Shekhinah Donnell On The Metro FM Awards, Back To The Beach And The Student Life


Shekhinah Thandi Donnell

The Shekhinah people don’t know, describe her…
She is a very pessimistic girl whose biggest enemy and competition is herself…That’s very deep but true, I guess in a sense, where I struggle to see my success and focus a lot on my weakness.

At what age did you start singing?
As a teenager in the church and school choir.

You and Kyle Deutsch opened up the Metro FM Awards 2016 with the massive hit ‘Back To The Beach’ this past weekend, how did that moment feel like for you?
It was a great, honourable start to the beginning of our careers in the music industry.

Any more future Shekhinah and Kyle Deutsch collaborations?




What else have you been busy with since your days on Idols?
Studying a 3-year Live Performance course at AFDA.

If you could change one thing about your journey on Idols, what would it be?
I wouldn’t change anything about the journey, I loved the experience.

Would you say you have real friends in the industry?
No, I wouldn’t say that I do…More of colleagues and acquaintances.

So far, what have you learnt about your talent?
That it has endless opportunities.

Exciting stuff in store for your fans for the rest of 2016?
Yes! Lots and lots in store.




Follow Shekhinah!

Instagram: @shekhinahd
Twitter: @shekhinahd
Facebook: Shekhinah Donnell


Bridgette Makhela

Locnville Twins On Grapevine Single And The Music Industry



Brian & Andrew


Why did you guys decide on the name Locnville?

It is a name that represents both our American and South African roots.

Who is older? Lol…Andrew or Brian?

Brian is older by nine minutes, and a tiny bit taller.


How is the Grapevine single doing?

Amazingly well! We entered the charts at forty five and are currently at twelve after just a few days. This is all without traditional media and radio spin as of yet, which is quite something. 

Favourite South African artist you have worked with? 

There are a few we get along with really well, but in terms of actual friendship, probably Chad Da Don. 


Any new music projects that fans can look forward to soon?

Plenty. We have a bunch of singles lined up before the release of our fifth studio album, which will be coming out mid 2016 so look out for that.

Was the dream to always make music?

We’d be lying if we said no. That’s never been a question for us. 


Any special ladies in your lives?

Currently, no. 

What’s the secret to your consistency?

A fine question. We’ve found we can be a bit all over the place musically, so we appreciate that. We think it’s about knowing what your sound is and what it is that people ultimately want from you.


Any fellow musicians you look up to within the industry?

Plenty. People like Diplo are inspiring because he also produces his own stuff in a unique yet Pop manner, which is kind of what we do. 

Dogs or cats?

Cats, unless we’re talking about puppies. 


Follow Locnville!

Instagram: @locnville_

Twitter: @Locnville

Facebook: Locnville


Bridgette Makhela



DJ Doowap: Doin’ It And Doin’ It And Doin’ It Well


Khetsiwe Morgan aka DJ Doowap
YFM 99.2 Radio Host, Live Mix DJ & Conceptualist


What does a day in the life of a Dubstep, Hip-Hop and Bass mix DJ look like?
Everyday is wonderfully different. I wake up early, workout, have breakfast and then handle whatever is in the diary. It varies: from preparing a new mix for a gig, to shooting one of my concept videos, playing at one of the Nike training events, getting my hair done in Hillbrow (on average every two weeks), recording my radio show on YFM 99.2 or sometimes even designing outfits I would like to get made. It’s awesome that each day differs.

How was your childhood like?
I would say I have lived a charmed life. My parents are happily married so there was always fore filling love in the air, which gave me a fantastic support system for all my dreams.
My parents believed that we (my sister and I) should travel as much as possible and try as many things as possible to see what we like, what we don’t like and most importantly, what we are good at. I went to the French school Jules Verne in Morningside, where I did springboard diving for the national team, that took up a lot of my time as it was intensive training. It taught me self-discipline and “kept me off the streets”.



When did you decide “Okay, I wanna be a DJ”?
I have always had a passion for music, so I started studying Sound Engineering in London and partying in the bass scene at the underground clubs. I moved back to South Africa in 2012 to complete my studies and needed to make a bit of cash on the side, so I did a DJ course with DJ4Life and got my first gig at Roxy’s. I was scouted by YFM at that first gig and it’s basically just been a snowball effect from there.

Pick one: walk-in sneaker closet or music?
WOW! That’s a super tricky one. But I have understood that music is my destiny. Music will bring me the walk-in sneaker closet.



Who or what keeps you grounded in this industry?
My wonderful parents, sister, my love and my incredible zen manager, Preneil Pillay.

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Do you like that ‘female DJ’ tag? If no, why?
Crisis, that’s one thing I hate the most. So I appreciate how you phrased the question. I just feel that if you badass you badass, no gender discussion needs to be involved. People often say “Oh wow you’re not just female and beautiful but you can actually play!” Like why was that even a question? Nicki Minaj isn’t getting judged as a female rapper, she has managed to break through that ceiling and be labelled one of the best rappers in the world. I would like to do that as a DJ.



Favourite jam right now?
Gosh, I am constantly changing favourites, I hear a lot and get bored quickly so probably by the time this is published I would be over it…But right now it’s Conduction x Notion – Felt This Way

What’s that one thing people don’t know about you?
I am fluent in French.



Got big plans for the rest of this year? If yes, do share…
Sooooo many BIG plans but the most exciting one that will open many other doors is the move to Berlin in June for 6 months for the European summer.



Follow DJ Doowap!

Instagram: @djdoowap

Twitter: @Dj_Doowap

Facebook: Dj Doowap / Khetsiwe Morgan


Bridgette Makhela

Twitter Interview With Shordy Skills


If you missed it, go checkout the #BKoolMedia Twitter interview with Sakhile Sikhonde aka Shordy Skills on the timeline –> @BKoolMedia


Thanks for your time, wish you all the best for the rest of 2016 in everything you do!


Follow Shordy Skills!

Instagram: @shordyskills

Twitter: @Shordyskills

Facebook: Shordy Djskills Sikhonde



Bridgette Makhela



Some Time With Thiwe Mbola, All About Her Soul Therapy Album


Thiwe Mbola / 31 / Singer/Songwriter

Tell us about your album Soul Therapy…
Soul Therapy is my second album, released last year September. It has eleven tracks and was produced by Demor with the exception of ‘I Am Woman’, which was produced by Sun-El as well as ‘I Care For You’, which was produced by Mondli Ngcobo. I wrote six of the songs and co-wrote two. Sbu Nkomo wrote a beautiful Sesotho love song, and two were written by Mondli Ngcobo. The album has three features, which include Zano, Ziyon and Busiswa. It’s a beautiful body of work that showcases my songwriting, vocal capabilities and growth as a storyteller.

What inspired the album?
The album is inspired by my own personal journey. I sing about faith, prayer, spirituality, heartbreak, loneliness, love, a man’s role in society and female solidarity.


What are your favourite songs on the album, if any?
‘I Am Woman’ (a celebration of being a modern day woman and encouragement for women to celebrate their individuality and that of others). ‘Just A Matter Of Time’ is also close to my heart as it’s a reminder that as much as I am nowhere near where I want to be, things will work out eventually.

Any collaborations on the album that stood out for you?
All three collaborations are special. I believe Zano and I are vocal soulmates, what we make together is just magical. Ziyon came in to do vocal arrangement and ended up recording a verse for ‘Just A Matter Of Time’. We really blend well together. The collaboration with Busiswa is special because the one thing I wanted most for the album was female collaborations and she’s the only one who agreed. Her energy on ‘Ubuhle Bendoda’ was exactly what I expected.


Have you always been in the music business?
I have been in the music business since 2004. I started out with doing backing vocals, and then got into the music business learnership, from there I got into artist management and worked on The Standard Bank Joy of Jazz and did PR for Kem when he came to South Africa for the first time. So even when I’m not making music, I’m somehow still involved in the background.

What can you reveal about your journey in the industry so far?
My journey has not been all moonlight and roses but I wouldn’t change anything about it. I have grown a backbone and learnt to do things myself and all this really does come in handy, especially when you are a woman in a male dominated industry.


How’s your schedule for 2016 looking like?
2016 started off on a good note when I got nominated for a Metro FM Music Award in the Best Female category. So God willing, I’ll be bringing it home. I’m heading to the Miami Winter Music Conference in March for two performances and to record a collaboration with the legendary house vocalist Barbara Tucker. One other collaboration with Charles Webster has just been put to bed. I’d love to take Soul Therapy on the road to promote it as I know that many people still don’t know me and my work. Other than that, I’m working behind the scenes for a few projects close to my heart. I’ll definitely be revealing them when the time is right.

What can you tell young talented women that would love to take the same road as you?
When talent is there, don’t ever compromise your values in order to succeed. It’s very appealing to fast forward the hustle by doing things you wouldn’t normally do that compromise everything you stand for, but it’s so rewarding to see your hard work paying off.


*Soul Therapy is available on iTunes and in music stores*

Follow Thiwe!

Instagram: @thiwem

Twitter: @Thiwe

Facebook: Thiwe Mbola


Bridgette Makhela

MTV Channel Director Dillon Khan Speaks Lip Sync Battle Africa, To Air Soon

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MTV Channel Director, Dillon Khan

How will Lip Sync Battle Africa (#LSBAfrica) be unique in its own right?
As with most formats, the show will remain true to the original but we’ll also be adding a big touch of African flavour. We expect the celebs to get their inner performer out by dazzling the studio audience as well as the ones watching on MTV (DStv Channel 130). The guests will first perform an African classic and close with an international smash hit. It promises to be as entertaining – if not more – than the US version.

Content is vital, will the show keep viewers glued to their Television sets?
Content and talent are vital. This show gives you bragging rights when you defeat your opponent. Imagine seeing your favourite rapper singing Madonna’s “Like A Virgin” or a big name politician singing Kanye West’s “Gold Digger”. That’s what dreams, or nightmares, are made of. We’ll have the entire family gathered round the TV to watch this one.

Which big African names can viewers look forward to seeing on the show?
We can’t reveal who the names are just yet. You’ll have to tune in on Thursday 14th April at 8:50pm on MTV channel 130 to find out what we have in store for you.



Why the decision to use for the Lip Sync Battle Africa terrestrial premiere?
We like to share our sweets with everyone and it’s great to get a terrestrial footprint for this great property. We’ve partnered with before, whether it was the VJ search or the MTV Africa Music Awards. This format will premiere on MTV and then on 9 days later, allowing the whole of South Africa to enjoy this jaw dropping show.

Any hints as to who the hosts of the show will be?
It’s a top secret at the moment. There are many amazing hosts that we’re looking at and many who have reached out to us who want to take the reins. We’ll be announcing very soon, so stay tuned to and @mtvafrica for breaking news.

Is there a set target to reach when it comes to viewership numbers for the show?
Our aim is ambitious – we are gunning to achieve our highest ever ratings on MTV.

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Overall, what can viewers expect on Africa’s version of Lip Sync Battle?
If you’ve seen the US show on MTV on Mondays at 9:35pm, multiply it by a gazillion.


Bridgette Makhela


Nape Phasha On Life Since Vuzu Rich Kids


Nape Phasha Jnr
Political Sciences Graduate (University of Pretoria) / Currently studying towards a Law Degree (Wits University)


Where’s home for Nape?
Pretoria East.

Since Vuzu Rich Kids, what have you been up to, anything exciting?
Being on Vuzu Rich Kids was a great experience. For me, it was beyond just appearing on TV, but the opportunities that would come with the experience. Since doing the show, I have been mapping out my path in the industry. It’s very important to be true to myself and not try to emulate what everyone is doing, which is why I’ve spent some time crafting my next steps. I’ve also been focusing on my studies, which is very high on my priority list.

Has life changed for you in any way since being on a reality TV show, groupies maybe? Lol
Haha! I wouldn’t call it groupies, but being on the show came with a lot of attention. Everyone has just been supportive, so it’s all love, lol.


Favourite book to read?
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

It’s the month of love…Any special lady in your life? Any tips for the fellas on how to spoil their better half?
My advice to anyone would be to keep your person happy with the little things, before attempting to be romantic. The secret is in the art of keeping your lady happy on a daily basis.


Ultimate travel destination would be?
It would have to be New York and Barcelona, mainly because both destinations have a bit of everything, from the shopping, to the rich culture.

All-time favourite sneakers?
Yo, this is a tough one because they change weekly…but right now – Jordan 11 Bred and the Yeezy 750 Black.

What do you never leave the house without?
My cellphone.


What does family meant to you?
Family to me is everything; they are supportive and keep me grounded. I also happen to be very close to my mom, her love really knows no bounds.

Any future projects you just might wanna reveal?
I’m working on a lot of projects due this year. I think people will finally get to know the real Nape as I’ve made sure that I pursue projects that I’m passionate about. My first project is actually launching this month, while I’m also finalizing plans for a TV/fashion project which is due to drop later on in the year.

(Photography cred: WorthAThovsandWords)


Bridgette Makhela

Nicki Minaj Promoter David Airey On What To Expect, SA Shows

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David Airey (right on image)
Director & co-founder of Airey Scott Entertainment

What can Nicki Minaj fans expect from her forthcoming shows in South Africa next month?
Fans will be blown away; they can definitely expect superb, extravagant shows. Nicki Minaj brings so much to the table and she’s over the top! Fans will not be bored at all; we expect her production to be amazing too.

Bringing Nicki Minaj to South Africa for three shows (Johannesburg/Durban/Cape Town), will Airey Scott deliver it’s best?
We expect the shows to be superb, excellent and fantastically executed. This is just another awesome chance to grow the company and it’s reputation within the live events industry. Nicki Minaj is at the top of her game right now, she has never been to South Africa before (which is a plus for our company). All her albums have been extremely successful so far, so fans can expect her performance to be a combination of all her albums. This is a global PinkPrint tour so we’re pretty sure she will perform all the favourites.

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Having brought us Kendrick Lamar, 2 Chainz, Jill Scott and now Nicki Minaj, your list just keeps growing right?!
Yes! All the artists have delivered their extreme best at the various shows, Kendrick was amazing, and his energy was amazing too! It was a special time for him at each city as he did not expect such an electrifying response from his South African fans. Each artist was unique in their own right, yet they all undoubtedly delivered great shows.

What will be so special about this show that the previous artists didn’t deliver, what will be so different about this particular PinkPrint tour?
Nicki Minaj is a stage performer; fans can expect to have an awesome time!…From her stage outfits, head pieces, props, etc. She is an influential Hip-Hop artist, while also being a Pop artist at the same time.

Are you hoping for sold out shows? Have tickets been selling fast?
We expect all three shows to be sold out; ticket sales have been going really well and selling quick! Tickets are available at TicketPro (


Follow Airey Scott Entertainment, keep updated!

Instagram: @aireyscott

Twitter: @AireyScott

Facebook: Airey Scott



Bridgette Makhela

A Few Minutes with Masego ‘Maps’ Maponyane

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1. How old is Masego Maponyane?

2. You’re pretty much everywhere, how do you juggle all the work?
It’s tough but time management is key. I make sure I try and run everything like clockwork to get the most out of the day and its opportunities.
I honestly try not be “everywhere”, I actually say no to most things that come in, but whenever I work with a brand they make the most of it.

3. Looking good is always a must for you right? When Maps goes out, how does he put an outfit together?
Haha, you’d be surprised, it’s really not that deep. I always go according to mood and perhaps even occasion, but if I’m feeling some type of way then I’ll put my outfit together in relation to that. I always think about it in the shower and that’s that; I definitely don’t have time to be planning outfits days before and I prefer it like that because then I’ll always stay true to the essence of what my style is.

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4. Your favourite suit would be?
The suit I would wear on my wedding day.

5. What can your fans and followers expect from Maps in 2016?
The people who support me can expect quite a lot. There are a couple big brand ambassadorships on the way that will break new ground, as well as a couple new shows that I’m particularly excited about. 2016 is going to be a killer year.

6. How do you manage to look good physically with your kind of schedule?
Thank you, but to be honest I struggle as I just hardly find any time at all to workout, so the best way to balance that for me playing soccer with friends or going for a run whenever I get a gap in the schedule.

7. Who or what inspires you?
People I meet every day inspire me. I like to get really involved in conversations I have with people I meet daily and it’s a reminder of all the different challenges people have been through. Everyone has a story and a lot of the time it’s inspirational finding out how they made it through those challenges.

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8. Food or music?…It’s a hard one right?
NOOO!!! You can’t ask me that! Death. I can’t imagine life without either.

9. In an ever-changing industry, how do plan to constantly re-invent yourself?
It changes from day to day depending on who you encounter, what you come up with and what you’re exposed to, but reinvention is essential.

10. How would you like people to remember you?
I don’t think I know the answer to that yet, but when I get married and have kids, I want them to remember me as the best father and husband who did everything he could for his family.

11. One word to describe Maps?
Unpredictable 😉


Follow Maps!

Instagram: @mmaponyane

Twitter: @MapsMaponyane

Facebook: Maps Maponyane / Masego Maps Maponyane


Bridgette Makhela



Twitter Interview with Sthembiso ‘SK’ Khoza

Sexy Hunks Profile


If you missed the interview with Sthembiso ‘SK’ Khoza, just go checkout the #BKoolMedia Twitter timeline –> @BKool_Media

Thanks for your time @SKcoza All the best for the rest of 2016! 👊 ‪#‎BKoolMedia‬

Sexy Hunks Profile

Follow him!

Twitter: @SKcoza

Instagram: @skcoza

Facebook: Sthembiso SK Khoza



Bridgette Makhela