Gigi Lamayne On The Hip-Hop Game Right Now, Inspiration And Dominating 2017


Genesis Gabriella Tina Manney / 23 / Poet, Musician, Songwriter, Activist, Actress, Voice Over Artist & Wits Graduate in Anthropology & Media Studies


What does Hip-Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is a lifestyle and way of living. It moulds one’s mind, behaviour and experiences. It allows for wisdom to be spread by the oppressed. It allows for victory to be attained by the hopeless.

When did you decide to get into the game? Your favourite single so far?

I was sixteen, so back in the year 2010. My favourite single is definitely my debut for 2017 titled ‘My Ugly Boy’ produced by new kid on the block, J Twinn. I can’t wait!


How’s your 2017 looking like?

Packed from brands, to music, to new business ventures for myself as well as my company, Hart Roc Entertainment. It’s going to be a crazy year for Hip-Hop and the rest of the industry. Endorsements, projects and of course, the #GigiGoesGold saga continues.

Who inspires you in the South African music industry?

Brenda Fassie, Lebo Mathosa and Miriam Makeba.


The awesome thing about being a female rapper is?

You get to train twice as hard to beat the guys. 🙂

Do you believe Hip-Hop and fashion go together? If yes, how so?

I honestly do. Fashion has always been a huge part of the Hip-Hop culture. As with any culture, apparel is of significance. We find so many people denying this fact, however, to belong holistically to any way of life, one has to embody the physical and mental aspects of it. This is fashion.


Fame or fortune?


What do you believe your industry still needs to do in order to improve?

Working together and thinking beyond South Africa.

What would you love to achieve this year?



Follow Gigi!

Instagram: @gigi_lamayne

Twitter: @Gigi_Lamayne

Facebook: Gigi Lamayne


Bridgette Makhela

Mariechan Luiters On Going Solo, Years In The Industry And What She’s Focused On Next

Mariechan Luiters / Singer & Entrepreneur


Tell your story of you how you found yourself in the music industry…

It’s all destiny. It goes like this…My music teacher overheard me singing in a girl’s restroom without me knowing and she encouraged me to sing publicly. I then tried once for Popstars and once for Idols but I wasn’t ready. Then, I gave it one more shot as my confidence grew and tried out for Popstars again. This time it was definitely destiny because when I arrived, they had locked the doors and not letting anyone else in and then someone saw me as I was walking away and remembered me from the previous year. In a nutshell, I made it to the finals with my group Jamali and the rest is history.

Where is Mariechan originally from?

From the foothills of Stellenbosch, some of the most beautiful geography in the world, I believe.


How many years have you been in the industry and what’s the most important thing you’ve learnt?

It’s going on 13 years and I am still loving it like a kid in a candy shop. I’ve learnt that if you want something, you need to go get it yourself.

How has the transition from being in a group to doing the solo thing been?

I am learning every day. When I started it was the era of the record label doing everything, now the individual artist has to be responsible for their brand’s trajectory.

The biggest highlight of your solo career so far?

Being the first woman of colour to sing the welcoming National Anthem at the New Zealand Rugby match in front of like 50,000 people.


That collaboration you would really still love to do?

With Rihanna, Adele, Beyonce, Drake, Wizkid, it would be magic.

Do you still get nervous before a performance?

Yes, and I think it shows I still care.

What are you focusing on next?

Next I am focusing on building my foundation and my entrepreneurial ventures while continuing to build the brand Mariechan in the industry, it’s an exciting period of my career.

Fame or fortune? Select one…

Fortune, this way I can build a legacy for others, not just for me.


Follow Mariechan!

Instagram: @mariechanl

Twitter: @MariechanL

Facebook: Marichan Luiters


Bridgette Makhela

SubVerse On ‘O Vaya Le Mang’ Single, Upcoming Album And Motswako

IMG_2165Kgomotso Mokgatlhe aka SubVerse / Rapper

How did you find your way into the rap game?

Growing up in the ‘90s, it was almost impossible escaping the influence of Hip Hop culture. My brother kept a steady supply of TDKs and recorded music videos as well. That’s what really built the foundation of my love for the rap game. From then, the early South African Hip Hop scene is what convinced me that it could really be done and I started writing raps of my own.

O Vaya Le Mang…How has the single being received so far?

The track has received quite a lotta love and we don’t expect that to slow down now that the video is out (!! I’m mad excited about the video release and making sure everybody sees it!

DSC_5220You’ll be releasing your second album since 2013, how much work was put into it?

The work is still happening and I’m actually in studio at the moment putting tracks down. I’ve got some special tracks lined up and the style and theme is different from anything I’ve put out before!

Do you have a favourite track on The Take Off album?

It’s way too early to pick a favourite. I can never single out one track but there are a few collaborations up my sleeve that I’m secretly going crazy over!

DSC_5263Tswellopele…How did the album mould your career?

More than anything, Tswellopele showed me the power of will and perseverance. That we (PGP Music) were able to put out such a solid project together, shoot videos, sells CDs, set up gigs and perform – to do all of that independently is an amazing feature. That will forever be a source of inspiration for me. Also, the response that we got was an indication to me that we’re doing something right. There were a lot of lessons that we learnt in the artistic and business sense…I could go on for a while!

What inspires your lyrics?

Experiences and observations. It could be something as simple as something I see or read, or a memory. There’s way too many sources of inspiration!

Motswako, what does it mean to you?

Motswako is the power of expressing yourself on your own terms! It’s powerful stuff if you think about the achievements that have been clocked in the name of Motswako. And I truly believe we ain’t seen nothing yet!

SONY DSCMaintaining consistency in the industry, how do you plan to do that?

I think maintaining consistency is purely a matter of trusting one’s talent and skill. There’s way too many trends and overnight buzzes to try keep up with. If you know what the end goal is, consistency shouldn’t be a fear-driven thing.

Food or FIFA?

I’m tempted to say FIFA…but this completely depends on the time of day, hahaha!

If you weren’t in the Hip-Hop game what would you be doing with your life?

I’d still be in the music scene in some other role. I’m way too passionate about music to imagine myself not involved in one way or another. That and sports.


Follow SubVerse!

Instagram: Subvwarusty

Twitter: @SubVwaRusty

Facebook: SubVerse

Soundcloud: SubVerse

YouTube: SubVerse


Bridgette Makhela


Lira On Born Free Album, The Voice SA And What Makes Her Happy



Singer / Songwriter


The Born Free album, tell me about it…

It is my 6th album and the first album I am releasing under Otarel Music. I named it Born Free because the whole album is about freedom; songs like ‘Be About It’ and ‘Brave Heart’ are testament to this. The album discusses freedom as a state of being.

Any upcoming shows that your South African fans can look forward to?

Yes, the album launch takes place on the 8th and 9th of April at Gold Reef City (albums will also be available at the show), tickets are available at Computicket. The album will be available countrywide from the 18th April.

How has your time on The Voice South Africa been so far?

It’s exciting! It is a fun show and people get to see another side to my personality.


 One word that describes your career so far?


What does music do to you?

It makes me happy.

How does Lira relax when she has time off?

I stay at home with my cat and husband. I spend time in my organic garden…I have a lovely, tranquil place. I don’t watch much TV, except for The Voice SA ofcourse.

What has your favourite body of musical work been so far?

Born Free, because it is so different. It’s boldness, it’s size, the production and songwriting…with every very album, I am becoming more and more myself. It is my proudest work.


What makes you happy?

Music. It has offered me the freedom to do anything I want, I have a career that excites me. Good food also makes me happy too. I enjoy having breakfast at hotels, going on holidays and staying in beautiful places.

Pyjamas or a dress?

Definitely a dress!…I hardly ever wear pyjamas. When I was a kid I would always get pyjamas as a gift…My sister also recently bought me a pair that I hardly wear.

Any wise words for young females dreaming of doing what you do?

Believe in yourself. It is reflected in how you speak about it; think about it and what you are doing about it. You don’t use your own mouth to stop your own journey, you don’t use your own brain to break yourself down. Have a vision, see what is beneficial. Always remember detours are not a means to an end, don’t sit there, move on. Be gentle to yourself.

Follow Lira!

Instagram: @miss_lira

Twitter: @Miss_LIRA

Facebook: LIRA

*Lira’s Born Free album is now available on iTunes and Apple Music


Bridgette Makhela



Thapelo Mokoena Talks New Film, His Craft And The Industry


Thapelo Mokoena
Actor / Producer / Filmmaker

What’s the daily Thapelo Mokoena schedule like?
It consists of a high level of discipline and keeping my eye on the ball. Chasing the dream and fulfilling it. Most of the work I have to do myself, as an actor I get to fulfill other people’s dreams. Consistency is key.

Describe the role you play on the upcoming movie, Mrs Right Guy…
I play a guy called Dumile, a well to-do business man, he’s a young guy working for a big corporation. It’s a story of an underdog who goes from rags to riches. He can’t stand people that believe there is a short cut to life. He’s always fixing people’s problems. An arrogant guy who believes he is the solution for people on this earth. He is very self-assured and believes himself to be god-sent.


Tell me more about Kasi Movie Nights?
Kasi Movie Nights is a mobile cinema events company that brings the cinema experience to the people in a refreshing manner; it works as an informal cinema. It takes African-produced movies to the people, we all know there are no cinemas in the townships, Kasi Movie Nights is the solution to township cinema. People can watch movies in their own environment in a special way. It is the first of it’s kind on our shores. I believe our people need to start watching themselves; we pirate so many movies, consuming so much US and Australian content, that has to change.

Did you always want to end up in the entertainment industry?
I think so, I look at my life and since I was a kid my brothers and I have always been that way. It was a natural thing in the household; I grew up in a small town so we entertained ourselves. We would put the radio in the garage; connect a MIC, recorded music and movies. I have a serious passion for the arts. I guess I’ve always known.


What have you learnt about the industry?
It’s growing, from being an infant to a toddler…the world is our oyster. The fuel for the arts is an artist. It is one way to learn a lot of things about yourself. I enjoy it, the world is watching!

Inspiration comes in all forms, where do you get yours from?
Everywhere…I come from a family of hard workers, it’s all we’ve ever known and seen. I am inspired by where I am from; I come from a small town and what my parents managed to do from the situation inspires me. I do not want to fail them. I have also created another generation, my son inspires me every day to be a better man.


How do you practice remaining constant in your craft?
I believe that we all want to make it. Not all of us reach our goals; so I believe that I need to be the best at what I do, when I do it. My last job is the only CV I have so I constantly have to reinvent myself and invest in myself. The industry is small, so if needs be, I will be the freshest, fittest, etc. I will always leave a good mark, no matter what kind of day I’m having. If it needs to get done, I will do it like it’s the first gig. One never stops learning…

What makes you tick?
Time wasting is horrible, especially when someone wastes my time. People who don’t come prepared are to me, very unprofessional.


The bush or the burbs?
The bush!

Are you happy with the man you see in the mirror every day?
Most of the time yes, but not all the time. I do disappoint myself sometimes, and judge myself…But there are always more smiles than frowns.


Follow Thapelo!

Instagram: @mokoenalive

Twitter: @ThapeloMokoena

Facebook: Thapelo Mokoena


Bridgette Makhela