Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena On The Come Up, Making Music And What The Industry Lacks

Nomuzi “Moozlie” Mabena / 27 / Recording Artist

It’s Been A Minute: You’ve been in the industry for a a while, how has the journey been?

It’s really been exciting. Lots of highs and lows, plenty of lessons learnt and priceless memories to last a lifetime.

Something New: ‘I’m A Star’ just dropped recently, what’s the message there?

I think the title says it all, just letting people know I’m a star!

A First: What are you still jamming from your debut album ‘Victory’?

‘Vatel’ will forever be on my playlist, but ‘Victory Anthem’ featuring Tribal has been really great during these crazy times.

A Woman Of Many Talents: What do you enjoy more, TV or making music?

Making music.

Coming To You Live!: The one thing you still get nervous about at live performances?

I’m not sure if nervous is the right word but you always want the crowd to engage and enjoy your performance. You always want people to like what you’ve got to offer.

If Only Ya’ll Knew: The dopest thing to happen to you in your career so far?

I could tell you but I’d have to kill you. I’ve worked with some of the biggest stars both locally & internationally so just know I’ve got behind the scenes stories for days, lol.

Preach Sister!: What does the South African entertainment industry lack?

Wow, there’s a lot honestly. Our industry is still young and although we’ve come far, we still have a long way to go. True costing for work being one of them, it’s high time we all got paid our worth. Not only the people on screen, but those behind the scenes too. There’s a big shift that needs to happen.

There Can Only Be One: Fashion or Friends?

Friends. You can always steal their clothes, that way you have both.

The Come Up: What advice would you give to anyone trying to build a lasting brand?

Think about who you want to be in the future and think about who you are now. A perfect blend of both those people authentically shining through will always be relatable no matter what stage you’re at, and give yourself room to grow as a person.


Follow Moozlie!

Instagram: @moozlie

Twitter: @nomoozlie

Facebook: @Moozlie


-Bridgette Makhela

Kutloano ‘Da Kruk’ Nhlapo On DJing, The Axe Ibiza Experience And His Industry Journey

Kutloano Nhlapo / 29 / Mix DJ / Radio Presenter / Radio Music Executive / All Round Creative

How’d you find your way into the industry?

It’s been a really long journey that started during school holidays. I used to job shadow DJ Sbu’s Drive Time Show and eventually had a taste of radio and the Schools Art Festival in Grahamstown, I think that’s when I knew that music and radio are what I’m going to do until the casket drops. DJing started a lot earlier, which was also during my high school days, a friend of mine had equipment and we’d chill for hours on end in his backroom DJing. The defining point, however, was leaving UJFM to produce Mo Flava’s Breakfast Show on YFM 99.2 at the age of 22 back in 2012.

Has your journey been epic or a beautiful struggle? Elaborate…

My journey has been a beautiful struggle and epic at the same time because it’s been really challenging, confusing and torturing all in the same breath. Every time I think of giving up or doubting my abilities, a reward takes me to the next level.

You made headlines last year by winning the Axe DJ search competition, how has that impacted/shaped your brand?

That was a defining period, I mean I was one of the last people to enter the competition because I was in a place where I was fighting who I am and what I wanted from the industry as a creative. So I entered because playing in Ibiza was a childhood dream and this opportunity really took me back to why I wanted to DJ and why I actually started, so it really wasn’t a battle to beat any other DJ but a challenge to fulfill something I’ve always wanted.

How does a typical day for you look like?

I’m a workaholic that’s always ready to outwork everybody, so every time I have time on my hands and doing nothing with it, I feel like I’m cheating myself. So during the week (Monday to Friday) I’m at YFM working as a Music Executive, playing my part in contributing to the sound and direction of the station. During weekends I’m either doing my radio shows on YFM or gigging somewhere in the country.

Ever had/have a mentor?

Yeah, before I got into radio I worked as an intern at a youth marketing agency called Monatefellaz, which was founded by Musa Kalenga. I left Monatefellaz at age 22 as a Junior Creative Director and made sure that I maintain that relationship over the years, so besides not working for him, I kept reaching out over the years and that’s how he became a person that helps me make some crucial career decisions and maintain a progressive mindset. Musa Kalenga is an author, master strategist, speaker and all things progressive African.

What does music mean to you?

Music means ‘Privileged Mindset’ to me because music prepares and makes us overcome any situation or any stage of life. It’s one of the only art forms that gives obvious solutions to our everyday life struggles.

Favourite genre of music? (already seems pretty obvious though…lol)

Well I don’t think it’s as obvious as you think. I’m a big Hip-Hop fan because of how precise the messaging is in the art, so you know exactly what the person is going through and what he/she is trying to say. It’s closely followed by Dance/House music because of the feeling of immunity it gives one and the fact that you are able to comprehend every record the way you want.

When you play for a crowd, what makes it memorable?

I think being able to take a group of people from one energy wavelength to the next regardless of their racial, socioeconomic status or background is an out of body experience for me and is probably the most addictive thing one can do.

You’ve done some traveling too, any type of growth you experienced?

Yeah man, traveling just makes you realize how much more there is to contribute to the culture and world through music. It’s taught me a lot about myself and what I have to contribute creatively.

What’s the plan going forward?

Just being more creative in my approach and not fall for society’s trap and what everyone else is doing or deems as a working formula.

What’s your 2018 mindset yet?

2018 is looking amazing, as we speak my first quarter is almost sorted and it entails traveling, international collaborations and growing organically as a creative so I’m really amped up.

Any closing words for the culture?


Follow Da Kruk!

Instagram: @dakruk

Twitter: @dakruk

Facebook: Kutloano da Kruk

Bridgette Makhela

Kyle Deutsch On Music, Collaborations And The Industry That Idols Exposed Him To


Kyle Colin Deutschmann / Doctor / Chiropractor / Artist

Did you ever think you’d end up in the music industry?

To be honest, I never thought I’d be in the music industry to the extent that I am in now. I always thought a little talent would get me in, but not to this extreme. I guess sometimes we underestimate ourselves. It wasn’t until about three years ago that I started recording my music, this happened after injuries prevented me from continuing my football career professionally, I then decided to continue with a Chiropractic/Health business and the Music.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

The first thing I do when I wake up definitely has to be, checking my phone. Mainly for the time but then to go through anything I may have missed whilst sleeping.


Your latest offering, ‘Can’t Get Enough’, in a nutshell is about what?

Can’t Get Enough is a song that describes a feeling of desire and passion, created by a moment that you are infatuated with. A moment that blocks out the world and feelings that surround you. Its your muse.

What did your journey on Idols do for the musician that you are today?

Idols was a show that taught me a lot about the local music industry, introduced me to people in the industry and exposed my brand to the country. It taught me to be more comfortable on stage and in front of a crowd. It taught me to believe in myself and that I had/have what it takes to make it in the industry.


How do you balance out work and play?

This is a tough question because in this industry the two overlap very often. These days I prioritize my spare time for family and loved ones. The rest of the time is work.

If you could change one thing about your journey so far, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing thus far, I’ve been very happy with the journey thus far.

Can fans look forward to future Kyle and Shekhinah collaborations?



Is there any special significant other in your life at the moment?

There is indeed.

What makes you happy?

I love good company, witty conversations, music, and good food.

Your most memorable moment in the industry so far?

In the brief year and a half that we’ve been releasing music the moments keep getting better and better. From Back To The Beach going gold, to performing to over twenty thousand people at MTN BushFire Festival and Joburg Day. No one can explain the feeling of having that many people singing along to your own music.


Follow Kyle!

Instagram: @kyle_deutsch

Twitter: @kyle_deutsch

Facebook: Kyle Deutsch


Bridgette Makhela




DJ Kinetic On Music And His Career Path


Thabo Damari aka Kinetic / 25 / House DJ & Producer / OB Engineer at YFM 99.2 & MD of Pro Tech Events & Entertainment

Why the DJ route?

As cliché as it may sound, I never chose “it” but “it” chose me. From as early as 7 years I had already started collecting music on tapes. I was 9 years old when I first saw a DJ mixing on turn tables, I can still remember how fascinated I was. I knew then where my path would lead, and I have never looked back.

Motivation…What does it mean to you?

It means never looking to others for validation, but rather remembering why you started in the first place and never losing sight of YOUR goal.


What does music mean to your craft?

Music is my craft, so with that being said I can only explain it as…Without music the word craft is meaningless to me. Music features in every aspect of my life, from the work I do as a Sound Engineer, to the business I run.

That one moment you always dream of reaching?

Being able to make timeless music that will one day be looked upon by future generations as revolutionary.


How do you prepare for a gig you’re meant to play at?

It always starts with the music. I prepare my sets depending on the kind of event, venue and crowd. I then prepare my outfit because I will be presenting myself to people, and people always need to have a visual reference (put a face to the name so to speak) and I want that reference to be a good one. Lastly, I have a home cooked meal (whenever possible) before I leave the house.

Money or love?

I get money doing what I love. Does that answer your question?

Are you happy with where you are in your life right now?

I cannot say I am happy, but I can say I am content. I still have lots to achieve and as long as GOD keeps me on this earth I will soldier on.


That one song that is timeless to your ears?

It has to be Planet Noir – Children Of The Ghetto from the Mekonko compilation mixed by the legend Khabzela in the year 2000.

What do you think of the industry you work in?

I never have a clear answer to this question because I become too subjective. My answer is always influenced by personal experiences which in most cases have not been to my liking. I do however try my best to shy away from all the negativity and focus my energy on building myself and those around me. This industry is what you make of it and I choose to run my own race despite the many challenges.


Follow Kinetic!

Instagram: Kinetic_SA

Twitter: @kinetic_err

Facebook: KineticSA



Bridgette Makhela