you prefer performing live or spending time in the studio?

I love both but performing live is more fulfilling in the sense that I get to see how the music I make affects people first hand. There’s nothing more heart-warming than having people sing your songs back to you.

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What do you believe females in the industry need to focus on?

Empowering other females and working as hard as the males in the industry do.

Any plans to collaborate with other African artists?

I would love to! I’m a huge fan of East and West African music and fellow African artists.

Has your current life always been your dream?

Yes, since I was a little girl, so I’m glad to be living it!

One thing you’d still like to achieve in your career? 

So many more things, I’ve only been in the music industry as a solo artist a little over a year, I feel like it’s only the beginning for me but first off I’d love to win a SAMA award.

Any words of wisdom for aspiring artists that would love to one day be where you are?

 If you feel like your dream is your purpose then pursue it relentlessly. Never make a decision based on desperation and stay humble and hungry.


Follow Thabsie!

Instagram: @thabsie_sa

Twitter: @ThabsieSA

Facebook: Thabsie


Bridgette Makhela


Farah Fortune On Starting Her Own Business, African Star Communications And The Entertainment Industry

Farah Fortune / 37 / Director & Owner of African Star Communications

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Describe yourself in one word…


Share your story on how you found your way into the business of Public Relations and Event Management

I started my own business in 2008 after being tired of having a boss. I left my job with no savings. I had R1000 to start the business and used R589 to buy my CC for the company.

How do you get up every morning and keep going?

I have bills to pay so I have to work! I also love my job, makes a big difference to my enthusiasm levels. I always set myself goals, so I continuously want to achieve them.

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Was this always your vision for your future?

I knew I always wanted to be my own boss. I always knew I wanted to push women empowerment; I was just never sure how I was going to do it. So when I identified the opportunity to start my own business, I went for it. I had no idea if I’d succeed or not.

African Star Communications has come a long way, with celebrating 8 years this year, how do you plan on keeping up the great work?

We try and keep things fresh within the business through great Public Relations strategies and hopefully we will continue to do so for another 8 years.

One thing you never leave your home without?

Kissing my baby girl goodbye.

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Family and friends, are they a solid support structure?

Yes, very solid support! I appreciate them so much!!! You really can’t do anything in life without solid support.

Club or chilling at home, what do you prefer?

Chilling at home. My job is about events and parties most of the time, so when I get a chance, I like to relax, which isn’t often.

How would you describe the South African entertainment industry?

A growing industry with so much potential.


Follow Farah!

Instagram: @fcfortune

Twitter: @fcfortune

Facebook: Farah Fortune

Follow African Star Communications!

Instagram: @africanstar08

Twitter: @AfricanStar08

Facebook: African Star Communications


Bridgette Makhela


Shekhinah Donnell On The Metro FM Awards, Back To The Beach And The Student Life


Shekhinah Thandi Donnell

The Shekhinah people don’t know, describe her…
She is a very pessimistic girl whose biggest enemy and competition is herself…That’s very deep but true, I guess in a sense, where I struggle to see my success and focus a lot on my weakness.

At what age did you start singing?
As a teenager in the church and school choir.

You and Kyle Deutsch opened up the Metro FM Awards 2016 with the massive hit ‘Back To The Beach’ this past weekend, how did that moment feel like for you?
It was a great, honourable start to the beginning of our careers in the music industry.

Any more future Shekhinah and Kyle Deutsch collaborations?




What else have you been busy with since your days on Idols?
Studying a 3-year Live Performance course at AFDA.

If you could change one thing about your journey on Idols, what would it be?
I wouldn’t change anything about the journey, I loved the experience.

Would you say you have real friends in the industry?
No, I wouldn’t say that I do…More of colleagues and acquaintances.

So far, what have you learnt about your talent?
That it has endless opportunities.

Exciting stuff in store for your fans for the rest of 2016?
Yes! Lots and lots in store.




Follow Shekhinah!

Instagram: @shekhinahd
Twitter: @shekhinahd
Facebook: Shekhinah Donnell


Bridgette Makhela