Nasty C On New Album Zulu Man With Some Power, His Journey And Hip Hop Culture

Nasty C / 23 / Rapper, Songwriter & Record Producer

Started From The Bottom Now You’re Here: How has your journey to where you are now been like?

It’s been interesting. Lots of ups, lot of downs. Good memories, some trauma and permanent damage too. I wouldn’t do it any other way though.

If Music Be The Food Of Love: What’s the message in your song ‘There They Go?’

Its addressing haters and people that like to doubt things with no proper reason. It’s about how I’ve grown a thick skin when it comes to haters and how I view them in my eyes.

In A Nutshell: Can you sum up what ‘Zulu Man With Some Power’ Means To You?

It means that I’m a man who understands what I am and where I come from, also understanding where I am going, which is a big deal for me especially with going global now. It also means that I am a person that understands that I have power. I want people to know that they too have power when they listen to this album, they can be kings, bosses and gods of their own worlds and they don’t have to live by other people’s standards.

Can You Keep A Secret: Share something no one knows about your music-making process?

I actually do a lot of writing in the shower, I don’t think a lot of people know that…

It’s Bigger Than Hip-Hop: What has Hip-Hop culture taught you?

It has taught me confidence, I doubt there’s another industry that needs confidence such as the one I’m in. People will give you all the love in the world when you have confidence.

Featuring: The features on the album, have a favourite one?

I like all of them, they are all so different. There are all types of songs, different feels and different styles as well.

On The Real Though: Please drop some advice for upcoming artists…

Just stay true to who you are, that doesn’t mean that you have to be a 1000% different from another person, a lot of artists fail to understand this. Sometimes people don’t like who they are any way, so they try so hard to be so different and it’s out of pressure most times and you can’t blame them. Be patient, don’t look at what others have on their plate and keep focused, look ahead and keep going.


Follow Nasty C! 

Instagram: @nasty_csa

Twitter: @Nasty_CSA

Facebook: @nastyczzle


-Bridgette Makhela