Makgotso M On The Industry, Challenges And Being Unapologetic

Makgotso M / 25 / Actress


You’re already on your way to being one of South Africa’s great actresses, was this always your ideal career?

Thank you, that’s a wonderful compliment. I’ve always wanted to reach my personal best and I continue to strive for that.

Are you finding any challenges in the industry so far?

There are a few, but I have great people behind me that are helping me get through.


When and how did your break into the industry occur?

I went to multiple auditions…then one day I got a yes.

How do you manage to take on more that one project at a time?

I have an awesome team who take care of my schedule.


How many hours a day do you spend on set shooting?

It’s never the same, it varies.

That one item you can’t work without?

My script.


Fame or money?


What would your spirit animal be and why?

A lion, because it’s bold and unapologetic.


A lot of young females admire your work, what kind of legacy would you like to leave behind one day?

I want people to know that people’s opinions are irrelevant. Pursue the dreams God has put in your heart and don’t be apologetic for it.


Photos: Esthe Pretorius /@stpretorius

Makeup: Danielle O’Kane/@danthemanfantastic


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Twitter: MakgotsoM1

Facebook: Makgotso M


Bridgette Makhela