Shekhinah Donnell On The Metro FM Awards, Back To The Beach And The Student Life


Shekhinah Thandi Donnell

The Shekhinah people don’t know, describe her…
She is a very pessimistic girl whose biggest enemy and competition is herself…That’s very deep but true, I guess in a sense, where I struggle to see my success and focus a lot on my weakness.

At what age did you start singing?
As a teenager in the church and school choir.

You and Kyle Deutsch opened up the Metro FM Awards 2016 with the massive hit ‘Back To The Beach’ this past weekend, how did that moment feel like for you?
It was a great, honourable start to the beginning of our careers in the music industry.

Any more future Shekhinah and Kyle Deutsch collaborations?




What else have you been busy with since your days on Idols?
Studying a 3-year Live Performance course at AFDA.

If you could change one thing about your journey on Idols, what would it be?
I wouldn’t change anything about the journey, I loved the experience.

Would you say you have real friends in the industry?
No, I wouldn’t say that I do…More of colleagues and acquaintances.

So far, what have you learnt about your talent?
That it has endless opportunities.

Exciting stuff in store for your fans for the rest of 2016?
Yes! Lots and lots in store.




Follow Shekhinah!

Instagram: @shekhinahd
Twitter: @shekhinahd
Facebook: Shekhinah Donnell


Bridgette Makhela