Sazi Ngcobo On Rusco Experiential, Marketing And The Events Industry

Sazi Ngcobo / 32 / Director & Owner of Rusco Experiential

Being in the events industry, what the biggest challenge?

Currently, the biggest challenge for us is to simply stay afloat. Our industry is one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, meaning that for the next few months we have to operate differently as a company. This has resulted in the need for us to reduce overheads (without cutting people), implement new methods of delivering experiences whilst still trying to be innovative & creative.  This entire period has actually been as exciting as it has been stressful. However, take Covid-19 out the equation, and the biggest challenge we face on a day to day basis is managing client expectations with client budgets, whilst still striving to deliver high quality productions and experiences.

The hardest lesson you’ve learnt throughout your career?

Try as you might, you can’t please everyone, and you can’t always be the nice guy! I had to learn that the hard way, but in the end I find that people respect you more (especially your staff) if you tell it like it is when it’s in the name of reaching the high standards that we set for ourselves.

What makes you happy about the field you’re in?

So many things come to mind. If I was to highlight some, here’s top 3:

1: The fact that no two days are the same, every project/experience is different. One can never get bored when they are doing something new every day!

2: People! In this industry you work with and meet people from all different walks of life. From CEO’s to entry level creatives, from world renowned chefs to students who waitress part time. Each person has their own unique story and getting to hear so many is amazing!

3: I love that we get to give life to ideas! The process from concept to execution is extremely stressful and draining, but the feeling of standing back and watching people enjoy an experience that until then lived only in your mind is unfathomable! It’s like a drug!

What sets Rusco Experiential apart from other experiential companies?

Well the first and most obvious differentiator is experience. My partner started Rusco 14 years ago and has since worked on a multitude of events and productions. The reason why that’s so important is that with experience comes trust! Clients trust us to deliver at a high level largely because we’ve been doing it for so many years! A second differentiator for us is that we play in several different spaces simultaneously. We are in the hospitality game (we own and run Pegasus Lounge and the Durban July and Decadance Lounge at Delicious Festival), we are in the eventing game, however we produce events for our clients as opposed to doing our own event, we are also in the sponsorship game in that one of our strategic partners is Big Concerts. With all this, we still take pride in being very low-key and behind the scenes.

What do you think the South African events industry does well?

As far as event productions are concerned, it’s safe to say that although we don’t have the latest technologies and massive budgets seen around the world, we throw world class productions on a constant basis. I’m always proud to be South African when I go to experiences like Friends of Amstel, Castle Lite Unlocks or Rocking The Daisies. Our events, in particular our larger scale events, are on par with some of the best events around the world, and with more people supporting them, they can only get better. Who’s to say South Africa can’t be the destination for the next Coachella?!

The entertainment and events industry are close partners, how does marketing play an imperative part?

Coming from a background in marketing, I would say that to market yourself and your event well is vital (especially for a new event). I mean what’s the use of throwing a dope experience if there’s nobody there to experience it? With that said, we find ourselves working very closely with the entertainment industry. In fact I would go as far to say that we are the intermediary between the entertainment and corporate world.

Most prestigious event you’ve ever worked on?

That’s a tricky one. I would have to say that the most ‘prestigious’ event we did was the President’s Golf Day that we were blessed to be involved with in 2020 (before the Corona virus of course). However, from a personal point of view, I would have to say that the Miller Music Drop Experience we did in 2019 was the best event I worked on, simply because it was a personal project that I’d been trying to execute for about 2 years and Miller Genuine Draft actually gave us the chance to bring it to life.

Any regrets throughout your journey so far?

None! I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that we learn a lot more from our mistakes than our successes.

Where can people get to know more about Rusco Experiential?

Shameless plug time, lol. You can find us on our website You’ll get to see a lot of what we actually do there. Alternatively, we are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @RuscoExperiential.


Follow Sazi!

Instagram: @sazingcobo

Twitter: @Saz_SA

Facebook: @SazNgcobo


-Bridgette Makhela

Kinetic On New Single ‘Touch’, South African House Music And Future Plans

Thabo Damari aka Kinetic / House DJ, Producer, Professional Audio Engineer & Entrepreneur 


Who is Kinetic?

Kinetic, as I like to call myself, is an avid music enthusiast. I am someone who has continued to stay true to what I believe in despite many influences. I possess a creative spirit that continues to drive me and constantly pushes me to challenge myself. The name Kinetic is simply defined as an energy around a moving object. I possess that energy within me and whether I’m behind the decks or sitting in front of my DAW, I am simply transferring that energy.

Your new single titled ‘Touch’, who does it feature?

Touch features an amazing fellow creative by the name of Vugar M Beats. Vugar is a multi talented individual who sings, produces and also comes up with unique concepts. The track also has a remix by Chris Carter, who gave it a different feel which resonates with the masses.

What inspires your love for House music?

Over the years I have realized that House music is not just a genre, it’s a community. My inspiration stems from the community of House music. As House music enthusiasts we are always looking to better the culture within the community. Not only that but we are always looking to progress the sound forward. That for me, provides constant inspiration.

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Any other singles you are set to release this year?

I have a few projects pending which are set to be released this year (if all goes according to plan). I have already completed two EPs, but I need to make sure that the standard and quality of the music can compete on an international level. I’m also halfway from concluding a project with a very talented female vocalist from Pretoria, the details of that project will be released in due time.

What’s your relationship with Just Mo Records?

The label founder and owner Just Mo has been like my mentor to me ever since I joined YFM. He is a respected member of the House music community, and he is somewhat of an authority in the music industry. I have always wanted to work with Just Mo on a personal capacity outside the realms of radio, so when the opportunity came about I was more than thrilled.

What’s your take on the current South African House music industry?

There’s been talk around how monotonous the industry is currently. A lot of people, particularly those who are in the industry have been complaining about the standard of local House music and the events. I personally believe that there has to be diversity in order for all of us to co-exist. Our aim should be to push the culture forward and avoid being stagnant so that the House music industry can be as economically viable as it’s counterparts. This can only happen if each individual in the community can add positive value, including myself.


How do you balance your day job with a DJ career?

I have always found a way to have balance. In the times we live in now it is not uncommon for someone to be engaging in multiple crafts at the same time. What has helped me is that what I do as an Engineer has enhanced my capabilities as a Music Producer and DJ.

Who do you look up to in the industry?

That has always been a relatively tough question for me to answer because I analyze so many people in the industry, not only in House music but across multiple genres. That’s because I believe that I can learn more from a group of individuals than I would from one person. Everyone has something to offer and everyone has a lesson to teach.

How’s the future looking for Kinetic?

I believe the future holds so much more for me. I see progress each passing day. I was destined to succeed and no matter the challenges, I will continue to work towards my greatness. With God and my family by my side nothing is impossible.


Follow Kinetic!

Instagram: @kinetic_sa

Twitter: @Kinetic_ERR

Facebook: Thabo Kinetic SA

Bridgette Makhela