Bonko Khoza On Playing Mqhele, Following His Passion And Upcoming Projects

Bonginkosi ‘Bonko’ Khoza / Actor & Voice-Over Artist

What sparked the love for acting?

I have always been into acting, since primary school I loved plays but never took it seriously. I went to art school and studied graphic design, I dreamt of being an overall visual artist. After 2 years of trying that, I dropped out to figure out my life. I asked myself if I was doing things because the status quo says so or if I was going to focus on what brings me joy. I decided that I wanted to do something I enjoy and would do for the rest of my life. So I took the decision to study Drama at The Market Theatre Laboratory.

You play ‘Mqhele’ on Showmax’s ‘The Wife’, how would you describe the character?

He is a complex character that is heavily bothered by demons in his head. He has unresolved childhood traumas that cause him to act and react in a certain way. Other than that, he is a sweet guy.

You are an extremely talented actor. How do you prepare yourself for a role?

My preparation starts at the audition level. I’ll read my script and research the character biography. I get to know the character and start looking at costumes and play scenes out. If I get the role, it’s a progression of building the character.

What would you change about the South African entertainment industry?

The industry doesn’t exist on its own, it doesn’t function without the audience. If anything, I would like to change the audience. I wish South Africa would open up access to more global content because it is part of a global market. The audience can then push the industry towards something different. The audience needs to start playing with their appetite and choosing different types of content.

That one moment in your career so far that you’ll never forget?

I spent a day with Benedict Cumberbatch in 2020. We did a scene together on a film called The Mauritanian. My scene was initially for his character. The casting director told me to keep pushing and keep my head up because it may be overwhelming. We did the scene in Cape Town and it dawned on me in that moment that he was just a colleague and I had to get it together. From that moment, we started talking and getting to know each other. That was a special time.

Is there anyone that you call your role model/inspiration?

Mahershala Ali, I love the way he handles his career and brand. He keeps it very much acting-centric even if he does work for brands. He has won two Oscars and I’m pretty sure when he’s not acting he’s probably spending time with his family and relaxing.

What is the importance of following your passion?

Life has a price to pay, you’re not here for free. The system will try and put you in a place where you are most comfortable. When you’re most comfortable, you’ve got nothing to complain about. But things like passion come from the inside, it is who you are, it’s an expression of your true self. Retrospection and bravery are important where passion is involved.

’13 Weeks To Find Mr Right’ is your upcoming project, are you working on other things at the moment?

I have already wrapped 13 Weeks To Find Mr Right. I have now started working on a Disney animation, I’m also shooting a Hollywood film and in talks with various directors but I can’t say much about that right now. Actively working on The Wife and voice overs.

Any advice for aspiring actors?

Study first, treat the art with respect and it will pay you back with longevity and substance. Put in the work and the time. Believe in your dreams, trust in God and don’t forget to pray.

Images by Asanele Shaun

Follow Bonko!

Instagram: @bonkokhoza

Twitter: @BonkoKhoza

Facebook: @bonkokhoza

Bridgette Makhela

Focalistic On Quarantined Tarantino, Rap In 2020 And Being The Hardest Working Artist

Lethabo “Focalistic” Sebetso / 23 / Musician

You’ve created such a major wave in the industry, was this always the plan?

Thank you. This is only 2% of the plan…I want to be the greatest ARTIST from Africa, so I am glad there is progress on this long journey ahead of me.

You always represent the city Pretoria, what do you love about the city?

What I love about Pretoria is the fact that the city taught me how to be comfortable with myself. It taught me a lot about accepting people from different walks of life, as it is so rich in culture. Pretoria is where I found myself, and I will always be grateful for that.

Describe rap in 2020?

Rap in 2020 has moved from the simple criteria of word play. It is deep. For me, it is about an unbreakable connection with the audience. If the person listening cannot relate, then it is easily classified as whack. The said connection is only attained by genuine music and genuine storytelling.

How are you setting yourself apart from other young rappers?

I am the hardest working, and I am the truest to myself. As a result, the saying “Ase Trap ke Pina tsa ko Kasi” means so much because it is how I decided to set myself apart.

Talent and hard work always win, but how do you take time to chill out?

I usually play FIFA on my PlayStation 4 to clear my mind and chill out. It is therapeutic and also helps keep my competitive personality in check.

Of all the music you’ve released, have a favourite one?

My favorite is always my most recent release. In this case, I am always listening to ‘Quarantined Tarantino’ right now as I feel that it is the most recent masterpiece from myself.

What’s the plan for your fans to never forget the name Focalistic?

I don’t try too hard for that. I am one person who believes in genuine connections. For me, listening to my music and if you love the vibe, I will forever be there for you. I am like your best friend in music, but, in the most genuine way, and that’s how I will be forever remembered.

If you could, what would you change about the industry you’re in?

I would change the opportunities given to people without influence. What I mean by this is we need to give more attention to up and coming artists, as they are extremely talented but just need more attention for them to prosper. The power to change and elevate South Africa lies in the youth and undiscovered talent.

Any newer music you plan on dropping this year?

For now, people need to keep checking out my new release titled #QuarantinedTarantino, which is out on ALL streaming platforms. But, I’m always in the studio so we may never know what can happen, maybe I will surprise my fans…Squad Sa Maradona are always ready for new music.

What keeps you motivated to keep working towards your goals

I’m always motivated by my mom. She managed to take us from Garankuwa in a backroom shack to a double story house. I just want to be able to thank her substantially and ensure that her, and my daddy in heaven are proud of me.

Follow Focalistic!

Instagram: @focalistic




-Bridgette Makhela 

Yasmin Furmie On Timeless Fashion, Creative Inspiration And SiSi The Collection

Yasmin Furmie / Co-owner of SiSi The Collection / Reluctantly known as a Fashion & Style “Influencer”

You’re a fashion fire in the industry, where did the love story begin?

My story with fashion has always been evident. From an early age there was a desire to dress well. It has also been imprinted on me through my parents, especially my dad who dressed incredibly well. It has since evolved into the style I’m currently known for.

How do you put an outfit together, especially for important events?

There isn’t a lot of thought that goes into putting an outfit together, it all depends on how I feel. Thought does however go into what shoes or sneakers I wear. It may seem as if a particular way of dressing is an automatic thing, but subconsciously the desire to speak through my clothes is always there. Of course certain occasions call for a particular way of dressing and that may result in me thinking a bit more carefully about  how I present myself. Ultimately, my clothes say exactly who I am: Bold, Daring, Outspoken and Unapologetic.

SiSi The Collection, what is it all about?

SiSi The Collection is a collaboration between two people, my best friend Cynthia and I. She loves white shirts and as we’ve always wanted to do something together, the opportunity to start a business came along. We started our business in 2014. We saw a niche we could fill and the rest is history.

Style, how do you translate it into your everyday life?

Style is an ever present part of who I am. I use fashion to tell a unique story. The ability to be comfortable in my choice of clothes, the ease with which I put differing items together is indicative of my quirky style. My layering is what I’m known for and that’s basically an every day occurrence.

Do you have any fashion inspirations?

I find fashion inspirations daily. The beauty of what happens around me in South Africa; the way other people dress, women walking to work at 5am in the morning, looking supremely stylish. Young creatives inspire me daily. I am inspired by what happens globally as well as older women who step outside of the norm.

The South African fashion industry, what are the positives?

The amount of creativity is a positive on its own. In every field there is talent to be found, whether it’s in beauty, art or the design field. The democracy we exist within gives people the freedom to tell their stories in different ways. Sadly, there are not enough opportunities and that can be disheartening but my advice is to focus and pursue, collaborate and find the way to what it is you want to do.

What’s your take on age and dressing up?

Age is never an issue. I believe women should wear what they want, what makes them comfortable and what defines their personality. We are powerful enough not to be prescribed to.

How can females especially make fashion work for them?

I think people make fashion work for them every day. The very act of putting on clothes is an act of stating who you are in this world. We consume fashion in different ways; for some it’s an act of defiance, for others it’s a uniform to fit in. Daily fashion is used to tell stories and my advice to women and people in general, is to find the story you want to tell and see how your clothes can be the vehicle for telling that story.

Follow Yasmin!

Instagram: @yasminfurmie

Twitter: @yasminfurmie

Facebook: @YasminFurmie


-Bridgette Makhela

Masego Maponyane On Modern Maps And The Power Of Social Media

Masego “Maps” Maponyane / 29 / TV Presenter / Actor / Social & Tech Entrepreneur

You’ve recently started a WhatsApp channel that goes by the name #ModernMaps, what’s it all about?

Modern Maps is a WhatsApp channel that essentially works as an app within WhatsApp. It fuses both artificial intelligence and a personal touch to ensure a closer connection with my followers and those interested in me, how my mind works, what makes me tick and my thoughts on mapping out the ideal tools to living a successful modern life.

Why a WhatsApp channel?

It’s more personal, it’s the most commonly used social media app on the continent. It requires far less data than any other app, and it enables more comfortable engagement with people. It’s also fairly uncharted waters and allows for a lot of growth potential.

How will subscribers benefit from #ModernMaps?

They can directly engage on categories that interest them, varying from Health, Fitness, Fashion, Wellness, Travel and general Lifestyle content created by me and get the inside track on what I think it takes to reach your potential and get the best out of your life.

What sets #ModernMaps apart?

It’s new, fresh, there’s none out there like it and it’s beneficial to your life. It has both audio and visual content in the form of video highlights and podcasts. Users can decide what they want to interact with and can have a more personal connection with what happens in my world.

How long did this idea take to execute?

Fairly quick actually, I work with a great team that was able to put it all together in a week, however the idea was always brewing from the way that the East was using the capabilities of text apps such as WeChat beyond just being text based.

How has the response and feedback been so far?

It’s been great! People have really enjoyed it and are constantly looking forward to receiving more in the future.

Sharing your daily life activities with so many people, does this ever have a negative effect?

Not in this case, because although I’m sharing more than ever before and making it a whole lot more personal, I’m still able to decide on what it is that I share, but it also allows me to be as honest as possible, as opposed to recreate the curated perfection of social media lives.

Has utilizing social media as a tool to inform your fans/followers about your growth, wins, losses and experiences made it easier to get the Maps brand out there?

It certainly has. It’s the people that support you that are the deciders of your success and to make them feel like they are a part of your journey can only be more beneficial than anything else.

What’s next, writing a book maybe? Do tell…

Haha! Oddly enough yeah, a book is on the cards, but it isn’t the kind of book that you would think! 😉 Other than that, I’m currently producing a film that’s being co-produced by Terry Pheto and directed by Akin Omotoso and is due for release mid 2020.

Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: @MapsMaponyane


Bridgette Makhela

Kyle Deutsch On Music, Collaborations And The Industry That Idols Exposed Him To


Kyle Colin Deutschmann / Doctor / Chiropractor / Artist

Did you ever think you’d end up in the music industry?

To be honest, I never thought I’d be in the music industry to the extent that I am in now. I always thought a little talent would get me in, but not to this extreme. I guess sometimes we underestimate ourselves. It wasn’t until about three years ago that I started recording my music, this happened after injuries prevented me from continuing my football career professionally, I then decided to continue with a Chiropractic/Health business and the Music.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

The first thing I do when I wake up definitely has to be, checking my phone. Mainly for the time but then to go through anything I may have missed whilst sleeping.


Your latest offering, ‘Can’t Get Enough’, in a nutshell is about what?

Can’t Get Enough is a song that describes a feeling of desire and passion, created by a moment that you are infatuated with. A moment that blocks out the world and feelings that surround you. Its your muse.

What did your journey on Idols do for the musician that you are today?

Idols was a show that taught me a lot about the local music industry, introduced me to people in the industry and exposed my brand to the country. It taught me to be more comfortable on stage and in front of a crowd. It taught me to believe in myself and that I had/have what it takes to make it in the industry.


How do you balance out work and play?

This is a tough question because in this industry the two overlap very often. These days I prioritize my spare time for family and loved ones. The rest of the time is work.

If you could change one thing about your journey so far, what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing thus far, I’ve been very happy with the journey thus far.

Can fans look forward to future Kyle and Shekhinah collaborations?



Is there any special significant other in your life at the moment?

There is indeed.

What makes you happy?

I love good company, witty conversations, music, and good food.

Your most memorable moment in the industry so far?

In the brief year and a half that we’ve been releasing music the moments keep getting better and better. From Back To The Beach going gold, to performing to over twenty thousand people at MTN BushFire Festival and Joburg Day. No one can explain the feeling of having that many people singing along to your own music.


Follow Kyle!

Instagram: @kyle_deutsch

Twitter: @kyle_deutsch

Facebook: Kyle Deutsch


Bridgette Makhela




DreamTeam On Group Dynamics, Growth And Upcoming Projects


Trevor Sineke, 32, Musician
Lusaso Ngcobo, 26, Musician
Mthokozisi Mkhathini, 25, Musician


Why the name DreamTeam?
Well we’ve always been friends even before we started making music together, and the name DreamTeam speaks to the Dreams that we’ve always wanted to achieve, and the fact that we’re a tight knit Team. We have a strong circle of support which also falls under the brand so we’re basically a team chasing all of our dreams together.


You three are already a big name in the Hip-Hop industry, where to from here?
We’ve still got a long way to go to get to where we ideally want to be, so the name of the game at this stage is growth, and consistency. We want to develop the DreamTeam brand to be a continental powerhouse, so our focus this year is creating and establishing partnerships and relationships that will allow us to grow in other African countries. That means more collaborations, promo tours, performances etc…

KwaZulu Natal will always be home right? Do you guys now reside in Jozi full-time?
Yes KwaZulu Natal will always be home to us. We’re currently in Johannesburg to fulfil some of our work obligations, but KZN and Durban still play a big role in our lives, as our strongest support base.


How do you guys manage to keep your schedules in-sync?
We have a really strong team, and although it gets hectic at times they are responsible for keeping our schedules aligned.

Who decides on the daily look of the group?
We all have an input into what we dress like; we’ll normally have a conversation around it and decide on a look that everybody is comfortable with.


How has the album been received so far?
The reception to the album has been fantastic. It took a bit of time to get traction around it but people have been really responsive and seem to love the body of work we put out. We’re still on that campaign trail to push it more and create a stronger awareness, and we’re still planning to tour, so we’re expecting more positive feedback from people that are yet to hear it.

Any new music your fans can look out for soon?
Yes we have a lot of new music coming in the near future; we’ve got a couple of features, most notably with PatoRanking for his album and Duncan for his. We might be dropping a video very soon too.


Who keeps everyone in check between you guys? Lol
Depends on who needs to be kept in check really…But we all rely on each other to keep the team in line.

Cape Town or Gauteng?
Cape Town!


What are DreamTeam’s future plans?
We are hoping to drop a new video and single soon, we’ve had a great response to our current single, ‘Shandis’ so we’re hoping the new single at least matches that. We are also doing an event called Dubane Spring Break in September, last year it brought in over 10 000 people so we’re hoping to top that…Other than that, expect a tour, and possibly a new album.


Follow DreamTeam!

Instagram: @dreamteamdbn

Twitter: @DreamTeamDBN

Facebook: Dreamteam_DBN


Bridgette Makhela