Lira On Born Free Album, The Voice SA And What Makes Her Happy



Singer / Songwriter


The Born Free album, tell me about it…

It is my 6th album and the first album I am releasing under Otarel Music. I named it Born Free because the whole album is about freedom; songs like ‘Be About It’ and ‘Brave Heart’ are testament to this. The album discusses freedom as a state of being.

Any upcoming shows that your South African fans can look forward to?

Yes, the album launch takes place on the 8th and 9th of April at Gold Reef City (albums will also be available at the show), tickets are available at Computicket. The album will be available countrywide from the 18th April.

How has your time on The Voice South Africa been so far?

It’s exciting! It is a fun show and people get to see another side to my personality.


 One word that describes your career so far?


What does music do to you?

It makes me happy.

How does Lira relax when she has time off?

I stay at home with my cat and husband. I spend time in my organic garden…I have a lovely, tranquil place. I don’t watch much TV, except for The Voice SA ofcourse.

What has your favourite body of musical work been so far?

Born Free, because it is so different. It’s boldness, it’s size, the production and songwriting…with every very album, I am becoming more and more myself. It is my proudest work.


What makes you happy?

Music. It has offered me the freedom to do anything I want, I have a career that excites me. Good food also makes me happy too. I enjoy having breakfast at hotels, going on holidays and staying in beautiful places.

Pyjamas or a dress?

Definitely a dress!…I hardly ever wear pyjamas. When I was a kid I would always get pyjamas as a gift…My sister also recently bought me a pair that I hardly wear.

Any wise words for young females dreaming of doing what you do?

Believe in yourself. It is reflected in how you speak about it; think about it and what you are doing about it. You don’t use your own mouth to stop your own journey, you don’t use your own brain to break yourself down. Have a vision, see what is beneficial. Always remember detours are not a means to an end, don’t sit there, move on. Be gentle to yourself.

Follow Lira!

Instagram: @miss_lira

Twitter: @Miss_LIRA

Facebook: LIRA

*Lira’s Born Free album is now available on iTunes and Apple Music


Bridgette Makhela