WurlD On New EP, Contagious Single And Being Human First

Nigerian-American Singer and Songwriter, WurlD (real name Sadiq Onifade), recently visited South Africa for the first time, giving an amazing musical showcase at the Universal Music Group South Africa head offices in Rosebank, Johannesburg. #BKoolMedia got to sit down with him following his showcase, this is what he had to say…


First and foremost, why South Africa to showcase your music?

South Africa represents the future for Africa, it is an amazing country. What Mandela has done is truly inspirational, and it takes a village to continue that good work. I have a song called Mother’s Prayer with a line that actually says “When I was young, I dreamt of being Mandela”. I’ve never been to South Africa, this is my first time but I am a fan of the growth.

What’s the EP about?

My EP is titled Contagious and it is a universal conversation. It’s Africa, it’s the US, it’s London. It’s free music. My only hope for the project is to touch as many lives as possible and I can’t wait to share it, it has different colours to it.

Time spent between Nigeria and America, how did that come to be?

Most of my childhood was spent in Nigeria, I went to high school in Nigeria and went to college in America, Atlanta. I actually have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Information Technology.


Music has always been a part of me, in my spare time after school I used to go and take part in talent shows and go to studios in Atlanta. Atlanta has always been a hub for Hip-Hop and R&B music. I’ve found myself in the midst of really talented people. I have however, had to work five times harder because I’m African, people would always have a perception of how my music is supposed to sound.

What’s Contagious about?

Contagious is me going back to my childhood, being inspired by Juju, Fuji and Afro Beats music, the kind of music my parents would listen to while I sat in the backseat of their car.

Any South African artists you’d be keen to collaborate with?

I’d love to collaborate with Shekhinah, she’s dope. Nasty C is dope as well, I love what he represents for the youth and the kids. I also love what artists such as Black Coffee are doing, it’ gonna touch hearts.


Before the end of the year, I’ll be releasing the Contagious EP. I’m also doing a lot of collaborations with different artists. It’s a beautiful time to be African, the rest of the world is watching.

It’s Women’s Month at the moment in South Africa, anything you’d like to share about women?

Happy Women’s Month by the way, it should be an everyday thing actually. I’m so inspired by women that are doing amazing things in various fields. I have an amazing mother and sisters so I know what women are capable of, I mean I’ve met so many women killing it in fields are mainly male-dominated.

Any big names you’ve worked with?

 I’ve worked with a lot of producers and artists. Names such as Akon, B.O.B, Timabaland and Trinidad James to name a few, I’ve also written for some successful artists. I worked with them as a songwriter and as an artist as well. And there’s still so much more to come.


Follow WurlD!

Instagram: @thisiswurld

Twitter: @thisisWurlD

Facebook: WurlD


Bridgette Makhela


Katlego Maboe On Life Behind The Camera, Pet Peeves And What Brings Him Joy


Katlego Maboe / 29 / Multiple award winning TV host on the Expresso Breakfast Show & Strictly Come Dancing (Seasons 7 and 8) on SABC3

What kind of a guy is Katlego?

Electrifying, energetic, ambitious, family oriented, fun-loving, serious, weird guy who loves life and all good things about it.

How did the entertainer bug bite you, was it always in your life plan?

My late uncle, Martin Maboe, was quite the entertainer and I would watch him, trying to imitate him in order to entertain friends and family. I enjoyed the spotlight, so much so that subconsciously I pursued every opportunity to display my talent. I don’t think that it was ever a life plan that I made but perhaps one that God made for me because life has always found a way of steering me back onto the path of music and entertainment.


Did you actually study for your chosen career path?

Not at all. I studied B. Com Chartered Accounting; quite far removed from the world I currently call my career.

How’s your typical day like?

No day is ever the same. The only constant is my call-time at Expresso and the time the show ends at 09h00. The rest of the day is spent training, preparing for the next day’s show and imminent corporate engagements all while growing my personal brand and leading by example.


What brings you joy?

The ability to use my God given talent everyday in whichever way possible to make the world a better place. Music is one of those things – it makes me feel closest to God.

Any pet peeves?

People that make it their life mission to take away from other people’s happiness.

That one thing you always do before the camera zooms in you?

Think of how I can make the person watching from home smile.


Would you ever retire?

God willing, no. I enjoy what I do so much, I wouldn’t mind doing it ’till my last day.

Cape Town or Jozi?

#CoZi – that’s Cape Town and Jozi. Both cities offer things I like. Jozi has that vibrant energy and ambitious spirit of youth chasing dreams while Cape Town oozes with serenity and a quality of life that is tough to beat. If they were one city, I’d be complete.

What or who do you do this for?

My mother. I owe her my life and all I do is to make her proud everyday.


Follow Katlego!

Instagram: @katlegomaboe

Twitter: @KatlegoMaboe

Facebook: Kaltego Maboe

*Photographer: Michael Le Grange


Bridgette Makhela

Xavier Steeze On Being An Entertainer And Maintaining Stage Presence

Sibusiso Xavier Lawrence Thwala / 23 / Freelance Entertainer of everything in the name of Arts


 When did you fall in love with dance?

I’ve always loved dancing and entertaining.

What does being an entertainer mean to you?

It means everything to me, I feel alive when I am on stage. I also love watching choreography or stage direction I have created on big stage productions.


What other avenues are you involved in?

I have just started my own cinematography company called #X_FRAMES. I am also doing a bit of photography and videography for some artists. I work with BlackWorks Media too, I host events at different clubs and festivals and also do brand activations for various brands.

How much time does it take to choreograph a routine for a performance?

It all depends on the time the choreography is needed, but there are cases where you have to create choreography on the spot.


How do you select the perfect song for a routine?

Well, you pick a song that best brings out the creativity out of you, or a song you know will move people.

How many years have you been in the entertainment industry?

I have officially been part of the entertainment industry for ten years. My first paying gig was at the age of 13.


How many South African music videos have you been featured in so far?

I really have lost count…but I can proudly say that I have done music videos for most of the prominent artists in South Africa and North Africa.

The biggest highlight of your career so far?

I have three:

1. Black Motion performance at the MTV MAMA AWARDS performance, choreographed by me. –> https://youtu.be/B2fc1acRUAw

2. Placing top 3 HIP HOP INTERNATIONAL FOR DUO ALL STYLES with @LEASH_KES –> https://youtu.be/_Gh7QedPIsk

3. Riky Rick’s performance at the SAMA22, choreographed by @PHANTOM_STEEZE



Follow Xavier Steeze!

Instagram: @xavier_steeze

Twitter: @Xaviera_Steeze

Facebook: Sibusiso Thwala Xavier


Bridgette Makhela