Laduma Ngxokolo On MaXhosa Brand, Coming 2 America Movie And The Clothing Industry

Laduma Ngxokolo / Designer / MaXhosa Africa Brand Owner

Your brand MaXhosa Africa, what would you say is its ex-factor?

The patterns, which is what makes it distinctive and recognizable by consumers. The quality too.

How long did it take you to get to where you are today?

This was always my life plan. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years now, since the start of the business, this was always the plan, and I just didn’t know it would get to where it is now, as quickly as it did.

Coming 2 America, how did the collaboration happen?

The costume designer Ruth E. Carter contacted me two years ago and told me she’d been following my work for some years and would love to collaborate with me. A month later, she contacted me again and told me she’s working on the Coming 2 America movie and would love to work with me. Of course I said yes. The movie is a classic and the work I’ve showcased will still live on even after my time.

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How does a typical day look for an international brand such as yours?

I wake up and get to work at 7AM every day, by then everyone is already at work when I arrive. All the departments usually have meetings the entire day and we make sure we’re always aligned.

As a business, what have you taken from the pandemic?

One of the lessons I learned is that saving is very important and knowing where you are positioned as a business in the industry. Human Resources is very valuable within a business and the sustainability of a business comes a lot from how the employees are treated.
What would you say South Africa is doing right in the clothing/textile industry?

The labour laws, we’re doing that right. Financial support from the government we’re doing right and a lot of designers are defining their own DNA and we’re standing out as a country.
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Ever get creative block or lack of inspiration?

I hardly ever get those…instead, I get too many ideas to produce so I have had to learn how to cut down and focus on certain things at a time. I still design everything myself but I’m training my team to assist with that.
Any collaborations you’d still like to take on?

Yes, more within the lifestyle space. Crockery brands, appliances brands, etc.
Any inspirational advice you’d like to give to people seeking to be in your industry?

Know what your purpose is. Whatever path you choose will determine your level of passion for it. Education plays a big role in knowing the industry you operate in. Work hard, that even beats talented people when they are not working hard enough.


Follow Laduma & MaXhosa!

Instagram: @laduma / @maxhosa

Twitter: @LadumaNgxokolo / @MaXhosaAfrica

Facebook: @LudaNgxokolo / @MAXHOSA


-Bridgette Makhela

Khai Swartz On House of Velour, Fashion And Being A Young Designer

Khai Swartz / 24 / Designer & Founder of House of Velour

You’re a young female making moves in the fashion industry, has this always been your dream?

Definitely, ever since I was a little girl I always knew I’d work in the fashion industry.

How did House of Velour come about?

I studied a BBA in Media at Lisof, worked for two years at Studio Space Pictures as a Production Assistant and decided I wanted to do my own thing. What better than going back to my roots? Fashion! I love working with different fabrics and textiles, so I started making my own clothes and posting them on social media. I then got the opportunity to work with Moozlie, and since then I’ve been making pieces for people who work in the entertainment industry: Musicians, Presenters, Actresses, Social Media Influencers, etc.

Who’s your target market and why?

My target market initially was influencers, I believed that if you influence the influencer, then the influencer will influence the public, if you get me. It now ranges from young to older people, whether they are creatives or work in the corporate industry, individuals who are bold and enjoy being daring, feeding their alter egos, love dressing up and stealing the show wherever they go, at an affordable price.

What’s the process like when creating a piece for a client?

The client has the option to see my designs online, and can alter it to their requirements. We make custom made garments too, it all depends on the client really.

How does House of Velour stand out from other designer lines?

HOV currently has it’s own aesthetic that nobody else really has. We have an old Hollywood twist to things, 90s Black Excellence vibes with a modern twist of colour. For example, with fur trench coats, HOV’s trench coats are baby blue. Eccentric colours.


What’s your plan for building a lasting, fashionable brand?

Just to stay relevant, keep up with trends but design my own twist to things of course, then hopefully open a boutique in the near future.

What would you like House of Velour to resonate with within the industry as a whole?

Class. Opulence. The Versace of designer lines!

How does a typical day look like for you?

I work alone. I have seamstresses in Town and Randburg that constantly work on my garments, turning my designs into reality. I wake up at around 9am, check on my seamstresses, have fittings throughout the day, then if I have time, go have lunch with friends then get back to delivering garments, all while having photo shoots and sending quotes, lol. My days are busy but I love what I do. Always up and down.

What’s still missing in the South African fashion industry when it comes to opportunities for the youth?

Exactly that. Opportunities for the youth. People believe in you and your dreams, however, they don’t like to assist up and coming artists with a monetary injection to help them grow and sustain their brand and that’s what I’ve mainly struggled with, especially men who have the ability to do so. If you’re a pretty girl, it’s even harder because people always want something from you that has absolutely nothing to do with your talent and aspirations, which has kind of set me back. I’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful and influential people in Johannesburg and have been miserably disappointed in their interests. I think the industry is dark, and if you’re not willing to “do what it takes”, you will hustle longer and harder than the rest.


Follow Khai Swartz & House of Velour!

Instagram: @khaiswz

Instagram: @houseofvelour


Bridgette Makhela