Bongeziwe Mabandla On iimini, Preserving His Craft And 8 Years In The Industry

Bongeziwe Sipho Samkelwe Mabandla / 30 / Singer Songwriter

‘iimini’, what’s the meaning behind the album?

iimini means days. The album references different dates in the lifetime of a love relationship from the beginning to the end. With the title I wanted to acknowledge those memories and experiences. I documented a relationship at its crucial parts and marked the different moments of this. I wanted to show the good and bad parts of a relationship and what it really means to be in love.

You’ve been in the industry for about 8 years now, how important is consistency and originality to you?

I came into music very late. I was studying to be an actor when I fell in love with music. I look at the past 8 years as a huge learning curve for me. I have learnt so much about writing, composing music, live performing and the business side of music. I have wanted to show with each album that I am growing and changing.

What does your craft mean to you and how do you preserve it?

I have put a lot into being a musician. I have always wanted to be good at what I do. For me, I’m at artist first. I want to make art that evokes emotion and feelings. Creating moving art has been the biggest motivator for me, it comes before anything else.

Amongst other songs, ‘Zange’ made big waves, (it still is)…what inspired you to write it?

Zange was written about falling in love and how that feeling can make you feel like life is worth it. I wanted to capture the fuzzy feeling of how it feels to be in love. I wrote the words to the song at a time when I met someone and they completely changed my life.

Live performances or studio sessions?

I like both. I love how a song comes together in the studio- it’s so fascinating. I like live, but it can be unpredictable. The funny thing is when a live performance goes well, it’s the best feeling ever. I’m hoping to fall even more in love with performing live as I get better at it.

Favourite country to perform in and why?

South Africa is really important for me. I write music in Xhosa because of the pride I have about where I come from. I write music to inspire and empower my people and to stand for a culture and language that was at times disregarded by history.

Africa is bursting at the seams with musical talent, what drives you to keep going?

I love what I do. I respect creating work that takes time and effort. I love figuring and working out difficult things. The people that love my music are such an inspiration and a sense of encouragement to me to keep me going even when it gets difficult. I think I’m doing something from a real and honest place and I think people are looking for that kind of music that connects them with their inner world.

What would you love to be remembered for?

My kindness and compassion, and for songs that made people feel connected.

Any upcoming exciting news you’d like to share?

I’ve been really happy that iimini has come with so many visual aspects. There are still a few more visuals to share which I am really excited about.

Follow Bongeziwe Mabandla!

Instagram: @bongeziwemabandla

Twitter: @Bongeziwe

Facebook: @BongeziweMabandlaOfficial


-Bridgette Makhela

Gigi Lamayne On The Hip-Hop Game Right Now, Inspiration And Dominating 2017


Genesis Gabriella Tina Manney / 23 / Poet, Musician, Songwriter, Activist, Actress, Voice Over Artist & Wits Graduate in Anthropology & Media Studies


What does Hip-Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is a lifestyle and way of living. It moulds one’s mind, behaviour and experiences. It allows for wisdom to be spread by the oppressed. It allows for victory to be attained by the hopeless.

When did you decide to get into the game? Your favourite single so far?

I was sixteen, so back in the year 2010. My favourite single is definitely my debut for 2017 titled ‘My Ugly Boy’ produced by new kid on the block, J Twinn. I can’t wait!


How’s your 2017 looking like?

Packed from brands, to music, to new business ventures for myself as well as my company, Hart Roc Entertainment. It’s going to be a crazy year for Hip-Hop and the rest of the industry. Endorsements, projects and of course, the #GigiGoesGold saga continues.

Who inspires you in the South African music industry?

Brenda Fassie, Lebo Mathosa and Miriam Makeba.


The awesome thing about being a female rapper is?

You get to train twice as hard to beat the guys. 🙂

Do you believe Hip-Hop and fashion go together? If yes, how so?

I honestly do. Fashion has always been a huge part of the Hip-Hop culture. As with any culture, apparel is of significance. We find so many people denying this fact, however, to belong holistically to any way of life, one has to embody the physical and mental aspects of it. This is fashion.


Fame or fortune?


What do you believe your industry still needs to do in order to improve?

Working together and thinking beyond South Africa.

What would you love to achieve this year?



Follow Gigi!

Instagram: @gigi_lamayne

Twitter: @Gigi_Lamayne

Facebook: Gigi Lamayne


Bridgette Makhela

Conté Creatives: Creative Content Producing Company

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Conté Magazine seems like a really cool source of creative information, what is it all about?

The Conté creative portfolio is aimed at creative African individuals such as illustrators; fine artists; graphic designers; animators; architects; interior designers; poets; photographers and fashion designers. These creatives are given the opportunity to be featured in both digital and print spheres (Conté Digital and Conté Magazine).

Conté Digital is released monthly online, enabling artists to expand their reach to the international markets; those same artists are then allowed to fully exhibit their work in a themed print edition of the Conté Magazine.

Conté Magazine is a Quarterly Creative book that is accompanied by an exhibition event, where all the featured artists get the chance to have their work exhibited. Twice a year, creatives have a platform to have their work displayed and fully exhibited. This is the ultimate Conté vision.

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How and when was Conté Magazine founded?

Conté Magazine is a company started under our holding company Conté Creatives. The agency, which was founded on the 6th of November 2014. The first magazine was released on the 7th of May 2015.

We previously worked at a Transmedia company situated in Auckland Park, and towards the end of our contract, instead of having it renewed, we chose to look for work spaces that would enable us to start our own projects. We found a place called JoziHub, a tech based Hub at 44 Stanley Avenue. This was the beginning of all our Conté adventures.

Is there a specific market you are aiming for/at?

Our Market is extremely vast. When we started our target with creatives all across the board. Weirdly enough, after the release of our 2nd Issue, we realized that our market had changed. We were attracting more businesses, corporate individuals, art buyers and investors. With each issue we learn that our target keeps changing rapidly, which isn’t bad at all. As long as we bring more awareness to creatives all over Africa.

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 What does the content you produce seek to fulfill?

The content we produce is aimed at driving collaboration among artists in order to turn the arts into a force to be reckoned with. We started a vision that would revolutionize the way people think of the creative industry internationally. It is more than just a creative portfolio, it allows the reader to be involved in the creative process, to make the transition from consumer and viewer to creator and enthusiast. We are all about changing the way we work together.

Your upcoming event in June, do elaborate as to what can be expected by attendees?

Each of our events bring a different element each time. Our magazines are themed each issue, and based on the theme, our events take on elements of that theme. This upcoming event, sponsored by the University of Johannesburg, will be based on the current theme “RAW” and the other exciting thing about this event is that it will be around the week of June 16 and we are trying to celebrate the creative students.

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 What can readers expect in the next issue to be released?

This next issue is going to bring on a different aspect of things we see on a daily basis. This “RAW” issue is living up to it’s name…everything is going to be Raw, uncensored, unscripted. Whatever comes to your mind…we will be showing that off to the world…and the lovely thing about this issue, is that it is off to New York in July.

How was the feedback from your previous event, the Revolution issue launch?

Every launch we’ve had, has brought about more interest, more excitement, and more sponsors. And the Revolution issue was no different. We have received nothing but POSITIVE feedback throughout.

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As a South African creative content producing company, what does a day in the office look like?

A day at the office is always exciting…we are all very busy, but the busyness isn’t overwhelming because we all get to do what we ABSOLUTELY love doing. We are all a fun bunch, so coming to work is always entertaining.

What is the way forward for Conté Magazine for the years to come?

Moving forward, Conté’s mission is to expand its leadership role in the creative market, using groundbreaking creative solutions and also expanding creative collaboration by using it’s publications. There is a lot to look forward to because more than anything we want to be the international voice for African Creatives and whatever we can do to make sure we are that, we will most definitely do.

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Follow Conté Magazine!

Instagram: @contemagazine

Twitter: @ConteMagazine

Facebook: Conté Magazine


Bridgette Makhela