Kwenzo Ngcobo On Theatre, Television And Playing Qhawe On Showmax’s The Wife

Kwenzo Ngcobo / Actor, Director & Martial Arts Choreographer

You’re a talent to look out for, where does your love for acting stem from?

I’ve always wanted to act. Growing up as a kid I would act out what I watched in Kung-Fu movies and such, imitating what I saw when I played those VHS tapes was the coolest thing.

You have extensive experience in theatre, how did you transition into Television?

I studied theatre but I have always wanted to do TV, so venturing into it came naturally.

You play ‘Qhawe’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, do you relate to the character in any way?

Yes I do relate to the character sometimes, especially in the beginning of the story. We all go through some happy and rough times in life and right now the Qhawe, Hlomu and Mqhele storyline is a tough and tricky one.

How did you land the role of Qhawe?

I auditioned in March last year and got called back in June. The rest is history.

What’s your favourite part about being on set? 

I love acting. I get to be creative.

The Wife is such a gripping story, what have you learnt from it?

I have learnt that as a family, you have to protect each other, love each other and learn how to be caring.

How does maintaining longevity in the industry look like to you?

Hard work and consistency. Learn from other people, be humble and always stay open-minded.

One thing you can’t leave the house without?


Any advice for aspiring actors?

You’re still learning. If you want to be successful and be known, you have to work hard, stay humble and always be open-minded.

Follow Kwenzo!

Instagram: @kwenzo_pholoba

Twitter: @kwenzokuhlengco

Facebook: @kwenzongcobo

Bridgette Makhela

Shannon Esra On Her Journey, New Show Lioness And Various Acting Roles

Shannon Earle Esrechowitz (better known as Shannon Esra) / Actor, Writer & Artist

How did your journey in the industry begin?

I was 15 years old when I began presenting for TV. A year after that, I was cast in ‘I Dreamed of Africa’ with Kim Basinger, thanks to my high school Drama teacher, Janet Bayliss and South African casting agent, Christa Shamberger-Young.

You’ve played so many characters on South African television, how do you prepare for each role?

I approach every script the same way – I read it three times: firstly, to get a feeling for the story; secondly, as an investigator – looking for clues about my character – what are people saying about her, what does she say about herself, what are her fears, passions and motivations; and then thirdly, for pure enjoyment. Then it’s a matter of collaboration with the various departments. Who is she? How does she dress? What does she look like? How does she move? I like to work with the elements and the animal kingdom to root the energies of the people I portray. It’s a fun process. It really is like moulding clay. 

Lioness is currently on MNet on Thursdays, what can viewers look forward to in the storyline?

The revelations at the end of every episode are so powerful! But other than that, I really cannot say…can’t set off any “spoiler alerts”!

You’ve been on prominent and loved TV shows such as The River, Gomora, The Throne, and Isidingo…how does an actress maintain consistent work in the industry?

Honestly, by the grace of God. Everything that comes to us, as human beings, is what the universe needs us to experience. I believe each job comes by way of what I need to encounter. 

What do you love about acting?

I love how I get to experience another human being on any given day; how I am granted access into other worlds and mind-sets; how I get to see the world through someone else’s eyes, and by virtue of that, I get to stretch my capacity for love and understanding. Acting is very holistic, for me, personally. I can play pretend and create other worlds. It’s the best job on the planet!

One talent people don’t know you have?

I can tie a cherry stalk into a knot with just my tongue.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve in 2021?

Tranquility and peace of mind. I would love to shoot a couple of movies, maybe another series or two, and also, the odd painting here and there. That would be great! 

How would you like to be remembered?

As funny, kind, and passionate. 

Follow Shannon!

Instagram: @shannonesra_official

Twitter: @ShannonEsra

Facebook: @ShannonEsraOfficial

-Bridgette Makhela

PH On 12 Years In The Industry, Gotta Go Single And Upcoming Projects

PH Madubela / 32 / DJ

Why did you pick the DJ route?

Music is my life, without music I’d probably be sitting at a desk somewhere dreaming about music. 

Over the past 12 years in the industry, what moment still stands out for you?

It’s hard to pick out one singular event and say that was “THE MOMENT”, it’s been a series of small achievements which snowballed into recently being at the forefront of a game changing show which provided relief and entertainment to millions of people in South Africa.

Your latest single ‘Gotta Go’, how did you pick the features on it and what’s the song about?

It’s all been fun and interesting. Tumi and I have been sitting on this song for just under two years. We’ve gone back and forth about who would sit well as a feature. I was recording another song at Da L.E.S’ house when he heard the beat, I then asked him if he would jump on, and 30 minutes later we had a fire verse from him. Kiddo C is special. I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw one of his many freestyles that I liked. I sent him the beat and later that day he sent me his verse, and that’s how the song came about. The song is about having good clean fun, homies wanting to hit the coast, party it up and head back home afterwards.

Following the success of Lockdown House Party, any projects you’re working on?

I’ve been bitten by the TV producer bug. I’m really liking TV and the back of TV shows. There’s something I’m currently working on that will come to light next year. I’m excited for that.

You’re an award winning DJ, does the title come with a lot of pressure?

That’s a thing of the past now. We are in a new year with new challenges. It was great to receive recognition from industry peers. However, I have to earn that title once again. 

What’s your ultimate favourite song?

Common & Kanye West – Go. I will never get tired of that song. And don’t tell anyone (for real for real) Natasha Bedingfield – These Words. That’s my sh**

How do you generally prepare for a big show?

Big or small show, I need to know the demographics, that’s always a good start. Apart from that, I’m always prepared musically. The mood is never the same, so you need to stay ready and stay flexy. 

Any more music you’re set to release before 2020 ends?

Yeah, one more song, or the EP, I’m really undecided. I’m also waiting for one or two more features then we are good to go with the EP.

One thing your fans don’t know about you is…?

It has to remain that way, they must know it!

Follow PH!

Instagram: @iam_ph

Twitter: @iam_ph

Facebook: @IAMPH

-Bridgette Makhela

MTV Channel Director Dillon Khan Speaks Lip Sync Battle Africa, To Air Soon

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MTV Channel Director, Dillon Khan

How will Lip Sync Battle Africa (#LSBAfrica) be unique in its own right?
As with most formats, the show will remain true to the original but we’ll also be adding a big touch of African flavour. We expect the celebs to get their inner performer out by dazzling the studio audience as well as the ones watching on MTV (DStv Channel 130). The guests will first perform an African classic and close with an international smash hit. It promises to be as entertaining – if not more – than the US version.

Content is vital, will the show keep viewers glued to their Television sets?
Content and talent are vital. This show gives you bragging rights when you defeat your opponent. Imagine seeing your favourite rapper singing Madonna’s “Like A Virgin” or a big name politician singing Kanye West’s “Gold Digger”. That’s what dreams, or nightmares, are made of. We’ll have the entire family gathered round the TV to watch this one.

Which big African names can viewers look forward to seeing on the show?
We can’t reveal who the names are just yet. You’ll have to tune in on Thursday 14th April at 8:50pm on MTV channel 130 to find out what we have in store for you.



Why the decision to use for the Lip Sync Battle Africa terrestrial premiere?
We like to share our sweets with everyone and it’s great to get a terrestrial footprint for this great property. We’ve partnered with before, whether it was the VJ search or the MTV Africa Music Awards. This format will premiere on MTV and then on 9 days later, allowing the whole of South Africa to enjoy this jaw dropping show.

Any hints as to who the hosts of the show will be?
It’s a top secret at the moment. There are many amazing hosts that we’re looking at and many who have reached out to us who want to take the reins. We’ll be announcing very soon, so stay tuned to and @mtvafrica for breaking news.

Is there a set target to reach when it comes to viewership numbers for the show?
Our aim is ambitious – we are gunning to achieve our highest ever ratings on MTV.

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Overall, what can viewers expect on Africa’s version of Lip Sync Battle?
If you’ve seen the US show on MTV on Mondays at 9:35pm, multiply it by a gazillion.


Bridgette Makhela