Bongeziwe Mabandla On iimini, Preserving His Craft And 8 Years In The Industry

Bongeziwe Sipho Samkelwe Mabandla / 30 / Singer Songwriter

‘iimini’, what’s the meaning behind the album?

iimini means days. The album references different dates in the lifetime of a love relationship from the beginning to the end. With the title I wanted to acknowledge those memories and experiences. I documented a relationship at its crucial parts and marked the different moments of this. I wanted to show the good and bad parts of a relationship and what it really means to be in love.

You’ve been in the industry for about 8 years now, how important is consistency and originality to you?

I came into music very late. I was studying to be an actor when I fell in love with music. I look at the past 8 years as a huge learning curve for me. I have learnt so much about writing, composing music, live performing and the business side of music. I have wanted to show with each album that I am growing and changing.

What does your craft mean to you and how do you preserve it?

I have put a lot into being a musician. I have always wanted to be good at what I do. For me, I’m at artist first. I want to make art that evokes emotion and feelings. Creating moving art has been the biggest motivator for me, it comes before anything else.

Amongst other songs, ‘Zange’ made big waves, (it still is)…what inspired you to write it?

Zange was written about falling in love and how that feeling can make you feel like life is worth it. I wanted to capture the fuzzy feeling of how it feels to be in love. I wrote the words to the song at a time when I met someone and they completely changed my life.

Live performances or studio sessions?

I like both. I love how a song comes together in the studio- it’s so fascinating. I like live, but it can be unpredictable. The funny thing is when a live performance goes well, it’s the best feeling ever. I’m hoping to fall even more in love with performing live as I get better at it.

Favourite country to perform in and why?

South Africa is really important for me. I write music in Xhosa because of the pride I have about where I come from. I write music to inspire and empower my people and to stand for a culture and language that was at times disregarded by history.

Africa is bursting at the seams with musical talent, what drives you to keep going?

I love what I do. I respect creating work that takes time and effort. I love figuring and working out difficult things. The people that love my music are such an inspiration and a sense of encouragement to me to keep me going even when it gets difficult. I think I’m doing something from a real and honest place and I think people are looking for that kind of music that connects them with their inner world.

What would you love to be remembered for?

My kindness and compassion, and for songs that made people feel connected.

Any upcoming exciting news you’d like to share?

I’ve been really happy that iimini has come with so many visual aspects. There are still a few more visuals to share which I am really excited about.

Follow Bongeziwe Mabandla!

Instagram: @bongeziwemabandla

Twitter: @Bongeziwe

Facebook: @BongeziweMabandlaOfficial


-Bridgette Makhela

Mihlali Ndamase On Content, Influencing And Beauty In The Digital Era

Mihlali Ndamase / 22 / Certified Makeup Artist, Brand Strategist, Beauty Content Curator & Co-Founder of Siyasizana Foundation

Content: What does this word mean to you?

Documenting and sharing what brings fulfillment to you.

In this era of social media, how did you become a Digital Entrepreneur?

As my brand grew, I started to understand it’s value and the value it brought to the brands I collaborated with, that’s when I decided to turn content curating into a business.

You’ve made a big name for yourself within the beauty space through your YouTube channel, has this always been your passion?

Yes it has, I started watching Beauty YouTubers at age of 15. I drew a lot of inspiration from them when I finally decided to start my channel.

What does it mean to you to hold an Influencer label?

Being an Influencer means to have the ability to influence the purchase decision of others because of one’s authority, knowledge, position and relationship with their audience. Being regarded as one is honestly such an honour, especially when you work on such platforms, it benefits your business immensely because brands are then able to trust you with their product.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different, it honestly depends. Sometimes I wake up, go to the gym, come home and shower and begin filming or shooting content. Other days I have shoots in studio or outdoors, depending on who I am shooting for and what the style of the shoot is, then there are meetings in between. Some days are purely for relaxation and unwinding. I either spend them at home alone, or out with friends or family.

You’re the co-founder of Siyasizana Foundation, what is it all about?

Siyasizana Foundation is a non-profit organisation which was founded by myself and Dineo Nono in 2017. We focus on addressing various needs in society, our projects consist of assisting everyone. We have worked closely with Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra by throwing annual Christmas parties for the children, feeding them and supplying them with uniforms, clothes and blankets for the Winter season. We have also done baby drives (where we supply homes which house abandoned babies with food and clothing), pad drives, Winter clothing drives and book drives. We aim to grow and continue to empower men and women in our community and some day across South Africa.

Congratulations on winning the Cosmopolitan ‘Influencer of the Year Sparkle Award’, some advice to young ladies that look up to you?

Be very persistent in following your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise because your dreams are valid.

Pick one: Travel or Fashion?

Surely picking one should be illegal! I would have to go with travel.

Any exciting projects you’re working on for the rest of 2019?

More Masterclasses are to come, look out for ‘Beauty and The Beat’ in Durban, Cape Town and all over South Africa. I am also working on some exciting products and there is more growth and expansion to come for the Mihlali brand, I can’t give away too much so keep a lookout!


Follow Mihlali!

Instagram: @mihlalii_n

Twitter: @mihlalii_n

Facebook: @MihlaliiNdamase


-Bridgette Makhela

Twitter Interview With Hungani Ndlovu


If you missed the #Twitterview with Hungani Ndlovu, no worries, just go through the #BKoolMedia Twitter timeline (BKool_Media) to catch up with all that went down!

Follow Hungani!

Instagram: @hunganindlovu

Twitter: @HunganiNdlovu

Facebook: Hungani Ndlovu


Bridgette Makhela

Kim Jayde On Juggling All Her Titles, Her Trusted Mantra And Future Aspirations

Kimberley Jayde Robinson / 27 / MTV Base Africa TV Presenter / Model / Fashion & Travel Blogger 

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How was it like for you growing up in Zimbabwe then having to move to South Africa?

I loved growing up in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was a small, safe town with a great sense of community. Cape Town, and now Johannesburg is the complete opposite! A fast-paced, big city with so much opportunity! It was definitely an adjustment moving here, but totally worth it for the career path that I am on right now.

You hold a few titles under your name, how does each title represent who you are?

Each title allows me to explore a different creative side of myself.  TV presenting allows me to work with people in entertainment, modelling allows me to take on various roles in TV commercials worldwide; from a Brazilian Samba dancer, to a Middle Eastern girl drinking Pepsi. The KimJayde blog allows me to travel and share beautiful places and experiences, as well as teach my followers about the fashion trends I’m loving at the moment. No two days are ever the same; that’s the beauty of wearing more than one career hat!

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Did you ever imagine that you would have achieved this much at this age?

To be honest, my mum always tells me “I never stop to think about how far I’ve come and how much I’ve achieved.” I have my eye on so much more that I want to do. I look at the top women in the industry and that drives me to work harder and push even more. I’m so grateful for where I am now but I’m so focused on where I’m going, so watch this space!

Is there a downside that comes with being in this industry?

It’s a competitive one for sure. Only a select few get the opportunity to even be on TV, and to be on a platform like MTV is huge! The pressure to maintain a certain image in the public eye is something I have never dealt with before. Also, in the public eye, you are expected to be happy everyday. Should I have an off day, or go through a break-up, or anything like that, I still have to go to work, stand in front of the camera and be happy. So there are pros and cons to the job.

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What’s your mantra to always stay focused?

“Dream big. Work Hard. Stay Humble.”

What’s the one item you can’t function without?

My cellphone.

Any other aspirations you dream of?

I am a qualified Social Worker (Honours Degree in Social Work from the University of Stellenbosch) and it’s in my ten-year plan to start my own non-profit organization that will empower women and children through skills, training and education.

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2017 in one word so far?


How do you manage to give all your titles 100% each time? 

MTV Base Africa is my full-time job, I am also lucky enough to be able to blog when I have the time and inspiration to do so. Pace yourself, that way you can give it your all to create a quality product.


Follow Kim!

Instagram: @kimjayde

Twitter: @KimJaydeBlog

Facebook: Kim Jayde


Bridgette Makhela