Ambassadors For Mamelodi Sundowns’ #SingWithSundowns Share Thoughts On The Football Club Celebrating 50 Years

Warren Masemola:

You’ve made an amazing impact in the entertainment industry, why be an ambassador for Mamelodi Sundowns?

Apart from being a proud Pretorian from Soshanguve, I grew up a fanatic since a match I watched at ODI Stadium when I was just 7 years old.

What does Mamelodi Sundowns celebrating 50 years mean to you?

Celebrating 50 years of Mamelodi Sundowns for me means a well-engineered dream can sustain itself for generations.

What is Sing With Sundowns all about?

#SingWithSundowns is a national competition that seeks to promote music in all the official languages of South Africa. Contestants enter a song that stands a chance to win R30,000.00 each month, between R100,000.00 to R600,000.00, or the R1million grand prize. The winner of the grand prize shall be announced at the end of the year Gala Banquet.

What is your advice for entrants?

 The song must refer to names or any new names associated with Mamelodi Sundowns, be creative. No songs will be accepted if they contain improper, disrespectful or defamatory language. Contestants must send songs to

Andile Ncube:

You’re an avid sports fan, what stands out for you about Mamelodi Sundowns?

Sundowns is the standard bearer for success and inspiration. More than anything, it is a supporter’s team, it’s always been, but now with a social conscience.

You’ve experienced both the sports and entertainment worlds, how does being an ambassador for Sing With Sundowns feel like?

Whenever one has an opportunity to give back or to assist and be a part of something bigger than themselves, seeing a career established and rise is always a fulfilling feeling.

50 years and Mamelodi Sundowns is still standing, what do you believe is the club’s winning formula?

It’s not only the consistent wins on the field but it’s the club’s identity and allegiance with supporters in South Africa and beyond. The president and the Motsepe family have opened the doors and made everyone feel welcome and like family.

What are you most excited about when it comes to the competition?

Like Sundowns does on the field when they unleash and introduce new talent like Percy Tau or with Miss Sundowns when they empower young woman like Zozi, I want to see a star! Someone writing a song and putting it together in their bedroom somewhere in South Africa and hearing it being played by thousands at stadiums across this nation.

Lamiez Holworthy:

You’re doing great in the entertainment space, how has your journey been like?

A roller coaster really. But for the most part, it’s been amazing. Got my big break when I was on the verge of giving up and seeing how God and my ancestors have made all my dreams come true, it leaves me in awe.

What do you believe you represent by being one of the Sing With Sundowns ambassadors?

Authenticity. I am proudly and authentically Pretorian. I wear that on my shoulders and I grew up supporting Sundowns. But most importantly because I am a DJ, I have an ear for music so choosing a great song will come easy for me.

What’s your favourite thing about Mamelodi Sundowns?

How it brings people from all walks of life together.

Lindiwe Dube:

You’ve been in the Sports industry for a while, why this route?

I grew up in Daveyton a township in Ekurhuleni. That’s where my love for the beautiful game started. My passion for the sport increased over the years and I wanted to be more than just a football fan. I was inspired by one of the leading ladies in sport like Carol Tshabalala, to take up space in a in a male dominated industry.

As an ambassador for Sing With Sundowns, what are you most hopeful for?

I’m a firm believer in opportunities & empowerment. The #SingWithSundowns campaign will change people’s lives. The music competition is open for all South Africans, men and women. By simply submitting their Mamelodi Sundowns themed song in a language of their choice, including Xu and Khwe, could walk away with a whopping R1 million. I’m really looking forward to seeing lives transform and dreams coming true through this amazing project.

How do you think Mamelodi Sundowns maintains consistency?

The club has always invested in the best players in the world, they have great structures, an amazing coach, a great technical team and more importantly, they have a bevy of fans who fully support them through thick and thin. In recent years, they’ve rewarded them with 9 PSL titles, a CAF champions league and a CAF super cup title, amongst many other other accolades.

50 years of the the club, has this impacted your career in any way?

50 years of Masandawana has produced several players such as Percy Tau, Keagan Dolly and Bongani Zungu who now play in some of the top leagues in Europe. The club has empowered people on and off the pitch. The current Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi was a provincial finalist of the Miss Mamelodi Sundowns pageant, that just shows the brand is more than just about football.


Follow Mamelodi Sundowns!

Instagram: @sundownsfc

Twitter: @Masandawana

Facebook: @sundownsfc



-Bridgette Makhela 

Thato Molamu On Shifting From The Screen To Business Ventures And More

Sehume Thato Molamu / 35 / CEO & Founder of Gateway Media, Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Marketing Brand Strategist, Film Director and Media Personality.

You’ve made a solid name for yourself, how has your journey been like?

Like most things in life, the journey has had its ups and downs. I was fortunate enough to have had a long and successful career in South Africa’s film, and television industry and too have been taught and mentored by some of the country’s best. I will always be grateful for the opportunities given to me and I look forward to the next phase of the journey.

Why the break from the screen to pursue business?

It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.  I made the decision after seeing the rapid growth of Gateway Media, which has in a short period, really made waves in the industry. So I think its only right that I step away from acting for while to give it my full attention. Also, while I’ve loved my time in front of camera lens,  I believe I can have a greater impact behind the scenes.  There’s so much more I can offer the industry and the African continent, and stepping away for a while will give me the space and time needed to really make a difference.

What’s the sole purpose of Gateway Media?

Quite simply, our core purpose is to tell authentic African stories and to help grow and develop Africa’s future storytellers. Through our flagship township-based Film & Digital Academy (LiMA), we help our clients tell original stories that resonate with audiences and inspire brand confidence. We believe that the world is ready for authentic African stories, and we’re developing the content creators that can tell them.

What’s your take on digital content creation in South Africa?

As you well know, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is well upon us. Digital content creation is where the world has been heading to for the last decade or so, and unfortunately, we’re still playing catch up to some of our counterparts. That said, the potential that exists within South Africa is immense. We have the talent and local expertise to become global players if we really work together and build an industry that up skills and supports our youth. That’s what Gateway Media is all about, giving access to those that traditionally, would have been excluded from participating in the digital revolution.

The pandemic has shifted the focus heavily on content, what ideas have you been sharing for engagement?

We were privileged enough to have had already launched Conrad TV prior to the pandemic. Conrad TV is a conversational radio-television platform that intuitively exploits the best of both worlds by integrating radio and television into a simultaneous, single audio-visual offering. The platform is doing well, and we expect to see more uptake in the viewer and listenership numbers in the coming months. Additionally, we’re prioritizing the development of original content that can live on various platforms, such as online shows, documentaries and TV series’. We quite excited about the future, watch this space!

What is the Thato Molamu Foundation all about?

The Thato Molamu Foundation is a non-profit organisation that I founded in 2012, with the goal of having a measurable impact in the lives of under-resourced South Africans through healthcare, education and creative industries. The foundation aims to transform the mindsets of people by unlocking the hidden talents and potential of youth through film, animation, gaming, coding and art and entrepreneurship capacity building programs within creative industries.

You also head up Leaders in Motion Academy, in what ways is it a first of its own?

The Leaders in Motion Academy (LiMA) is one of South Africa’s first digital creative skills academies and production hubs based in the township of Eersterust in Tshwane. Our mission is to normalize access to digital creative (technical) and business skills for township-based creative entrepreneurs and to connect them to markets in Africa and beyond.

How has the balance between acting and business blended into your lifestyle?

Acting will always have a space in my heart and my years of acting in theatre, television and working on radio nurtured my love for storytelling. It also introduced the world to Thato Molamu, for which I will always be eternally grateful. With this business venture, I am pioneering a new wave of digital marketing and content creation, one in which African storytellers will have a seat at the table and a stake in the game.

Where can people follow all your business ventures?

We are available on our website at, and people can connect with us on LinkedIn at Gateway Media ZA. For more work we do at LiMA, you can visit our website and our YouTube channel Lim Academy (don’t forget to subscribe).

Follow Thato Molamu!

Instagram: @thatomolamu

Twitter: @ThatoMolamu

Facebook: @ThMolamu


-Bridgette Makhela

Sazi Ngcobo On Rusco Experiential, Marketing And The Events Industry

Sazi Ngcobo / 32 / Director & Owner of Rusco Experiential

Being in the events industry, what the biggest challenge?

Currently, the biggest challenge for us is to simply stay afloat. Our industry is one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, meaning that for the next few months we have to operate differently as a company. This has resulted in the need for us to reduce overheads (without cutting people), implement new methods of delivering experiences whilst still trying to be innovative & creative.  This entire period has actually been as exciting as it has been stressful. However, take Covid-19 out the equation, and the biggest challenge we face on a day to day basis is managing client expectations with client budgets, whilst still striving to deliver high quality productions and experiences.

The hardest lesson you’ve learnt throughout your career?

Try as you might, you can’t please everyone, and you can’t always be the nice guy! I had to learn that the hard way, but in the end I find that people respect you more (especially your staff) if you tell it like it is when it’s in the name of reaching the high standards that we set for ourselves.

What makes you happy about the field you’re in?

So many things come to mind. If I was to highlight some, here’s top 3:

1: The fact that no two days are the same, every project/experience is different. One can never get bored when they are doing something new every day!

2: People! In this industry you work with and meet people from all different walks of life. From CEO’s to entry level creatives, from world renowned chefs to students who waitress part time. Each person has their own unique story and getting to hear so many is amazing!

3: I love that we get to give life to ideas! The process from concept to execution is extremely stressful and draining, but the feeling of standing back and watching people enjoy an experience that until then lived only in your mind is unfathomable! It’s like a drug!

What sets Rusco Experiential apart from other experiential companies?

Well the first and most obvious differentiator is experience. My partner started Rusco 14 years ago and has since worked on a multitude of events and productions. The reason why that’s so important is that with experience comes trust! Clients trust us to deliver at a high level largely because we’ve been doing it for so many years! A second differentiator for us is that we play in several different spaces simultaneously. We are in the hospitality game (we own and run Pegasus Lounge and the Durban July and Decadance Lounge at Delicious Festival), we are in the eventing game, however we produce events for our clients as opposed to doing our own event, we are also in the sponsorship game in that one of our strategic partners is Big Concerts. With all this, we still take pride in being very low-key and behind the scenes.

What do you think the South African events industry does well?

As far as event productions are concerned, it’s safe to say that although we don’t have the latest technologies and massive budgets seen around the world, we throw world class productions on a constant basis. I’m always proud to be South African when I go to experiences like Friends of Amstel, Castle Lite Unlocks or Rocking The Daisies. Our events, in particular our larger scale events, are on par with some of the best events around the world, and with more people supporting them, they can only get better. Who’s to say South Africa can’t be the destination for the next Coachella?!

The entertainment and events industry are close partners, how does marketing play an imperative part?

Coming from a background in marketing, I would say that to market yourself and your event well is vital (especially for a new event). I mean what’s the use of throwing a dope experience if there’s nobody there to experience it? With that said, we find ourselves working very closely with the entertainment industry. In fact I would go as far to say that we are the intermediary between the entertainment and corporate world.

Most prestigious event you’ve ever worked on?

That’s a tricky one. I would have to say that the most ‘prestigious’ event we did was the President’s Golf Day that we were blessed to be involved with in 2020 (before the Corona virus of course). However, from a personal point of view, I would have to say that the Miller Music Drop Experience we did in 2019 was the best event I worked on, simply because it was a personal project that I’d been trying to execute for about 2 years and Miller Genuine Draft actually gave us the chance to bring it to life.

Any regrets throughout your journey so far?

None! I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that we learn a lot more from our mistakes than our successes.

Where can people get to know more about Rusco Experiential?

Shameless plug time, lol. You can find us on our website You’ll get to see a lot of what we actually do there. Alternatively, we are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @RuscoExperiential.


Follow Sazi!

Instagram: @sazingcobo

Twitter: @Saz_SA

Facebook: @SazNgcobo


-Bridgette Makhela

Justice Mukheli On Film, Photography And Life In Between

Justice Mukheli / 34 / Filmmaker & Photographer

Not everyone can say they are a self-taught filmmaker and photographer, what sparked your interest?

I’ve always felt that I’ve wanted to be an artist, I felt this from a very young age. Both my parents were artists in their own way. My fondest memory is of my brother and I in primary school, when our father drew a picture of us holding a vinyl while we were listening to music. I grew up with drawings, paintings and sculptures around me. My mom would make jerseys with various patterns, even when it came to her baking skills, she way always creative. I’ve always known that I am artistically inclined. In school I was always interested in work that required drawing and creative solutions, I loved painting as well. On the other hand I was also into fixing cars and IT as well. I have Dyslexia and growing up with it was challenging and created trauma for me by the treatment I got from other kids around me. Therapy has now helped me a lot with getting over that trauma. There are still moments where it still kicks in, especially if I am nervous but the therapy has really helped and it’s gotten better.

What projects are you involved in at the moment?

I’m involved in a few projects at the moment. There’s a documentary that’s brewing, a little film for a cool brand (can’t say at the moment) and two amazing music videos I shot for a band called Urban Village with a label called No Format. There’s also an exhibition coming up, firstly online then in a gallery in Braamfontein, it won’t be new work but it’ll be put out in a different manner and package.

Inspiration and consistency keep the work going, who or what inspires you? 

I’m inspired by a lot of people and a lot of things. Music, politics and young individuals living their purpose. I am also inspired by our country and the advantages we have in our generation. The inspirational names that came before us didn’t have access to various opportunities like we do, that inspires me because our voices can be heard quicker and easier than our predecessors. I love people such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Current people that inspire me are Vincent Moloi and Tebogo Mahlatse, I believe they have moved our country forward and I am grateful that I get to work with them. My mother inspires me too, so much. My culture, heritage and beautiful history inspire me, as well as Black Power. The increasing need of seeing and acknowledging women inspires me. Being a man, a lot of what I am is easier because of my gender, this inspires me to be mindful of my privilege and be better and create access for women in any way that I can.

The industry is full of talented individuals, how do you keep your work apart and noticeable from others?

I create my work for me. My intention and purpose in my work is different. A lot of photographers follow trends, most creatives try to do the same type of thing. My intention and the feeling in my work will never be the same as anyone’s. Every project I do is for me, how the person receives it is secondary to what’s important to me.

Fashion seems to be one of your interests, how do you put an outfit together for an occasion?

I really love fashion, it’s a way for me to express myself. Fashion is very therapeutic for me. I buy a lot of clothes and lately I’ve been trying to understand why I have an access of items so I gave away about 60% of my shoes. I grew up poor, I didn’t have much. My dad left when I was 15 and he was the breadwinner, my mother didn’t have a job so she had to find creative ways to make money such as selling cakes, Mashonzha, etc. There was no room for me to be fashionable while growing up so when I started making my own money, I started buying stuff for myself. It’s a beautiful thing for me. I mean imagine going from having one shoe to being able to have five pairs a year, but I need to be mindful of how it affects my pocket now.

You’re a twin…how has this shaped your storytelling? 

Being a twin is amazing, it taught me how to be around other people, if even though my brother is me, and I am him, I still have to be mindful of him and around him. He is my right hand, and I am his, you have to be considerate. Him and I have the same interests and competing with one another helps us to always strive to be better. When you’re a twin you are born with a best friend that you can always be yourself around. Even when you’re not seeing eye to eye, you still love one another. Being a twin also gave me separation anxiety, it was hard for me to be alone but you learn to deal with it. The connection we have is still strong even if we’re now in different businesses and are pursing different careers, I can also always feel if something is wrong with him so you always just check up on the other half.

Where can people follow you on social media?

Instagram: @justicemukheli

Twitter: @justice_mukheli



Facebook: Justice Rendani Mukheli


-Bridgette Makhela

Naledi Sibisi On Content, The Throne And The Mobb

Naledi Sibisi / 26 / Editor-in-Chief at The Throne Agency

Content, what does this mean to you?

Quality, value, tact and reception. Beyond how you carry and pass on information, I think content (creation and marketing) has more to do with how much you captivate and keep your target audience. The people behind the content have to be in the know; research, be on top of trends, understand what is happening in their industries and address or influence their audience through that knowledge. I think that really great content has more to do with the audience than the creator or marketer in the end. Your audience is ultimately who keeps determining what content is and how it translates.

It took you how many years to get to this point?

In theory, eight years. In practice, I would say about three years.

The Throne & The Mobb are dope, give a synopsis…

They feed each other but they also stand alone. Both The Throne and The Mobb explore entertainment, fashion, art and culture in a South African context. The agencies study cultural insights and influencer relations in order to serve as a voice for the contemporary urban and creative landscape. Most importantly, they are 100% Black female owned – aiming to reshape and rethink the creative industry and dynamic for the generation coming on board in the future.

What’s an Influencer to you?

Someone who has the ability to affect how you think and feel about products or services and can ultimately control your purchase power as a result. It goes beyond the surface level and pretty pictures on social media. An influencer is someone who has built up a following based on who they are, what they know and has identified their niche. As a result, brands can use this knowledge and audience loyalty to collaborate with them for marketing purposes to achieve their specific objectives. Influencers are assets.

Writing, it’s either you have it or you don’t. Agree?

Yes and no. I think as with any creative field it’s part ‘gift’, part passion and equal parts practice. You have to constantly study and practice your craft as much as you are passionate about it. You can have a natural flair for writing but if you are not pushing yourself, studying other writers and researching, you don’t have it.

South African social media platforms that praise and promote females, do we have enough?

More than enough. We need to keep promoting and praising them more. Above that, we need to keep putting more women in influential positions and positions of power. The gatekeepers of said platforms are still predominantly male. Life is about balance, it needs to apply in quite simple and complex contexts.

They say the hustle never stops, do you ever stop working and just chill?

I think that when you love what you do, you become a workaholic by default. It’s always important to take time out. I make it a point to not check work related things after a certain point. If it’s urgent, it can find me at 5AM lol.

How would you want to change another person’s life through the work you do?

To keep being a source of inspiration or reference on a large scale. In the near future when I feel I have established myself, I’d definitely like to take a group under my wing; I suppose like a mentorship. I think that knowledge is best when it is shared. I want young people specifically to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour and pass that on.

Where can everyone find your movement, handles?

Instagram: @thethronesa / @themobb_sa

Twitter: @TheThroneSA / @TheMobbSA

Website: /


Bridgette Makhela 

Euphonik On All You Need To Know About Oh Ship 2017


What can people expect from this year’s Oh Ship?

That’s something you’re going to have to come on the boat to see for yourself!

How do you source out the play list for all 72 hours of Oh Ship?

This is the maddest party, so we can only have the best Djs in South Africa playing the best music.

Tell us about your decision to partner with Captain Morgan this year?

Captain Morgan is all about fun, they stand for what we stand for, I mean their mascot is a ship’s captain!

Euphonik 5 018

Do you ever sleep on the cruise?

There’s hardly any time to sleep. The party ends at 6am and starts up again at 9am, you literally have 3 hours of downtime before the madness starts again.

Advice for Oh Ship new comers?

Check out the website and bring outfits for the different themed parties. It’s 72 hours so pace yourself, come prepared for a massive party, but most of all, come and ENJOY yourself.

What is your favourite part of the overall Oh Ship experience?

It’s such a great place to meet people from all different walks of life.


What is the biggest misconception about cruises, particularly Oh Ship?

That being on a ship feels like you’re being confined, because you can’t just relax in a room doing nothing. You have to take part in the activities for it to be worth your while. Go window shopping, go to the theatre and dress up for dinner. There are many activities to do other than just partying non-stop and you get to do that while being on a ship.

Most important item to bring on the Oh Ship cruise?

Definitely your dancing shoes!

Where can people make bookings?

Follow Oh Ship!

Instagram: @ohshipsa

Twitter: @OhShipSA

Facebook: Fresh and Euphonik, OH SHIP