Muzi On New Singles, The Industry, And How The Year 2015 Changed His Career

Muziwakhe McVictor Mazibuko / Artist 

What does your journey in music reflect?

That things eventually work out when you listen to your soul rather than the outside world. 

Who is Muzi?

Muzi is a father, who happens to make some music. 

Apart From Need Dat, Interblaktic is your recent drop, share the message behind it?

It’s about being unapologetically yourself.

You’re a Singer, Songwriter and Producer, how do you remain inspired and working?

I study other art forms and get inspired by them, then bring that inspiration back to music. 

Have a favourite song so far from your collection?

Sunset Kwazulu.

What year in your music career really changed your life and why?

2015, when I got signed to BMG Chrysalis. First time I didn’t feel like John and I were crazy. 

What has the pandemic taught you as an artist and creative?

Things take time, be easy on yourself. 

Anything you would change about the industry? 

I don’t know. I don’t think like that anymore. I worry not about external factors, the industry is external.

Follow Muzi!

Instagram: @muziou

Twitter: @muziou

Facebook: @Muzi

-Bridgette Makhela

Justice Mukheli On Film, Photography And Life In Between

Justice Mukheli / 34 / Filmmaker & Photographer

Not everyone can say they are a self-taught filmmaker and photographer, what sparked your interest?

I’ve always felt that I’ve wanted to be an artist, I felt this from a very young age. Both my parents were artists in their own way. My fondest memory is of my brother and I in primary school, when our father drew a picture of us holding a vinyl while we were listening to music. I grew up with drawings, paintings and sculptures around me. My mom would make jerseys with various patterns, even when it came to her baking skills, she way always creative. I’ve always known that I am artistically inclined. In school I was always interested in work that required drawing and creative solutions, I loved painting as well. On the other hand I was also into fixing cars and IT as well. I have Dyslexia and growing up with it was challenging and created trauma for me by the treatment I got from other kids around me. Therapy has now helped me a lot with getting over that trauma. There are still moments where it still kicks in, especially if I am nervous but the therapy has really helped and it’s gotten better.

What projects are you involved in at the moment?

I’m involved in a few projects at the moment. There’s a documentary that’s brewing, a little film for a cool brand (can’t say at the moment) and two amazing music videos I shot for a band called Urban Village with a label called No Format. There’s also an exhibition coming up, firstly online then in a gallery in Braamfontein, it won’t be new work but it’ll be put out in a different manner and package.

Inspiration and consistency keep the work going, who or what inspires you? 

I’m inspired by a lot of people and a lot of things. Music, politics and young individuals living their purpose. I am also inspired by our country and the advantages we have in our generation. The inspirational names that came before us didn’t have access to various opportunities like we do, that inspires me because our voices can be heard quicker and easier than our predecessors. I love people such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Current people that inspire me are Vincent Moloi and Tebogo Mahlatse, I believe they have moved our country forward and I am grateful that I get to work with them. My mother inspires me too, so much. My culture, heritage and beautiful history inspire me, as well as Black Power. The increasing need of seeing and acknowledging women inspires me. Being a man, a lot of what I am is easier because of my gender, this inspires me to be mindful of my privilege and be better and create access for women in any way that I can.

The industry is full of talented individuals, how do you keep your work apart and noticeable from others?

I create my work for me. My intention and purpose in my work is different. A lot of photographers follow trends, most creatives try to do the same type of thing. My intention and the feeling in my work will never be the same as anyone’s. Every project I do is for me, how the person receives it is secondary to what’s important to me.

Fashion seems to be one of your interests, how do you put an outfit together for an occasion?

I really love fashion, it’s a way for me to express myself. Fashion is very therapeutic for me. I buy a lot of clothes and lately I’ve been trying to understand why I have an access of items so I gave away about 60% of my shoes. I grew up poor, I didn’t have much. My dad left when I was 15 and he was the breadwinner, my mother didn’t have a job so she had to find creative ways to make money such as selling cakes, Mashonzha, etc. There was no room for me to be fashionable while growing up so when I started making my own money, I started buying stuff for myself. It’s a beautiful thing for me. I mean imagine going from having one shoe to being able to have five pairs a year, but I need to be mindful of how it affects my pocket now.

You’re a twin…how has this shaped your storytelling? 

Being a twin is amazing, it taught me how to be around other people, if even though my brother is me, and I am him, I still have to be mindful of him and around him. He is my right hand, and I am his, you have to be considerate. Him and I have the same interests and competing with one another helps us to always strive to be better. When you’re a twin you are born with a best friend that you can always be yourself around. Even when you’re not seeing eye to eye, you still love one another. Being a twin also gave me separation anxiety, it was hard for me to be alone but you learn to deal with it. The connection we have is still strong even if we’re now in different businesses and are pursing different careers, I can also always feel if something is wrong with him so you always just check up on the other half.

Where can people follow you on social media?

Instagram: @justicemukheli

Twitter: @justice_mukheli



Facebook: Justice Rendani Mukheli


-Bridgette Makhela

Thapelo Mokoena On Trackers, New Ventures And The Industry

Thapelo Mokoena / 37 / Actor, Filmmaker, Wine Producer, Brewer & Restaurant/Tap Room Owner

Viewers are currently glued to MNet’s Trackers, tell us about the character you play, Quinn…

Quinn is an ambitious young father chasing his dream. His main mission is to protect and serve the republic and the president’s office. He is a high-end conflicted cop who has a family to look after at home but also has the toughest time at the office, trying to work his way up to one day take charge and head up the bureau.

Bosman Wines has been doing amazing, what’s the collaboration all about?

Bosman Wines is a collaboration about family and the power of unity. Myself and Petrus Bosman became friends and ultimately family in a space of literally a month. The collaboration is all about us expressing the powers we hold as people that can work together, it’s about us being open and showcasing that together we can achieve more and be ground breaking, be brave and try something new and see what happens. It’s also been a year since we started, November is Nero month (we released last year November). We’ve sold out 6400 bottles in 6 months and right now we’re already comfortably selling stock we should be selling in 2020!

One doesn’t see a lot of Africans tapping into the wine industry, what motivated you to take this route?

While visiting and traveling the wine lands via Destinate Tours, the interest sparked. I decided to go out and experience the wine lands as I needed some inspiration to help me with a script I was working on. As I was meeting all the wine families, I also met the Bosmans and that changed everything. We shared conversations and realized we share the same views such as family and business. Meeting the Bosmans felt like the kind of upbringing and values I have known throughout my life so connecting came naturally. Petrus introduced me to a “black grape” (Nero) and explained how it originates from Sicily and can grow in volcanic soil and doesn’t need much to grow, given the drought in Cape Town, it was a game changer. Petrus was looking for someone of my caliber to collaborate with and help open up wine to the average South African. All the work that goes into wine making, the patience required and the challenges faced throughout the process made me learn so much. I still have dreams of living on a farm and I grew up in that space so the venture opportunity really spoke to me.

You’re already a household name in the entertainment industry, how do you always stay on top of your game?

We as South Africans need to become a culture of people that are consistent. As much as I am an actor first, I knew it wouldn’t build me wealth, especially in our country, it bothered me a bit, but I was okay with it. God put me in Africa, not in Hollywood so hey?! I knew I enjoyed the Arts but didn’t know how to apply that passion. Growing up in a small town, I never knew how to articulate it, I mean we never had gadgets such as phones and laptops growing up. When I came to Johannesburg I studied Accounting at Wits but started noticing Art schools, and I’d always say, “they look like how I feel”. From then on I knew I would have to fight to be happy and keep myself in a stable space while pursuing my dream. I’d always pray to God about using my talent and still being able to pay the bills. I come from a family of business so I have always been business minded. The talent has always said you will work, I was in all the lead graduation roles in school while also qualifying as a producer in the film business. I knew I had to be smart and wise, hence I always strive to control the business side of all the projects I am involved in. Consistency is subjective, I can only be consistent as my hard work and I believe there’s more to a human being than being one dimensional.

2019 has seemingly been a great year for you, any other exciting stuff to close of the year?

2019 has been a tough year but a great one in general, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. In the midst of the toughness, the exciting news is that I am officially a co-owner of a beer brewery/restaurant/Tap Room as of today Thursday 21 November! The Ukhamba Beerworx Tap Room & Shisanyama is in Claremont, Cape Town (53 Main Rd, Claremont). We’re launching The Tap Room and the highly anticipated new branding for the Ukhamba beers today. The business has been around for 3 years and with my involvement comes a new identity, a new age and new journey. The Tap Room is a concept store for beers and a full solution liquor distribution company that handles logistics on and off consumption in the Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal areas. Currently it boasts being South Africa’s largest and most reliable one stop route to market partner for brewers, distillers and brands looking to expand…You’re the first to get the scoop!

You’re involved in a lot of projects, how do you manage all of them efficiently?

The trick is to always find a balance, so I always take Mondays off to focus on me, (for my sanity). I set times for work and all the projects I’m involved in. I do all of this while sitting in my garden, sometimes even barefoot because I love nature (growing up on a farm and all), I sometimes call myself a “dignified hippie”. I am an early riser too so I take time to try and meditate as that assists with training my mind to focus. I also constantly creatively think of ways to make all the businesses I am involved in better.

You’re also a big fitness fan, do you have a schedule you follow?

Yes I am a big fitness fan and I always try and have a schedule, I always want to be prepared.

Proudest moment in your career so far?

There’s definitely more than one moment, but getting a South African Film & Television Award (SAFTA) for my mobile cinema was a proud moment. I hadn’t even planned to take the trip to Sun City that day, so that was definitely a highlight. One other highlight was getting to star on Deon Meyer’s ‘Trackers’ that is going to be aired across the world. I am at the point in my career where I am clear about what I want and what my story is. I hope this is the point in my career where I “Denzel!” I’ve got a lot of international projects coming up that I am signing away, its crazy! 2020’s already fully booked. It’s been 17 years for me in this industry and I’ve never not worked.

What/who keeps you grounded and focused?

It’s where I come from, I come from a very hardworking family. My brothers and I were never raised as kids that had privilege. We were always reminded that we were just people, our own person. My father is quite a successful man (which is all my mother’s doing) but we never used his name or title to gain anything in our personal lives. The prayers from my family as well, there’s a lot of well wishes from them that keep me going and not let me go astray or lose focus of the bigger picture. I am in a public industry and there is so much that could easily go wrong, I am human and I am not perfect but I do however always strive to be the best version of myself. There’s always pressure and I always say I am not a role model, I am a human being who is pursuing his vision and his dream, so take the good that you see, take what you need and leave what you don’t want because I’ll still be human tomorrow. I don’t believe I am “the guy”, my wife and I are not “the couple” and there’s no such thing as perfect love or a perfect marriage. At the same time, I have to be a father to 2 beautiful souls which are my sons, I have to do it for them, they have to be proud of their father. I believe the more you get drawn into the spotlight, is the more you should be selfless, the moment I forget that, I’ll live in my ego and be driven by it. I am South African but I am born into the world, have I really started working as an artist if my work is only consumed in Africa and a bit of London? I don’t think so. There’s still a lot of work to do. I don’t think I am worth celebrating, I think I am just a guy that works hard.


Follow Thapelo!

Instagram: @mokoenalive

Twitter: @ThapeloMokoena

Facebook: Thapelo Mokoena


-Bridgette Makhela

C’Funk On New ‘In The City’ EP And All The Hours He Put In

Nhlakanipho Ndlovu C’Funk aka “Mission wabantwana” / 27 / Singer & Production Engineer
‘Time In The City’ EP is out, break it down track by track…
Time in the City is about my time in Johannesburg, I’m from Durban originally. I came to Johannesburg in October 2011 and never looked back. My experience within that time is partly depicted in the EP. Most of my experiences involve women, either than the fact that I love them, my experiences with women have left a lasting impression. If I had to name them all we’d be here all day long.
Track 1: Cobain The thing about this song is it’s the second to last track in terms of the order I wrote these songs. I had just finished speaking to my mother, every time I speak to her she always asks me when I’m coming home and I always have to reassure her that all is well and that I’ll be home soon. I usually end up speaking with my father as well, him and I are always discussing soccer, so I decided to write this intro just to show the current state of things. As you begin this EP, you’ll hear Smash Afrika’s voice, shout out to Smash Afrika, we’re both from out of town so his words really complimented the intro.
Track 2: Dubane This song came about after my homies and I hit the club, I forgot which club it was but it’s in Sandton next to a News Cafe, Taboo I think is the name. We ran into girls we know from Durban and I remember they were rollin’ with OKMalumkoolkat. That experience inspired the song and no, nothing happened between us and them, like I said, they came with people, the song was just my version of events.
Track 3: Chocolate Cinderella Is just and ode to my love for dark-skinned girls. I met thee idea dark-skinned girl at the time and the beat is what lead me into the theme because of the party bounce. The song is about enjoying her presence in any setting, even at a party setting, as you may know some guys don’t like hitting the club with their respective partners, using terms like “how you gonna bring sand to the beach”, and that’s the story of this song.
Track 4: Smoke Sum This song is my, what’s the word, “flex song”. I’m just talking that talk, when I made the beat I was feeling cheeky and carried that sentiment in the words. I can’t explain it to you, you have to hear it to understand.
Track 5: For Sure Is a love song, it’s not inspired by anything in particular. It’s the song I wrote when I decided to start taking singing seriously. I’d like to believe I was in love at this time, but since I can’t remember it. that must not have been the case. The thing I like about it though is that when I hear it now it resonates with my current relationship, which leads me to believe even a regular listener will be able to relate. 
Track 6: Comet My current favourite, this song came about in the final stages of the EP. I wrote it on Women’s Day, it was supposed to be an interlude but as I wrote the song, it started to have legs. Soon I had added a clip of me and an old flame in our drunk state, it’s inspired by her, she’s been a huge fan of mine since way back when, that’s why the opening line is “pitching tents for cute honeys I’m a silly mother toucher everything is good cause she likes me to Usher”.
Track 7: Time In The City Well this is the song that wraps up the EP, it puts everything into prospective in terms of where I started to where I am right now in this city. Big shout out to my boy Sandile Radebe, who added that dope verse that complimented what I was trying to say.
Bonus track: Clap For You This song is for the ladies, it features my homie J.Smallz, we just appreciating the ladies…WE GOT A VIDEO COMING SOON!
PS, the interludes that are in between certain songs are there to make a smooth transition for the songs on the EP, they all occurred after I wrote ‘Comet’. The story developed then, I mean yes I do understand that I come off as a “fuck boy”, claiming to be in love with this Dubane/Chocolate Cinderella girl but sharing intimacies with another young lady. I felt like it would make for a more compelling story.
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When did you decide to take the music route seriously?
It all happened in 2015, a good friend of mine named Phindile Ziqubu aka ‘The Boss Lady’ encouraged me to do so, her belief made me believe and the rest is history.
As a vocalist, any challenges you faced while putting the EP together?
Hell yeah! When I started all I had was a singing voice and a book full of songs, how to sing was something I didn’t know would be the problem. Singing is not a game, even now I’m still learning. that’s why the EP took almost two years to make. I had a lot of help from friends and even family at some point, that to me was the biggest road block. The rest didn’t affect me enough to be mentioned.
You’ve already released some singles from the EP, how have they been received so far?
Dubane, my first single, was received very well, it was even number one at some point on Khutso Theledi’s R&B Chart on YFM, shout out to Khutso. The second single from how I see not so much but the third one did the damn thing, shout out to J.Smallz for jumping on the song, we even got a video coming soon for that track.
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What’s the next step for you since releasing your EP?
Pushing it is my biggest goal, I want people to believe in the local R&B scene and I’m going to be performing every chance I get until I drop the next one I guess. Part of this you must understand is to feed my hunger to sing, when I wasn’t pursuing this I would sing everywhere, after a while people even started encouraging me to try out Idols.
You’re performed at YFM this past Friday on ‘Live n ReYired, how did your fans receive it?
I had a live band, with the ever so talented Delicious Keys aka Josh directing the music. It was dope! I’ll be performing songs off of the EP as well as two new songs just to round it off.
How many hours go into rehearsal?
A lot! I can’t really tell at this point because I’m singing most of the time.
C’Funk as an artist, how much have you grown since your musical journey began?
Immensely vocally, my pen has always been lit so at this point whether it’s to grow or not, it’s hard to tell.
What genre would you describe your music as?
I’d describe it as R&B, that’s my aim, I might shift a bit here and there but at the end of the day, the focus will be R&B.
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Follow C’Funk!
Instagram: @funknificent
Twitter: @TheRealCFunk
Facebook: C’funk
Bridgette Makhela

J’Something On Food, Music And Everything Else

Joao Da Fonseca / 28 / My job is a bit complicated – I like to sing and like to cook


First things first, you opening up your own restaurant is a major deal, how did this all come about?

There are certain opportunities in life that are too good to not take. Sun International is the reason why  I am in South Africa, fast forward my life and they offered me a restaurant. It’s an amazing opportunity to extend my passion in food, it’s also a tribute to my father and mother who both worked their entire lives in the food business.

How old where you when the foodie bug bit you?

The foodie bug really hit when I was 23. That’s when I really wanted to get more creative with my cooking.

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How do you juggle the music side of your career with the restaurant business?

Everything stems from doing what I love. When times are tough and I feel stretched out, it really helps doing what I love. Plus, I have an amazing team which really helps me to achieve my crazy dreams.

What does Mi Casa mean to you?

Mi Casa is what I dreamt of since I was 4 years old. Mi Casa is my dream come true!! Mi Casa is my family!


Yemi Alade features Mi Casa on her new single ‘Get Through This’, can we expect more collaborations with African artists?

Most certainly! Africa is our focus!

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It’s already May 2017, what do you believe the rest of the year holds for you?

Who really knows? The only thing I wish is to stay happy. We are working on more music as a band and I have a very busy year ahead from a good side of things.

That one habit you need to stop?

Losing golf balls on the course!

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Food or Friends?

Why do we need to pick? We need both!

You’re an inspiration to so many young South Africans, any closing words of advice you’d like to give away?

Work at becoming an inspiration to people. As a young person you should work at becoming an inspiration to somebody else.


Follow J’Something!

Instagram: @jsomething

Twitter: @jsomethingmusic

Facebook: J’Something

Bridgette Makhela

Samantha Lehoko On The Entertainment Industry And Following Her Passion


Samantha Motshidisi Lehoko


Radio & Television Presenter / Emcee / Motivational Speaker / Vocalist


How did you find your way into the entertainment industry?

My plan was always to go into journalism and perhaps be a reporter. I took Dramatic Arts as a subject in high school and based on my love for the performing arts, my love and passion for entertaining grew at that very point. I studied Sociology, Anthropology, Language & Communication, English and more then later decided to do a show at UCT Radio, in Cape Town. My show soon gained quite a bit of popularity and I had the opportunity to do breakfast, afternoon and drive shows. After a few years, I was hired to do a show at YFM 99.2. From then on, I had slowly begun to infiltrate the industry.

What do you love most about the South African entertainment industry?

There are probably two things that I love the most about the industry: The countless opportunities out there and the abundance of different people that one has access to within the industry; both in front of and behind the cameras.


Can you say you are following your passion?

Of course, I am. I’ve always believed that following your dreams and passions makes life worth living. When you’re doing everything that you love, life becomes simple, enjoyable, fun and adventurous. Loving your people, your work & your education is the key to success; something my father always reminded me of.

To date, what are you most proud of when it comes to your work?

My growth within the industry is something that I am proud of. I have achieved many things in a short space of time and have done things that many in the industry have taken years to do. Nonetheless, it does not mean that I am better, richer, more talented or luckier than others. I have always remained focused, passionate and aware of the fact that everything I do is always for my son.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I see a young, beautiful, independent, strong, caring, fun, crazy, intelligent and powerful woman.


Any exciting projects for you on the come up?

I am currently working on more music. I am doing a lot more appearances and public speaking. In a few months, I’ll be shooting a series called ‘How To Make Love In The Kitchen’. I’m really excited and look forward to working with new people. I’ll also be doing some work with regards to martial arts. It’s something being reintroduced to South Africa. I have always been quite sporty, and think this is perfect.

Movies or malls?

Personally, I don’t like malls, but that’s where I get all my things. Movies are absolutely addictive.

Who or what keeps you grinding?

Nothing but my son and my passion for what I do.

Favourite life quote?

“Don’t trust anything that you see. Even salt looks like sugar.”


Follow Samantha!

Instagram: @sam_lehoko

Twitter: @sam_lehoko

Facebook: Sam ‘Sammy Sosa’ Lehoko


Bridgette Makhela